I think it has been a couple years since this came up, so it's not nagging!
Currently, players in Prime can access the following House buildings in the Shard area:
-Gilded Longleaf (out the east gate)
-Waxen Moons (large dome-shaped building along Garden Crescent)
-Floating Reed (wooden building along Garden Crescent)
-Rowan Branch (narrow building along Garden Crescent)
-Steel Dove (low gate along Garden Crescent)
-Silver Star (broad gate along Garden Crescent)
One buggy thing to note on the above: You enter the Rowan Branch house from the room that has the (NW, S) exits, however when you GO ARCH to leave, you end up on the street in a room with (E, SW) exits.
At one time, Prime also had access to the iron gate along Garden Crescent which took you to the Grey Storm house, but that has been missing for at least a year now.
Would it be possible to have access to the Grey Storm house restored. And, would it be possible to get an update on where in production the remaining House buildings are?
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." - Mark Twain