[Ranger Guild, Tree Grove]
You feel at ease with nature as you gaze upon this private reserve of young felenok pines. Bearing rare golden-tipped cones, the scent of their needles fills the air. Scurrying around the center of the grove, two playful squirrels dart about from tree to tree in a never ending game of chase. You note the careful placement of several tables closer to the walls of the main hall, some designed for crafting and others more suited for casual meetings and dining. You also see a waste bin, a large picture window providing a view in and out of the main guild hall, a polished lunat door leading back into the guild hall, a large rope leading up into a treehouse, and a tattered note.
Also here: Ierna Masinyo Ravalash who is sitting, Paklin, GameMaster Laurilana, GameMaster Raenek, GameMaster Ghisel, Blacktide who is sitting, Sangarawul Miquiztli, GameMaster Jent, Isyl, Barnacus who is sitting, Skinny-furry Peperic who is lying down, Talace who is sitting, Delindra who is sitting, Prentice Archer Saprykin who is sitting, Rambler Daler who is sitting, Pathfinder Lavrentij who is sitting, GameMaster Aeonian, and Canyon who is sitting.
Obvious paths: west.
>Jent says, "Okay so we had a good year in 2002"
>Jent says, "I'm pretty proud of what we accomplished and all teh help we got."
Jent says, "We are going to start with Raenek and the winners from Plat in the PTM contest."
>Raenek chuckles.
>Raenek says, "Ok"
Raenek says, "First, just wante dto say, very good work from most of the entires I received."
>Raenek says, "Only had two folks from Plat enter though."
>Raenek says, "Those two Won their own personal PTMs. They were Talace and Molenir."
>Raenek says, "Congrats Talace and Molenir."
>Raenek says, "You two will need to send me your personal PTM that you want."
>Raenek smiles.
>Raenek says, "Everyone who entered the contest basically won since we only had like 18 folks who entered. 2 of those were rejected because of no name on the entry"
>Raenek says, "So we will be awarding 16 personal PTM's"
>Raenek says, "Instead of the 5 we first decided on."
>Miquiztli's shoulders bow as if under some great burden.
>Raenek says, "So congrats to everyone who entered. Also want to say, thanks for the response on the firaging messaging. You folks have been wonderful in your responses."
>Raenek says, "Err forgaing"
>Raenek says, "bahm cant spell tonight"
>Raenek chortles softly at some secret joke.
>Raenek laughs!
>Daler asks, "that's not a contest though right, we can send those whenever?"
>Raenek says, "Right"
>Raenek says, "Back to jent"
>Jent says, "Furaging"
>Raenek says, "Blame it on the percosets for the migraine."
>Raenek winks.
>Jent says, "Okay we have some guest and I will introduce them now, and they can expand a bit on what they are working on that impacts our guild."
>Jent says, "First is Ghisel and she is working on a really cool area for us."
>Jent points at Ghisel.
>Ghisel smiles at Jent.
>Paklin takes a sip of his lager.
Ghisel exclaims, "Heya!"
>Ghisel says, "I'm actually working on a couple of projects you'll see this year that should be of interest to you as rangers. "
>Ghisel says, "Right off the bat let me say that both involve hunting. But both also involve things you might not expect and you may do things you didn't think rangers did. Vague? Yes."
>Ghisel smiles.
>Ghisel says, "The first of the two areas will be aquatic and will also be of interest to bards. Nuff said on that one."
>Ghisel says, "The second area shouldn't come as a surprise to those who read in-game books. Shadow Clan is coming and you'll see the first parts of it this year."
>Ghisel says, "For those with an interest in Shadow Clan will learn much more about it. For those whose characters include the clan in their RP, you will have a place to go."
>Jent says, "We are going to hold the questions till later"
>Jent grins.
>Ghisel says, "You'll travel to these places, be asked to step up as rangers and be challenged to go farther and deeper. There'll be hunting, skinning, a merchant..."
>Ghisel says, "and some stuff you're just gonna have to PAFO."
>Ghisel bows.
>Jent says, "Thanks"
>Ghisel smiles at Jent.
>Jent says, "Ghisel also wrote the first book on the SC"
>Jent says, "Should be up on the tree"
>Jent says, "Next guest is a GM I go way back with. Aeonian is helping us with SC and also has volunteered to help us with Companions."
>Jent points at Aeonian.
Aeonian chuckles.
>Aeonian says, "Jent is lying. I'm not working with rangers."
>Jent chuckles.
>Aeonian snickers.
>Raenek snickers.
>Ravalash says, "Falcons.." (I like him)
Aeonian says, "Yeah ... Companions"
>Delindra says, "Gyrfalcons" (I like her too)
>Aeonian says, "I'm am very excited on what we will have for those guys ..."
>Aeonian snickers.
>Aeonian says, "As for SC ..."
>Aeonian says, "What I am working on is very specific for Rangers (and paladins) in that area."
Aeonian says, "You guy will have the key to going into special areas."
>Aeonian chuckles.
>Aeonian says, "It will be up to you guys on what happens."
>Aeonian chuckles.
Jent grins at Aeonian.
Aeonian says, "I'll just wait for questions later ..."
>Aeonian grins at Jent.
Jent nods.
>Jent says, "Thanks"
>Jent says, "Next up is Laurilana, She is responsible for the UG area and will be helping us with SC and the 100th level quest. "
>Laurilana says, "Thank you Jent."
>Laurilana smiles at Jent.
>Laurilana says, "Yes..as you just heard I am currently involved with three projects in which I have the pleasure of working alongside the rest of Team Ranger on..."
Laurilana says, "First of all..."
Jent grins.
>Laurilana says, "Keep your eyes open and an ear to the ground as to the Undergondola area....you are going to be seeing some new additions to the area for your hunting and skinning enjoyment..."
>Jent nods to Raenek.
Laurilana says, "You also might find you are a lil bit more inclined to go gettin your nails dirty in there shortly..."
>Laurilana hums to herself.
>Raenek says, "Unless your a Tog, then you will just eat the dirt instead."
>Raenek ducks his head.
>Laurilana says, "As for Shadow Clan, I will be working with designing parts of this new area as well as some of the merchants that Ghisel mentioned..."
>Laurilana says, "As to the 100th Circle Quest...well.....just keep right on keeping on..and errr...."
>Laurilana says, "Thanks you..I will take questions later also."
>Laurilana says, "They have trained me well."
Laurilana winks at Raenek.
>Laurilana says, "And back to Jent."
>Jent says, "Okay so here is our current project list."
>Jent says, "1. GL history"
>Jent says, "2. Small Scouting releases"
>Jent says, "3. Shadow Clan"
>Jent says, "4. Foraging, Trapping, Enviro system"
>Jent says, "5. Beseeches"
>Jent says, "6. Small verbs and some upgrades to existing stuff."
>Jent says, "GL is Guild Leader"
>Jent says, "Each Guild Leader will be able to tell you something about the History of the ranger guild."
>Jent says, "Some might have 2 different responses to teh same question."
>Jent grins.
Jent says, "You should see more of their personality come thru."
>Jent says, "no so much as the other GL's but the other guilds yes."
