[TEST] Ranger Spells - Animal Abilities 04/10/2016 09:50 AM CDT
I've just rolled out a number of major changes to Ranger magic on the test server only!

AT THIS TIME THIS IS ONLY FOR THE ANIMAL ABILITIES SPELLBOOK! All other spellbooks have not yet been updated and, it's possible, will not work at all until they are updated. I decided to roll out these updates in advance of the rest due to the extensive nature of them to allow for a longer testing window.

The previously announced changes to magic are also live. In brief, these include:

1) Mana now recovers at a linear rate (This is live on test for everyone, and has been for awhile).

2) Debilitation and TM spells have had their mana costs drastically altered (These are generally reductions, AoE TM is the main exception) and backlash rates reduced.

3) Mana costs, difficulty and backlashes have been re-balanced and standardized for all spells. Additionally we've added a 5th 'tier' of spell difficulty.

Old TierNew Tier

At this time Rangers have no Esoteric spells, but it gives us room to grow.

4) Reduced slot cost for AoE TM/Debil spells.

5) Improved effectiveness of AoE TM spells (this has been on test for a few days).

See http://forums.play.net/forums/DragonRealms/Abilities,%20Skills%20and%20Magic/Game%20Master%20and%20Official%20Announcements/view/427 for full details of the system wide magic changes.

Finally, there are some specific spell updates I made while making all the other adjustments:

System Rewrite: Environmental Efficacy. This replaces the old terrain modifiers that Ranger magic was subject too. The inputs remain the same (wilderness good, urban bad) but the conditions will determine how efficiently your mana is used. You can think of this as having somewhat different levels of room mana available to you depending on the environment (Remember that Empaths also use Life Mana and are not subject to this system, for good and for ill.) This does not currently apply to mana supplied from Cambrinth or Harness. (The old system minorly adjusted spell difficulty instead.)

Animal Abilities Spellbook: All spells have been extensively rewritten. In most cases this will show up as revised messaging and more consistent handling of refresh casting and casting on others.

See the Wind: Reduced to Intro difficulty. Now enables Dual Load.
Instinct: Reduced to Basic difficulty.
Cheetah Swiftness: Removed Utility as secondary skill. Preq changed to Claws of the Cougar.
Bear Strength: Increased to 3 slots. Secondary skill changed from Warding to Utility. Preq changed to Grizzly Claws.
Grizzly Claws: Reduced wilderness restriction.
Sense of the Tiger: The stripes are back.
Claws of the Cougar: Entirely rewritten. Now gives +brawling, functional brawling claws to those who do not already have them and RT reduction to melee attacks (like Hasten or Wildfire). The weapon skill boost will be relocated to a new spell in the Wilderness Survival spellbook.

There's a fair bit more I want to do for Ranger magic but I don't want to entangle additional projects in what is already a large project. At this time my focus was on making them mechanically sound and fixing glaring messaging errors and so forth. After we nail down what we want to do with the Ranger confound and some of the other moving pieces I expect further revisions, particularly within the Animal Abilities spellbook if development goes in the direction I currently expect.

I very much want feedback on these changes and appreciate your help with all of this. I will again ask that we focus on keeping the conversations civil and productive - something I believe we did a very good job when this discussion was initially started.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: [TEST] Ranger Spells - Nature Manipulation 04/11/2016 06:53 PM CDT
The Nature Manipulation spells are now updated on TEST. Wilderness Survival is not yet updated. These spells will work erratically, if at all, on test at this time.

The changes here aren't quite as extensive as Animal Abilities, though they're still fairly major (And all the changes about mana costs etc that apply to all spells in 3.2 now apply to these spells).

Branch Break: Renamed "Deadfall". Preq changed to Eagle’s Cry. Reduced wilderness restriction.
Harawep’s Bonds: Reduced to 2 slots. Reduced to Basic difficulty.
Carrion Call: Weighted damage towards fire. Preq changed to Eagle’s Cry. Reduced to Basic difficulty. Decreased damage penalty due to wound seeking behavior.
Stampede: Weighted damage towards impact. Preq changed to Eagle’s Cry. Increased to Basic difficulty. May now be targeted and hit any body part. New messaging.
Awaken Forest: Increased to Advanced difficulty (Equivalent to the old Esoteric).
Devolve: Preq changed to Deadfall or Harawep’s Bonds. Potency penalty due to targeting top stats slightly reduced.
Swarm: Reduced to 2 slots. May now use Carrion Call as a preq.
Devitalize: Increased to 2 slots. Preq changed to Carrion Call or Stampede. Increased to Intermediate difficulty. Weighted damage towards cold. Now does additional fatigue damage.
Curse of the Wilds: Changed from damage reduction to accuracy reduction. Now hinders missile defense as well as melee defense. Now uses generic defensive debuffs instead of specific skill debuffs on players. Changed to Magic vs Fort.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
Re: [TEST] Ranger Spells - Wilderness Survival 04/11/2016 10:57 PM CDT
Alright - Wilderness Survival is (mostly) updated on TEST now too.

Hands of Lirisa: Dual Load is now triggered by See the Wind. Reduced to Basic difficulty.
Earth Meld: Reduced to 1 slot. Wolf Scent removed as preq. Reduced to Basic difficulty. May now be cast while hidden. RT for auto-hide reduced. Reduced wilderness restriction.
Forestwalker’s Boon: Instinct removed as preq.
Skein of Shadows: Preq changed to Earth Meld.
NYI: Frontier Grit: New Spell. This will contain the melee weapon buff that CotC lost.
NYI: Memory of Nature: Rewrite. This was already ongoing before 3.2 started and isn’t quite ready. The old version of the spell is still on Test and may not work quite right.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things