Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 10:29 AM CST
Oh shuckydarn! You were a great GM, sorry to see ya go. Best wishes in all your endeavors.


>I really wasn't going to charge anyone for raising. Just expect them to be polite and well-mannered. But even THAT suggestion was met with a lot of antagonism from the heathen end. ~Sorenne
Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 10:46 AM CST
All good things must come to an end, sorry to see ya go too.

I was looking forward to your plans for Muspar'i and other things.

Take Care

Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 10:58 AM CST
Take it easy Cadaya, the work you've done will be remembered for a long time to come and don't think we don't appreciate everything you've contributed.

-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia

That's why it's called a shortcut; if it was easy it would just be "The Way"
Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 11:50 AM CST

AIM: Ysselt [IG] [rl]
Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 12:29 PM CST
Cadaya, I don't play DR for combat and skills. I play it for the rich gaming environment and deep history of the Dragon's Realms. You've contributed an astounding amount to what differentiates DR from many of the other online games. through your work with the timelines, Theren, and especially books. You'll be missed.

>>Cadaya>>History, Race, Library Guru, Muspar'i Guru, Former P2 Guru

That's a lot of big shoes to fill.

Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 02:07 PM CST
On further review of billing practices by simu they realised they weren't charging the appropriate amount since all those GMs got free accounts and decided they needed a pay hike as well to bring them in line with the standards. If premium got hiked $5 imagine what GMs got hiked to, and all that backpaying for 5 years GM account.. sheesh.. I'd quit too. Honestly it's sad to see you go before Muspar'i got finished.


I say stay long enough to repay all who cause strife.- Alice in Chains "Sludge Factory"
Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 02:38 PM CST
I submitted a couple books to GM Cadaya 2 years ago. I've not heard anything except a very brief 'Thanks for sending these in' email in those 2 years. Anyone know if they are going to published??

A shadowy figure darts past you, snatches up a sharp pine sapling, then dodges quickly out of view.

"Love does not make the world go round.
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
- Franklin P. Jones -
Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 02:44 PM CST
Well, dammit.

Cadaya, you were one of my favorite GMs. You'll be missed. Good luck in whatever you do now.


Come to the Packhouse!
Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 04:59 PM CST
What Qreyq said. I think I'll spend the rest of the evening mourning in a library- somewhere.

Player of Ryeka and the brood

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 07:06 PM CST
Best of luck, Cadaya. You were one of my favorites as well.

Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 09:43 PM CST
>>Thilan's Post

I couldn't agree more. :/ Damn.


The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,
While hammers fell like ringing bells
In places deep, where dark things sleep,
In Hollow halls beneath the fells.
Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 10:47 PM CST
Thanks for all the depth you added to the game, its still interesting to go through and it'll be appreciate as long as the game continues on.

Re: A Farewell 03/30/2004 11:10 PM CST

This is a bummer, of all the folks that are leavin' this one's gonna hurt the most I think. Although knowin' that there's still someone out there that can say the name of Poke beach when I still can't even spell it is a Rather Amusing thought I'll have to keep in the back of my mind.

- Zelaide -

The only way to survive the impending doom: kill every last Zolurenite. -- GM Veyl, tongue firmly in cheek.
Re: A Farewell 03/31/2004 12:32 AM CST
Oh, damn. You did good here Cadaya. Hope all goes well for you. Thanks for everything you did with DR.

In the end all things return to Chaos

* Skiori was just struck down! [11:20 pm]