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Re: Racial Advantages 02/04/2009 06:07 AM CST
don't dwarves have a bit of natural poison resistance? or was that just one of those "lick lockpicks and eat lavender" things?

And you'd think dwarves would be better at climbing, as in most fantasy games they are more apt to work in mines in mountains and etc. And by the looks of things DR has followed that idea, being if you look thru hibr. and stone clan that seems to be fairly predominant.
Re: Racial Advantages 02/04/2009 06:33 AM CST
From all the mining I figured they could see in the dark. Make it so please.

Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Legendary Barbarian of M'Riss
Re: Racial Advantages 02/04/2009 06:54 AM CST
hey, that's what divine radience is for!!
Re: Racial Advantages 02/04/2009 07:18 AM CST
>>From all the mining I figured they could see in the dark. Make it so please.<<

I may be speaking out of turn, but I vividly remember reading a post that said there were no intentions of making any race be able to see in the dark. As cool as it would be.

But if they do, I want to be able to peer mulitple rooms away.
"Legolas! What do your Elf eyes see?"

Sorry, couldn't help it.

~ Terra
Re: Racial Advantages 02/04/2009 11:26 AM CST
I remember the NO to seeing in the dark also. But then I remember a LOT of no's and statements that were later overturned.

I do remember someone saying that dwarves have poision resistence and a MUCH larger 'dying' pool.

Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Legendary Barbarian of M'Riss
Re: Racial Advantages 02/04/2009 08:16 PM CST
>I remember the NO to seeing in the dark also. But then I remember a LOT of no's and statements that were later overturned.

This no was very recent.

>hey, that's what divine radience is for!!

You mean tenebrous sense. Divine radiance just acts as a light source.
Re: Racial Advantages 03/19/2009 04:23 PM CDT
>Fatigue. Sorry, I play way too many games :-P


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Formatting DragonRealms... Please wait...

"When I grow up, I want to be a soulless monster trapped in a suit of enchanted armor and compelled into violent service for a commercial institution through torturous psychic conditioning." -- Armifer
Re: Racial Advantages 03/23/2009 03:13 AM CDT
It's commonly said by people that wis and intel are really not needed much past 30..they don't help learning and the resists they help for they don't help that much so its not really worth it.

If this is true it kinda makes the Elothean racial stat advantages crappy thus taking away from our individual power as Elotheans. And also if this is true are there any plans to strengthen the power of said stats so that classes with bonuses to these stats ( intel and wis ) have something to look forward too and classes who have a large penalty suffer as bad as someone with harsh strength and stamina penalty.

If it's not true could you point out how so and let us all know the strengths of intel and wis.
Re: Racial Advantages 03/23/2009 03:15 AM CDT
P.S. I said classes, change that to races.
Re: Racial Advantages 03/23/2009 05:22 AM CDT
While I certainly agree with that for most characters but if you're that worried about stats and racial advantages I imagine you like numbers and thinking about "the end game" and being a high circle char. If this is the case, then I'd ask what are you going ot do with over 40 strenght when most weapons are at min RT and 40 stam when you have more vitality than a one-hitter vital part destructions? I mean I do have more than 40 strength on my main char but that's cuz I want to lift the danged gigantic twohanded swords.

If you're not really worried about end game stats etc, i'd say don't worry about it really, just enjoy the race you like.

"When I grow up, I want to be a soulless monster trapped in a suit of enchanted armor and compelled into violent service for a commercial institution through torturous psychic conditioning." -- Armifer
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