Spells 03/08/2003 01:42 PM CST
When do Pallies get their spell slots...because the website I look at says I get one at 5th 6th and 7th. Then I'm at 7th and only have 1 slot
Re: Spells 03/08/2003 01:54 PM CST
5th cricle then every four cricles after that
Re: Spells 03/08/2003 02:18 PM CST
>5th cricle then every four cricles after that

In theory... but Linras only has 2 slots at 14th. ::mutters something unprintable about having to learn 150+ PM with just Courage and Halt::

Player of Linras Cauldrath
Re: Spells 03/08/2003 02:25 PM CST
Hmmm. Funny... you should have three (5, 9, 13). Try taking to the guild leader about magic, spells, or even try choosing a spell. I know my paladin (12th) had the reverse... It said I had three slots but really only had two, so when I tried to choose a third spell it gave me this error message and reset my spellslots to the proper amount. Might work for you... that or call down the might of a GM and have them smite it.
