BASH/BASK confusion 06/26/2003 11:22 PM CDT
Could BAS be set to default to BASH again? I was hunting today and typed in BAS and it gave me this...

[The BASK verb is on premium preview until 7/3/2003.]

I would like it a lot if it could be changed back.

Re: BASH/BASK confusion 06/26/2003 11:39 PM CDT
<<Could BAS be set to default to BASH again? I was hunting today and typed in BAS and it gave me this...
[The BASK verb is on premium preview until 7/3/2003.]>>

I definately agree. I don't even use a weapon that I BASH with, but that's a hiccup I wouldn't wish anybody to find at a crucial life and death kind of moment.

Re: BASH/BASK confusion 06/27/2003 01:11 PM CDT
The BAS/BASH thing came up pretty quickly after BASK was released. To be honest I don't know why the parser picks out BASK instead of BASH, unless it's selecting based on additions to the system, which is very -- backwards. Some GMs have been talking about it, but I don't know what resolution they'll reach. I will try to chip in on that discussion, though, and see what can be done. It didn't even occur to me to try that in testing. =)


"It is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light, and certainly not desirable, as one's hat keeps blowing off."
-- Woody Allen
Re: BASH/BASK confusion 06/27/2003 01:37 PM CDT
Thank you, oh great Dragon Lady.

Re: BASH/BASK confusion 06/28/2003 01:29 AM CDT
Yes, thank you. It's good to hear that it is being looked into.
Re: BASH/BASK confusion 06/28/2003 04:12 AM CDT
I don't see the problem. The whole thing so far makes me want to bash something.

Ha ha! Whee.


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