l[The Crossing Amphitheater, The Seating Area]
Stone benches and wooden seats form a semi-circle around a stage at the north end of this theater. Designed so even a whisper can be heard by all, this area is used for everything from town meetings to staged performances. You also see a large stone archway and a speaker's list.
Also in the room: Jalika, Recluse Aeclydis who is sitting, Drifter Shaltoric, Duli, Asterid, Lilyanna who is sitting, Scout Kerella, Willican, Timargnon, Teeklin, Harome, Feral Makrel, Feral Morwyth, Feral Guarnere, Urla who is sitting, Shade Walker Dritzfury, Mistarrial who is sitting, Valynn, Aldurst who is sitting, Drical, Isoe, Wayfarer Tajsha who is sitting, Elnorn who is sitting, Explorer Adelanthal who is sitting, Recluse Krinahd, Isengard, Drifter Schvartzgoniff, Hermit Sorein who is sitting, Sojourner Kyna who is sitting, Phairdon, Fraeyya who is sitting, Feral Motarra, Sevothium, Rybran, Allegoria, Littlefoot who is sitting, Ndarin who is sitting, Thauntyr, Axem, Razdab who is sitting, Charlize, Narvaraigh who is sitting, Ziete who is sitting, Lobonegro who is sitting, Telemann, Ambreene, Drifter Thangor, Jochua, Feral Abolof who is sitting, Ranash, Warden Dulcinia, Forester Dewkiss, Afura, Saeris, Forgenash, Mvorn, Scout Tusca, GameMaster Laurilana, Forester Rancha, Scout Showerd who is sitting, Spiritshadow, Moriath who is sitting, Waveshell, Trailmaster Kyrrian, Barnacus, Pathyn who is sitting, Diuran who is sitting, Enaz, Sifra, GameMaster Raenek, Seei, a woozy Brew Master Paklin, GameMaster Jent, Kyrla, Aislin, Recluse Grenhart, Kamisama, Danilynette, Siobhannic, Telrenth, Warden Tazsin, GameMaster Aeonian, GameMaster Ghisel, and Lindelle who is sitting.
Obvious exits: none. (we're trapped!)
Jent asks, "and can anyone guess who we get to kick this year?"
>hide (damn cant do that here)
Raenek exclaims, "Spiritshadow!"
Jent says, "Not spiritweenie"
whisper raen you alwayss were my favorite
Raenek chortles softly at some secret joke.
Aeonian chuckles.
Laurilana cackles!
Jent says, "lets open the list"
Raenek just opened the speaker's list.
Raenek says, "Ok here we go"
Jent says, "okay then"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Duli and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Duli asks, "I'm wondering what yous guys have planned in the way of combat for us guys. More archery abilities, eh?"
Jent says, "I think what you will see is more spells designed to help with combat"
Jent says, "and some new abilities"
Jent says, "but we don't really have Combat stuff planned like what we rleased this past year."
Duli says, "More utility things and survival then."
Jent says, "The 2 Lirisa Spells are Steps of Lirisa & Lirisa's Gift."
Jent says, "yes something like that"
Duli says, "Ohh yeah. I'd like to apologize to yous guys too. Falk and I had only the best intentions."
Jent says, "Oh there is stillt eh Zen Archery thing out there, but I'm not certain where that lies."
Jent says, "I'm over it"
Jent says, "Paklin, who is a father, explained to me that folks with families will have a hard time cause tehy might have made plans."
Duli says, "Good, Still wanted to apologize to all them, I'm done with it now."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Krinahd and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Krinahd asks, "I would just like to know ... any chance we could get a bit of info on those two Lirisa spells hinted at? even just some small teasers, other than they are for archers? will they also affect other things, such as perhaps skinning/tanning?"
Jent says, "They are for Archers but I can't speak on it more thatn that."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Spiritshadow and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Spiritshadow says, "I wouldn't really call it a roundtime, but are there plans to have the travel times for PTMs to be looked at? It still seems way too long, especially for short distances."
Jent says, "Right"
Jent says, "There were certain limits we had to follow with the system. I think we can look again but don't expect much. "
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Kyrla and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Kyrla asks, "The revamp of scouting has a lot of other skills factoring into things revolving around scouting like scholarship, appraisal, perception, etc. Any hints on what skills the new foraging system may involve besides foraging?"
