Losing Raccoon 05/04/2016 04:52 PM CDT

Many of you may have found this out already, but as a warning to those like myself, I was surprised to learn that you can lose your companion merely by swimming with it. I was in the River with my raccoon, swam from one room to the next, and my raccoon was lost forever, apparently drowned or something like that.

Re: Losing Raccoon 05/04/2016 06:28 PM CDT
Welcome to Ranger's companions. I would say sorry for your loss, but if you continue to use them this will be the first of many losses.
Re: Losing Raccoon 05/04/2016 10:49 PM CDT
On the bright side, pets keep getting better. Hopefully the code of rats and kittens can be applied to the much needed overarching pet system.
Re: Losing Raccoon 05/06/2016 08:17 PM CDT
See I believe the pet system isn't tied into the companion system. I'm hoping someday the pet system is the over-riding and uber uesome umbrella that the companion (sub) system needs

Note: awesome was spelled uesome intentionally because awesome alliteration is aurorally awesome.

"I think anything that forces you to do something no sane adventurer would do just in order to train is ridiculous."

"Phelim, what have I wrought?"
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Vic
Re: Losing Raccoon 06/23/2016 12:07 AM CDT
Myrsha, I'm sorry that happened. If it's any comfort I think I'm on wolf #20 something and racoon #11 or so. I think I have lost companions every you can! There is a nice article on the care and feeding on elathepedia.

Zinaca and her young wolf , Lucky (15th)