...and I'm presenting a redesigned leading system from all of your poorly copyrighted ideas. Bwahahaha!
Anyway, it combines formations with glyphs, and a little spice of my own ideas for that almost original flavor. So, without further ado, I shall design as I type:
First of all, leading would no longer be a large bonusing ability in and of itself. It would give a small bonus initially, to make it actually do something at low levels, but it would become more of a base than an actual boost. Bread instead of meat, if you will. Why? Because this is my sneaky way around global caps to the lead ability. (Shh... Don't tell the GMs.)
Anyway, if the leads don't give noticable bonuses, what is the point of formations? Well, chosing the formation is basically chosing what kind of bread you want to use. Some leads will work better with certain add ons and certain aspects of add ons.
So, what are you going to throw on that bread? Well, you have maneuvers, inspiration, glyphs, and spells. Maneuvers are basically the meat of the lead, which are what you actually command your troops to do. Inspiration are small boosting effects used to enhance the lead. If you don't know what spells or glyphs are, go read the appropriate folders and come back.
Formations and maneuvers are based on a combination of discipline and charisma. Inspiration is purely charisma-based.
The major intent here is to make leading more than just typing LEAD and thwacking something, so it is the interaction of all those things which makes up a good lead.
Some sample formations: (consume nothing to switch, soul to begin)
Base (the 2nd circle one) - small boost to combat stats and skills, but reduced effects from add ons.
Melee - all add-ons give improved bonuses to melee and reduced penalties. Reverse is true for ranged. Maneuvers that bring followers to melee enhanced, with ones that bring followers to missile reduced.
Defense - defensive bonuses increased. Offense bonuses reduced.
Some sample maneuvers: (consume fatigue and concentration)
Optimal Range - those holding melee weapons automatically advance to melee range. Pole go to pole. Missile to missile. Change advance to retreat if the follower is closer than the optimal range. Retreat has improved chances.
Contain - all opponents automatically wind up facing the closest follower.
Rally - advance speed increased. All members of group will begin advancing on the opponent the leader is facing, even if they are within pole range of another opponent.
Some sample inspirations: (consume concentration and spirit)
Mighty blow - Single strike by the paladin. Equivalent to chop, bash, or lunge, depending on if the weapon is slice, impact, or puncture. Weapon skill reduced, but strength increased. A miss will give a penalty to offense to all followers. A hit will, depending on the level of it, give a bonus to defense. Can only be done once per opponent per hour.
Mockery - Gives a 30-second RT. Every time an opponent misses the leader during this RT, the offense of the followers increases. If the paladin is stunned or a bleeder-inflicting wound is landed on him, the defense of all followers falls.
Bravery - Can only be initiated when at melee with 2 or more critters. Offense of all followers improves based on how many critters are facing the paladin.
Some new effects of glyphs:
Ward - wards all dead followers.
Light - increases perception of all in group. For the melee formation, perception is improved against opponents at melee and reduced for opponents at missile.
Mana - room mana is improved for the mana type of all in group
Ease - eases all dead followers
Bond - bonds all weapons lying on ground
Uthmor - when it comes out, it will affect all and work with other advance/retreat boosts from maneuvers
Some new effects of spells:
Courage - duration acts as multi-person cast. Boost acts as a single-person cast
Trothfang's Rally - reduces balance of all opponents at melee range with a group member
Most spells - affects all
Player of Linras Cauldrath
Re: A little this and a little that...
07/30/2002 08:55 PM CDT
I like it except for the hindering of skills when others are boosted. We seem to be moving away from that concept and would be nice if you could tweak ideas to do away with it. Really nice proposal though.
Re: A little this and a little that...
07/30/2002 11:13 PM CDT
Great post.
The whole concept of hinderin other abilities while greatla enhancin others is to kinda make each of the formations more distinct.
Ah kinda believe that also if you get a penalty to skills that you are able to better enhance the ability on a balance scale... as in, if you hada formation based on ranged weapons... the weapon would be designed to get a larger percent boost with a detriment rather than a moderate boost without detriment.
