Oaksister 05/27/2007 02:48 AM CDT
For the ladies in the guild ... I had noticed this previously and Zinaca reminded me of it tonight.

Oakbrother *
At least 500 ranks in Foraging

Oaksister +
At least 500 ranks in Foraging

* - Denotes Male-only Title
+ - Denotes Female-only Title
Re: Oaksister 05/27/2007 08:01 AM CDT
<<Oakbrother *
At least 500 ranks in Foraging

Oaksister +
At least 500 ranks in Foraging>>

For any who spend the requisite time gaining 500 ranks of foraging, I'd suggest Oakhead as a more appropriate title (for both genders).
Re: Oaksister 05/27/2007 01:21 PM CDT
>For any who spend the requisite time gaining 500 ranks of foraging, I'd suggest Oakhead as a more appropriate title (for both genders).