>Jent says, "Okay so questions, just raise your hand and I'll try to keep track"
>Jent says, "Oh"
>Jent says, "and that is Paklin, he is the coding whiz around here. He also just took over development of Swimming and Climbing."
>Jent points at Paklin.
>Paklin says, "Hiya."
>Jent says, "okay Daler"
>Jent says, "You're up"
>Daler says, "ok the question. "
>Daler says, "you've all said that PTMs are supposed to be the best way to learn scouting"
>Raenek says, "he's been looking for certain folks. Just cant quite catch them"
>Jent nods.
>Raenek winks.
>Daler asks, "am I not learning it well from them because I'm on the low end of the skill range to do them?"
>Daler says, "because as it stands now, I learn about 4 times as well from the RTS"
>Aeonian winks.
>Daler says, "and with the long RTs to travel them, and the failure rate....doesn't look very promising"
>Daler says, "and discussing with Canyon, I dont think he was getting much better results"
>Jent says, "that is correect, our intention was to have a system that would continue to grow with you and your learning needs/rates."
>Daler asks, "so the roundtimes and exp will go up as we get better?"
>Jent says, "PTM's teach the best but you're just not skilled enough to benifit from it, yet."
>Daler says, "ok good"
>Jent nods to Daler.
>Daler says, "thanks"
>Jent says, "also,"
>Jent says, "we are not done with Scouting, we have one more major component to complete for the system."
>Jent grins.
>Jent says, "Barn you're up."
>Jent says, "If I skip ya don't freak out, I'm not leaving till we are done. "
>Jent says, "you'll get to ask your question"
>Barnacus asks, "The small scouting changes include any improvement to short-range tracking, or is that a major change?"
Jent says, "That's the major one"
>Miquiztli says, "As it stands now it's quite impractical if you actually want to catch your target.."
>Jent says, "We went back and forth all night long over short ranger tracking"
>Jent says, "Yes it is"
>Jent nods to Miquiztli.
>Jent says, "We know"
Barnacus says, "Ok... Also one quick other one..."
>Jent says, "but the choice was another 6 months of coding or to just deal with it"
>Jent nods.
>Barnacus nods.
>Barnacus says, "That is the one big lacking in scouting for me... Otherwise I love it."
>Barnacus asks, "Also, Shadow Clan.... That's the group who are opposed to the black hand, right? The dead guy at the spear in shard?"
>Jent says, "What you're goinbg to see is the way we wnating to make tracking work fromt eh start but couldn't"
>Laurilana giggles.
>Saprykin asks, "on that note, where might i be able to find out about the shadow clan?"
>Ghisel says, "You might look at a good history of Shard for a bit more info, but yes."
>Ghisel grins at Barnacus.
>Saprykin says, "seeing as i hadnt heard of it till now"
>whisp sap http://www.wilderun.net/library/hssh.htm
You whisper to Saprykin.
>Jent says, "Okay I got Canyon next"
>Canyon says, "I have some tanning questions"
>Canyon asks, "makers mark... ever going to happen?"
>Jent says, "I can answer all of those at once,"
>Peperic says, "pafo"
>Jent says, "Tarragon is expecting to be back in 2003"
>Jent says, "and all he wants to work on is tanning"
>Miquiztli says, "He's been missed."
>Canyon says, "and could you please check the plat treasure system, if there are tanning patterns in there, no one in plat has ever found one that Ive heard of"
>Jent says, "Raenek will ask Danalae about that."
Canyon says, "and one other thing, or I can wait"
>Aeonian says, "Spill it."
>Aeonian grins at Canyon.
>Jent nods to Canyon.
>Canyon says, "with PTMs... I will set one in genii, but when I leave the area, the area shuts down and seems to eat my marker"
>Canyon says, "say to come back to town and sell skins and then try to go back"
>Jent nods.
>Canyon says, "thats all I think I have "
>Raenek says, "Thats because of the rooms you have to hack in."
Jent says, "Paklin can check to see how long the area stays loaded here and if we can play with that."
>Canyon asks, "and they are closing up when the area shuts down?"
Canyon says, "the trails I mean"
>Jent says, "It might be that we are not allowed to do it but we will check."
Jent says, "its the area"
Jent says, "not the trail"
>Canyon says, "I was able to get in at least once, but may have not supposed to have been"
>Jent nods.
>Canyon says, "but I had someone in the tree keeping the area open"
>Jent nods.
>Daler says, "the only one I've ever set in there lasted long enough for me to get back"
>Daler says, "but that area is weird"
>Paklin says, "That would do it."
>Jent says, "Okay I got Ravealash next"
>Ravalash says, "I got two short, sweet questions if you'll indulge me"
>Jent says, "we are all yours"
>Ravalash asks, "One.. way back when you asked for suggestions for a ranger brawling move, I think?"
>Jent nods.
>Ravalash asks, "Any chance that will ever become a reality?"
>Jent says, "I lost that fight, no pun intended"
>Jent says, "As of right now we are not getting a Brawl move"
>Ravalash says, "Well, at least knowing for sure is more comforting then wondering"
>Jent nods.
>Ravalash says, "Secondly.."
>Ghisel giggles at Miquiztli.
>Ravalash says, "With the addition of skinning, the original reasoning behind the weapons req is a bit antiquated. I was curious if you had considered any alternate requirements beyond six ranks in one weapon"
>Ravalash says, "Erm.."
>Ravalash says, "Addition of scraping"
>Ravalash gazes off into the distance.
>Jent says, "Im happy with the weapon reqs"
>Jent says, "I got Blacktide next"
>Jent points at Blacktide.
>Blacktide asks, "Ok, my question is regarding the Guild leaders, as it stands now, if I ask Kalika about Tolle, she gives me a blank look like she doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about, same thing if I ask her about any of the provinces, is this part of what is going to be changed with regards to guild leader development?"
>Jent says, "very much so"
>Jent says, "youa re going to see who likes who and who doesn't"
>Jent says, "Just players with the first letter S in thier names "
Raenek chortles softly at some secret joke.
>Jent says, "Okay I'm lost raise your hands again"
>Jent points at Peperic.
>Peperic asks, "i asked Halo about this, but do we really need the journeyman?"
>Jent says, "No you don't"
>Jent says, "but we have to get special permission to have inconsistant stuffbetween DR exist."
>Jent says, "I'll make a note"
>Jent points at Barnacus.
>Barnacus says, "There looking to be the possibility of having another starting companion than raccoons... Still paying for a RP choice I made with Barn over a year before companions were even announced..."
>Jent says, "let me check"
>Barnacus says, "I DO, really, really appreciate having bloodworms teach Al, btw..."
Jent says, "No but something between the Raccoon and the Wolf."
>Jent says, "Should fit in nicely here"
>Jent points at you.
>'First off. Trapping.You say, "First off. Trapping."
Jent nods.
>'I really hate boxes and foraging. I'm looking forward to trapping in the hopes that I might be able to learn to do those things in a more rangerly fashion.You say, "I really hate boxes and foraging. I'm looking forward to trapping in the hopes that I might be able to learn to do those things in a more rangerly fashion."
>Jent nods.
>Jent says, "that is the point of them"
>'Second thing. Magic.You say, "Second thing. Magic."
