I'm trying to find out if there are S'Kra Mur houses like that of other races IE. House of the Verdant Lilly, a group of peaceful elothians, typically with blue/green eyes and blond hair... are there S'Kra houses?
Re: Racial Houses
07/30/2011 01:52 AM CDT
>are there S'Kra houses?
There are clans (sraan) in the lore, but they are not joinable.
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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There are clans (sraan) in the lore, but they are not joinable.
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: Racial Houses
07/30/2011 04:03 AM CDT
>There are clans (sraan) in the lore, but they are not joinable.
Well thats not fair... stupid elothians get them...
Well thats not fair... stupid elothians get them...
Re: Racial Houses
07/30/2011 05:46 AM CDT
>>Well thats not fair... stupid elothians get them...
I think Elotheans are the only ones with the ability to join a "Clan" or "House", and not all of theirs are active yet.
I know at one point joining a Sraan was on the designing block for S'kra. Not sure if it still is or not. I don't think it's stopped anyone from saying "I'm from Sraan so and so." Hasn't stopped myself or any other S'kra I know of.
I think Elotheans are the only ones with the ability to join a "Clan" or "House", and not all of theirs are active yet.
I know at one point joining a Sraan was on the designing block for S'kra. Not sure if it still is or not. I don't think it's stopped anyone from saying "I'm from Sraan so and so." Hasn't stopped myself or any other S'kra I know of.
Re: Racial Houses
07/30/2011 07:28 AM CDT
I believe most of the elothean houses are "live" <except they can't join the "secret" one, they have a list down in shard that they can "register" with.
Back when we had a s'kra "champion" that was on the "to do" list, but either it got put off, or its on hold 'til they finish all the other stuff <magic 3.0, combat 3.0, lore 3.0, etc, etc.
My S'kra are played as being of Sraan Mhhg in prime. Although there was an intermarriage with one of the Rathan Houses in there as well. :-)
War is Peace, Truth is Lies. -george orwell
Back when we had a s'kra "champion" that was on the "to do" list, but either it got put off, or its on hold 'til they finish all the other stuff <magic 3.0, combat 3.0, lore 3.0, etc, etc.
My S'kra are played as being of Sraan Mhhg in prime. Although there was an intermarriage with one of the Rathan Houses in there as well. :-)
War is Peace, Truth is Lies. -george orwell
Re: Racial Houses
07/30/2011 08:51 AM CDT
You can join the Elothean houses from the list, the reason some people think they aren't all live is because they don't all have their "House" designed/opened.
Re: Racial Houses
07/30/2011 12:30 PM CDT
>>Cursedfairy: I'm trying to find out if there are S'Kra Mur houses like that of other races IE. House of the Verdant Lilly, a group of peaceful elothians, typically with blue/green eyes and blond hair... are there S'Kra houses?
If there are S'Kra houses, most have not been elaborated on. However, five of the nine ruling houses of Ratha are S'Kra Mur families.
There are also clans (Sraan) of S'Kra Mur, but they are often larger, looser organizations than what you might think of as a house.
Even though we don't have an in-game procedure for joining a clan, and there are no affiliation titles, there is no reason that you can't role-play as being part of a clan. (Sarkranis is from Sraan Mhhg, the Serpent Clan, which is primarily active in Muspar'i.)
"PHA = Healer Union. They charge for healing based on your injuries. We will now pause while everyone gives their opinion on this." -- Teilan
If there are S'Kra houses, most have not been elaborated on. However, five of the nine ruling houses of Ratha are S'Kra Mur families.
There are also clans (Sraan) of S'Kra Mur, but they are often larger, looser organizations than what you might think of as a house.
Even though we don't have an in-game procedure for joining a clan, and there are no affiliation titles, there is no reason that you can't role-play as being part of a clan. (Sarkranis is from Sraan Mhhg, the Serpent Clan, which is primarily active in Muspar'i.)
"PHA = Healer Union. They charge for healing based on your injuries. We will now pause while everyone gives their opinion on this." -- Teilan
Re: Racial Houses
09/04/2011 08:55 PM CDT
Yes Heitak is of Sraan Indakar, he also RPs a style of combat used by his Sraan called "Indakar Taishar'hhshth" or ( thunder warriors dance ). I have an outline on what is needed to do this and I try to have fun with it. That's the best part about RPing is you use what you got and go with it.
Heitak of Sraan Indakar