Weapon reqs??? 10/18/2006 03:29 PM CDT
No way. Weapons ranks=slower circling. Any paladin worth his salt should have his HE, Halberd, 2HE, staff sling...whatever, up to barb standards anyway. Do we really want those recently shield using, wannabe light chain users having more weapons than us??:P I like what the skinning guy said, and foraging...oooh, here's an idea: how bout we learn to heal ourselves? We got first aid down ok, but now let's get into alchemy. Think of the added mech ranks, the potions, the salves, the longbows(if you use em)that we can finally create worth a darn. Foraging is defense and defense=paladin, same with perception. Foraging for health and mech, perception for defense, and skinning for upping the combat skills. There's your req's. Now all we need is to exchange secondary lore for survival. We'll all live like kings! On the other hand...magic. Nah, just work your magic like your weapons...you'll be ok. And sorry about the rant guys but I miss you. I may be around to put in my two coppers for bit and I doubt any of you folks remember me but...well, I'm a ghost. My name is Queiri.
Re: Weapon reqs??? 10/18/2006 07:42 PM CDT
>Do we really want those recently shield using, wannabe light chain users having more weapons than us?

I use leather and LC because HP sucks, relatively. Evasion and shield is better than HP + shield.

I don't understand the rest of your post.
Re: Weapon reqs??? 10/19/2006 01:20 AM CDT
TFPALADIN posting here in response to the original posters post.

<Nah, just work your magic like your weapons...you'll be ok.>
Yea think I have trained magic a bit much, considering my harness is higher than my highest weapon.


Medium Blunt: 650 04% thoughtful Harness Ability: 654 51% perplexing

Re: Weapon reqs??? 10/19/2006 01:46 AM CDT
nice work. that's a heckuva lot better magic/weapon ratio than what I was thinking but hey, exactly the kinda example people need.