>Jent nods.
>'I'm not overly fond of the DD spells, thats just me though. However, I would like to know your vision of the future of ranger magic. Especially the Lirisa spellpath.You say, "I'm not overly fond of the DD spells, thats just me though. However, I would like to know your vision of the future of ranger magic. Especially the Lirisa spellpath."
>Jent says, "let me pull up the notes"
>Jent says, "Okay"
>Jent says, "The vision is pretty much the same, keep them designed as an aid not a primary tool. "
>Jent says, "Lirisa Spells will focus on the Archers of the guild."
>Jent says, "we have 2 more planned"
>Jent says, "Steps of Lirisa and Lirisa's Gift"
>Miquiztli raises an eyebrow.
>Jent says, "don't ask me to say more" (SAY MORE!!!)
>'One last thing.You say, "One last thing."
>Paklin exclaims, "Say more!" (I'm feelin yah)
>Paklin says, "Oops, sorry."
>Paklin grins.
>Jent grins at Paklin.
>'Companions, any thoughts on what you'd like to see happen with them?You ask, "Companions, any thoughts on what you'd like to see happen with them?"
>Jent says, "Yes"
>Raenek says, "You will get a PAFO spell. You cast it and the voice of Jent will shout out "PAFO!""
>Jent says, "We have 6 more in discussion" (A FALCON!!!)
>Jent says, "and upgrades to the existing 2"
>Jent says, "easy"
>Blacktide says, "Naw, should be a beseech, scares all the rangers around us"
>Jent says, "I want to see companions being much more diverse"
>Jent says, "to get out of that North American mind set"
Jent says, "And they should be more things to do with them as you and they grow"
>Jent says, "I said once that an 80th level companion is going ot signal the ranger to go get it some fish, not the other way around."
>>Jent says, "and the Giant 80th level companion will have you carry things to its wife"
>Jent grins.
>Aeonian chuckles.
>Jent says, "okay I got Daler next"
>Raenek says, "I told you I am not going to be their companion." (ROFL!)
>Jent points at Daler.
>Daler asks, "so the website says Awaken Forest is planned. Is it still planned?"
>Jent exclaims, "Yes and it rocks!"
>Daler asks, "is magic going to not be worked on for a while though?"
>Daler asks, "since magic 2.1 just got "finished"?"
>Jent says, "Rigby is working on our magic, persay"
>Jent says, "When he calls we will come running"
>Daler asks, "are we any closer to new reqs?"
>Jent says, "yes and no"
>Jent says, "I sent them in and got Damissak all over me."
Daler asks, "any thoughts on what we might see?"
>Daler asks, "or is that a PAFO?" (never ask that)
>Jent says, "PAFO"
>Peperic asks, "reqs for what?"
>Daler grins at Miquiztli.
>Jent says, "advancement"
>Jent says, "Okay next"
You ask, "Foraging?"
>Jent says, "Working on it"
>Jent says, "I got Canyon next"
>Canyon says, "just a comment, this time"
>Jent nods.
>Canyon says, "Sniping and Double-shot rock, and overall the magic is great too, good work"
>Jent says, "Thanks"
>Jent says, "Okay I got Blacktide next"
>Blacktide asks, "Ok, my question is more regarding companions, I know you have a bunch of companions in the works, any plans to further devlop the ones we have?"
>Jent says, "Yes"
>Blacktide says, "Specifically, if I remember right, everytime I signal my raccoon to hide..."
>Jent says, "but it is all in the development stage"
>Blacktide says, "Has no problem hiding on its own, just when I ask it to"
>Jent says, "getting the basic commands set up is one of the first priorities."
>Jent asks, "Okay anymore questions?"
>Blacktide asks, "So its in development along with the new companions then yes?"
>Jent says, "raise your hands"
>Jent nods to Blacktide.
>Faestra raises her hand.
>Blacktide says, "Ok, thank you"
>Jent says, "Okay lets go to Faestra first."
>Jent points at Faestra.
>Faestra says, "I am curious, I am new to the guild so so there is much I haven't explored, but are there going to be more opportunites for a wider range of ranger type clothing and items in various styles available for use. "
>Jent says, "yes and you should see that in the Shadow Clan"
>Jent grins.
>Jent asks, "That it?"
>Jent says, "Okay Daler"
>Daler asks, "any chance of a plat-perk being able to choose our own PTM from the list?"
>Jent says, "yes"
>Daler says, "cool"
>Jent says, "but first we are going to let the 2 winners enjoy thier prize "
>Daler chuckles.
Jent says, "Basically we are going to allow everyone over here to have a personalized TM"
>Jent points at Barnacus.
>Jent says, "you're next"
>Barnacus rises to his feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.
>Barnacus says, "Two questions... One quick."
>Jent says, "its okay"
>Barnacus asks, "barkskin spell?"
>Jent says, "Good question"
>Jent says, "I'm fighting that battle right now"
>Jent says, "But think Beseech"
>Jent says, "coughPetrifycough"
>Barnacus says, "Was kinda hoping for more the protection book than the bubble-boy spell, but OK."
>Jent says, "We are going to expand the protection book"
>Jent says, "it only makes sense, we kill 2 birds with one stone. Empaths share that book"
>Barnacus asks, "Second... question... Location specific training of survival skills, like climbing and swimming. Any relief in having a broader selection of skill ranges available in an area?"
>Jent says, "Yes"
>Jent says, "Danalae is working on something and of course any area project we are involved with will help that issue"
>Jent points at Peperic.
>Jent says, "you're next"
>Peperic says, "my questions involve archery..."
>Barnacus says, "Would be nice to beat some of the area owners too... Some areas are naturals for training and have non-portals in them"
>Jent nods.
>Jent says, "Hold on Peperic"
>Peperic asks, "one what is with the systems fascination with the left foot?"
>Jent says, "I need you all to be more active on the boards if you think certain areas are lacking in survival training. "
>Jent says, "I don't play any more, I really don't know what is a good area and what isn't"
>Jent says, "okay Peperic"
>Peperic says, "my questions involve archery..."
Peperic asks, "one what is with the systems fascination with the left foot?"
>Jent nods.
>Peperic says, "i shoot, and i get a shot in the top of the left foot"
>Peperic says, "never recalls seeing on in the right foot"
>Jent says, "Someone is a Daniel Day Lewis fan."
>Raenek says, "its the 2 left feet theory."
>Peperic says, "two, why can we not poach two legged creatures or ambush with our bow."
>Jent says, "I have no clue but I will ask."
>Peperic asks, "three any info on a gather command to pick up all our arrows?"
>Jent says, "Cuase Poach was never supposed to be"
>Peperic says, "except i can hit him in the back"
>Jent says, "Someone caved at teh last minute and made Poach, but it is limited"
>Jent says, "that was the trade off"
>Peperic asks, "ambush no bow?"
>Jent says, "Trade off"
>Jent says, "We didn't think Sniping would last 2 weeks"
>Raenek nods.
>Peperic says, "oh i am sooo looking forward to sniping"
>Jent says, "We were ready to pull it, but everyone came thru"
>Jent says, "only 5-6 have lost the skill in the first 6 months"
>Peperic says, "and double loading"
>Peperic asks, "you can lose it?"
