Paladin Guild Meeting- A Call to Action 02/22/2016 03:32 PM CST
In the spirit of unity, the Paladins of the Mentor Society will be hosting a new series of Paladin Guild meetings. Hosted in the Great Chamber of the Zoluren Paladin Guild, the first in this series is themed - A Call to Action. We look forward to seeing our fellow guild members there.


Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Paladin Guild Meeting- A Call to Action 02/28/2016 07:33 PM CST
Below is a log of this event.

Date: Chandu, 25 Ka'len 419 (2/28/2016)

[Paladins' Guild, The Great Chamber]
Tapestries and flickering torches line the walls of the circular meeting room. Eight sets of silverwood benches, arranged in ascending rows, face a central speaker's podium. The topmost row, a full three Tog-lengths above the main floor, sits at eye level with a large chandelier that hangs from the ceiling.
You also see a forged steel table with several things on it, some brass-bound ironwood doors and a winding ironwood staircase.
Also here: Gretae who is sitting, Guardian Lord Polarious, Sir Targhhryen who is sitting, Chrysagon, Gulnara who is sitting, Oakeyed who is sitting, Felicini who is sitting, Dishonorable Walcar, Mentor Isharon, Fleabit who is sitting, Caeiys who is sitting, Chief Marshal Penderrin and Mentor Leucius.
Obvious exits: none.

[19:11] Leucius says, "So all the important stuff."

[19:12] Leucius says, "Alrighty."

[19:13] Leucius says, "Before I start let me give a run down of how I'm aproaching this today."

[19:13] Leucius says, "First, ill be giving a chat on why we are here in the first place. What led me to these meetings."

[19:13] Walcar says, "I ask myself that all the time."

[19:14] Leucius says, "After that, providing you are all still awake I will go into the specifics on the Meetings going forward."

[19:14] Leucius says, "And if any are still here after that I will talk on other future plans."

[19:15] Leucius says, "Fortunatly our guild is is used to waiting forever for things."

[19:15] Leucius says, "So I fit right in."

[19:15] Chrysagon says, "Heh."

[19:15] Leucius says, "And with that, lets get started."

[19:15] Leucius says, "Please get comfortable."

[19:15] Leucius says, "Ish."

[19:16] Oakeyed kindly says, "Somene hands sticky sometime ago it seems."

[19:17] Leucius says, "First off, thank you for all coming."

[19:17] Leucius says, "Seeing so many Paladins in one place is.."

[19:17] Leucius says, "Nice."

[19:17] Leucius says, "Even you."

[19:17] Leucius says, "I'm going to start with a lil history on the Paladin Guild Meetings."

[19:18] Leucius says, "My Paladin Mentor Stephania did the first iteration the idea was to bring fellowship to the Guild through informative meetings. She felt in doing so it strengthened the Guild as a whole."

[19:18] Leucius says, "Once she had to move on Madigan picked up the reins and kept the meetings running, and in that form they continued for a couple of years."

[19:18] Leucius says, "The last version was run by myself I kept the basic style intact. We would have Paladin related news, a guest Speaker, if possible, a hunting area review, a trivia game throughout and we finished with casual conversation. These ran for years and were very well received."

[19:18] Leucius says, "Over the years, there have been inquiries about bringing them back. The general reaction has been to pass on them due to lack of interest."

[19:19] Leucius says, "They were considered worky to pull off and not something to just toss out lightly. And for the record, I'm one of the people who was choosing to pass on them."

[19:19] Leucius asks, "So the question then is why now?"

[19:19] Leucius asks, "The Guild has been pretty quiet for the last few years, and there are certainly fewer Paladins walking around than there used to be. If there was a lack of interest before and the Guild is even quieter now, what would lead me to want to start these over again now?"

[19:20] Leucius says, "This part is a bit personal."

[19:20] Leucius says, "I feel like there is a state of lethargy that has set upon our Guild."

[19:20] Leucius says, "Paladins are still advancing, the Guild Leaders still tell our members what they need to work on to improve, we listen, nod and head out to the fields to work on what they recommend."

[19:20] Leucius says, "But something is missing."

[19:20] Leucius says, "I've always envisioned Paladins as different than other Guilds."

[19:21] Leucius says, "Not simply because we choose to specialize our combat styles or have different magics."

[19:21] Leucius says, "I've always embraced our roles in the community as Defenders, as Teachers, and as Leaders."

[19:21] Leucius says, "It's my feeling that the Guild has gotten away from pressing us in these directions. There is much emphasis given to our roles as individuals and not all that much given to our position in the community."

