Michael draws himself to full height, rallying you with righteous confidence as he charges into battle like a star blazing through a midnight sky!
You are roused by his fearless leadership!
MO up 1 person in group
seems to be no too bad so far
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 05:56 AM CST
>>Michael draws himself to full height, rallying you with righteous confidence as he charges into battle like a star blazing through a midnight sky!
You are roused by his fearless leadership!
>> up 1 person in group
>>seems to be no too bad so far
Try it without MO though, heard it really sucks without it, which means those of us that haven't reached 50th yet might as well not even bother with leading from the sounds of things. So far anyhow.
You are roused by his fearless leadership!
>> up 1 person in group
>>seems to be no too bad so far
Try it without MO though, heard it really sucks without it, which means those of us that haven't reached 50th yet might as well not even bother with leading from the sounds of things. So far anyhow.
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 06:32 AM CST
Has anyone been able to get anything besides the hardly inspiring squire message when leading without MO cast?
For Rutilor and Honor
For Rutilor and Honor
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 07:51 AM CST
I'm still wondering why MO doesn't increase lead's duration now. :\
And what are these preps of MO people are doing to go from hardly anything to 'super duper lead power'.
And what are these preps of MO people are doing to go from hardly anything to 'super duper lead power'.
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 09:55 AM CST
From what im seeing, I think the duration needs to be boosted to about 15-20 minutes, atleast to last as long as MO does or maybe a tad bit longer. Thats the one thing Ive noticed, Seems to be about a 100 rank boost to offense and maybe 75 rank boost to defense. Perhaps even a multi boost or something. Either that or somewhat of a boost to reflex and agility. But the biggest thing now is the Lead time.
During an invasion, I can tell you that we need to be able to lead longer then 8 minutes.. whats that about? picture this. We are sitting in battle. ok.. a few people die eh? well.. there goes the 8 minutes well damn. lead already dropped? oh well lets pull back and let me find a good mana room to cast Marshals Order in.. just imagine those people in the group being like whats going on.. why are we leaving the area? and then leaving the group to go fight alone cuz the Paladin moves to quick and who's lead dont last long. 15-20 minutse though in length would be nice. More testing to come, but the biggest thing that needs CHANGED now is the length of the lead. 15-20 minutes depending on marshals order, or a little bit longer then Marshals Order. I would say this change is non Negoiatable, It needs to be done.
Sir Gottimus
During an invasion, I can tell you that we need to be able to lead longer then 8 minutes.. whats that about? picture this. We are sitting in battle. ok.. a few people die eh? well.. there goes the 8 minutes well damn. lead already dropped? oh well lets pull back and let me find a good mana room to cast Marshals Order in.. just imagine those people in the group being like whats going on.. why are we leaving the area? and then leaving the group to go fight alone cuz the Paladin moves to quick and who's lead dont last long. 15-20 minutse though in length would be nice. More testing to come, but the biggest thing that needs CHANGED now is the length of the lead. 15-20 minutes depending on marshals order, or a little bit longer then Marshals Order. I would say this change is non Negoiatable, It needs to be done.
Sir Gottimus
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 09:58 AM CST
Personally, I'm guessing that the 'adding time to lead' part of MO was accidentally left out.
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 10:16 AM CST
thats fine.. just make it right.. 15-20 minute leads.. think thats not asking for much.
Sir Gottimus
Sir Gottimus
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 10:25 AM CST
In any case, LEAD used to be a viable ability usable by paladins of almost all levels. As it is, I see that we magic terts must cast a magic spell in order for our ability to really work at all. I don't really like that notion.
If we carry through with that idea, will we one day need to cast a spell upon ourselves to effectively trace a glyph? I don't mind a spell that boosts an already usable ability, but requiring a spell to make our ability even worthwhile is absolutely frustrating.
I'd really hate to be less that 50th circle these days. I mean, I would really hate it.
I do lobby that these changes be rethought. I doubt its anyone's true intent to neuter all paladins under 50th circle, but "hardly inspiring" certainly does not speak of any significant boost of level of combat prowess.
Humm Breaux
If we carry through with that idea, will we one day need to cast a spell upon ourselves to effectively trace a glyph? I don't mind a spell that boosts an already usable ability, but requiring a spell to make our ability even worthwhile is absolutely frustrating.
I'd really hate to be less that 50th circle these days. I mean, I would really hate it.
I do lobby that these changes be rethought. I doubt its anyone's true intent to neuter all paladins under 50th circle, but "hardly inspiring" certainly does not speak of any significant boost of level of combat prowess.
Humm Breaux
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 10:31 AM CST
Valid points, but this ability needs to be 15-20 minutes, thats non negotiable. 4-8 minutes is just plain worthless.. I mean what during an invasion or war. would would kill how many attackers? 2 or 3 in a 8 minute time period.. they would still be attacking and lead would drop.. and of course the paladin would have to run back to kingdom come to cast MO again. So how does one suggest going about making last 15-20 minutes long like it should be then?
Sir Gottimus
Sir Gottimus
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 11:10 AM CST
<<If we carry through with that idea, will we one day need to cast a spell upon ourselves to effectively trace a glyph?>>
Yeah this kind of makes me laugh (not a gleefull laugh). We are told we are NOT a magic guild, our spells are downtweaked to reflect this. Now for our glyphs to be useful we have to cast a spell prior to using it. Someone either failed a logic class, or really dropped the ball on this one...
--Just a Squire
Yeah this kind of makes me laugh (not a gleefull laugh). We are told we are NOT a magic guild, our spells are downtweaked to reflect this. Now for our glyphs to be useful we have to cast a spell prior to using it. Someone either failed a logic class, or really dropped the ball on this one...
