Warhorse bug 04/13/2009 12:28 PM CDT
I have posted about a bug concerning new critter AI and warhorses in other folders, and since it's been a few days and not one response, I'll assume (in a rather jaded tone of voice) that since I'm the only one saying anything, I'm probably the only one experiencing this, noting there is not one response or supportive post from GM or PC, so I'll be out in the cold with this one, since about everything else will be deemed to be more important. Asi es la vida, but in light of this I hope to get some insights from other paladins who have been through the processes with their horses before me.

1. Does stabling your horse for a protraceted time stall or reverse the bonding process?

2. If I leave my warhorse outside the hunting areas, how long will leaving my horse unattended in a field is too long? 10 minutes, 3o minutes, an hour?

3. What activities, and hopefully in what order, are most important in creating the secong bond?

Since I rarely see anyone else in combat with their warhorses, I'll assume that the bug is not going to be seen as too important, and I need to start finding workarounds for it, now

Thanks in advance,

Anefubi Vahabaha Humm Breaux
Prydaen Refugee Freedom Fighter
Re: Warhorse bug 04/15/2009 05:16 PM CDT
<<1. Does stabling your horse for a protraceted time stall or reverse the bonding process?>>

No clue. None of the the research I did found stuff on bond loss.

<<2. If I leave my warhorse outside the hunting areas, how long will leaving my horse unattended in a field is too long? 10 minutes, 3o minutes, an hour?>>

No clue. I dont fight on horseback but I'd take the horse with me. Critters dont attack the horse so I just pet a lot and forage some grass to feed every now and then. Works the bond and its not that inconvenient for me since I was hunting in an area you could take a horse into.

<<3. What activities, and hopefully in what order, are most important in creating the secong bond?>>

The advice I got from some of the horse lovers and net surfing was constant attention. Lots of petting, rubing, etc. That and always have the horse out. Easy enough to have the horse out when im juggling so I just added horse parts to my training scripts. Tried to set them up so I was cleaning the horse as often as possible bumping up against that timer. Supposedly cleaning the horse helps with the bond.

I stabled my horse last year and havnt pulled it out since. Been on a backtraining binge. Figure I'll keep backtraining until i get skills where I want them or sick of it and go back to more entertaining critters. Right now it could go either way.

For me the horse bond, like the rest of our pali goodies, is mostly fluff and little substance. I dont think that will change any time soon. I expect nothing out of the pali gm and I dont see other gms getting involved since there doesnt seem to be a game wide horse initiative. Nothing like the the way big magic changes are effecting the pali spells. Without some game wide push I just dont see anything happening with horses or anything else pali.

I'll pull the horse out in a day or so and then maybe we can compare notes.

AKA Rumael
Re: Warhorse bug 04/16/2009 12:43 AM CDT
Actually, I got my second bond almost immediately after that last post of mine, so the pressure is off. rawr!

I see alot of changes I don't really understand. All of a sudden, I can see my horse as I assess combat, and I never face my horse, so I'm not too used to that. intresting.

Humm Breaux
Prydaen Refugee Freedom Fighter
Re: Warhorse bug 04/16/2009 04:37 PM CDT
>>I see alot of changes I don't really understand. All of a sudden, I can see my horse as I assess combat, and I never face my horse, so I'm not too used to that. intresting.

ASSESS reflects the combat status of the entire area, not just things to which you are engaged personally. Is your horse engaging enemies?

-Joshua, player of Malkien
Re: Warhorse bug 04/17/2009 03:11 AM CDT
lemme run it by once more:

1. Normally, critters never advanced my warhorse. Now, at least bristlebacks will choose to advance my horse, instead of me. Once the peccary gets to melee range, it just stands there, not attacking. No peccs are advancing me, which means that I can't take my horse to train with me if I want any armor learning, and unless I start advancing the peccs that are facing my horse, no one does anything, peccs are not attacking, and the horse is not attacking. It's like they're having a staring contest.

2. My horse is not advancing on the critters, nor is it attacking anything, unless I signal it to, and then it only has a short attack routine about 2-3 seconds long, about once per minute. Before the AI changes, my horse would attack any critter that I faced, whether i was mounted or not, at melee or not, and I needed to give it no signals to do so.

3. Used to be that unless a paladin first advanced their horse, then retreated, went to the next room, or whatever that technique is, that if you did an assess combat, your horse would not be listed in the assess, even if it was engaged. Now I don't have to advance my horse first for the assess combat command to see the horse. The assess combat order automatically sees the horse and lists it aling with the critters it is engaged with.

Humm Breaux
Prydaen Refugee Freedom Fighter
Re: Warhorse bug 04/19/2009 11:01 AM CDT
Im on Ratha so I ran into silve leucs for a quick experiment.

<<1. Normally, critters never advanced my warhorse. >>

Nothing advanced on my horse.

<<2. My horse is not advancing on the critters, nor is it attacking anything, unless I signal it to,>>

Had the same problem. Horse only fought when i signaled it to charge. Should have been killing leucs left and right.

<<3. Used to be that unless a paladin first advanced their horse, then retreated, went to the next room, or whatever that technique is, that if you did an assess combat, your horse would not be listed in the assess,>>

Never found my horse listed in the assess.

Also, the auto advance doesnt work. Still find myself having "nothing to face" while im getting attacked. Tried the face next and was told, in between leuc attacks, that there was nothing to face.

I tried mounted and dismounted with same results. I didnt stay long tho since I didnt have the time. I'll go back later and really spend some time. Let them swarm a lot and see if that changes things.

AKA Rumael
Re: Warhorse bug 04/19/2009 12:39 PM CDT
While mounted, I've never been able to auto-advance or auto-face a critter after I just killed one. I have to dismount to auto face, or specifically name the critter I want to face before I can do so while mounterd, i.e. face third peccary, advance second peccary, etc.

Humm Breaux
Prydaen Refugee Freedom Fighter
Re: Warhorse bug 04/19/2009 02:08 PM CDT
Spent about an hour in silver leucs this time. Dragged a friend along to bump up the numbers and he hid a fair bit to turn the swarms in my direction. Split the time between mounted and on foot.

Nothing advanced on my horse.

Never found my horse when i assess nor anything on my horse

Horse only attacked when signal to charge. A few times i signaled and saw no result then i signaled again and was told to wait. Makes me wonder if the horse attacked and missed and I saw nothing since it wasnt a successful attack. Dont know why it would miss silver leucs when it was stomping day and night bargs. Even kicked a few gryphons after i softened them up.

Timer on charges seeems to be 15 seconds. No stopwatch, just me counting but im pretty sure i remembered all the numbers. Well, fairly sure.

<<While mounted, I've never been able to auto-advance or auto-face a critter after I just killed one.>>

Yup but i brought it up for a reason.

Im hopeful (perhaps foolishly) that the new weirdness is a result of interaction between horses and the new critter AI. I figure its a good time to mention old horse problems when there is a sliver of hope that horses are getting some attention. Some game wide changes attention. Otherwise its back to wating a few more years for Maece and the horse folks (if any such GMs actually exist) to get around to doing something.

Maybe try a few critters working your way back down the food chain to see if the horse kicks back in to normal (pun intended)?

AKA Rumael