Need a bit of help with FA training. I'm at 234 ranks for FA, but 152 ranks of scholarship. The compendium race charts barely get me moving and I can't handle the critter charts. Whenever I catch a bleeder in gryphons it gets infected within a short amount of time. What methods can I use to bring up my FA? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Re: FA training
11/14/2012 08:39 PM CST
Pet bleeder. Maintain a light bleeder to the abdomen or back - they seem to be the least frequently hit. Set an auto tend trigger / script & keep an open for disease / infection. Never worry about FA again.
- Kart
- Kart
Re: FA training
11/14/2012 08:44 PM CST
I almost died because of disease. There were no healers around Shard and I had to book it to Crossings. I was nearly dead upon arrival. Is there anything I can use to heal disease? I'll give a pet bleeder another try, but was a bit traumatized after that near death.
Thanks for the tip,
Thanks for the tip,
Re: FA training
11/14/2012 08:48 PM CST
Don't Rangers have a beseech that does something like that?
Alternate options: You're a ranger. Carry herbs. You should be able to forage them all.
Or, uh, use the auto-path? Get a bleeder, knock off, go get fully healed. I was under the impression it took a decent amount of time to get an infection, but I have no real clue. I pretty much just use autopaths exclusively unless someone wanders through and demands to heal me. Few minutes and a couple gold is waaaay cheaper than I'd normally tip an empath, so win for me.
Or you can open up a second account and have a pet empath/FA training buddy, perfectly legit as long as you don't just afk-script it, and do RP it.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Alternate options: You're a ranger. Carry herbs. You should be able to forage them all.
Or, uh, use the auto-path? Get a bleeder, knock off, go get fully healed. I was under the impression it took a decent amount of time to get an infection, but I have no real clue. I pretty much just use autopaths exclusively unless someone wanders through and demands to heal me. Few minutes and a couple gold is waaaay cheaper than I'd normally tip an empath, so win for me.
Or you can open up a second account and have a pet empath/FA training buddy, perfectly legit as long as you don't just afk-script it, and do RP it.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: FA training
11/14/2012 09:13 PM CST
I went to the auto-healer in Shard. The disease just kept making the wounds worse and the auto-puff wouldn't keep up. The bleeders were heavy to begin with and they got infected within minutes of catching them. It was just a random set of consecutive hits that made them bleed heavily. I wasn't concerned about them until I realized they were diseased and draining me rapidly. I sat around at the auto-puff for a bit while I gwethed for an empath and in that small amount of time I saw that I was only getting worse. I was also using herbs, but like the auto-healer, they couldn't keep up with the bleeders. The auto-healer wasn't helping with my vitality and he wasn't taking the disease. I ran to Crossings and the first thing the PC empath did was take the disease. He asked me if I wanted to keep the bleeders and I said nope. Had the auto-puff taken the disease I would have been in the clear.
I know how to deal with wounds. I don't know how to deal with disease. I carry plenty of herbs. My question was about training FA. Not about how to heal myself. Again, I know how to do that. The situation was a freak random event that kept me away from bleeders for a bit. Kind of like food poisoning. Not like people are going to stop eating a certain food forever (well, some might) because they caught a bad case of food poisoning, but it happens and it keeps them away from that food for a bit.
And as far as I know, we don't have a beseech to deal with disease. Cradle helps with the bleeding, but can't move and refresh didn't do much for me.
I know how to deal with wounds. I don't know how to deal with disease. I carry plenty of herbs. My question was about training FA. Not about how to heal myself. Again, I know how to do that. The situation was a freak random event that kept me away from bleeders for a bit. Kind of like food poisoning. Not like people are going to stop eating a certain food forever (well, some might) because they caught a bad case of food poisoning, but it happens and it keeps them away from that food for a bit.
And as far as I know, we don't have a beseech to deal with disease. Cradle helps with the bleeding, but can't move and refresh didn't do much for me.
Re: FA training
11/14/2012 09:22 PM CST
I think you are looking at the problem from the wrong side.
Get more scholarship, stick with the charts.
