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Re: Lead and groups 10/05/2009 10:27 PM CDT
<<Lead ~ Any chance Lead can be reviewed to work if you arn't the party leader and remove the need to be at melee? I'm finding frequent situations where the ability would be nice while serving with the ODS, but rarely am I leading my hunting group. Aso I may not be the one at melee as I am guarding key individuals.>>

IMO LEAD should be just that leading, the requirement that they be the leader of the group makes sense. If you are in a group in a combat situation and the current leader is not a Paladin, simply have the disband the group and join you. I have never had this problem, even though the "leader" or "person in charge" is not mean, the bonus to lead is too good to pass up and the "leader" not allowing the ranking Paladin in the group to "lead" is failure in their leadership. As for the melee requirement, I also think it should remain, use protect instead of guard.

<< Another key problem is that someone leading a group of people cannot care for others well via "drag" as it sends the group into chaos at the loss of their leader; A niche ability for paladins and drag might also be neat. >>

If your leading it should be someone elses responsability to drag. Dragging is typically given to younger folks who cannot fight the foes effectively, or have stealth advantage, a Paladin retreating to drag is not an effective use of a Paladins abilities. See someone stunned? protect them and keep on leading.

Just my opinion on the matter. LEAD should require you to be leading, and it should also require you to actually be involved in combat.
Re: Lead and groups 10/06/2009 07:47 AM CDT
>>Lead ~ Any chance Lead can be reviewed to work if you arn't the party leader and remove the need to be at melee? <<

I think this makes sense. There are plenty of cases in group combat where the person moving the group around is not leading the group in a tactical sense. DR groups move more like vehicles (a driver and a navigator) than infantry units anyway.

This would make Lead a lot more viable in invasion situations.

- Mazrian

The Flying Company
Re: Lead and groups 10/06/2009 11:44 AM CDT
>>Just my opinion on the matter. LEAD should require you to be leading, and it should also require you to actually be involved in combat.

I think there are many ways to lead a group, in fact most generals are not on the front lines commanding their troops, but at a distance so they can effectively react to the ever changing battle scenarios.

That being said, I would agree that you shouldn't have to be at melee, but that you should be the group leader. Further, it is probably much easier to code the ability based on group leadership.
Re: Lead and groups 10/08/2009 10:53 PM CDT
Nothing worse then having lead end early because I kill everything that gets to pole range on me in one strike.

Active combat shouldn't be required to maintain LEAD. beinging the leader of the group does make it easier to discern when leading would become available. It should linger long enough to reform groups if the group does get scattered.

LEAD should greatly increase fear resistance.
Self Lead 02/10/2010 03:48 PM CST
any chance for Lead to be used without a group or with non group mechanics of some sort?
Re: Self Lead 02/10/2010 04:28 PM CST
"Hey me, do this!"
"Agreed, me! Excellent idea!"
Re: Self Lead 02/10/2010 05:12 PM CST
I'd be all for it being renamed Inspiration or whatnot, and have it work that way. 98% of DR solo hunts: Group hunting really doesn't work out as efficiently (A shame, because company is nice.)


"What is the worth of one man's honor?"
Re: Self Lead 02/10/2010 05:45 PM CST
I really hope/trust that a lot of what Dart is doing with combat is going to make group hunting (and group combat in general) far more viable.

Squire Xalahai Zayasero, Player of
"This idea may have worked in another time and another place, but here it immediately fell on its face and went 'Durp durp.'" - Armifer
Re: Self Lead 02/10/2010 10:47 PM CST
<< I really hope/trust that a lot of what Dart is doing with combat is going to make group hunting (and group combat in general) far more viable. >>


Heck, even something as simple conceptually as the more robust squelching system he mentioned at one point would go a long way toward making things better.


"What is the worth of one man's honor?"
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 11:11 AM CST
Ok, I'll admit up front that I only scanned the folders quickly, so if this has been asked and answered, I apologize.

Two part question, really: Is there a penalty of any kind when lead drops? And does lead affect Barbs negatively?


A gestalt draugen swipes a hooked leonine claw at Silus. The claw lands a solid hit that cuts deeply into his groin!
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 11:16 AM CST
<< Two part question, really: Is there a penalty of any kind when lead drops? And does lead affect Barbs negatively? >>

No and no.

Lead isnt magic, no reason it should affect Barbs in any way but good ways.
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 11:27 AM CST
I don't know why I replied instead of posting a new topic.

I used lead not long ago with a barb in my group. He noticed a significant difference in what he's used to immediately after it dropped. Both offensively and defensively. That's why I asked. He tried logging out and back in with no improvement, then eventually died (because he couldn't hit what he hunts daily). It seemed to be fine after the death.


