I'm having a weapon made soon and I want it to be engraved with the words "Will of the Empress" or "Voice of the Empress" in Gamgweth. There's no word in Gamgweth for either Will or Voice. Emperor exists but there's no feminized version of it. Here's what I've got so far:
mouth -- moda
speak -- gwer
speech -- gweth
the -- li
of -- rae, in the dictionary
of -- ia, in the grammer book, for the posessive.
emperor -- Zohkhalo
So, the closest I can get to "Voice of the Empress" is "Modagwer ia li Zohkhalo" if I use the posessive form of "of", which makes sense.
But then I looked at trying to feminize Zohkhalo. Using king and queen for comparison:
king -- denenshon
queen -- delenshon
So a feminized form exists, at least for those words. Any ideas what part of Zohkhalo should be changed to come up with Empress instead of Emperor? Any other ideas for constructing "voice"?
Thanks for any help