[19:21] Leucius says, "Now bear in mind I'm not against taking our Guild leaders advice and heading out to train ourselves to the best of our ability. I feel that part of being a Paladin is pressing to be the best one can. I just also feel there is more."

[19:22] Leucius asks, "If we are defenders, Who do we defend?"

[19:22] Leucius asks, "Teachers? Who do we teach?"

[19:22] Leucius asks, "Leaders? Who do we lead?"

[19:22] Leucius says, "This brings me back to the community."

[19:23] Leucius says, "Lets talk a lil about our community these days."

[19:23] Leucius says, "In the past, there has always been bad guys, good guys, shades of grey guys and folks that just didn't care."

[19:23] Leucius says, "These days I feel like there are some good guys, some bad guys, a whole bunch of shades of grey guys and a brimming population of the just don't care folk."

[19:23] Leucius says, "I feel like that trend has affected our Guild significantly."

[19:24] Leucius says, "Because there is an abundance of folks that seemingly don't care about much, it's easier to fall more in line with that mode of thinking."

[19:24] Leucius says, "We nod at our Guild leaders and go about doing pretty much what everyone else does."

[19:24] Leucius says, "We are challenged to be good, but I don't feel we are challenged to be great."

[19:24] Leucius says, "Here's the rub for me."

[19:24] Leucius says, "While I think there are some Paladins who are great. I believe that there are quite a few that could be great but don't know how to go about getting there. If given a proper platform they would shine."

[19:25] Walcar says, "I'm great."

[19:25] Leucius says, "Personally, I've always believed in challenging people."

[19:25] Leucius says, "The world is full of talkers, people who say they are this or that but seldom actually deliver."

[19:25] Leucius says, "Or those that when they do come through, act like it's a massive undertaking and are let down to not get a chest full of medals for their accomplishments."

[19:25] Leucius says, "I prefer the fellow standing behind him, the one that does the same thing but considers it just part of the job. Those are the people I believe need to be spotlighted."

[19:26] Leucius says, "Without the challenge, and that platform, it can be hard to see those folks."

[19:26] Leucius says, "I have decided to offer the Guild meetings up as one of those platforms for our members to use."

[19:26] Leucius says, "I also ask for assistance from fellow Paladins who want to see the Guild aspire to greater things."

[19:26] Leucius says, "We are not going to improve our community living the lives of individuals. We need to be pushed."

[19:27] Leucius says, "And that, is what led me here."

[19:27] Leucius says, "Now, it seems a few of you are still awake so lets talk about the meetings themselves."

[19:28] Leucius says, "I'm going to pass on the old format, I don't feel like hunting area reviews serve much purpose."

[19:28] Leucius says, "I'm instead going to go with themed meetings."

[19:28] Leucius says, "We will cover Paladin news.."

[19:28] Leucius says, "No laughing."

[19:28] Leucius says, "Paladin events, still, no laughing."

[19:28] Chrysagon says, "News."

[19:29] Leucius says, "I know, crazy talk."

[19:29] Leucius says, "But I'm going to try it anyway."

[19:29] Leucius says, "Right now I'm looking at meeting every other month."

[19:29] Leucius says, "If I get a sense people are interested I'd move that up."

[19:29] Leucius says, "But we'll see."

[19:30] Leucius says, "This is a good turnout right here."

[19:30] Leucius says, "Our guild doesn't have the population it used to."

[19:30] Leucius says, "We can either bemoan that. Or do something."

[19:30] Leucius says, "I'm a terrible bemoaner so I came here."

[19:31] Oakeyed mutters something into the air about people prefer money than honor.

[19:31] Leucius says, "So I think my first question is..."

[19:31] Leucius asks, "How does all this sound?"

[19:31] Leucius says, "There is a good chance I'm just an old fool."

[19:31] Chrysagon says, "Sounds like an interesting idea."

[19:31] Leucius says, "And I'm missing the boat."

[19:32] Chrysagon says, "'i try to make isharons meetings when i can."

[19:32] Fleabit says, "Sounds good."

[19:32] Chrysagon says, "And seems walcar would throw a party now and then."

[19:32] Leucius says, "This will be different."

[19:32] Leucius says, "Isharon is more a teacher."

[19:32] Gulnara says, "This sounds as though it will be a boon. Unity is a little lacking here. I rarely meet other Paladins."

[19:32] Leucius says, "I'm more..I don't know, dull."