Jent says, "You can bet on appraisal"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Barnacus and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Barnacus asks, "Is shadow clan going to be a location along the lines of horse clan, where there is are multiple uses, such as hunting, survival training, etc.?"
Jent asks, "Ghisel?"
Barnacus asks, "Or is it going to be something along the lines of Voln in GS3?"
Ghisel says, "More than Voln guaranteed. It'll be multi use, yes/"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Littlefoot and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Littlefoot asks, "I just wanna say, my mate, she is addicted to the smell of black powder and the sound click. I know y'all prolly dont wanna make the traps smell like burning powder, but could ye at least give em a nice click sound, so I dont gotta get blown up by anymore of her boxes? Oh, and what can ye tell us, teaser-wise about the traps? Like, are they gonna be a completely crafted item, or more like a fishin pole?"
Littlefoot asks, "And is it still gonna be possible with the new forage fer me to get phenominally lucky ... I'm talkin one in a billion tries ... and foragin up an ancient imperial broadsword or some such thing ( I know I ask this alot) . . . which reminds me. . you guys gonna incorporate digging into the forage system?"
Jent says, "No digging for foraging"
Jent says, "Traps will be released in stages, like beseeches. New trap types will come along when we have time for them."
Jent says, "Right now we are thinking about store sold traps for the release."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Allegoria and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Allegoria asks, "maybe you can elaborate on the traps then? Is something new and rangerly happening with them?"
Jent says, "We are redoing Foraging this year and we hope to release snares and traps witht he system."
Jent says, "as a more rangerly way to learn disarm and lockpicking"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Ndarin and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Ndarin says, "Well, part of my question has been answered"
Ndarin asks, "But is there any.. I mean any chance of us being able to also blind disarm?"
Ndarin says, "Disarm is a bear right now..."
Jent says, "I can find out about that. Not sure if that is a skill thing or a guild thing."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Schvartzgoniff and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Jent says, "I wasn't part of the Disarm rewrite."
Schvartzgoniff says, "first of all thats a skill thing for the last question"
Jent says, "I thought it might be"
Schvartzgoniff says, "anyway, my question is this"
Schvartzgoniff says, "for the proposed shadow clan and ranger revised requirements"
Schvartzgoniff asks, "how much do you see very young rangers being involved in either one?"
Schvartzgoniff says, "as in under 20th"
Jent says, "I don't think it will be under 20 for most of teh good stuff"
Jent says, "but not to much past that"
>Raenek points a speaker's staff at Jalika and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Jalika says, "First, thanks for holding this meeting, and thanks for the meat preserving, and Raenek thanks for the QS in fletch 2, should be able to do pikes as well"
Jalika says, "My question has do to with companions"
Jalika says, "I been hearing that you guys all have some fabulous ideas that we'll all be drooling it...was wondering if you could give us an idea of what these will be, if there will be more interaction, and approx circle reqs"
Jent says, "All of that is still being planned. but...."
Jalika says, "there's always a but..."
Jent says, "Yes lots more interacting, we are working on levels based on skill not the actual level."
Jent says, "if that makes sense."
Jalika asks, "So AL level?"
Jalika asks, "and will wolves and raccoons be fixed to match?"
Jent says, "more like mins on the skills needed."
Jent says, "not so much a set level"
Jent says, "Wolves and Raccoons will get a face lift"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Pathyn and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Pathyn says, "Scholarship...."
Pathyn says, "it seems you like creeping it into things now"
Jent says, "We do"
Pathyn says, "and I was wondering if you planning on working ways for us to learn it"
Jent says, "Yes we do"
Pathyn asks, "I was thinking maybe something like how moonies work astrology...maybe we could get a natural lore...and that would cover scholarship?"
Jent says, "but none of that is past the discussion stage"
Pathyn asks, "so why not take that scholarship req out of the beseech til then?"
