Righteous Wrath 08/24/2017 06:12 PM CDT
Hey folks, request/suggestion for the GMs

Can Righteous Wrath spell work for missile weapon's as well? or at least for heavy thrown (light thrown too?) and crossbows. I don't know if this request has been brought up in the past. If so was there any particular reason for this spell to only work on melee weapons? Is it a Paladin being in melee thing that it's restricted to only melee?
Re: Righteous Wrath 08/24/2017 06:45 PM CDT

Call it Righteous pursuit, make it buff all ranged weapons, and give it a chance (based on something like charisma + soul state) to stop your target from retreating.
Re: Righteous Wrath 08/24/2017 07:01 PM CDT

And make it signature before clerics steal it >.>
Re: Righteous Wrath 08/24/2017 07:56 PM CDT
>>Can Righteous Wrath spell work for missile weapon's as well? or at least for heavy thrown (light thrown too?) and crossbows. I don't know if this request has been brought up in the past. If so was there any particular reason for this spell to only work on melee weapons?

It doesn't buff ranged weapons because it would buff too many things in one spell. Same way the similar abilities work (Dragon vs Eagle, Strike vs Steady, MOF vs Tailwind). That said, I'm 110% for a ranged buff/Meta spell to add to our toolkit, as ranged combat (both engaging with, and defending against) isn't an area we as a guild shine.

>>give it a chance (based on something like charisma + soul state) to stop your target from retreating.

While I would giggle like a schoolgirl seeing something like this added to a ranged buff spell (or melee buff), considering we do have Crusader's Challenge (yes, I'm utterly, painfully aware of it's issues, and have waxed poetic in the past), we're not likely to see that effect added to a spell in light of already having such.

We could also used the oft mentioned, prior approved, anti-DFA spell, too, if we're gazing fondly at wish lists.

Re: Righteous Wrath 08/25/2017 09:44 AM CDT
>I don't know if this request has been brought up in the past.

It's been brought up a frustratingly large number of times here and via email since the change was made to remove Paladins' thrown buff altogether in 3.1 (RW buffed ranged [half strength] even before 3.0, was a full strength buff in 3.0 and was ultimately removed altogether).

>It doesn't buff ranged weapons because it would buff too many things in one spell.

This was the official answer, but what continues to frustrate me is the inconsistency. Why didn't we get a spell like rangers did (Oath of the Firstborn) to compensate? Their offensive skill set is identical to ours, and it makes thematic sense for our guild to be able to buff weapons like crossbows and thrown weapons.

Why did clerics and warrior mages get a pass on buffing all three defensive skills because their spells were better thought out? One could easily have solved the problem of too many buffs in one spell by just turning Veteran's insight BACK into a regular non-metaspell (it was changed to a metaspell, which probably caused the too-many-buffs problem to begin with). If SR can't buff shield and parry, then kill parry in favor of defending and we don't lose as much just like other guilds. SR would be shield+defending and Veteran would be evasion+reflex.

>We could also used the oft mentioned, prior approved, anti-DFA spell, too, if we're gazing fondly at wish lists.

Hell, I'll settle for relatively minor changes that would drastically improve the guild like:

• Combining spell functionality (we have an unusually large number of single stat buffs, and other guilds usually have stat buffs combined with skill buffs.
• Making CRC mind v. will (since we're the only guild using 4 SvS contests) and a standard rather than battle spell, and fixing its bugs; I think CRC should bring things to melee, but that's my pie-in-the-sky wish
• Making DA buff shield offense stats because... Clerics can add a shield spike I guess, plus Paladins
• Making shatter replaceable
• Making AS standard
• Adding a buff to appropriate ranged weapons like we had when I started with the guild prior to 3.0

We have a lot of holes and dated spells in our spellbook on top of the noted inconsistencies. It'd be cool to see a reeval of our spells like rangers got in 3.2.
Re: Righteous Wrath 08/25/2017 02:51 PM CDT
>>• Making DA buff shield offense stats because

I would also like a revisiting of the Protection to Damage conversion mechanic in light of the (vastly) expanded ranges shields can reach now. Getting another (not necessarily paladin only) shield offensive ability would be handy, too.

Re: Righteous Wrath 08/25/2017 03:40 PM CDT
I'd like to see an innate Paladin ability that yields a % chance to proc successive flurry of shield slams. # of flurry strikes based on shield skill. Cooldown for ability based on the level of your soulstate, or something. Sort of like throwing stacked throwing daggers but for shield slam.
Re: Righteous Wrath 08/25/2017 03:56 PM CDT

> Getting another (not necessarily paladin only) shield offensive ability would be handy, too.

I've always wondered why paladins did not have a thorns like ability. When they block a physical attack then it should return a portion of that damage back to the attacker.

A TM defensive spell that had a chance to redirect would be pretty cool too.