>Jent says, "If you abuse it" (how? heh)
>Jent says, "the gather thing we will look into but is not a real priority"
>Jent asks, "Who's next?"
>Jent points at Daler.
>Daler asks, "Shadow Clan is...in P3?"
>Jent nods to Daler.
>Peperic whispers, "what is P3 and P5 etc"
>Daler says, "oh, I love the PTM system by the way"
>whisp pep P3 is ilithi P1 zoluren, p2 therengia, p4 qi. p5 the one to the west.
>Daler says, "designed very well. my only major concerns were the exp and rt, but if that's a skill issue I have no problem with that"
>Jent says, "It is"
>Jent says, "it should get faster the better you are at it"
>Jent asks, "anything else?"
>Jent points at you.
>You say, "More questions."
>Jent says, "sure"
>'Fletching 2? Waiting for substances still?You ask, "Fletching 2? Waiting for substances still?"
>Jent says, "Waiting on a bunch of stuff"
>'Any idea on what it'll be like?You ask, "Any idea on what it'll be like?"
>Jent asks, "Raenek, any previews?"
>Raenek asks, "Thought I gave you all an idea when I came to a meeting a lil while back?"
>Blacktide asks, "Will we be able to make Xbows and Comp Bows with the new system?"
>Jent says, "Yes"
>Raenek says, "Lets just say that making bows will change big time. Xbow, quarterstaves, and comp bows will be able to be fletched"
>Jent grins.
>Raenek says, "You will need components to make bows unless you want a err shoddy one"
>Raenek says, "Kinda like tanning is now"
You ask, "Increase in difficulty will be tenfold, eh?"
>Peperic mutters cryptically to himself.
>Raenek says, "You will be able to buy the components or make them yourself, except for the truly rare ones"
>Jent says, "It will closer to tanning then to what it is now"
>Raenek says, "Well the best bow that can be made may take a few RL weeks to actually make, gotta cure it, treat it. Also find the wood, cut the limbs etc"
>Jent says, "but you will still be able to bang out a quick bow and sets of arrows"
>Raenek nods to Jent.
>Raenek says, "Gonna have draw weights"
>Jent says, "Okay I got Barn next."
>Raenek says, "So a new ranger may not beable to pop in and use a bow made cy Canyon" (or sammee heh)
>Jent says, "Oh yeah Draw Weights"
>Peperic says, "but we could make a bow for a new ranger..."
>Raenek says, "yes you could"
Jent points at Barnacus.
>Raenek says, "It will be the quick wat and not as good"
>Raenek says, "err way"
>Barnacus says, "Foraging 2.0.... Any indication of what that will be like? Especially location specificity and repetition..."
>Jent says, "Yes"
>Paklin says, "Nope, no clues at all."
>Barnacus says, "While I HATE the midnless repeitition, I love that I can pretty much train it anywhere."
>Jent says, "you will see some things that are like the new disarm"
>Jent says, "Foraging Quickly, Carefully, Precise"
>A pained expression crosses Paklin's face.
>Jent says, "to find the best of the bunch"
>Saprykin says, "aww you ruined paklins PAFO"
Paklin asks, "Wantonly?"
>Jent says, "all herbs of the same type will not be the same"
>Paklin asks, "Curiously?"
>Jent says, "oh sorry"
>Laurilana asks, "Voraciously?"
>Jent ducks his head.
>Laurilana ducks her head.
>Miquiztli asks, "We gonna be able to find random bits of treasure as well?"
>Paklin beams at Laurilana!
>Barnacus asks, "Will there be more things that are foragable?"
>Barnacus says, "Such as turnips, tobacco, fruits, flowers, etc."
>Peperic says, "arrowheads"
>Jent says, "about 868 more things" (NO!! 869!!)
>Paklin asks, "Wasn't it 871?" (I love how GMS think)
>Jent says, "It might have been"
>Jent nods to Paklin.
>Jent says, "but it will be an on going development"
>Jent says, "No way I can do 1000 items for the release"
>Jent says, "so it will come in piece meal"
>Barnacus says, "Have us suggest a list of stuff on the boards..."
>Jent says, "I got the list"
>Jent says, "Every item that was in the game as of June 1999"
>Paklin wobbles, looking a bit faint.
>Paklin exclaims, "I gotta do all those!"
>Paklin's eyes roll back in his head as his knees buckle causing him to collapse in a heap to the ground.
>Jent grins at Paklin.
>Paklin takes a sip of his lager.
>Jent asks, "Who is next?"
>Jent points at you.
You ask, "P5 going to open up soon?"
>Jent says, "No clue"
>Jent points at Lavrentij.
>Aeonian says, "He said 'soon'"
Lavrentij says, "Tog is with even gooder question is why is weedfinders not can carve hilts for put on thing is maked in forge-places? Is not have to be anygooder than thing is buy in forge-places and allfurry is can want and is can be from diffrent-woods so is look speshul and allfurry is say 'oh good tog!' when tog is make thing." (togs are kewl)
>Jent says, "Carving is going to be more of an exact science"
>Jent says, "and we should be naturally better at it then some"
>Jent points at Daler.
>Daler asks, "out of those 871 items, will we be able to make arrowhead from any of em?"
>Daler asks, "say...obsidian or flint?"
>Jent says, "Not at first"
>Daler asks, "plans to have some eventually?"
>Jent says, "That will be Fletching II"
>Jent points at Canyon.
Daler asks, "and any Ranger events planned?"
>Jent says, "SC should have some events"
>Canyon says, "not that any of you need any more projects, but someone should really take the hunting preserve and do something with it "
>Jent says, "That's been talked about"
>Jent says, "but you are right we don't need anymore projects"
>Jent says, "We will never have a ranger only hunting area"
>Jent says, "we can make it so that Rangers are needed in certain areas more than others but never Ranger only"
>Aeonian says, "Almost ranger only"
>Aeonian chuckles.
>Raenek says, "Laready have one. Just east of Shard. Called Malchatas"
>Jent says, "Sounds like lots of fun"
>Canyon says, "genii is pretty much ranger only, unless you take someone with you"
>Jent points at you.
You ask, "Are we gonna get stalker's canopy?"
>Jent says, "Mire, Awaken Forest, Stalkers Canopy, and Pollen Cloud are still on the list "
>Jent says, "Okay it is getting kind of late but I will stick around if there are more questions"
>Jent points at Barnacus.
>Barnacus says, "Companions... Any chance we are going to be able to feed them more than one kind of thing... Raccoons eat a lot of stuff, for example."
>Jent says, "Yes"
>Daler asks, "are there going to be more Ranger Happy Hours?"
>Jent says, "Raenek is pretty good with that stuff"
>Daler says, "the last one was a lot of fun"
>Jent grins.
>Jent asks, "What else?"
You say, "I want to be able to make a lean-to or a tent or somthing."
>Jent grins at you.
>Jent says, "Its on the list"
>Daler says, "Tolle said he was gonna take us to get some"
You say, "I got this really cool book with all sorts of survival stuff."
You ask, "Any idea on when you'll get those smaller trails done for the little folks?"
>Jent says, "No time frame on that"
You ask, "Still considering it though?"