Jent says, "cause I like foreshadowing"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Motarra and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Motarra says, "Hiya, first off I finally get a chance to say 'Great Job!' to all of you, and I am very pleased to have such a great team looking after this guild. Most of my question has already been asked, it is in regards to compainions. Will there be a system to where we have to 'teach' or 'train' our companion? and will the area system be looked into so our companions can accompany us into the wilderness? That was my annual asking of the Companions and Leucros area question by the way..And please no purple striped and puse spoted panthers."
Jent says, "Yes it will be more like horses then fams"
Jent says, "and he is going to help create that."
Jent points at Aeonian.
Jent says, "Aeonian has volunterred his free time to help with SC and companions this year."
Jent says, "We are working on that right now, so... soon."
Motarra asks, "SC?"
Jent says, "Shadow Clan"
Motarra says, "Ok, guess I'll have to read up on that."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Showerd and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Jent says, "There is a book in the tree about the SC, Ghisel authored it."
Showerd says, "i was just wondering about fletching 2"
Showerd says, "and when it was gonna be live"
Jent says, "but when we do release it, expect some big changes."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Tusca and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Tusca says, "Now Jent... when ya first became our leader I know ya had a vision for the guild of where ya wanted to take us."
Tusca says, "since that time im sure that you've added to that vision..."
Tusca asks, "but how close do ya think you've taken us to your Original vision so far?"
Jent says, "1/2 way there"
Tusca asks, "best is yet to come?"
Jent says, "Some"
Tusca asks, "what's Tarragon's status?"
Jent says, "The hold up on Fletching and Carving is a hit I wasn't expecting."
Jent says, "Tarragon will be back in 2003 and he will work on Tanning "
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Littlefoot and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Littlefoot asks, "I confess I dont know much about Shadow Clan historically, so pardon my ignorance here, but I do have a question based on what lil Ive heard. . but does having a SC mean there will be a player clan that is opposed to it?.. to give it conflict?. .and if so. . how will the PvP be dealt with?"
Ghisel says, "Shadow Clan is another clan like many others in the game."
Ghisel says, "But don't expect that what you'll see will change policy regarding PvP"
Ghisel says, "SC is a "gruff and unforgiving bunch""
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Aeclydis and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Barnacus and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Barnacus asks, "The environment system... Will there be a mechanical impact from negative environment and will our survival skills/bonus help us if there is?"
Jent says, "Just what you already have going on now with the bonus."
Barnacus says, "Kinda like Legolas on the mountain, or army rangers eating maggots."
Jent says, "as far as impact is concerned."
Jent says, "Well that would be more apart of Scout or a new verb"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Corantith and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Corantith asks, "my question is this...am young and here at verious times due to a recent almost Starry Path experiance...any chance of making the path to the Shard Guild...uhm safer fer someone like me?"
Jent says, "We'd have to think about it. For now just run real fast."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Kyrla and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Kyrla asks, "about the same time those two skills got 'fixed', perception went on the disability list. Any plans to bring perception back into the learnable survival skill set outside of running trails or juggling for hours on end?"
Jent says, "You will see somehting real soon. Not as much as you like but it will be something."
Jent says, "BTW Paklin is now incharge of Swimming and Climbing."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Lobonegro and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Lobonegro asks, "Wonderful job guys, I'm amazed in Elanthia again. My question is on trapping disarming, is it supposed to substitute boxes for rangers altogether? Meaning will it be as useable to learn ranks as scouting/climbing is now ?"
Jent says, "No"
Lobonegro asks, "so just to help out?"
Lobonegro asks, "why would we trap then?"
Jent says, "Good question, it will help but I don't see the ranks as much as disarming a box, maybe close but not equal."
Jent says, "at first you will trap animals that you currently cannot hunt"
Jent says, "Minks, rabbits, foxes, etc etc "
Jent says, "later we will be adding things like trip lines, tiger pits, etc"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Diuran and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Diuran says, "this may have to wait for Tarragon , but"
Diuran says, "makers marks...will they be on bows and tanned items and... tanned items"
Jent says, "yes there is something planned like that."
Diuran asks, "will they be fixed so forged armor isn't lighter than tanned armor?"
Jent says, "That is all what Tarragon is going to work on."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Duli and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Duli says, "You mentioned store-bought traps."
