Fun-Day Fridays - 6 - Language Learning 09/20/2024 07:49 PM CDT
Happy Friday!

Learning a New Language

Aspiring linguists may be able to learn new languages. Typing LANGUAGE by itself will show which languages you know and how many language slots you have available. The number of slots you get — and how early you can unlock them — depends primarily on lore skillset placement and scholarship, although intelligence plays a small role.

Note: Switching to a different language now requires you to type LANGUAGE SWITCH [LANGUAGE] instead of just LANGUAGE [LANGUAGE].

To learn a new language, speak with Polyglot Yulna in Crossing’s Asemath Academy. This service costs 25 plats.

Yulna can also help you forget an acquired language. (You can’t forget Common or your native racial language.) This service costs 50 plats, and there is a 30-day cooldown on forgetting languages. (If you try to forget a language before your cooldown ends, it will remind you how much time is left on your cooldown.)

Fluency Levels

When speaking a language other than Common or your native racial language, you may speak with less than perfect fluency. There are six levels of fluency, each with three descriptors you can choose from. How fluently you can speak depends primarily on lore skillset placement and performance, although wisdom and charisma play a small role.

When you learn a new language or switch to a new language for the first time, it will set a default fluency descriptor based on your current level of fluency. To change it, type LANGUAGE FLUENCY to see what you’ve unlocked. (You can speak at a lower level of fluency than your ability would allow.)

Translation Jewelry

Universal translators (such as the sraeth earcuff with intricate icesteel inlay) will continue to function as they did before, letting you speak any language with perfect fluency. When the translation effect wears off, you will automatically revert to your previous level of fluency.

Aura of Tongues will continue to function as it did before.

These changes are live in Prime and Plat. Assuming nothing blows up, we will roll them out in TF and Test next week.

A big thanks to Zadraes and Haros for guidance on implementation and to Paklin for the quick QC.

GM Cordulia