Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 11:56 AM CST
I like that idea. I'd prefer big meetings, as they would give more people a chance to voice their concerns and hear what has to be said by the GMs. It'd be easier than trying to pry information out of the few who went to the private meetings, or relying on just hearsay. And it'd be nice for us Humans, who don't really have any special organization, to see which players (and GMs) are actually interested in our race.

Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 12:06 PM CST
<< what do you guys think about semi-regular racial meetings?>>

I would support and be heavily interested in anything that furthered racial development in any form. Vivan los Toggies!

<<We could have either big, publicized meetings every few months or so, or smaller, more private meetings more frequently. Keep in mind that private meetings would more likely involve a 'sampling' of players of each race each time, so not everyone would be notified of every single one.>>

Im more a fan of small group communication, but i think it would largely depend on the focus of the meeting. In general, id favor the small group scenario, easier to kick ideas around and bounce them off others in that type of environment. Either way i hope this pans out, i love racial stuffs.

Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 12:15 PM CST
I like the small group option. Large groups can descend into whine sessions too fast and become wholly unproductive. Large meetings can take much longer and accomplish far less.

-Laarth Frozenfyre
Ilithi Militia, Commander
Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a Bakshiloa of Strategy
Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 12:23 PM CST
I think that having large meetings to get the general jist of whats wanted/needed, then small meetings with people who bring up good points/rp the race well to iron out some of these points and then repeat would be best.

Player of Callahaan Val'kesh
Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 01:08 PM CST
Great idea for racial meetings. As far as big or small, whatever you find that works best. Good thinking on the meeting idea nonetheless.


Funny moment of the day:
Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 01:14 PM CST
I like the idea of the smaller meetings, they're easier to control and ya don't have 30 people tryin' to get different messages across at one time.

- Zelaide -

The only way to survive the impending doom: kill every last Zolurenite. -- GM Veyl, tongue firmly in cheek.
Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 01:47 PM CST
I think a mix of both large and small meetings would work best...


Come to the Packhouse!
Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 01:55 PM CST
I'd imagine with larger meetings they'd be in a place like the Crossing Ampitheater, so chaos wouldn't be an issue.

And I like the idea of big meetings and then smaller meetings as well. Everyone gets a heads up and then those with ideas can flesh them out with the Race GMs.

Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 02:44 PM CST
Sounds awesome- it kind of taps into what the players think of their race and the courses possible.
Now if we could do that with our guilds.


I have walked my way since the beginning of time; sometimes I give, sometimes I take. It is mine to know which and when.
Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 04:18 PM CST

I'd love to get something going on the whole Gor'Tog history/culture thingy besides the occasional turnip

And remember Nirveli gets to go to the Elf one too.

Getting Married? Need help?
Ask me!

Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
Richard Anthony
Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 05:22 PM CST
I was going to say that small groups would be preferable from my point of view, but, playing a Gnome, I think they would be small either way

Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 06:38 PM CST
I like the idea of smaller meetings.


I must go down to the seas again
to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way
where the wind's like a whetted knife
Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 07:05 PM CST
More frequent and smaller meetings.


>i armor
You are wearing a shield.
Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 07:07 PM CST
Sign me up. Small or large meetings.

Always have been, and always will be a Kaldar.

~Tamul Satiyona Sorthak
Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 07:49 PM CST
the problem I see with smaller meetings is the likelyhood that some people will never get asked to participate. Either because of timing differences or just bad luck and not knowing when the meeting will be. If its a large scheduled meeting, everyone at least has a chance to arrange it into their schedule and try to get their opinion heard via the sign up list at the meeting. If there is a way for the GMs to ensure that everyone will get chosen at least once, then I'd be in favor of the smaller meetings too.

In the end all things return to Chaos

* Skiori was just struck down! [11:20 pm]
Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 11:24 PM CST
We'll probably do a mixture of both. Large for major things, small for discussions, based on the opinions so far. I'm also considering maybe doing up a website for logs of the things and so on, maybe archiving pertinent racial info, as well, since I know I at least get frustrated that a lot of stuff's been shared on the boards, and it's hard to keep record of all of 'em. We'll see, eh?

Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 11:52 PM CST
<obligatory> Do you really want to take the risk of quality time with me? </obligatory>

>I'm also considering maybe doing up a website for logs of the things and so on, maybe archiving pertinent racial info, as well, since I know I at least get frustrated that a lot of stuff's been shared on the boards, and it's hard to keep record of all of 'em.

Just LJ it. You know how to work one of those things.

As far as big important racial info is concerned, <shameless plug> has a pretty comprehensive set of racial guides. </shameless plug>

RP Uber Alles,
Re: Meetings 04/01/2004 11:55 PM CST
Sounds good Eisu. Whens the first one? ;)

In the end all things return to Chaos

* Skiori was just struck down! [11:20 pm]
Re: Meetings 04/02/2004 03:07 AM CST
Sounds VERY good. Sign me up for a slot in some of those meetings as well.

Amagaim; the player of,

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion,
It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
The hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning,
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
---Unknown Author, Usenet
Re: Meetings 04/02/2004 09:22 AM CST
I agree, the mix would be best, as it would allow lots of people to show up and show an interest, and then the smaller meetings would allow better communication of ideas.

~Chris, player of Nimmi

"If you understand, things are just as they are; if you do not understand, things are just as they are." -- Zen proverb