Duli asks, "Are we going to be seeing ranger-made traps, and have you got any idea on what kind of skills would be learned when making/using said traps?"
Jent says, "Yes eventually you will be able to make your own traps. But Paklin has a life so there is only so much we can squeeze out of him in a year."
Jent says, "No clue yet on the skills needed."
Duli asks, "Could use lots of them, foraging and scouting and make it so I can train everything at once, eh?"
Jent says, "Figure average 30-40 circle for basic stuff and then it grows from there. "
Duli asks, "When you say traps, you mean snares?"
Jent says, "and snares yes."
Duli asks, "These going to be ranger-only when they come out or everyone going to get to play?"
Jent says, "No the store bought ones will be for everyone."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Saeris and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Saeris asks, "Is the Bovine sense from the See The Wind cast part of the animal spirit for us, and if the different spirits from the spells will affect other abilities besides spells?"
Saeris says, "or am i just dilusional again"
Jent says, "you're dilusional"
Jent says, "but really close to another mark"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Seei and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Seei says, "The question I have in on poison. Will we ever be allowed to make it.. and more importantly cure it and those nasty diseases we pick up in the field. I think its a tad sill that we are the masters of our own environment and cant find a root to cure a little nerve poison "
Seei says, "Silly that is"
Jent says, "I can't answer that. It still is something that needs to be discussed."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Telemann and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Telemann asks, "I stopped reading the boards because I lost faith in them, so maybe this has been answered, but lately a few survival skills have been revamped, can we expect this trend continue for all of 'em?"
Jent says, "I think that the survival skills will always get revamped. Its a big unending circle."
Jent says, "Once we get done with teh first go around we will go back and start over."
Jent says, "Cause things keep growing here"
Jent says, "so we try as best we can to keep up."
Telemann asks, "so, hiding, stalking, etc are getting redone like disarm, swimming, etc?"
Jent says, "at some point yes"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Tusca and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Paklin says, "Hiding was just adjusted a little bit ago."
Jent says, "Stalking is on deck"
Jent says, "Foraging is on deck"
Jent says, "Then Swimming and Climbing"
Jent says, "The I'm sure we will need to go back to Skinning"
Tusca asks, "what percentage of your GMing time do you all spend working on Ranger stuff, Game wide stuff and bug fixings?"
Jent asks, "Raenek?"
Raenek says, "i would say about 80 percent."
Jent says, "I'm 70 20 10"
Jent asks, "Paklin?"
Paklin says, "90% Ranger"
Paklin says, "the other 10% fighting of my headache from dealing with Ranger things."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Luxthor and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Luxthor says, "First of all, i'd like to add my accolades to those that have already been offered to the Ranger Team. Fantastic work, even if i don't always see it as such at first glance. Secondly, i'd like to say that i'm proud to be a Ranger, and would not trade my place for all the plats in the realm. That being said, my question concerns evil. As a ranger i'm led to believe that we are like paladins inasmuch as we're supposed to uphold honorable thought and actions. I made it all the way to circle 25 without realizing that one of our survival lores was Stealing. This puts us down at the level of those characters that just recently had a revolution in their own home. I would hate to see the same pain of relocating and removing guild leaders be visited upon us, and seeing our elders backstabbing one another. Can you please tell me what the purpose is for us to need stealing to advance? It's downright insulting to think that I should stoop to that level in order to be a better ranger."
Aeonian says, "Gees"
Luxthor says, "yeah. Sorry."
Luxthor says, "It's my first meeting."
Luxthor says, "I've been saving up."
Jent says, "Oooffff"
Jent says, "Well I disagree with the premiss of the arguement."
Jent says, "You can be any type of Ranger you want."
Luxthor asks, "I still see it when I type Exp survival?"
Jent says, "so with that in mind we have access to stealing."
Jent says, "It is up to you to be the kind of Ranger you want."
Jent nods to Luxthor.
Luxthor says, "is there any chance you guys will bring back the guild registar. I thought I heard you guys thinking about it. Would be neat to see who the top rangers are, at least the ons that sign it, also gives us somethin to shoot for"
Jent says, "Still thinking about it." (think FASTER!)
