Me 76th still 40 disc and 33 charisma, Heavy edge 299
I figured they were 60-65 level critter which puts them at 320-350 in weapon skill going to assume their defences are in that range as well.
Without lead i cant touch them they evade most of my attacks while only the occasional parry. They dont really hit me much untill they get positon from my missing.
With a lead without using MO they evade half and parry half with the occasional hit 1 in 10 maybe
Lead with MO im able to hit them with some effort and will kill them eventually but takes much longer then id like.
Lead with MO and RW able to kill them in a respectable amount of time but still wish i had another 20 ranks of weapons first.
No lead and RW able to kill them in a respectable amount of time.
Anyone else see the problem with that last sentance?