[19:32] Oakeyed kindly says, "Might i suggest a mentor program."

[19:32] Leucius says, "Well we've done something already then."

[19:32] Walcar says, "You've been swimming again."

[19:33] Leucius says, "We've done a Squire program before."

[19:33] Oakeyed kindly says, "I know of one in the room looking for a mentor."

[19:33] Leucius says, "It's been a while since we did one officially."

[19:34] Oakeyed kindly says, "I must admit i have benifited from great mentors."

[19:34] Leucius says, "I can quicky recomend not Walcar."

[19:34] Walcar says, "Depends on what they want to learn."

[19:34] Leucius says, "Well yes, there is that."

[19:34] Oakeyed kindly says, "Aye, light pockets fer one."

[19:34] Leucius says, "He's different, lets go with that."

[19:35] Leucius says, "So, in addition to the meetings I've lined up a few other things."

[19:35] Oakeyed kindly says, "Aye, differet id good, it makes the road a bit more bumpy."

[19:35] Leucius says, "Some of you may remember a few months ago I ran a Fete of banishment."

[19:35] Chrysagon says, "Hmm i missed that."

[19:35] Leucius says, "It was a Paladin led event decicated to fighting undead."

[19:36] Leucius says, "Tis fine, there will be more."

[19:36] Leucius says, "I will be running these with more regularity."

[19:36] Leucius says, "I've also decided to chage the name, make them more..."

[19:36] Leucius asks, "Inviting to the general populace?"

[19:37] Leucius says, "I'm leaning towards crusades."

[19:37] Leucius says, "They tend to carry weight."

[19:37] Leucius says, "So here it would be the Zoluren crusade."

[19:37] Leucius says, "I met with Luirlias last even to chat over the idea."

[19:37] Walcar asks, "What we going to invade?"

[19:37] Leucius says, "It turns out he likes it."

[19:37] Leucius says, "Undead."

[19:38] Leucius says, "Shocking I know."

[19:38] Walcar says, "The unalive can be fun."

[19:38] Leucius says, "I feel like these days necromancy and all it entails is a lil too comfey."

[19:38] Oakeyed kindly exclaims, "They hang out by the west gate, and in the empath guild...tis comfy eough for me!"

[19:38] Oakeyed kindly says, "Aye...can take more love than most."

[19:38] Leucius says, "We have evil wany to be princesses skipping about being all loud."

[19:39] Leucius says, "Team, good guy, not as loud."

[19:39] Leucius says, "I feel like that give the commuity the idea that most do not care."

[19:39] Leucius says, "Maybe so, but most is not all."

[19:40] Leucius says, "I feel if we step up and make ourselves heard with actions..."

[19:40] Leucius says, "The climate may change a lil."

[19:40] Leucius says, "We at least will be letting folks know we are willing to do something."

[19:40] Leucius says, "They can skip about, talking."

[19:40] Leucius says, "We will fight."

[19:41] Leucius says, "I'm also looking at a variety of combat styled events."

[19:41] Leucius says, "Specifically I feel like we as guild need to fight with others more."

[19:41] Oakeyed kindly says, "Is there a specific combat style we should focus on in general."

[19:42] Leucius says, "If we are to develop as leaders we need understand other fighters."

[19:42] Leucius says, "Yes."

[19:42] Walcar says to Leucius, "And ourselves."

[19:42] Leucius says, "I will put together set doubleteams."

[19:42] Leucius says, "Like..."

[19:42] Leucius says, "Paladins and empaths."

[19:43] Oakeyed kindly says, "No one even knows the VOS spell."

[19:43] Leucius says, "Each Paladin attending will team up with an Empath and head to an area both can handle."

[19:43] Polarious says, "I used to try an be Strong Pillar of the community but the force against me was to strong,."

[19:43] Polarious says, "I felt I didn't have any real chance against bully's and the like. Now I just keep quiet, stick to hunting and hope one day I'll be strong enough to actuallu do something about the injustices I see."

[19:43] Leucius says, "Then we can get first hand experiance."

[19:43] Leucius says, "It will help us, and the other Guilds."

[19:44] Leucius says, "And get that message out there. We are looking to help."

[19:44] Leucius says, "Just in our way."

[19:44] Leucius says, "I have specific other things lined up as well."

[19:44] Isharon says to Polarious, "You may not be able to take down a Necrolord, but remember that they were not born powerful. All threats are small at first. Focus on what is within the reach of your sword."

[19:44] Leucius says, "Paladins Passing..."

