Smite Horde full target time working as intended? 11/15/2019 02:34 PM CST
I have a little tool that replicates the Stormfront preparation bar in Genie, and it works on knowing how much time a spell ought to take to prep, so I pay pretty close attention to spell prep times. I'm curious Smite Horde is working as intended, as it seems to be anomalous compared to other spells.

My expected calculations (which are, AFAIK accurate for all other TM spells) look like this:

base: 10 seconds
faster targeting: - 2 seconds
multishot spell: +4 seconds
AoE spell: +4 seconds
hiding spells without silent prep: +1 second

According to my expectations, SMH would have a full target time of 18 seconds, absent feats or hiding spells. However, in actuality, SMH has a full target time of roughly 22 seconds, which is an extra 4 seconds I can't account for. Is this working as intended? Possibly a price of a magic tert getting an AoE spell?

- Saragos
Re: Smite Horde full target time working as intended? 11/15/2019 03:29 PM CST
The base targeting time for multishot AoE is 22 seconds, yes.

GM Grejuva
Re: Smite Horde full target time working as intended? 11/15/2019 05:39 PM CST
Ok, thanks for the response, Grejuva!

- Saragos