--Just a Squire
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 12:09 PM CST
Yup after sleeping on it i agree the way MO effects lead right now needs to go away. The old lead seemed to give the same boost with or without MO but the MO made it last much longer. It should be put back that way or lead is pointless before 50th. As it stands now this ability does not grow well with the paladin. For so many limitations the time it lasts is not worth the soul hit.
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 12:17 PM CST
Honestly, considering that EVERYONE is getting the lowest level lead, I'm sure Damissak just forgot to put in a plus sign or something for one of the equations.
I highly doubt this is a "We have to have MO up now to work" thing, and more a "We forgot to include a check" thing.
I highly doubt this is a "We have to have MO up now to work" thing, and more a "We forgot to include a check" thing.
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 12:23 PM CST
Thats fine im just posting my observations and opinions based on what i have to test. If thats the case im sure he will read it and say oops lemme fix that here guys try it again.
Re: new lead
01/17/2003 01:02 PM CST
>>If thats the case im sure he will read it and say oops lemme fix that here guys try it again.
Actually, it will be more like someone else read it and tells him.
And yeah, I will put my vote in with Humm on this one, requiring MO to have a fairly decent lead is faulty logic.
And to our Guild GM's. Can we please get something done about our current status? Can the two of you get together and work on a "Book of Paladin" where certain limitations and advantages are somewhat outlined? A la Magic I would say. Like Lennon said, it's difficult to keep a straight face when we are penalized magic-wise but are required to use magic to use our unique ability.
"Embraced by Tenemlor"
Actually, it will be more like someone else read it and tells him.
And yeah, I will put my vote in with Humm on this one, requiring MO to have a fairly decent lead is faulty logic.
And to our Guild GM's. Can we please get something done about our current status? Can the two of you get together and work on a "Book of Paladin" where certain limitations and advantages are somewhat outlined? A la Magic I would say. Like Lennon said, it's difficult to keep a straight face when we are penalized magic-wise but are required to use magic to use our unique ability.
"Embraced by Tenemlor"
Yeah. aka Re: new lead
01/17/2003 07:43 PM CST
I haven't tried the new lead out lately, but if it's as bad as you say... I'm a 22nd paladin with around 16 charisma, 16 disc, and well... I'm afraid...
And I'm angry! We as Paladins get lead as our first gift. And now it's useless until we get to 50th??!!! That's not right! The Path of the Paladin is the path of leadership. Just ask Sir Cleworth or his little Rakash Verika. So either...
A) Let the ability grow and be actually useful.
B) Have it work kinda like Banner does and have it affect our followers based on their rank or discipline or something. It could work better on those who have good discipline, or on those who are of lesser circles (cause they lack discipline and need a shining beacon of leadership) I actually like this idea. Makes sense, no?
-Poetus, who normally only leads when he has to retreat.
And I'm angry! We as Paladins get lead as our first gift. And now it's useless until we get to 50th??!!! That's not right! The Path of the Paladin is the path of leadership. Just ask Sir Cleworth or his little Rakash Verika. So either...
A) Let the ability grow and be actually useful.
B) Have it work kinda like Banner does and have it affect our followers based on their rank or discipline or something. It could work better on those who have good discipline, or on those who are of lesser circles (cause they lack discipline and need a shining beacon of leadership) I actually like this idea. Makes sense, no?
-Poetus, who normally only leads when he has to retreat.
Re: new lead
01/21/2003 07:03 PM CST
Circle 29 Charisma : 18 Discipline : 19 Wisdom : 21
Leading: Ranger, circle 18
messaging seen by meself:
Siduire looks to you for guidance.
messaging seen by said ranger:
Samsaren steps forward and wades into battle, boosting your confidence by his gallant leadership example!
You feel motivated!
Facing nightweaver unyns
Noticed effects:
Moderate boost to offience, When facing them one on one, I need about 4-6 hits before I can manage a stun. With lead, I landed at least a Heavy hit, lightly stunning or better every swing.
For the ranger, Was able to land hits when the second unyn closed(couldn't prelead)
Noticable boost to defence, One on one, I blocked them consistantly, with it able to land a brushing strike if its position was up. After lead, a pair was unable to land a hit of any kind, unsure of how much of a boost, because that was my first time against Unyns
For the ranger, the boost was unnoticed due to being webbed, removing her ability to evade.
I understand this is after the tweak, and I'm glad to see I'm not a bloody clueless squire again...
I'm not sure how I feel about it after the wonderful boost before, and I do understand how everyone feels, I hope to hear the results at the meeting in Feb...
Safe paths all.
Leading: Ranger, circle 18
messaging seen by meself:
Siduire looks to you for guidance.
messaging seen by said ranger:
Samsaren steps forward and wades into battle, boosting your confidence by his gallant leadership example!
You feel motivated!
Facing nightweaver unyns
Noticed effects:
Moderate boost to offience, When facing them one on one, I need about 4-6 hits before I can manage a stun. With lead, I landed at least a Heavy hit, lightly stunning or better every swing.
For the ranger, Was able to land hits when the second unyn closed(couldn't prelead)
Noticable boost to defence, One on one, I blocked them consistantly, with it able to land a brushing strike if its position was up. After lead, a pair was unable to land a hit of any kind, unsure of how much of a boost, because that was my first time against Unyns
For the ranger, the boost was unnoticed due to being webbed, removing her ability to evade.
I understand this is after the tweak, and I'm glad to see I'm not a bloody clueless squire again...
I'm not sure how I feel about it after the wonderful boost before, and I do understand how everyone feels, I hope to hear the results at the meeting in Feb...
Safe paths all.