You're going to get a bad reputation if you go around pinching every spectral reaper you see.
Get more scholarship, stick with the charts.
You're going to get a bad reputation if you go around pinching every spectral reaper you see.
Re: FA training
11/14/2012 09:29 PM CST
What methods are there for scholarship training? I don't spend too much time around people and I do when, it's only for a short amount of time. The recent fest has kept me in classes and has my scholarship moving, but that will end in a few days.
Thanks for the thought. I didn't think to tackle this from the scholarship avenue.
Thanks for the thought. I didn't think to tackle this from the scholarship avenue.
Re: FA training
11/14/2012 10:33 PM CST
As your FA gets better, the frequency of disease reduces significantly. My prime ranger has had the same pet bleeder for months at a time without disease.
Aside from that compendiums are really the only option as far as I know, unless you like hanging out in the empath guild listening to First Aid classes - compendiums are also coincidentally the best way to train scholarship outside of of a class as well. Get ALL of the lower end charts in your compendium - and do the following:
Study Chart
Turn Compen
Repeat Until Locked
Most people will tell you to study until you get the message that you have learned all you can from that chart or whatever - I never subscribed to it. Compendiums are good filler for foraging, mech, & magic scripts.
For raw FA pet bleeders are still preferable.
NOTE: Avoid water when you have a bleeder. Bleeder + Water = Disease.
- Kart
Aside from that compendiums are really the only option as far as I know, unless you like hanging out in the empath guild listening to First Aid classes - compendiums are also coincidentally the best way to train scholarship outside of of a class as well. Get ALL of the lower end charts in your compendium - and do the following:
Study Chart
Turn Compen
Repeat Until Locked
Most people will tell you to study until you get the message that you have learned all you can from that chart or whatever - I never subscribed to it. Compendiums are good filler for foraging, mech, & magic scripts.
For raw FA pet bleeders are still preferable.
NOTE: Avoid water when you have a bleeder. Bleeder + Water = Disease.
- Kart
Re: FA training
11/15/2012 04:06 AM CST
>>I almost died because of disease. There were no healers around Shard and I had to book it to Crossings. I was nearly dead upon arrival. Is there anything I can use to heal disease? I'll give a pet bleeder another try, but was a bit traumatized after that near death.
Thanks for the tip,
This isn't really a cure disease answer but if you raise stamina to a high level it will help a ton. Korutu and I tested one night with my empath. He had disease and just let it sit to see if it would get to be life threatening. After 3 hrs or more we gave up, it never got to be life threatening even with 2 open bleeders and a lot of disease. He didnt' have a ton of first aid, just really high stamina.
Re: FA training
11/15/2012 06:44 AM CST
>What methods are there for scholarship training?
Are you doing any crafting with this character? Any of the instruction books can help you learn scholarship if you flip through all the items and study the instructions of each.
You're going to get a bad reputation if you go around pinching every spectral reaper you see.
Are you doing any crafting with this character? Any of the instruction books can help you learn scholarship if you flip through all the items and study the instructions of each.
You're going to get a bad reputation if you go around pinching every spectral reaper you see.
Re: FA training
11/15/2012 07:23 AM CST
If you immediately tend you shouldnt get disease that frequently at those FA ranks.
Re: FA training
11/15/2012 07:36 AM CST
Scholarship training can be done with recalls (which you don't have), classes, studying crafting books, spell books, using the ravens court art objects.
And I think that's it. It's a pretty niche skill. But 3.0 combines it with teaching so you could farm a million teaching ranks and wait for the combine.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
And I think that's it. It's a pretty niche skill. But 3.0 combines it with teaching so you could farm a million teaching ranks and wait for the combine.
Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: FA training
11/15/2012 07:51 AM CST
>>Scholarship training can be done with recalls (which you don't have), classes, studying crafting books, spell books, using the ravens court art objects.
He already said he's down in Shard and a Ranger. So, classes can be few and far between if you want to keep the bonus at peak. Raven's Court would be a hike, though it is do-able with Ranger traveling. Crafting books and spell books are probably the best bet. Easy to work into any survival scripts or PM scripts and you get to carry it with you, helping you always stay in the best areas for Rangering.