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Forgenash and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Forgenash asks, "thanks very much.Questions i have are with the new foragin you gonna add new better woods to carve? and with tannin when we gonna get new tannin patterns? like better gloves and maybe cowls?"
Jent says, "There are over 1000 items on the foragable item list. You're going to see them released in waves, most likely releases of 50 or 100."
Jent says, "New woods are apart of that but they may have to wait for F2."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Mistarrial and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Paklin says, "Everytime I see that number."
Paklin takes a sip of his lager. (I hear yah bud)
Jent says, "THe pattern issue is something we all want to see."
Mistarrial asks, "are there any plans to make any new foreagable herbs that will perhaps treat infection or even make it less likely that we will get infection from wounds to give us time to get healed? Maybe a way of cleaning, bandaging poulticing, etc?"
Mistarrial asks, "or maybe a spell or beseech to stave infection off?"
Jent says, "That part will be up to the empath team."
Jent says, "I don't think you will ever see healing spells for rangers."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Jalika and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Jalika says, "you already said appraisal will factor into foraging some"
Jalika says, "And mentioned before we should train music"
Jalika says, "how do you see these other skills, especially the lores effecting the guild as a whole, as well as the mech lore split"
Jent says, "Train music"
Jalika asks, "What kidn of instruments should a ranger pick?"
Jent says, "When we all meet and somethign comes up we want to see that involves, for example teaching, we give you guys a heads up. Our thoughts on other skills are just like survival skills, if we can make them a useful tool for you we will."
>Jalika smiles.
>Jalika nods to Jent.
>Jalika says, "So appraisal and music for now..."
Jent nods to Raenek.
Philomon stops teaching and looks around quietly.
Jent says, "Yes"
Jalika says, "Great, thank you."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Raenek and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Jent asks, "Once more?"
Raenek nods.
Raenek just opened the speaker's list.
Diuran is next.
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Diuran and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Diuran asks, "it makes sense to make store bought traps useable by the general public. My question is will Rangers get a "bonus" to use traps linked to our ability to "scout" out game trails?"
Jent says, "There should be some sort of advantage for Rangers, yes."
Diuran says, "thanks"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Sorein and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Sorein says, "My question is about this learning music thing."
Sorein asks, "I'm not a Bard, why do we need to learn music now?"
Sorein says, "It's the first I've heard of it, although I am new."
Jent says, "Cause we have some up with a way to use that skill in a rangerly way. So we gave a heads up at one of the previous meetings."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Showerd and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Showerd asks, "i just was wondering if any of your planned spells were geared toward those of us who are not bow primary? and second if i dont learn music is it gonna kill me later?"
Ghisel shifts her flattened ferret so she can use it two-handed. (she rocks)
Jent says, "the planned spells are very Diverse, we have 14 planned spells only 2 of them are for bow users."
Jent says, "the music thing is going to be needed for an ability, the ability will be optional for Rangers."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Storrmm and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Storrmm asks, "Ahh...thank you. Hi there, my question is pretty easy...are we going to be able to bypass the ferry south by swimming the river anytime soon?"
Jent asks, "GM soon or Player soon?"
Jent says, "There has been talk, yes."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Daereth and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Daereth says, "First off I noticed yer all talls...second, thanks fer a way ta learn AL witout havin a companion. Will there be other ways? Third.."
Daereth asks, "Rumor says music is changing. How will that affect us?"
Jent says, "When it changes I will give you a heads up as to which skill you should use the ranks in, if that is the case."
Jent says, "And yes there will be another way to learn AL without companions but you are going to need music lore."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Duli and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Duli says, "You mentioned that you don't play much anymore and don't know the good places to train survival."
Duli asks, "You have any place you'd like us to inform you of places that need more survival training at?"
Jent says, "Well if you think there is a specific place that should teach better or needs something, you should let us know."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Harome and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Jent says, "I don't know anything about shields."
Harome says, "My inquiry regards the tanning system. However I will not waste your time if it can only be answered by Guild Master Tarragon. Is this the case"
Harome says, "Due to your remark I will not bother repeating my question I wrote on the Guild Scrolls (board)"
Harome says, "The other will then be will the properties of hides and skins change at all to have more variables"
Harome says, "No matter what hide or skin I use, I produce the same result for a shield"
Jent says, "At some point yes."