Not sure from a design point of view, butah guess that's the general gist of things.
Great post.
The whole concept of hinderin other abilities while greatla enhancin others is to kinda make each of the formations more distinct.
Ah kinda believe that also if you get a penalty to skills that you are able to better enhance the ability on a balance scale... as in, if you hada formation based on ranged weapons... the weapon would be designed to get a larger percent boost with a detriment rather than a moderate boost without detriment.
Not sure from a design point of view, butah guess that's the general gist of things.
Re: A little this and a little that...
07/30/2002 11:31 PM CDT
>Ah kinda believe that also if you get a penalty to skills that you are able to better enhance the ability on a balance scale...
The only problem is the new global caps seem to be doing away with the ability to increase power by giving penalty's elsewhere. Which makes me think that anything powerful enough to warrant a penalty will have a small chance of making it through QC.
The only problem is the new global caps seem to be doing away with the ability to increase power by giving penalty's elsewhere. Which makes me think that anything powerful enough to warrant a penalty will have a small chance of making it through QC.
Re: A little this and a little that...
07/30/2002 11:58 PM CDT
>Which makes me think that anything powerful enough to warrant a penalty will have a small chance of making it through QC.
Global caps are only determined on a per ability basis. Stacking multiple abilities on top of each other are not affected by the caps as a group. So, for example, I can trace the Glyph of Light, cast Clarity, and have a moon mage cast Clear Vision on me and I can go above the cap on a perception bonus. (Which, ironically enough, I did just the other day when I was looking for someone who took a few plat off a paladin. Also ironic that no one decides to steal from me. ::mutters::)
Anyway, that is one major reason I design that lead system the way I did. Having a large system with many different sources for bonuses allows the bonuses to continuously increase. I anticipate, though, that each individual thing will give a rather small bonus, especially after being done multiple times, but the overall effect should at least rival Dragon Dance if the paladin really puts some effort into the lead. Not only getting the stats and skills to make each ability powerful, but also maximizing the number of abilities used in a single lead.
The biggest problem with this, though, is that it would probably be a beast to code and balance.
Finally, the main reason I put drawbacks into most of the abilities is that I don't want to see a paladin run into battle, type LEAD, then just haphazardly spam bonusing commands as fast as possible. Each one needs to be thought through thoroughly and deliberately, which is something a paladin should always be doing. We aren't barbarians that just go berserk and swing at stuff and let our bonuses take care of everything for us.
Player of Linras Cauldrath
Global caps are only determined on a per ability basis. Stacking multiple abilities on top of each other are not affected by the caps as a group. So, for example, I can trace the Glyph of Light, cast Clarity, and have a moon mage cast Clear Vision on me and I can go above the cap on a perception bonus. (Which, ironically enough, I did just the other day when I was looking for someone who took a few plat off a paladin. Also ironic that no one decides to steal from me. ::mutters::)
Anyway, that is one major reason I design that lead system the way I did. Having a large system with many different sources for bonuses allows the bonuses to continuously increase. I anticipate, though, that each individual thing will give a rather small bonus, especially after being done multiple times, but the overall effect should at least rival Dragon Dance if the paladin really puts some effort into the lead. Not only getting the stats and skills to make each ability powerful, but also maximizing the number of abilities used in a single lead.
The biggest problem with this, though, is that it would probably be a beast to code and balance.
Finally, the main reason I put drawbacks into most of the abilities is that I don't want to see a paladin run into battle, type LEAD, then just haphazardly spam bonusing commands as fast as possible. Each one needs to be thought through thoroughly and deliberately, which is something a paladin should always be doing. We aren't barbarians that just go berserk and swing at stuff and let our bonuses take care of everything for us.
Player of Linras Cauldrath
Re: A little this and a little that...
07/31/2002 09:59 AM CDT
<<Each one needs to be thought through thoroughly and deliberately,>>
Combat enhancements based on tactical understanding, very nice idea.
A couple of things that could be incorporated (somewhere in there) would be:
- ranged attackers are guarded (unless they chose otherwise), ie: a critter moving to melee with a ranged user auto engages a melee combatant, possibly the person leading.
