Kaldar Embroidery Penalty? 06/05/2006 06:30 PM CDT
Kobmand and I are both Kaldaran traders and are beating our heads against the wall with embroidery. We've been told there is no racial
penalty for Kaldars when embroidering. It seems that gnomes actually have a bonus. At any rate...I'm at 224 in mech lore with 160 in Scholarship (we finally figured out reflex and agility don't make a
big difference but perhaps intelligence does)...at any rate...I'm still
embroidering attractively and am dozens of ranks beyond where I
should be embroidering beautifully. So, is there a penalty for
Kaldarans or not? Granted, we're a big boned race and don't have
the tiny nimble fingers of a gnome or halfling.

Re: Kaldar Embroidery Penalty? 06/06/2006 02:52 AM CDT
When it was released, the only modifiers mentioned by Quillia was that Gnomes and Traders have a bonus for it. No penalties were mentioned.


"I've been too rich in my words and too cheap in my wine."