I was thinking about it, and due to the recent tweaks Lead was severly downsized to a small portion of it's former self.
While we cannot plead to change the global caps to make it increase our basic skill anymore, I suggest Lead have other affects along with it's current ones. Some ideas may include:
-Automatic Anti-Stun for the duration of the ability
-Automatic Trothfang's Rally every 20 seconds of the ability
-Everything within melee range of the Paladin cannot retreat
-No targetting or aiming at the Paladin(Auto Glyph of Ward, of sorts.)
These are just a few ideas I'm tossing around. The effects could be group-based or Paladin-based, of course, I'm just using these as examples. Everybody pool together and come up with good suggestions. Let's really push this one, guys! I know everybody here would like lead to be effective again.
Maece, do you think a lead boost would be possible? I think the whole guild is having a difficult time buying into our new lead.. leaders should be able to lead effectively in combat, I'd say.
Re: Lead; let's make it our defining ability again.
03/20/2003 10:59 PM CST
Nice idea. Rather than complain about what we "lost" (which we didn't use that much anyway, even before the cap), let's come up with ideas to "add" to Lead to make it "group-combat useful" again.
Might I also ask Rod to consider making Lead add a "boost" to our upcoming defensive and offensive "combat maneuvers"?
I.E. defensive combat maneuver gives X boost to defensive skills. If LEAD is invoked while that maneuver is up, we get X+1 boost to it? Meaning, lead boosts our followers.. but if we lead while using the maneuver(s), we get that little bit better than our followers.
How best to inspire followers? By being the meanest killer in the group against the thing yer fighting.. setting up the followers to hit the things on the leader's flanks, while the attackers are busy fighting for their lives against us.
Maybe that's another new "aspect" of Lead. Using it and becoming a "shining beacon", means the critters are drawn to you also, allowing the followers to attack the flanks and saving us from having to back up quickly to save that one follower that got smacked and stunned? Sure there's a larger risk of us dying, being ganged up on like this, but that seems an appropriate cost to inspiring our followers and letting them get the advantage of flanking attacks.
Might I also ask Rod to consider making Lead add a "boost" to our upcoming defensive and offensive "combat maneuvers"?
I.E. defensive combat maneuver gives X boost to defensive skills. If LEAD is invoked while that maneuver is up, we get X+1 boost to it? Meaning, lead boosts our followers.. but if we lead while using the maneuver(s), we get that little bit better than our followers.
How best to inspire followers? By being the meanest killer in the group against the thing yer fighting.. setting up the followers to hit the things on the leader's flanks, while the attackers are busy fighting for their lives against us.
Maybe that's another new "aspect" of Lead. Using it and becoming a "shining beacon", means the critters are drawn to you also, allowing the followers to attack the flanks and saving us from having to back up quickly to save that one follower that got smacked and stunned? Sure there's a larger risk of us dying, being ganged up on like this, but that seems an appropriate cost to inspiring our followers and letting them get the advantage of flanking attacks.
Re: Lead; let's make it our defining ability again.
03/21/2003 12:15 AM CST
Great idea Redarch, I especially like the one that makes us the biggest target of the opponent's. Let's keep em coming, guys.
Re: Lead; let's make it our defining ability again.
03/21/2003 08:39 AM CST
I especially like the one that makes us the biggest target of the opponent's. Let's keep em coming, guys.
I agree 100% and I support any ideas for any abilities that use this principal... We are Paladins... we make sacrifices to protect others... that could be one way we do it...
I agree 100% and I support any ideas for any abilities that use this principal... We are Paladins... we make sacrifices to protect others... that could be one way we do it...
Re: Lead; let's make it our defining ability again.
03/22/2003 08:56 PM CST
With global caps what they are, with "parity" being the buzzword these days, perhaps it's time to ditch Lead and think of something different?
Can anything really be done with lead that wouldnt infringe on caps? Can Lead be changed in such a way that it's still thought of as "leading" and work under the new systems?
Perhaps we as paladins need to come up with a new guild defining ability that would be special to us and truly define what it means to be a paladin
just a thought
It wont heal if you dont stop picking at it.
Can anything really be done with lead that wouldnt infringe on caps? Can Lead be changed in such a way that it's still thought of as "leading" and work under the new systems?
Perhaps we as paladins need to come up with a new guild defining ability that would be special to us and truly define what it means to be a paladin
just a thought
It wont heal if you dont stop picking at it.