- ranged attacks could be orhestrated ie: signal a "fire" command and all ranged users auto fire (regardless of aim wait time) at the same target (really messes with critter multi - fun attack to watch IG too). It would need to be a factor that could be toggled "off" by the individuals in the group.
Looks promising.
Cheers - Cyllwdd
Combat enhancements based on tactical understanding, very nice idea.
A couple of things that could be incorporated (somewhere in there) would be:
- ranged attackers are guarded (unless they chose otherwise), ie: a critter moving to melee with a ranged user auto engages a melee combatant, possibly the person leading.
- ranged attacks could be orhestrated ie: signal a "fire" command and all ranged users auto fire (regardless of aim wait time) at the same target (really messes with critter multi - fun attack to watch IG too). It would need to be a factor that could be toggled "off" by the individuals in the group.
Looks promising.
Cheers - Cyllwdd
Re: A little this and a little that...
07/31/2002 06:49 PM CDT
I'm all for the concept of turning paladins into master tacticians...
Re: A little this and a little that...
07/31/2002 07:00 PM CDT
>- ranged attackers are guarded (unless they chose otherwise), ie: a critter moving to melee with a ranged user auto engages a melee combatant, possibly the person leading
I really want to make as little automatic as possible, as I believe a leading paladin should really be watching the tide of battle very closely. Doing the maneuvers Optimal Range (get someone to melee) then Contain (make the critter face the person at melee) would take care of this nicely. Tracing the Glyph of Uthmor would improve the speed of this combination.
>- ranged attacks could be orhestrated ie: signal a "fire" command and all ranged users auto fire (regardless of aim wait time) at the same target (really messes with critter multi - fun attack to watch IG too). It would need to be a factor that could be toggled "off" by the individuals in the group.
I do really like this maneuver, but would just change one thing. Chosing a single target should be the Rally maneuver's job. What I suggested did a pretty bad job of it, making everyone advance, so I would change that to making everyone face a specified critter and temporarily lift the restriction of not being able to advance on a critter when at pole with another. So, here's the maneuver I would make from your suggestion:
Volley: Cause all archers to fire at the exact same time. If archers are not facing anything, targets are randomly chosen. Multi penalty of all targets are calculated as if all archers were facting them. Snap shots have increased accuracy against large groups of opponents, but have decreased accuracy against shield users, especially ones with large shields.
Also, to go along with that:
Ready Archers: Cause all archers at pole or missile range that are not being faced by something to kneel. All archers begin aiming at what they are facing. If they are not facing anything, they will acquire a random target.
So, if you are leading a group against a single opponent and want to make them into a pin cushion, try the following:
advance <target>
maneuver Rally <target> (have everyone face the opponent)
maneuver Optimum Range (start the melee fighters toward the opponent to keep it busy)
prepare RW (everyone ready for an offense boost)
maneuver Ready Archers (archers kneel and aim)
inspiration Mockery (pump up the archer's offense while keeping the opponent busy)
cast (give everyone even more offense)
maneuver Volley (shoot a bunch of arrows into the thing)
inspiration Mighty Blow (if the thing isn't dead yet, it's probably stunned, so it's a good time for this)
If the thing still doesn't die, but you are doing well defensively, keep repeating the steps starting with "maneuver Ready Archers", but skip the cast and the mighty blow.
Note how I tried to make every maneuver build off of other ones, so you can alter the attack in a multitude of ways based on which maneuvers you choose and the order you execute them. This should lead to more complex combinations and discussions of the best ways to apply them to get the result you want. For example, there could be some debate as to whether you should Rally against the leader of a unit before doing a Volley, or to just let loose and try to take out as much of the enemy as possible.
Also, one advantage to maneuvers that I didn't mention before was that they allow someone to do certain things that they are restricted from doing at the time. For example, any maneuver that will cause advancing or retreating can cause someone to advance or retreat even when they are in round time.