Jent says, "yes"
>Jent says, "got the approval and everything"
>Jent asks, "Anyone else?"
>Jent exclaims, "Okay we are done!"
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 01:21 AM CST
omg... remove that
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 01:25 AM CST
it only benifits those that take the time to read it. Hopefuly it will help people come up with questions that weren't already asked or answer questions they were already planing to ask (which saves time).
Not to mention I spent a good hour cleaning that and didn't wanna keep emailing the impatient people. You dont wanna know, dont read.
PS, you guys are Great Jent thanks
Not to mention I spent a good hour cleaning that and didn't wanna keep emailing the impatient people. You dont wanna know, dont read.
PS, you guys are Great Jent thanks
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 01:50 AM CST
Why remove it? Was great read. Looks like some awesome stuff coming for rangers. :)
As a citizen of Ilithi with contacts to the dark side (Dragon Priests) I've always had an interest in Shadow Clan and am looking forward to what is in store... :)
As a citizen of Ilithi with contacts to the dark side (Dragon Priests) I've always had an interest in Shadow Clan and am looking forward to what is in store... :)
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 03:39 AM CST
>>Tusca>>omg... remove that
omg ... relax
omg ... relax
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 06:48 AM CST
mmmm . shadow clan. just hoping there will be options in that for young rangers as well as older ones. :-)
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 07:09 AM CST
<< Why remove it?
Because posting it was wrong. Let me use an analogy to illustrate how wrong.
Lets say you got a friend who's birthday's is coming up. So you and your 5 buddies plan and put together one hell of a Surprise birthday party, spent all week on it in fact. Now your out with your buddies and birthday boy the night before the big surprise birthday party having a few beers, but your too excited and ya just gotta tell him that there's a big surprise party tommorow night for him. So ya go ahead and blurt it out. Now the birthday boy is saying "Wow! that's great! you guys are too much! group hug time!". But your 5 buddies are staring daggers at you, you've just robbed them of their nice little surprise and the enjoyment it would bring to them of seeing birthday boys face. Woulda been okay if ya told your buddy before the party but not so the 5 buddies knew that he knew.
5 buddies = Ranger Team
Birthday boy = Ranger Guild
Get it? Announcing those things to prime woulda been one of those things that go into the "Fun part of being a GM" Category to balance off the "Frustrating part of being a GM" category.
Falkonis shoulda held off posting that for a day... or even posted it on the web somewhere it'd be more "discreet". Not because we shouldn't know a day early, but because Jent shouldn't know we know a day early.
P.S. - A happy GM is a productive GM.
Because posting it was wrong. Let me use an analogy to illustrate how wrong.
Lets say you got a friend who's birthday's is coming up. So you and your 5 buddies plan and put together one hell of a Surprise birthday party, spent all week on it in fact. Now your out with your buddies and birthday boy the night before the big surprise birthday party having a few beers, but your too excited and ya just gotta tell him that there's a big surprise party tommorow night for him. So ya go ahead and blurt it out. Now the birthday boy is saying "Wow! that's great! you guys are too much! group hug time!". But your 5 buddies are staring daggers at you, you've just robbed them of their nice little surprise and the enjoyment it would bring to them of seeing birthday boys face. Woulda been okay if ya told your buddy before the party but not so the 5 buddies knew that he knew.
5 buddies = Ranger Team
Birthday boy = Ranger Guild
Get it? Announcing those things to prime woulda been one of those things that go into the "Fun part of being a GM" Category to balance off the "Frustrating part of being a GM" category.
Falkonis shoulda held off posting that for a day... or even posted it on the web somewhere it'd be more "discreet". Not because we shouldn't know a day early, but because Jent shouldn't know we know a day early.
P.S. - A happy GM is a productive GM.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 09:07 AM CST
You should have listened to Tusca or taken my first hint.
Tonights meeting is canceled.
It's really sad that you folks need to one up everything here. You couldn't wait 17 hours for the meeting in Prime. You couldn't allow it to be special for folks in Prime. You had to steal the thunder.
You should have listened to Tusca or taken my first hint.
Tonights meeting is canceled.
It's really sad that you folks need to one up everything here. You couldn't wait 17 hours for the meeting in Prime. You couldn't allow it to be special for folks in Prime. You had to steal the thunder.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 09:15 AM CST
>Tonights meeting is canceled.
>It's really sad that you folks need to one up everything here. You couldn't wait 17 hours for the meeting in Prime. You couldn't allow it to be special for folks in Prime. You had to steal the thunder.
Well, that is sad Jent. I for one was looking forward to the meeting, and being a person of some amount of intelligence, and having some consideration of others, I for one did NOT read his post but rather skipped it.
Sad that you would punish your entire guild for the 'childish' actions of one. I'm sure there is some others out there that skipped that post, hell, I'm sure there are alot who are still asleep and have no idea it was in there.
>It's really sad that you folks need to one up everything here. You couldn't wait 17 hours for the meeting in Prime. You couldn't allow it to be special for folks in Prime. You had to steal the thunder.
Well, that is sad Jent. I for one was looking forward to the meeting, and being a person of some amount of intelligence, and having some consideration of others, I for one did NOT read his post but rather skipped it.
Sad that you would punish your entire guild for the 'childish' actions of one. I'm sure there is some others out there that skipped that post, hell, I'm sure there are alot who are still asleep and have no idea it was in there.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 09:21 AM CST
<<Sad that you would punish your entire guild for the 'childish' actions of one.>>
I'm not punishing, Falk is right, on one point, the discussion in prime is going to be redundant and truth be told my heart is not in it. It would be a waste of your and my time. Instead I'll meet with the GM's and hammer out the Foraging Proposal.
I'm not punishing, Falk is right, on one point, the discussion in prime is going to be redundant and truth be told my heart is not in it. It would be a waste of your and my time. Instead I'll meet with the GM's and hammer out the Foraging Proposal.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 09:22 AM CST
<<Sad that you would punish your entire guild for the 'childish' actions of one.
No Ranger stands alone.
No Ranger stands alone.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 09:22 AM CST
I'm sorry. I offer my sincerest appology. My intentions in allowing Falkonis to have a copy of my log was not to ruin it for all those interested in the meeting. My thoughts were, If yous guys know what asked about in ours, you'd have more time to delve deeper and find the answers to questions that you could derive from our own. You'd have more time to ask questions that we didn't ask.
Really guys. I'm sorry.
Michael. Player of Duli/Articus
I'm sorry. I offer my sincerest appology. My intentions in allowing Falkonis to have a copy of my log was not to ruin it for all those interested in the meeting. My thoughts were, If yous guys know what asked about in ours, you'd have more time to delve deeper and find the answers to questions that you could derive from our own. You'd have more time to ask questions that we didn't ask.
Really guys. I'm sorry.
Michael. Player of Duli/Articus
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 10:45 AM CST
Isn't that a rather childish and vindictive response?
What ever happened to the quote that "not everyone reads the message boards"?
Besides, there may be Prime issues that people in Plat didn't bring up.
Wrong move, gents.
What ever happened to the quote that "not everyone reads the message boards"?
Besides, there may be Prime issues that people in Plat didn't bring up.
