Training Multiple Armors and Mindstate 11/13/2008 10:32 AM CST
The new armor setup is perfect, thanks again. I am now able to keep lc, lp, and hc locked along with hp he shield parry evasion and brawl. This has led me to a mindstate problem however, as the new armors have me hitting very murky or worse on a long hunting trip.
My mentals are currently disc 34, int 36, wisdom 36. Have been focusing on my physical stats for a while now, with strength agility and reflex at 40, and hadn't planned to train mental for a while but now I feel like I should. TDP wise, being a human, which stat should I raise to increase the time it takes for my mindstate to go to murky or worse? I understand the function of the different stats but know very little about what effects mindstate - right now I'm thinking of raising disc just because its the lowest. Appreciate any input and thanks again for the armor setup advice, the TDP's and ranks are rolling in!
Re: Training Multiple Armors and Mindstate 11/14/2008 09:57 AM CST
You won't find much benefit from raising mentals specifically for mindstate control. JMF90 has posted numerous times that his max mentals have barely helped. The best bet is once defenses/armors are close to being locked start training your weapons then repeat cycle. Add more weapons to the cycle if you find you are locking the ones you train and the armors/defenses are still locked. Keep most skills just under mindlock (bewildered preferable) and switch around. Even leaving combat and getting a healing, locking perception/mech and going right back at it is what I do to keep learning very well.

This post brought to you by those who wish to get rid Overall state of mind:

Vindicator Adakin Sothir of Prime
Kastr of TF
Killr of TF

"The Key To Immortality Is Living A Life Worth Remembering."

"Killing Time Murders Opportunities."
Re: Training Multiple Armors and Mindstate 11/14/2008 11:27 AM CST
<<as the new armors have me hitting very murky or worse on a long hunting trip.

Here is what I do:

1. Swap armors (if you are using the greaves deal like I do) when each armor gets to perplexed or bewildering. Do not wait for them to lock.
2. When you get to murky, go to our "kill" routine and work weapons.
3. Rinse and repeat.
4. Note, sometimes I wait until MO is locked before I do any swaps.


When soldiers have been baptized in the fire of a battle-field, they have all one rank in my eyes.
Napoleon Bonaparte