Jent says, "It is just a huge task"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Corantith and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Corantith says, "I hope this is not mundane but with more Lore requirments, will there an advancment in our ability to learn lore? <still sweats learning mech>"
Jent says, "Nope"
Jent says, "Wait"
Jent asks, "Do you mean learing rates or more ways to learn it?"
Corantith says, "learning rates"
Jent says, "Okay, nope."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Krinahd and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Jent smiles at Corantith.
Krinahd says, "a GM, I forget which, dropped a hint on the boards a few months back that a means of swimming the Segoltha was approaching "soon" ... as for Lake Gwenalion, there's already a swimming area on both sides of the lake (Lang and Haven), all we really need is a string of rooms or open area to connect them ..."
Krinahd asks, "can we hope to see these be swimmable in the near future?"
Jent says, "Wouldn't it be great if it was that easy."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Hanibol and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Hanibol asks, "last meeting the Great Jrendel aka Da Madd Webba made a few suggestions about apping currents, also about using scouting in more maze areas like crocs/polos also he made another suggestion about being able to use scouting to see a picture in other rooms (like in the two towers) are these still on the list of things to do?"
Jent says, "Something like that, yes"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Telemann and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Telemann asks, "about these small animals we catch with snares/traps, what do you envision we do with 'em? Can we keep 'em, put them in homes, make rabbit krunchies, skin and tan the hides? Can we catch kittens?"
Telemann asks, "like can we keep 'em as pets?"
Telemann says, "Isoe wants a kitten companion, you see"
Jent says, "Skin them, use tehm for tanning, sell the pelts, maybe have to feed them to a new companion."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Littlefoot and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Littlefoot asks, "I always assumed that everyone saw "Arachnid sense" when they cast STW, and now Im hearing that many animals are represented in this way. Can you elaborate more on what your plans are for these animal spirits that we seem to inately have?"
Jent says, "But yes feeding kittens to a new companion might be fun."
Littlefoot asks, "And back to my SC question from earlier. . a more refined version of the question would be: If Im opposed to Shadow Clan (not sayin I am, btw), are there other ranger-joinable clans I will be able to join that are set up mechanically similar to SC?"
Ghisel says, "We're not here to talk about clan mechs but all clans will have their own cultures and such"
Littlefoot asks, "there will be more fer rangers to join theN?"
Ghisel says, "Until clan mechs are there you will not be JOINing the clan anymore than you join any other at the moment"
Jent says, "We really can't get into Clan Mechs cause they are not ours to discuss."
Littlefoot asks, "I see. . and about the animal spirits?"
Jent says, "Animal Paths."
Jent says, "Your spells are going to have paths."
Littlefoot asks, "and we cannot choose the paths?"
Littlefoot asks, "they are innate?"
Jent says, "you can, simply by picking the spells"
Littlefoot says, "I didnt choose arachnid sense. . nor did Amberyll choose canine sense"
Jent says, "I know"
Littlefoot says, "but when we cast STW we see that"
Jent says, "There is a plan for that."
Littlefoot asks, "care to elaborate any?"
Jent asks, "Paklin?"
(dramatic pause)
Paklin says, "hhmmmm." (hes been drinking)
Paklin takes a sip of his lager. (see)
Aeonian says, "Drunk already."
Jent says, "I guess no we can't expand on it"
Littlefoot asks, "and these animal paths.. are they strictly spell oriented?"
Jent says, "it is a small part of a big picture"
Paklin says, "We have things in mind we want to do."
Jent says, "The paths are about the spells yes"
Paklin says, "Things may change around at some point in regards to that animal sense with STW. MAY being the big word."
Jent says, "Let me put it this way"
Jent says, "A certain guild has "cookies" we are baking a cake with the animal paths."
Jent says, "It has nothing to do with the cookies but it is the best analogy that I can come up with."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Tusca and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Rottcloar says, "I like cookies."
Paklin says, "I like beer."
Tusca says, "okay... question has to do with spells..."
Jent nods.