Player of Linras Cauldrath
I really want to make as little automatic as possible, as I believe a leading paladin should really be watching the tide of battle very closely. Doing the maneuvers Optimal Range (get someone to melee) then Contain (make the critter face the person at melee) would take care of this nicely. Tracing the Glyph of Uthmor would improve the speed of this combination.
>- ranged attacks could be orhestrated ie: signal a "fire" command and all ranged users auto fire (regardless of aim wait time) at the same target (really messes with critter multi - fun attack to watch IG too). It would need to be a factor that could be toggled "off" by the individuals in the group.
I do really like this maneuver, but would just change one thing. Chosing a single target should be the Rally maneuver's job. What I suggested did a pretty bad job of it, making everyone advance, so I would change that to making everyone face a specified critter and temporarily lift the restriction of not being able to advance on a critter when at pole with another. So, here's the maneuver I would make from your suggestion:
Volley: Cause all archers to fire at the exact same time. If archers are not facing anything, targets are randomly chosen. Multi penalty of all targets are calculated as if all archers were facting them. Snap shots have increased accuracy against large groups of opponents, but have decreased accuracy against shield users, especially ones with large shields.
Also, to go along with that:
Ready Archers: Cause all archers at pole or missile range that are not being faced by something to kneel. All archers begin aiming at what they are facing. If they are not facing anything, they will acquire a random target.
So, if you are leading a group against a single opponent and want to make them into a pin cushion, try the following:
advance <target>
maneuver Rally <target> (have everyone face the opponent)
maneuver Optimum Range (start the melee fighters toward the opponent to keep it busy)
prepare RW (everyone ready for an offense boost)
maneuver Ready Archers (archers kneel and aim)
inspiration Mockery (pump up the archer's offense while keeping the opponent busy)
cast (give everyone even more offense)
maneuver Volley (shoot a bunch of arrows into the thing)
inspiration Mighty Blow (if the thing isn't dead yet, it's probably stunned, so it's a good time for this)
If the thing still doesn't die, but you are doing well defensively, keep repeating the steps starting with "maneuver Ready Archers", but skip the cast and the mighty blow.
Note how I tried to make every maneuver build off of other ones, so you can alter the attack in a multitude of ways based on which maneuvers you choose and the order you execute them. This should lead to more complex combinations and discussions of the best ways to apply them to get the result you want. For example, there could be some debate as to whether you should Rally against the leader of a unit before doing a Volley, or to just let loose and try to take out as much of the enemy as possible.
Also, one advantage to maneuvers that I didn't mention before was that they allow someone to do certain things that they are restricted from doing at the time. For example, any maneuver that will cause advancing or retreating can cause someone to advance or retreat even when they are in round time.
Player of Linras Cauldrath
Re: A little this and a little that...
08/02/2002 08:36 PM CDT
Some thoughts on recent Lead suggestions.
If, from what I understand, I lead melee and half my troops are ranged I just buggered them in their attempts to fight. Lead is an indication to all troops to raise their abilities. Imagine a Quarterback who instead of sliding and missing the 1st down throws his body into the massive linebacker and barrels forward to make it. His actions his leadership inspires not only the offensive players but defensive as well. That's kinda how I see Lead now, to have lead give penalties I think is a bad idea and should be avoided. A paladin leads all troops, ranged and melee, inspiring them to be better.
<<Defense - defensive bonuses increased. Offense bonuses reduced.>>
Do we not have spells that do exactly this already? Sentinel's Resolve, RW for ourselves? The point of lead was giving a bonus to both defense and offense, I dont see why we would want to give that away to now have it penalize aspects, we got spells that do that enough already.
I feel lead is adequate as it is already, though I do like your ideas of rally and formations, but would rather see them as stand alone combat abilities we paladins could have rather than things alterring the solid foundation Lead provides. One thing with optimal range, if you are leading various people like mages they may want to be melee or ranged but retain a melee weapon in hand, how would this differentiate where their range was? Might be better allowing followers to determine how they are going to fight so long as we guide them in the battle. Not always is a general able to adjust troops in the heat of battle.
