Paladins Shield usage to Cover Ranged Combat and option for Final Sacrifice 08/10/2018 11:31 PM CDT
I would like to see a two part skill....Glyph Shield Trap and Glyph Shield Stand could also be spells...

Glyph Shield Trap <creature/player> would mean that you are always at pole range with your opponent...You are basically using your shield to cut off the room like some creatures always appear at pole range. This could be a simple Shield Skill versus Reflex add a Zero(someone with reflex 20 would require 200+ in shield skill to trap)...Success for paladin means we are always at at least pole range with our opponent...Failed means they can pull out to missile.

Glyph Shield Stand...Only Parry, Shield, Armor skill count (Evasion would mean you are moving which would provide openings)...You hold the door/pass/area, all attacks in the room hit you or bounce off your armor or weapon hopefully. A super protect basically allows you to protect all in a room until you die or no attacks have been directed at you for at least a minute or so(the danger has passed)...i.e. this is a last ditch thing if the attacks keep coming the only way the ability shuts down is you die. The very ideal of the noble Paladin Sacrifice.
Re: Paladins Shield usage to Cover Ranged Combat and option for Final Sacrifice 08/11/2018 12:50 AM CDT
Retribution Glyph that acts like Thorns aura for all incoming damage please.