Jent says, "Awaken Forest, Mire, Pollen Cloud, and Stalker's Canopy are still on the list."
Tusca asks, "now ya said ya got 14 planned spells on the list... are those "approved" planned spells? And are any going to be in the protection book? and could ya give us a name of a few besides the two you already mentioned. Just the name?"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Fearsome and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Jent says, "None of them are approved."
Fearsome says, "are there any plans to put a guild back on M'riss or better yet, on Hara'jaal? It's an aweful long walk to the nearest guild from those of us who spend time out there."
Jent says, "I have to talk to the owner of those areas about that. It is on my list."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Dritzfury and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Dritzfury says, "Hara would be the obvious choice"
Dritzfury asks, "will we be able to use the Lirisa balance spell in melee?"
Jent asks, "Who said it was a balance spell?"
Dritzfury points at Raenek.
Raenek says, "not me" (lies!!)
Dritzfury points at Raenek.
Jent says, "nice try"
Raenek says, "I never heard of the spells til a few days ago" (more lies!)
Raenek points a speaker's staff at you and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before you.
You say, "two quick ones Is arranging ever goning to become a science, rather then be between 100-200% random difficulty? (or atleast narrow the randomness)"
Jent says, "No plans on changing ARRANGE"
You ask, "and will companions ever be joining us in battle?"
Jent says, "That has yet to be approved."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Geuno and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Geuno says, "My big question that I have to do with bows and crossbows, and I don't know exactly what is going on with the fletching 2, but my question has to do with the load times, of these weapons. I have asked many people what affects them and no one really knows, and last night I was told nothing affects this. So I am here to ask, will agility or reflex be factored in for bows, and strength maybe for crossbow (loading it)"
Jent says, "Yes, there is a post on the boards from the plat meeting. We talked a little more about F2 there."
Jent says, "Expect Draw Weights."
Geuno says, "Because, I mean 4 second load isn't a big problem"
Geuno says, "But if I am extremely agile, i want to see something outta it"
Jent says, "and there are modifiers to that right now."
Geuno says, "alright, next question is..."
Geuno says, "About getting these animals, will there be a limited amount of finding these or being able to tame. I mean as for me, I am a Prydaen and I would like a fellow cat to travel with, not some little kitten that I am going to be stepping over, but something my size... a Snow Leopard, that would be nice. I mean a Tiger Trap that I heard you say, what good would it be to catch kitten."
Jent says, "That's a big question, Don't confuse Companions with Animal Trapping."
> * Ilseh was just struck down!
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Raxxall and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before him.
Raxxall asks, "seems when I run the trails and others are doing the same they can outrun me, when I know they have less scouting ablity than I, was it planned like that?"
Paklin says, "Times on the trails are based off of many things."
Jent says, "Scouting isn't the on;y factor in the RTS"
Jent nods to Paklin.
Raenek says, "its all thats extra weight you put on from all that kneeling and foraging"
Paklin says, "and it is more then burden."
Jent says, "Burden isn't the only factor in the RTS"
Raxxall says, "I think we should be able to run them faster with more skill"
Raxxall says, "I have savant scouting and get outrun my experts in the lower half sometimes"
Jent says, "You can, but change that statement to "with more Skills""
Jent says, "and stats"
Jent says, "It is working correctly."
Jent says, "keep thinking about it."
Jent says, "It will come to you."
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Siobhannic and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Siobhannic says, "I wanted to say that I really admire Ghisel's flattened ferret weapon and was wondering what interesting weapons we might be able to make in the future? "
Ghisel says, "Thanks. He's a specially forged on the northern trade route. Roadkill isn't too rangerly tho."
Jent says, "Carving is apart of F2(Fletching II)"
Raenek points a speaker's staff at Danilynette and the usher moves over and holds the voice scepter before her.
Jent says, "So wood stuff."
Danilynette says, "i was wondering if we will be able to learn first aid by applying the right herbs? "
Jent says, "Good question, I don't know why you can't now."
Danilynette says, "and if we will be able to learn animal lore by stalking and tracking poachable critters"
Jent says, "No I don't think that will ever be a way to learn AL"
Jent asks, "You want to go on?"
NAh.. good meetin, good questions.
there yah are