Wrong move, gents.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 10:48 AM CST
I'm so angry and upset right now that I don't dare log Dulci in for fear of doing something really stupid.
And it wouldn't be killing Falkonis. Ok, maybe it was stupid of him to post the log, but I was a big girl and didn't read the log. In fact, I'll never read the damn log, now.
And it wouldn't be killing Falkonis. Ok, maybe it was stupid of him to post the log, but I was a big girl and didn't read the log. In fact, I'll never read the damn log, now.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 10:52 AM CST
I for one can think of a number of issues that weren't brought up in Plat.
But since the powers that be decided to "take their ball and go home"---waddya gonna do.
But since the powers that be decided to "take their ball and go home"---waddya gonna do.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 11:14 AM CST
It is true that we(as prime) could've asked a few more detailed questions than the people in plat, but if its more time conscience to cancel the meeting then I'll go back to playing the game I love to play. I'll also get more time to explore the saffari a bit since the two days of the meeting and the saffari landed on top of each other. So its not all that bad of a thing for some of us. All of the major issues were answered for me.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 11:28 AM CST
Stop being so childish with this, the GMs were right...it would be a totally redundant meeting and they would just be talking about all the same stuff. We already know SC and P5 and the Lirisa spellpath are coming out, there's not gonna be any fun in hearing it again tonight. It's a little sad that we won't be able to kick Jent and Co., but there's always his monthly Ranger Guild sit to ask the few questions that we didn't get to ask in plat. Get back to training, they didn't "take their ball and go home", the game was over.
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
"Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entre." -Dante Alighieri
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
"Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entre." -Dante Alighieri
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 11:29 AM CST
>>>there's always his monthly Ranger Guild sit to ask the few questions that we didn't get to ask in plat. Get back to training
what monthly Ranger Guild sit? What the heck are you talking about, and who are you to tell me to get back to training?
what monthly Ranger Guild sit? What the heck are you talking about, and who are you to tell me to get back to training?
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 11:35 AM CST
Chill out Dulci, I took off work to be here tonight too, but just because we aren't having the meeting doesn't mean that I'm going to be upset. Now I have a few more hours to play than normal because I don't have to work, it's a good thing.
And Jent comes once a month to the Crossing guild late at night and talks with all of us because he's that great of a GM. It's like a monthly guild meeting and he answers all of our questions and hangs out with us without saying PAFO all day long as if he was addressing the whole guild. He's a great guy, and since his schedule was cleared for the meeting anyway, him working on foraging is even better than a meeting to me.
And another aside, incase you guys didn't notice, Jent is on the edge of leaving the boards just like Dami and Maelona and Rigby. We constantly complain and give him a hard time and you can see it coming through when he says things like, "my heart just isn't in it" to us. Lay off him, if he stops reading the boards or, God forbid, resigns as GM because of a few childish babies whining all day long about a few downtweaks and a meeting cancellation our guild might collapse.
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
"Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entre." -Dante Alighieri
And Jent comes once a month to the Crossing guild late at night and talks with all of us because he's that great of a GM. It's like a monthly guild meeting and he answers all of our questions and hangs out with us without saying PAFO all day long as if he was addressing the whole guild. He's a great guy, and since his schedule was cleared for the meeting anyway, him working on foraging is even better than a meeting to me.
And another aside, incase you guys didn't notice, Jent is on the edge of leaving the boards just like Dami and Maelona and Rigby. We constantly complain and give him a hard time and you can see it coming through when he says things like, "my heart just isn't in it" to us. Lay off him, if he stops reading the boards or, God forbid, resigns as GM because of a few childish babies whining all day long about a few downtweaks and a meeting cancellation our guild might collapse.
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
"Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entre." -Dante Alighieri
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 11:44 AM CST
<<And Jent comes once a month to the Crossing guild late at night and talks with all of us because he's that great of a GM. It's like a monthly guild meeting and he answers all of our questions and hangs out with us without saying PAFO all day long as if he was addressing the whole guild. He's a great guy, and since his schedule was cleared for the meeting anyway, him working on foraging is even better than a meeting to me.
It'snot a guild meeting since very few rangers hang around the Crossing guild, that is the point of an actual guild, a chance for the other rangers to get together with the staff. I have yet to see a post that said Jent was evil, if that was the case they would hardly want to go to a meeting he was chairing. I'd much prefer he left the boards than forsake the meetings.
"There are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths."
It'snot a guild meeting since very few rangers hang around the Crossing guild, that is the point of an actual guild, a chance for the other rangers to get together with the staff. I have yet to see a post that said Jent was evil, if that was the case they would hardly want to go to a meeting he was chairing. I'd much prefer he left the boards than forsake the meetings.
"There are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths."
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 12:41 PM CST
actually there are several reasons why we should still have the meeting, even if it is 'redundant' now because of the post:
1) the log has alot of abbreviations that new players don't know. Most of the plat players have been here long enough to just read through them
2) the prime players are also customers and should have a chance to hear first hand and ask questions first hand.
3) not all people who play DR have access to the forum. Many who do, did what I did: not read the post (until now)
4) many of those who did read the post, did so with the intention of thinking about questions they would like to ask. It is as if they were at the meeting, patiently waiting for their turn, and then were told: ' out of time, we won't take your questions'.
4) this is an rp game. the chance to rp going to an annual meeting of my guild and all that this entails is a major thing as opposed to reading a log ooc.
I suppose there might be more reasons. You probably guessed by now that reason 5 is the biggest reason for me. However, I tried to look at this from a variety of perspectives. I can't find one that says that cancelling this is a good thing. I do hope you will reconsider cancelling the meeting.
<< Reply >>
1) the log has alot of abbreviations that new players don't know. Most of the plat players have been here long enough to just read through them
2) the prime players are also customers and should have a chance to hear first hand and ask questions first hand.
3) not all people who play DR have access to the forum. Many who do, did what I did: not read the post (until now)
4) many of those who did read the post, did so with the intention of thinking about questions they would like to ask. It is as if they were at the meeting, patiently waiting for their turn, and then were told: ' out of time, we won't take your questions'.
4) this is an rp game. the chance to rp going to an annual meeting of my guild and all that this entails is a major thing as opposed to reading a log ooc.
I suppose there might be more reasons. You probably guessed by now that reason 5 is the biggest reason for me. However, I tried to look at this from a variety of perspectives. I can't find one that says that cancelling this is a good thing. I do hope you will reconsider cancelling the meeting.
<< Reply >>
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 12:46 PM CST
This wasnt a "Plat is better!" thing, eh? My only intentions where to allow yous guys to know what we already asked and make our own New questions. Okay?
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 01:14 PM CST
<<It's really sad that you folks need to one up everything here. You couldn't wait 17 hours for the meeting in Prime. You couldn't allow it to be special for folks in Prime. You had to steal the thunder.
ohh gee. If it was that bad, it could of just been removed. Jent Normally you like to Kid around. I figured you were only kidding. But lets think about this. You've said yourself maybe 5% of the guild acctully reads the boards. Whats the harm in 5% of the people already having an idea of whats going on? It gives those 5% a heads up, so they can plan their questions better. I certainly wasn't trying to steal anyones "thunder". Its a guid meeting, not a huge surprise party. People going into a meeting knowing what its about, makes for a better meeting. I'm REALLY surprised at you and anyone that wouldn't agree. I'd rather know what going on and contribute to that. then not knowing at all and coming up with questions that have already been answered.