A gestalt draugen swipes a hooked leonine claw at Silus. The claw lands a solid hit that cuts deeply into his groin!
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 11:31 AM CST
<< I used lead not long ago with a barb in my group. He noticed a significant difference in what he's used to immediately after it dropped. Both offensively and defensively. That's why I asked. He tried logging out and back in with no improvement, then eventually died (because he couldn't hit what he hunts daily). It seemed to be fine after the death. >>

Maybe there is an obscure bug that causes lead to conflict with some dance he was doing? I have no idea, but lead should not have caused this and I have not ever heard of anything like that happening before (hence if its a bug, its gotta be pretty rare).
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 01:40 PM CST
Just don't try to lead when you have a bad soul, Very Bad Things happen after the first warning (i.e. you fall stunned to the ground and drop whatever you were holding).

Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 01:48 PM CST

Maybe, he was just weaksauce after the lead wore off.

Banner first, ask questions later.
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 01:53 PM CST
Hehe, I've never tried without soul. I'll stay away from that.

Weak is a possibility of course, it was just odd because it's somewhere he hunts all the time and he noticed a marked difference after it dropped from what he's used to. Not a huge deal (well, not to me...hehe), was just curious if anyone had experienced it before.


A gestalt draugen swipes a hooked leonine claw at Silus. The claw lands a solid hit that cuts deeply into his groin!
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 02:18 PM CST
I had dragon dance up during and after lead wore off. I can dance with those dragon priest assassins with no issues, even if dances are not up. Even after disarming them, with dragon dance up, several minutes after the incident, i was getting hit and missing, or hitting very weakly. Normally, disarming them and swinging on them results in one hit kills or close to it. No damaged armor, stance was fine, all gear was on, no burden issues. During our hunt before lead dropped, everything was fine. Something bugged.
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 02:39 PM CST
<< I had dragon dance up during and after lead wore off. I can dance with those dragon priest assassins with no issues, even if dances are not up. Even after disarming them, with dragon dance up, several minutes after the incident, i was getting hit and missing, or hitting very weakly. Normally, disarming them and swinging on them results in one hit kills or close to it. No damaged armor, stance was fine, all gear was on, no burden issues. During our hunt before lead dropped, everything was fine. Something bugged. >>

Wernt assassins recently changed from a FLEX critter to a static level? Any chance the issue you saw coincided with that? Neither of you were very clear on how long ago this happened.
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 02:42 PM CST
2 hours ago, roughly.
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 02:44 PM CST
Yeah, sorry, 'not long ago' was pretty vague. It had just happened today and he hunts there daily.


A gestalt draugen swipes a hooked leonine claw at Silus. The claw lands a solid hit that cuts deeply into his groin!
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 02:50 PM CST
Ah, its not the assassins then (unless some GM just happened to be tweaking at the same time, but I doubt it). If there is an issue with lead though, I dont think its a general issue, or this complaint would be commonly heard. I suspect there was some other factor that was not playing nice with lead. I am very curious, have you tried to reproduce it? If you can reproduce it then nagging the GMs to fix it might be easier.

I assume the barb didnt have some hindering spell cast on him at some point, a barb that can hunt assassins would be tough to cast on and I am sure he would have noticed.
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 02:54 PM CST
After I died, everything was back to normal. There was something going on, but not really sure what. Thanks for the suggestions.
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 03:01 PM CST
You should die again and try to figure this out.

-Mr. Glemm
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 03:04 PM CST
lol...no, I couldn't cast anything that would've affected him. There was a cleric there as well but he said the same, his magic was ineffective.


A gestalt draugen swipes a hooked leonine claw at Silus. The claw lands a solid hit that cuts deeply into his groin!
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 03:07 PM CST
Did he recently run through a hunting area? The fear effect granted by Demrris' Resolve (and I think some roars) has been known to bug out and give a super penalty to everything combat that takes forever to wear off.


Bringing sexy back just for you Devan.
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 03:09 PM CST
We were stationary in that hunting ground for well over a half hour. The only grounds we ran through were gryphons, shalswar, and zealots.
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 03:12 PM CST
<< Did he recently run through a hunting area? The fear effect granted by Demrris' Resolve (and I think some roars) has been known to bug out and give a super penalty to everything combat that takes forever to wear off. >>

A good theory, but wouldnt it take a huge bard to pull this off on a barb who hunts assassins? I am guessing he is at least 125th or so.

But no need to die to reproduce this. Do the lead thing, when it wears off go take a few swings at the assassins real quick to see if your "broke" again, and if so, assist and let a GM "look" at you.
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 03:15 PM CST
<<A good theory, but wouldnt it take a huge bard to pull this off on a barb who hunts assassins? I am guessing he is at least 125th or so.

Not sure. I'm just basing this off of a complaint Vinjince made not too long ago where he ran through Gryphons on the way to... shalswar (I think?) and got hit by a Resolve which screwed him over.


Bringing sexy back just for you Devan.
Re: Self Lead 01/26/2011 07:44 PM CST
Let me tell you that a resolve has done me in for very long periods of time. It is really a nasty thing if it catches you. Not sure what the bug is, but I could not shake it for a long time.

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