Guess at Reqs few titles 10/02/2009 05:07 AM CDT
Malko a Karanoi
Honorable Marshal
Shadow Bane

Each have the requirement of 340 ranks of highest armor, or 70th circle (which really, you can't have one without the other).

Malko is eloth only
I'm guessing you must have MO for Honorable Marshal.

Jaedren regretfully says, "Dearest Veylani, I'm sorry to hear your lava charm ate your face. Best wishes. Have a card."
Re: Guess at Reqs few titles 10/02/2009 09:26 AM CDT
>>Each have the requirement of 340 ranks of highest armor, or 70th circle (which really, you can't have one without the other).<<

Its possible, you could have the armor reqs for 70th circle without the primary weapon ranks for example and still get the titles.

I wish it wasn't a guessing game for titles. Any way we could get those title reqs posted by chance? :)

Banner first, ask questions later.
Re: Guess at Reqs few titles 10/02/2009 11:12 PM CDT
<< I'm guessing you must have MO for Honorable Marshal. >>

I am pretty sure Honorable Marshal has both a soul state and favor count requirement.