I agree somewhat with your suggestions to Glyphs, though I dont think Lead should be the catalyst to their changes. In my thesis glyphs get changed so that a paladin can study how to take a glyph from single affect, to group, and even to room. I think that is a feature that needs to be added to the glyph system, but again one that requires more work on our part to learn and use rather than an automatic feature of Lead.
Overall I like some of your thoughts but disagree slightly on their implementation. I think combat formations/maneuvers should be a separate paladin ability, have always felt that and mentioned it to Damissak and Maelona a few times at various cons. I also agree with your glyphs and changes needed to that system, again just not with the implementation. Lastly, I strongly disagree with the thoughts of making Lead become selected skill/stat bonusing abilities. If the fear of how the global caps are going to change our current lead are fueling suggestions to limit which skills get a bonus in hopes of getting a higher raise than what we may get for all defense and all offense then I dont agree with those suggested changes. I would rather be able to maximize Lead through circle, use, skills/stats and keep it in its fundamental state as an all things bonus because it provides the greatest aid to the most people than to see us accept a slice n diced version to salvage stronger single bonuses.
PS: Some sound ideas here, not disagreeing with all things just a few parts to it, or seeing them better as stand alone abilities.
If, from what I understand, I lead melee and half my troops are ranged I just buggered them in their attempts to fight. Lead is an indication to all troops to raise their abilities. Imagine a Quarterback who instead of sliding and missing the 1st down throws his body into the massive linebacker and barrels forward to make it. His actions his leadership inspires not only the offensive players but defensive as well. That's kinda how I see Lead now, to have lead give penalties I think is a bad idea and should be avoided. A paladin leads all troops, ranged and melee, inspiring them to be better.
<<Defense - defensive bonuses increased. Offense bonuses reduced.>>
Do we not have spells that do exactly this already? Sentinel's Resolve, RW for ourselves? The point of lead was giving a bonus to both defense and offense, I dont see why we would want to give that away to now have it penalize aspects, we got spells that do that enough already.
I feel lead is adequate as it is already, though I do like your ideas of rally and formations, but would rather see them as stand alone combat abilities we paladins could have rather than things alterring the solid foundation Lead provides. One thing with optimal range, if you are leading various people like mages they may want to be melee or ranged but retain a melee weapon in hand, how would this differentiate where their range was? Might be better allowing followers to determine how they are going to fight so long as we guide them in the battle. Not always is a general able to adjust troops in the heat of battle.
I agree somewhat with your suggestions to Glyphs, though I dont think Lead should be the catalyst to their changes. In my thesis glyphs get changed so that a paladin can study how to take a glyph from single affect, to group, and even to room. I think that is a feature that needs to be added to the glyph system, but again one that requires more work on our part to learn and use rather than an automatic feature of Lead.
Overall I like some of your thoughts but disagree slightly on their implementation. I think combat formations/maneuvers should be a separate paladin ability, have always felt that and mentioned it to Damissak and Maelona a few times at various cons. I also agree with your glyphs and changes needed to that system, again just not with the implementation. Lastly, I strongly disagree with the thoughts of making Lead become selected skill/stat bonusing abilities. If the fear of how the global caps are going to change our current lead are fueling suggestions to limit which skills get a bonus in hopes of getting a higher raise than what we may get for all defense and all offense then I dont agree with those suggested changes. I would rather be able to maximize Lead through circle, use, skills/stats and keep it in its fundamental state as an all things bonus because it provides the greatest aid to the most people than to see us accept a slice n diced version to salvage stronger single bonuses.
PS: Some sound ideas here, not disagreeing with all things just a few parts to it, or seeing them better as stand alone abilities.
Re: A little this and a little that...
