From personal experience, I feel I have to pass this on to every ranger.
Don't hunt vykathi.
The spawn is broken, they spawn constantly. And in the 'soldier and harvester' rooms, reapers are consistent.
And as a minor heads up, don't die in there. It's probably the biggest pain in my butt I've ever had.
Between being dragged away from my hunting party by an insect, and ending up in a room where no one could figure out how to get to me, it was an...interesting experience.
A stocky, beetle-like creature scuttles in, grabs your corpse by the feet and hauls you away...
[Reeking Pit]
Corpses of all shapes and sizes are stacked like cordwood in this sunless stone vault. The staggering odor, not the stench of rotting flesh that one would expect, seems to be coming from a sticky acidic residue covering everything. Dog-sized insects move about the cave, spraying more of the substance about and keeping the inventory in order.
Obvious exits: up.
A smaller bug quickly follows, dragging in a bastard sword.
No Ranger Stands Alone