New Ability - Rally 08/08/2002 11:26 AM CDT
This was inspired from the discussion on leading. Anyway, the idea behind this is to have a new ability called Rally which differs from Lead in a few ways. While Lead involves going into combat and inspiring by example, Rally involves increasing the morale of your group in preparation for battle. So, while lead gives a decent bonus and can only be activated in combat, Rally would give a slightly lower bonus with a much longer duration, and would only be activated before going in to combat. Also, you would be able to activate lead while rally was still in place, stacking the bonuses. It makes logical sense to do such, as it would increase morale even further.

I think Rally would really suit the cause of a paladin...

Re: New Ability - Rally 08/08/2002 09:50 PM CDT
Awesome Idea in my Opinion. I been thinking about somethin like this, but too lazy to post.

What I was thinking was with a 'Rally' Verb, a Paladin could rally troups, whether he is Leading the group, or in a group.

Heres an Idea that just popped in my head too... If there is more than 1 Paladin in the group, and one Rallys, maybe the others could 'Join Rally' and be able to help increase the bonus (or maybe just the duration?). I Can see how we could only rally one at a time, but with more Paladins the rally could be more encouraging. Just a way to stack the ability, without cheating.

~ Teh Solo Hunta