[19:44] Leucius says, "Right."

[19:45] Gulnara says to Polarious, "Sometimes the best direction one may offer others is strength of character and something to galvanize others into action."

[19:45] Leucius says, "One thing to know about me. I value people for what they can give."

[19:45] Leucius says, "I'm not wrapped up in circles and skills."

[19:45] Leucius says, "I also value teamwork."

[19:45] Walcar says, "Or you can always embrace the other side."

[19:45] Leucius says, "I'm chalk full of weaknesses, so I need people that can help me."

[19:46] Leucius says, "And you can keep dreaming that dream."

[19:46] Walcar says, "Rambling speeches being one."

[19:46] Leucius says, "Oh yes."

[19:46] Leucius says, "I can do the blah blah just fine."

[19:46] Leucius says, "And really, thats it."

[19:47] Leucius says, "Consider this an open forum from here."

[19:47] Leucius says, "Or, you can collectivly run screaming."

[19:47] Leucius says, "Either or."

[19:47] Chrysagon says, "Well hit on a lot of topics."

[19:48] Chrysagon says, "Was encouraged to see this meeting listed."

[19:48] Leucius says, "This meeting was an opening really."

[19:48] Leucius says, "I've been working on it for..."

[19:48] Leucius says, "A year? basically."

[19:49] Leucius says, "I don't like diving into things half hearted."

[19:49] Leucius says, "Nor doing things other do not believe in."

[19:49] Leucius says, "I can amuse myself just fine without being worky too."

[19:49] Leucius asks, "So questions?"

[19:49] Leucius asks, "Comments? Thrown veggies?"

[19:50] Chrysagon says, "So a pally puff team up."

[19:50] Chrysagon says, "Sounds useful for both."

[19:50] Gulnara asks, "What is the role you envision for inexperienced Paladins throughout these meetings?"

[19:50] Isharon asks Leucius, "What sorts of themes do you have in mind for future meetings?"

[19:50] Leucius says, "I'd like a meet and greet."

[19:50] Leucius says, "I feel like we are a Guild built on more than others."

[19:51] Leucius says, "People don't join our guil willy nilly."

[19:51] Chrysagon says, "Ah, did see karissa last eve."

[19:51] Isharon says to Walcar, "Your beloved already gave me one."

[19:51] Leucius says, "We are not the Guild those..."

[19:51] Leucius says, "Which Guild is the best types join."

[19:51] Leucius says, "We usualy have a point."

[19:51] Chrysagon says, "So how long has the main hall been so quiet."

[19:51] Isharon says to Chrysagon, "For years."

[19:52] Leucius says, "I think it would be handy for folks to share such."

[19:52] Isharon says to Chrysagon, "I have not seen unscheduled gatherings there since I was an untried squire."

[19:52] Leucius says, "Let Guildmates know what drove them."

[19:52] Leucius says, "Maybe inspire new folks."

[19:52] Leucius says, "Very nice."

[19:52] Chrysagon says, "Used to be a merry place."

[19:52] Leucius says, "Maybe a chat on Pathways."

[19:52] Chrysagon says, "And team up with other paladins to go on patrol so to speak."

[19:53] Leucius says, "Different Paladins follow different Gods sometimes."

[19:53] Leucius says, "I think it might be interestng to hear examples."

[19:53] Gretae hesitantly exclaims to Leucius something in Haakish.

[19:53] Leucius says, "From more than just Walcar."

[19:53] Leucius says, "I like hearing other folks ideas on things."

[19:54] Leucius says, "I'm a very basic fellow it turns out."

[19:54] Leucius says, "I also think."

[19:54] Leucius says, "Dispalying our personalities as more than clanky armor..would be handy."

[19:54] Leucius says, "Folsk like to typecast. I understand that. I do that."

[19:54] Leucius says, "But we are more."

[19:54] Leucius says, "I think we cah show it."

[19:55] Leucius says, "In the least we can show it to each other."

[19:55] Leucius says, "So what I'd ask from you now is to keep an eye out on futore events."

[19:55] Leucius says, "Support what is out there."

[19:55] Leucius says, "For that matter look around the room."

[19:56] Leucius says, "Support those that believe in what we are talking about."

[19:56] Leucius says, "Alone, we can only do so much."

[19:56] Leucius says, "Together we can be more."

[19:57] Leucius says, "As an aside, I'm quite open to suggestions."

[19:57] Leucius says, "And if you think of something you'd like to pitch at me later, don't hesitate to pull me aside."