Just my experiences.
You're going to get a bad reputation if you go around pinching every spectral reaper you see.
He already said he's down in Shard and a Ranger. So, classes can be few and far between if you want to keep the bonus at peak. Raven's Court would be a hike, though it is do-able with Ranger traveling. Crafting books and spell books are probably the best bet. Easy to work into any survival scripts or PM scripts and you get to carry it with you, helping you always stay in the best areas for Rangering.
Just my experiences.
You're going to get a bad reputation if you go around pinching every spectral reaper you see.
Re: FA training
11/15/2012 07:59 AM CST
If you want to keep a bleeder, just keep yourself healed up outside of the bleeding area and tend very quickly (ideally with a trigger).
The quick tending will prevent disease for almost all time. When you do get diseased, immediately heal the bleeder. This will make the disease dormant and you can safely get to an empath.
It sounds like your major problem with the disease was that you got it along with a lot of other wounds, which it then quickly made worse.
If you want to go with scholarship, in your situation I'd say try crafting books.
-- Player of Eyuve
The quick tending will prevent disease for almost all time. When you do get diseased, immediately heal the bleeder. This will make the disease dormant and you can safely get to an empath.
It sounds like your major problem with the disease was that you got it along with a lot of other wounds, which it then quickly made worse.
If you want to go with scholarship, in your situation I'd say try crafting books.
-- Player of Eyuve
Re: FA training
11/15/2012 08:34 AM CST
For scholarship training I use a craftbook. Not bad to lock as a ranger, my empath takes much much longer with this method at half the ranks. Nice thing about this training is you can do it anytime and stay in wilderness setting. and so far as I know not a timer on the book, Im sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong on this.
For pet bleeder make sure you eat herbs for the internal part and internal/external scars. or find an empath to just take your internals and scars. and you may have problems just cause you're probably running back and forth thru the water all the time around gryphons, but as suggested, make a tend trigger and instantly tending really seems to keep disease down.
My FA isnt that hot, I dont keep pet bleeders for long so I just eek along with compendium for the most part, slow goin for sure but its safe and I can always get in my vault or do the tasks we seem to always be doing.
Good luck with the training, FA is my second lowest survival next to escaping but seems like I'm gonna need it to progress in 3.0 so dont neglect it like I have.
Sniper Shinumo
Re: FA training
11/15/2012 01:59 PM CST
I think Stamina plays a big part in how quickly you get an infection. I have close to the same FA as you do and I have had the same two bleeders for about six months without any sign of infection. I swim I fight and no problems. I even get bored sometimes and lay down and let others tend them with as little as 10 FA. Based on what I've observed I'm fairly certain you hit a point where you either just don't get infection anymore, or it becomes so rare you may as well just not get it anymore.
Re: FA training
11/15/2012 04:52 PM CST
Thanks for all the great advice! I have a craft book, but have only messed around with the system for the bit. I wasn't aware of the fact that it taught scholarship. I'll work it into my training. I'll definitely try all the methods that have been suggested to develop a routine.
I didn't know that water sped up the disease process. I was running around the area in gryphons that has a bit of water, so that is probably why I went from fine to diseased in minutes.
I didn't know that water sped up the disease process. I was running around the area in gryphons that has a bit of water, so that is probably why I went from fine to diseased in minutes.
Re: FA training
11/15/2012 06:35 PM CST
>Don't Rangers have a beseech that does something like that?
>Alternate options: You're a ranger. Carry herbs. You should be able to forage them all.
Still no.
>Or, uh, use the auto-path? Get a bleeder, knock off, go get fully healed. I was under the impression it took a decent amount of time to get an infection, but I have no real clue. I pretty much just use autopaths exclusively unless someone wanders through and demands to heal me. Few minutes and a couple gold is waaaay cheaper than I'd normally tip an empath, so win for me.
>Or you can open up a second account and have a pet empath/FA training buddy, perfectly legit as long as you don't just afk-script it, and do RP it.