I do apologize for anyones "thunder" I stole. It does come down to: if you want it to be a surprise, you dont read the log. I was having people IM me asking for the log, so instead of trying to keep track of who I needed to send it to, I just posted it. Less then 12 hours from todays meeting. In my opinion, there is notthing wrong with knowing the flavor of the coolaid before yah drink it.
Most people dont even know about days meeting, and I've been around crossings trying to let all the young rangers know. I was not trying to screw anyone. I think you all need to take a deep breath and relax.
Once again I alologize to anyone that was offended. I feel I was right, but that doesn't mean I was right.
ohh gee. If it was that bad, it could of just been removed. Jent Normally you like to Kid around. I figured you were only kidding. But lets think about this. You've said yourself maybe 5% of the guild acctully reads the boards. Whats the harm in 5% of the people already having an idea of whats going on? It gives those 5% a heads up, so they can plan their questions better. I certainly wasn't trying to steal anyones "thunder". Its a guid meeting, not a huge surprise party. People going into a meeting knowing what its about, makes for a better meeting. I'm REALLY surprised at you and anyone that wouldn't agree. I'd rather know what going on and contribute to that. then not knowing at all and coming up with questions that have already been answered.
I do apologize for anyones "thunder" I stole. It does come down to: if you want it to be a surprise, you dont read the log. I was having people IM me asking for the log, so instead of trying to keep track of who I needed to send it to, I just posted it. Less then 12 hours from todays meeting. In my opinion, there is notthing wrong with knowing the flavor of the coolaid before yah drink it.
Most people dont even know about days meeting, and I've been around crossings trying to let all the young rangers know. I was not trying to screw anyone. I think you all need to take a deep breath and relax.
Once again I alologize to anyone that was offended. I feel I was right, but that doesn't mean I was right.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 01:23 PM CST
<<My only intentions where to allow yous guys to know what we already asked and make our own New questions. Okay?
Our intentions where the same. Its ashame some cant see that.
Duli, I would of took the heat for this, you really didn't have to say anything.
Our intentions where the same. Its ashame some cant see that.
Duli, I would of took the heat for this, you really didn't have to say anything.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 01:23 PM CST
<<It does come down to: if you want it to be a surprise, you dont read the log.
Falk, I think it came down to Jent wanting it to be a surprise. Those are his (and the other GM's) releases & plans to announce. I don't think he meant "ruin the surprise" for those that read the log, I think he meant ruin it for the GM's who wanted to do the surprising.
Take something away from this, cause I know I have: Jent has a tendency (compared to some other GM's) to understate a bit. Perhaps this accounts (I'd hope so) for some of the behavior of Rangers that Jent dragged to his office to tell them "stop what you're doing" when they all but thumbed their noses at him. (Hence the Crossing Guild re-write)
Rather than us trying to read any "joking" into what Jent says, maybe we should take him at face value. (He can always tell us that he's joking later.)
P.S. This has caused me to remember a post of mine regarding the new Scouting system, when I answered a whiny non-Ranger about what Scouting really was.... Jent's first post about it started out "Well, I hurried home to answer this, but Folcwyn...." I guess I've been guilty of stealing some of Jent's thunder too, and for that I apologize. Sorry Jent.
Falk, I think it came down to Jent wanting it to be a surprise. Those are his (and the other GM's) releases & plans to announce. I don't think he meant "ruin the surprise" for those that read the log, I think he meant ruin it for the GM's who wanted to do the surprising.
Take something away from this, cause I know I have: Jent has a tendency (compared to some other GM's) to understate a bit. Perhaps this accounts (I'd hope so) for some of the behavior of Rangers that Jent dragged to his office to tell them "stop what you're doing" when they all but thumbed their noses at him. (Hence the Crossing Guild re-write)
Rather than us trying to read any "joking" into what Jent says, maybe we should take him at face value. (He can always tell us that he's joking later.)
P.S. This has caused me to remember a post of mine regarding the new Scouting system, when I answered a whiny non-Ranger about what Scouting really was.... Jent's first post about it started out "Well, I hurried home to answer this, but Folcwyn...." I guess I've been guilty of stealing some of Jent's thunder too, and for that I apologize. Sorry Jent.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 01:25 PM CST
<<It's really sad that you folks need to one up everything here. You couldn't wait 17 hours for the meeting in Prime. You couldn't allow it to be special for folks in Prime. You had to steal the thunder.>>
Honestly, do you think that the folks that play in Plat spend all their time figuring out ways to mess the folks in Prime over? Actually, yeah they do. Dang, there I go letting a secret out of the bag.
I know the Ranger who made the log. He didn't do it to get the meeting cancelled. Heck, he was planning on attending to see what questions would be asked there. So was I for that matter. Its on again. AND take to heart what one poster said about Jent, don't keep this complaining, whining, moaning up until we run him off the boards or run him off as GM. We have a good thing, let's keep it that way.
The player of Timargnon/Pepric
Honestly, do you think that the folks that play in Plat spend all their time figuring out ways to mess the folks in Prime over? Actually, yeah they do. Dang, there I go letting a secret out of the bag.
I know the Ranger who made the log. He didn't do it to get the meeting cancelled. Heck, he was planning on attending to see what questions would be asked there. So was I for that matter. Its on again. AND take to heart what one poster said about Jent, don't keep this complaining, whining, moaning up until we run him off the boards or run him off as GM. We have a good thing, let's keep it that way.
The player of Timargnon/Pepric
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 01:27 PM CST
The player of Timargnon/Pepric
should be Peperic. Can't even spell my own name.
The player of Timargnon
should be Peperic. Can't even spell my own name.
The player of Timargnon
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 01:42 PM CST
>>Falk, I think it came down to Jent wanting it to be a surprise. Those are his (and the other GM's) releases & plans to announce. I don't think he meant "ruin the surprise" for those that read the log, I think he meant ruin it for the GM's who wanted to do the surprising.
Take something away from this, cause I know I have: Jent has a tendency (compared to some other GM's) to understate a bit. Perhaps this accounts (I'd hope so) for some of the behavior of Rangers that Jent dragged to his office to tell them "stop what you're doing" when they all but thumbed their noses at him. (Hence the Crossing Guild re-write)<<
Take something away from this, cause I know I have: Jent has a tendency (compared to some other GM's) to understate a bit. Perhaps this accounts (I'd hope so) for some of the behavior of Rangers that Jent dragged to his office to tell them "stop what you're doing" when they all but thumbed their noses at him. (Hence the Crossing Guild re-write)<<
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 01:59 PM CST
>>I don't think he meant "ruin the surprise" for those that read the log, I think he meant ruin it for the GM's who wanted to do the surprising.
Then perhaps next time they should tell this to the Plat folks, so they know not to go handing out any logs? It's a pretty commonly-known practice around here ... hold a meeting, a log gets posted.
How were the Plat people to know? Mind reading is a difficult art as it is ... let-alone through a text-only interface.