[19:57] Leucius says, "I'll listen to anything."

[19:58] Fleabit says, "Have you talked with the Clerics guild? seems they would make good allies."

[19:58] Chrysagon says, "Good idea."

[19:58] Leucius says, "I met with Liurilias last eve."

[19:58] Fleabit says, "Maybe instead of a duo have a trio? empath cleric and Pal."

[19:58] Leucius says, "He was disapointed this meeting was Paladin only."

[19:58] Isharon says, "Liurilias is also the Grand Inquisitor."

[19:59] Chrysagon says, "Aye he got my weapons blessed back up the other day."

[19:59] Leucius says, "I had quite a few non Paladins ask to sit in."

[19:59] Leucius says, "I declined. I want this to be about us."

[19:59] Fleabit says, "Oh."

[19:59] Leucius says, "Tis nice they are interested, but I wanted to talk to Paladins."

[19:59] Leucius says, "We can spread this about ourselves."

[19:59] Isharon says to Leucius, "Perhaps when we are ready to plan for some of these 'crusades,' as you call them, we could open the meeting to the like-minded public or co-host with the Inquisition."

[20:00] Leucius says, "I will do that automatically."

[20:00] Leucius says, "Necromancers like to stir pots at such."

[20:00] Isharon says, "Though meetings on such topics that are totally open to the public often attract troublemakers, in my experience."

[20:00] Chrysagon says, "True."

[20:00] Fleabit says, "I guess I think more inclusively ... I think they and the empaths ... even just a few selected reps would add a lot."

[20:01] Leucius says, "I agree."

[20:01] Leucius says, "Part of this is people talking to each other."

[20:01] Isharon says, "I would say speak with your friends and find out who is of like mind, to spread the word privately."

[20:01] Leucius says, "It's something thats gone out of style some."

[20:02] Leucius says, "There are many that won't care."

[20:02] Leucius says, "I treat them the same really, give what one gets."

[20:02] Leucius says, "I don't worry on them. I care about the folks that do."

[20:02] Leucius says, "Tis my advice to all. Otherwise it can feel a lil oppressive."

[20:02] Fleabit says, "I don't know many paladins ... just Caeiys and he is here ... and some people I have seen in empaths or rangers like Qik or Qiv or something like that."

[20:03] Leucius says, "Yes, our Guild is light."

[20:03] Chrysagon says, "Qij i think."

[20:03] Leucius says, "But it doesn't have to be."

[20:03] Isharon says, "Or at least spread too thin across the Realms."

[20:03] Fleabit says, "Yes Qij."

[20:03] Caeiys softly says, "Its always been light in my memory and i remember long ago."

[20:03] Leucius says, "And we don't meet."

[20:03] Leucius says, "Yes."

[20:03] Caeiys softly says, "Way long."

[20:04] Leucius says, "I'm not too caring about goddly numbers."

[20:04] Leucius says, "I am fine with a small group of dedicated folk."

[20:04] Fleabit asks, "Is Tyx a paladin?"

[20:04] Gulnara asks, "There is value in intra-guild cooperation. We were founded as a fellowship and a banding together of sisters and brothers of a like mind, were we not?"

[20:04] Chrysagon says, "A barb."

[20:04] Fleabit says, "Oh."

[20:04] Leucius says, "To me they can achieve more than a gaggle of drooling folks at the west gate."

[20:04] Fleabit says, "He is honorable so I thought maybe."

[20:04] Chrysagon says, "But has a touch of the paladin in him i think."

[20:04] Leucius says, "We were."

[20:05] Leucius says, "I also though see how easy it is to have gotten away from that."

[20:05] Leucius says, "We are not really encouraged to do so."

[20:05] Leucius says, "At some point we need just do it."

[20:05] Leucius says, "And to me, tis easier to do when you know there are others interested as well."

[20:06] Leucius says, "Feels less.."

[20:06] Leucius asks, "Futile?"

[20:06] Leucius says, "Isharons advice was good..."

[20:06] Leucius says, "And easy start is to start chatting this up with folks you know."

[20:06] Leucius says, "See where they stand."

[20:06] Leucius says, "See who might be interested in more."

[20:07] Leucius says, "I suspect there are more out there, just waiting."

[20:07] Leucius says, "They prolly don't even know for what."

[20:07] Leucius says, "Even you."

[20:08] Leucius asks, "Any other thoughts?"

[20:08] Chrysagon says, "Well spars you mentioned."

[20:08] Gretae hesitantly says something in Haakish.