Helps a lot
>Alternate options: You're a ranger. Carry herbs. You should be able to forage them all.
Still no.
>Or, uh, use the auto-path? Get a bleeder, knock off, go get fully healed. I was under the impression it took a decent amount of time to get an infection, but I have no real clue. I pretty much just use autopaths exclusively unless someone wanders through and demands to heal me. Few minutes and a couple gold is waaaay cheaper than I'd normally tip an empath, so win for me.
>Or you can open up a second account and have a pet empath/FA training buddy, perfectly legit as long as you don't just afk-script it, and do RP it.
Helps a lot
Re: FA training
11/15/2012 07:03 PM CST
>I didn't know that water sped up the disease process. I was running around the area in gryphons that has a bit of water, so that is probably why I went from fine to diseased in minutes.
It doesn't. That's another myth.
It doesn't. That's another myth.
Re: FA training
11/15/2012 11:58 PM CST
I can assure you, you can still get infections with high stamina, and high FA. Also, I'm fairly confidant you can only get infected when your bandages come apart, not while they are tended. What everyone is saying is correct, though, the best way to train is with a pet bleeder or three. I have to train with 3 gaping wounds to learn at any sort of decent pace. Any more and you are asking for trouble if you are hunting.
Re: FA training
11/16/2012 05:32 AM CST
Hi Path. Glad to know you made it to Crossings. Everyone is correct but I have a couple of ideas based on my stupidity. Get your stamina to 50 or more--that helps a lot but doesn't entirely guard against disease. Second, Beseech Elanthia to Cradle and do it in a completely safe room and make sure it is wilderness as it doesn't work in a city. After getting the cocoon, THEN you can gweth all you want and folks can just drag you around until you find an empath. Naturally I "tested" cradle ::cough coug::. I have died in the city while vainly trying to cradle (during an invasion and city was the safest place at the moment). I have tried to cradle in what I thought was wilderness but then had to run around trying to cradle until I found a place to do it. Oh yeah and doesn't try to cradle if you are mooing (I hate having to be in city to get crafting stuff and learn to do it).
Um I think that's all (it's late, I'm tired and so forth). Oh yeah, someone said abdomen and back are good places for a bleeder. The back is but critters just love my tummy and chest! But a nice bleeder in the back is good---just make sure you can tend it without rt. There have been a few times when I got a 2 second rt and right then the critter chose to crit hit me. : (
I hardly use the compendiums and when I do, I just use it once--run through all the pages and then do something else. I get bored easily. : D
Oh yeah, I forgot. You might want to take advantage of the new mechanic that tells you you might want to change your bandages. If I am focusing of FA I just get my bleeder and then unwrap my body part when the message shows up and then re-tend it. Keeps my FA going and I can eventually lock it.
Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
Um I think that's all (it's late, I'm tired and so forth). Oh yeah, someone said abdomen and back are good places for a bleeder. The back is but critters just love my tummy and chest! But a nice bleeder in the back is good---just make sure you can tend it without rt. There have been a few times when I got a 2 second rt and right then the critter chose to crit hit me. : (
I hardly use the compendiums and when I do, I just use it once--run through all the pages and then do something else. I get bored easily. : D
Oh yeah, I forgot. You might want to take advantage of the new mechanic that tells you you might want to change your bandages. If I am focusing of FA I just get my bleeder and then unwrap my body part when the message shows up and then re-tend it. Keeps my FA going and I can eventually lock it.
Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
Re: FA training
11/17/2012 02:31 AM CST
Hey Path listen to wise old Zinaca. She is a doll and completely right. And Zin, that isn't learning from your stupidity, that is PAFO! lol good advice
Rgamato Eneto-Ranger of Therengia
Re: FA training
11/17/2012 07:20 PM CST lie so well! Old is true...wise? More like I said--stupidity. However I will take a compliment (I hope it was) any way I can and my check is in the mail. Thanks for stroking my old ego.
Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
Re: FA training
11/17/2012 07:33 PM CST
Thanks Zinaca! I didn't bother with cradle because I knew I could just make it to Crossings. No one was responding to my gweth for help, so seemed to make more sense to just run up north. I just pumped two more points into stamina to round me out at 40.
Re: FA training
11/18/2012 03:49 PM CST
Glad you made it Pathyn. I didn't really think you forgot your beseeches but after a few months enforced absence from DR I sure did forget. When I died, not only did I get balled out for dying in an out of the way place...the ranger balling me out also balled me out for not using Cradle. I had to admit I forgot all about it. So every now and then, I look up the beseeches just to remind myself.
Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
Re: FA training
11/23/2012 03:07 AM CST
>> I can assure you, you can still get infections with high stamina, and high FA. Also, I'm fairly confidant you can only get infected when your bandages come apart, not while they are tended. What everyone is saying is correct, though, the best way to train is with a pet bleeder or three. I have to train with 3 gaping wounds to learn at any sort of decent pace. Any more and you are asking for trouble if you are hunting.
Not sure about you here, but I don't even pay attention to infections anymore. Don't think they work properly at the high end tbh. I just ignore it when it happens and it usually vanishes. Had a 'bad' infection not too long ago - it stayed that way for about a week, and then just disappeared. Haven't seen it since.
Yea, wounds are definitely the best way to learn it - I get a slight trickle with 2 slights @ 975 FA, survival secondary. Neck and back are by far the best spots imo.
IM: Dannyboy00001111
"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
Not sure about you here, but I don't even pay attention to infections anymore. Don't think they work properly at the high end tbh. I just ignore it when it happens and it usually vanishes. Had a 'bad' infection not too long ago - it stayed that way for about a week, and then just disappeared. Haven't seen it since.
Yea, wounds are definitely the best way to learn it - I get a slight trickle with 2 slights @ 975 FA, survival secondary. Neck and back are by far the best spots imo.
IM: Dannyboy00001111
"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
Re: FA training
11/23/2012 03:49 AM CST
>> lie so well! Old is true...wise? More like I said--stupidity. However I will take a compliment (I hope it was) any way I can and my check is in the mail. Thanks for stroking my old ego.
Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow<<
Lie?? I'm a good ranger, I don't lie at all. And yes you are old but heck I'm getting up there in years myself. I still say it's not stupidity, it's PAFO but eh tomato, tomoto. Of course it's a compliment, you always been one of my best friends and one of my idols and heroes (along with Valynn and Madigan). My pleasure and please come visit me soon around Lang.
Love ya alway Rga
Re: FA training
11/23/2012 04:50 AM CST
I can say by experience that disease can go away with enough I would assume stamina. I got a let bleeder tonight and it ended up infected due to me not tending right away. I was in no danger so kept tending and within 5-6 tends the disease no longer showed up and it didn't get worse nor any of the messages that accompany disease. I have 51 stamina and it was a slight bleeder only 201 FA so definitely not FA skill considering I'm 115th circle. hey Zinaca don't make me come down to shard please, you need to come see me lol. If I have to though, I'll travel down to see you....sigh...
Re: FA training
11/24/2012 08:21 PM CST
About being in Shard well, I'm up near Rossman's/Langen backtraining. I have to get my TM up...compost is a TM spell in 3.0! So I'm annoying peccs/trolls/bandits/warcats and raiders--so come find me!
Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow who chitters a greeting!
Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow who chitters a greeting!
Re: FA training
11/24/2012 09:31 PM CST
I would have to say that tail is hands down the best place for a bleeder ;)
Re: FA training
11/25/2012 08:55 PM CST
<<I would have to say that tail is hands down the best place for a bleeder ;)>>
::thoughfully glances at Shadow's long tail::
Mmmmm well maybe gluing a tail to me isn't the best thing.
Zinaca and her fully-grown (and for now tailed) raccoon, Shadow
::thoughfully glances at Shadow's long tail::
Mmmmm well maybe gluing a tail to me isn't the best thing.
Zinaca and her fully-grown (and for now tailed) raccoon, Shadow