Then perhaps next time they should tell this to the Plat folks, so they know not to go handing out any logs? It's a pretty commonly-known practice around here ... hold a meeting, a log gets posted.
How were the Plat people to know? Mind reading is a difficult art as it is ... let-alone through a text-only interface.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 02:43 PM CST
<<Then perhaps next time they should tell this to the Plat folks, so they know not to go handing out any logs? It's a pretty commonly-known practice around here ... hold a meeting, a log gets posted.
Define "here". I don't remember this ever happening here (as I understand the word) on the Ranger boards in the past.
<<How were the Plat people to know? Mind reading is a difficult art as it is ... let-alone through a text-only interface.
Jent did hint about this when only highlights of the meeting were posted. This didn't "sneak up" on anyone, he gave fair warning. (And I am very tempted to play the "common sense" card....)
It happened, it's over, let's stop arguing the unimportant parts and all try to learn something from this.
Define "here". I don't remember this ever happening here (as I understand the word) on the Ranger boards in the past.
<<How were the Plat people to know? Mind reading is a difficult art as it is ... let-alone through a text-only interface.
Jent did hint about this when only highlights of the meeting were posted. This didn't "sneak up" on anyone, he gave fair warning. (And I am very tempted to play the "common sense" card....)
It happened, it's over, let's stop arguing the unimportant parts and all try to learn something from this.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 06:34 PM CST
>>Folc>>Define "here". I don't remember this ever happening here (as I understand the word) on the Ranger boards in the past.
By "here" I meant the DR boards in general. But if you want to be picky ... pretty sure not even 24 hours had passed before a log of the last couple meetings Rangers have had were posted right here in the Ranger folders.
Matter of fact, I have a cleaned version of the log of tonight's meeting ready to post. ;-) Gotta love Lotus WordPro, Global Search and Replace, and having found a dozen or so specific strings (using relative matching variables, natch) that can be used to clean a log in a HURRY. Only needed fine-tune cleaning after that, took about an hour.
Just waiting for a bit before I post it.
By "here" I meant the DR boards in general. But if you want to be picky ... pretty sure not even 24 hours had passed before a log of the last couple meetings Rangers have had were posted right here in the Ranger folders.
Matter of fact, I have a cleaned version of the log of tonight's meeting ready to post. ;-) Gotta love Lotus WordPro, Global Search and Replace, and having found a dozen or so specific strings (using relative matching variables, natch) that can be used to clean a log in a HURRY. Only needed fine-tune cleaning after that, took about an hour.
Just waiting for a bit before I post it.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 06:40 PM CST
<<Just waiting for a bit before I post it.
No! What about the TF meeting?
"There are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths."
No! What about the TF meeting?
"There are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths."
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 07:37 PM CST
>Then perhaps next time they should tell this to the Plat folks, so they know not to go handing out any logs? It's a pretty commonly-known practice around here ... hold a meeting, a log gets posted.
Meetings are held in Plat all the time that aren't posted over here.
Falk - I'm curious how you can say you don't think what you did was wrong even after you labeled yourself a "dirty cheater" and wondered if you were going to be killed?
Come to the Pack House!
Meetings are held in Plat all the time that aren't posted over here.
Falk - I'm curious how you can say you don't think what you did was wrong even after you labeled yourself a "dirty cheater" and wondered if you were going to be killed?
Come to the Pack House!
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 07:50 PM CST
<<Falk - I'm curious how you can say you don't think what you did was wrong even after you labeled yourself a "dirty cheater" and wondered if you were going to be killed?
its called humor.
its called humor.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 07:55 PM CST
shrug It's clearly labeled "plat log". Maybe I'm missing the point or something but if ya don't want to know, why look at it until after the prime meeting?
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 07:57 PM CST
<<Maybe I'm missing the point or something but if ya don't want to know, why look at it until after the prime meeting?
Tons of folks didn't look. I think the point was that this information was not ours (players) to disseminate to prime.
Tons of folks didn't look. I think the point was that this information was not ours (players) to disseminate to prime.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/12/2003 07:59 PM CST
Anyone else think this should be made into glue already?
The player of Timargnon
The player of Timargnon
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/14/2003 01:00 PM CST
Thank you for both posts.
I assumed that the reason for the first post was that you wished to make the GM job easier by helping us ask intelligent questions and reducing the redudancy. It is very boaring and repetitive to present the same material twice and listen to the same questions twice. It never occured to me that anyone would see it as an attempt to steal someone else's thunder. But then I have sat through and led too many such repetitive meetings myself in real life.
I had assumed too that if the GM did not wish you to post, all at the meeting would have been told straight out in plain simple english to not post anything or mention anything said at the meeting until after the annual meeting. This is again standard procedure in real life in meetings where you do not want the information given out to other groups prior to their meeting. So, I read your post and all the other posts that were on the board prior to the meeting in the hope that I would not make a fool of myself when I asked a question and would not get the response of : "read the boards" or "i already answered that".
I was saddened to witness the response you received. However, reading over what they said, I understand their perspective. This understanding will, I hope, enable me to read minds of those who expect me to read minds with better accuracy.
That said, I am glad the prime meeting was held after all because I had alot of questions and I enjoyed the role play aspect of a full guild meeting. I think the Ranger Team is doing a wonderful job and I look forward to the changes.
But I have about had it with the argument over the post of the Plat meeting. I have never posted here before. But enough is enough people.
Thank you Jent and Ranger Team for the work you did and holding the meeting. Thank you Falkonis for your considerate attempt to make the second meeting less redundant and more informative for all.
I assumed that the reason for the first post was that you wished to make the GM job easier by helping us ask intelligent questions and reducing the redudancy. It is very boaring and repetitive to present the same material twice and listen to the same questions twice. It never occured to me that anyone would see it as an attempt to steal someone else's thunder. But then I have sat through and led too many such repetitive meetings myself in real life.
I had assumed too that if the GM did not wish you to post, all at the meeting would have been told straight out in plain simple english to not post anything or mention anything said at the meeting until after the annual meeting. This is again standard procedure in real life in meetings where you do not want the information given out to other groups prior to their meeting. So, I read your post and all the other posts that were on the board prior to the meeting in the hope that I would not make a fool of myself when I asked a question and would not get the response of : "read the boards" or "i already answered that".
I was saddened to witness the response you received. However, reading over what they said, I understand their perspective. This understanding will, I hope, enable me to read minds of those who expect me to read minds with better accuracy.
That said, I am glad the prime meeting was held after all because I had alot of questions and I enjoyed the role play aspect of a full guild meeting. I think the Ranger Team is doing a wonderful job and I look forward to the changes.
But I have about had it with the argument over the post of the Plat meeting. I have never posted here before. But enough is enough people.
Thank you Jent and Ranger Team for the work you did and holding the meeting. Thank you Falkonis for your considerate attempt to make the second meeting less redundant and more informative for all.
Re: plat log (hopefuly I'm not killed for this, love yah Jent)
01/14/2003 01:06 PM CST
<<Thank you Falkonis for your considerate attempt to make the second meeting less redundant and more informative for all.
Thank you for your very thoughtful post.
Thank you for your very thoughtful post.