[20:08] Leucius says, "Not spars really."

[20:08] Leucius says, "Hunting sessions."

[20:08] Gretae hesitantly says, "Gretae."

[20:08] Leucius says, "Leucius."

[20:08] Isharon says, "Though there are places to learn how to duel if that interests you."

[20:08] Leucius says, "Absolutly."

[20:08] Gretae hesitantly says, "No Common speech."

[20:09] Gretae hesitantly says, "Father Paladin. My... I? I want. Paladin. Teacher Paladin."

[20:09] Leucius says, "A Dwarf aye."

[20:09] Leucius asks, "Do you know any older dwarven paldins?"

[20:09] Leucius says, "Redarch was my go to for years."

[20:10] Isharon says to Leucius, "I knew Semgrey when I was a squire."

[20:10] Leucius says, "Tis tough."

[20:10] Leucius says, "We will look for one."

[20:10] Isharon says to Leucius, "I have seen some Dwarven Paladins but not known many."

[20:10] Leucius says, "Same here."

[20:10] Leucius says, "A few Gnomes as well."

[20:11] Leucius says, "Poor guys."

[20:11] Leucius asks, "Qij is a Paladin?"

[20:11] Chrysagon says, "Seems i have heard one speak of that."

[20:11] Elfverhan asks, "Was not the commander of Raven Point a Paladin?"

[20:11] Leucius asks, "Why did I think him a Moon mage?"

[20:11] Leucius says, "Oh yes."

[20:11] Isharon says, "Qij has been a Paladin at times, but he has been many other things as well."

[20:12] Leucius says, "He didn't speak common either."

[20:12] Fleabit says, "Yes Qij."

[20:12] Leucius says, "It made our meetings a lil harsh."

[20:12] Fleabit says, "He almost killed my sister by accident."

[20:12] Gulnara says, "Uthgaar is a good and honorable Dwarven Paladin as well, if a bit...gassy."

[20:12] Fleabit says, "But he was sorry and dragged her to be healed."

[20:13] Leucius says, "At one point we had an interpetor that was fibbing."

[20:13] Leucius says, "That was adventurous."

[20:13] Fleabit says, "Tho since she is an empath and very capable of healing herself twas useless."

[20:13] Leucius says, "He's a lil rash sometimes."

[20:13] Leucius says, "Means well generally."

[20:13] Leucius says, "Gnomes you know."

[20:14] Leucius says, "Not always think first types."

[20:14] Leucius says, "Uthgaar is..different."

[20:14] Chrysagon says, "Just say nice things about eluned around qij."

[20:14] Leucius says, "And be patient."

[20:15] Leucius says, "Repeat Gnome over and over in your head."

[20:15] Leucius says, "Different however isn't bad."

[20:15] Leucius says, "Just different."

[20:15] Leucius says, "I tend to like different."

[20:16] Leucius says, "Alrighty, I think we are set here then."

[20:16] Leucius says, "Thank you all for coming."

[20:16] Chrysagon says, "Aye was nice to see so many."

[20:16] Elfverhan says, "Thank you kindly for the information."

[20:16] Leucius says, "Certainly."

[20:17] Chrysagon says, "I am around the guild a lot."

[20:17] Leucius says, "Always good to see you."

[20:17] Chrysagon says, "I find some talkative and others not."

[20:17] Leucius says, "One of my weaknesses is not talking."

[20:18] Chrysagon says, "So every other month."

[20:18] Gulnara says, "I thank you for having this meeting. I await to see what comes of it."

[20:18] Chrysagon says, "And isharon does teaching twice a month."

[20:18] Fleabit says, "Ok."

[20:18] Chrysagon says, "I think there is one coming up."

[20:20] Chrysagon says, "I tend to hang out in the training room nice mana there."

[20:20] Leucius says, "Not many stay in the Guildhall anymore."

[20:20] Isharon says, "Only once now due to low turnout."

[20:20] Leucius says, "Lets see what happens from here."

[20:20] Chrysagon says, "I had to miss the last one i belive."

[20:21] Caeiys softly says, "If im in the crossing i open my boxes in the armory."

[20:21] Fleabit says, "Thanks for the class Isharon."

[20:21] Isharon says to Fleabit, "You're welcome."

[20:21] Leucius says, "Enjoy the day."

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

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Re: Paladin Guild Meeting- A Call to Action 03/01/2016 02:46 PM CST
A shame I missed that. Been on a bit of a break. As I get back into things, count me in on these events.

True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.