08/02/2002 08:40 PM CDT
<<I really want to make as little automatic as possible, as I believe a leading paladin should really be watching the tide of battle very closely. Doing the maneuvers Optimal Range (get someone to melee) then Contain (make the critter face the person at melee) would take care of this nicely. Tracing the Glyph of Uthmor would improve the speed of this combination.>>
One thing with this Linras and it's a dangerous problem. The larger your group and the more opponents you face the worse it becomes to try and watch a battle's tide. To anyone who can sit and watch a room of 3 people and 2-4 creatures fight it out for 30-60 mins I tip my helm to you because that simply ends up blinding my eyes and giving me one massive headache. The combat system would need to be changed to remove a lot of the action going on around to allow some people to follow it, also a ::read combat:: verb might help.
One thing with this Linras and it's a dangerous problem. The larger your group and the more opponents you face the worse it becomes to try and watch a battle's tide. To anyone who can sit and watch a room of 3 people and 2-4 creatures fight it out for 30-60 mins I tip my helm to you because that simply ends up blinding my eyes and giving me one massive headache. The combat system would need to be changed to remove a lot of the action going on around to allow some people to follow it, also a ::read combat:: verb might help.
Re: A little this and a little that...
08/02/2002 08:46 PM CDT
<<Do we not have spells that do exactly this already? Sentinel's Resolve, RW for ourselves? The point of lead was giving a bonus to both defense and offense, I dont see why we would want to give that away to now have it penalize aspects, we got spells that do that enough already.>>
Note how it said defensive "bonuses" reduced. Also, castin sr or rw on yer whole group is kinda difficult.
<<One thing with optimal range, if you are leading various people like mages they may want to be melee or ranged but retain a melee weapon in hand, how would this differentiate where their range was? Might be better allowing followers to determine how they are going to fight so long as we guide them in the battle. Not always is a general able to adjust troops in the heat of battle.>>
This is where different paladins come in. The whole jist behind the idea of havin formations is that people who's main is ranged will join up with x paladin while people who are generalla magic types will crack their stuff up with y paladin.
Havin people of every type join one leader who also specializes in one thing isa bad idea. This is why we have different commanders fer different types of people intha field.
Whoever saw Zaknufien intha Sorrow War leadin ranged-only fighters would have weeped at how effective it was. Ah was ableta tr and lead a couple of times with this tactic and lemme tell you... havin 20 people fire with a full aim in conjunction with a lead anda tr was a beautiful thing... too bad that lead wore off whenah didn't wanna have it on anamore and too bad we couldn't have had a larger bonus to just ranged weapons at the expense of not bonusin anathing else. Whichever... it was fun.
Note how it said defensive "bonuses" reduced. Also, castin sr or rw on yer whole group is kinda difficult.
<<One thing with optimal range, if you are leading various people like mages they may want to be melee or ranged but retain a melee weapon in hand, how would this differentiate where their range was? Might be better allowing followers to determine how they are going to fight so long as we guide them in the battle. Not always is a general able to adjust troops in the heat of battle.>>
This is where different paladins come in. The whole jist behind the idea of havin formations is that people who's main is ranged will join up with x paladin while people who are generalla magic types will crack their stuff up with y paladin.
Havin people of every type join one leader who also specializes in one thing isa bad idea. This is why we have different commanders fer different types of people intha field.
Whoever saw Zaknufien intha Sorrow War leadin ranged-only fighters would have weeped at how effective it was. Ah was ableta tr and lead a couple of times with this tactic and lemme tell you... havin 20 people fire with a full aim in conjunction with a lead anda tr was a beautiful thing... too bad that lead wore off whenah didn't wanna have it on anamore and too bad we couldn't have had a larger bonus to just ranged weapons at the expense of not bonusin anathing else. Whichever... it was fun.
Re: A little this and a little that...
08/02/2002 08:47 PM CDT
<<To anyone who can sit and watch a room of 3 people and 2-4 creatures fight it out for 30-60 mins I tip my helm to you because that simply ends up blinding my eyes and giving me one massive headache. The combat system would need to be changed to remove a lot of the action going on around to allow some people to follow it, also a ::read combat:: verb might help.>>
Use highlight strings and sounds.
Ain't no reason you gotta rely on readin primarila... if things get out of hand, you can get cued in with colors and sounds also. It helps a lot.
Use highlight strings and sounds.
Ain't no reason you gotta rely on readin primarila... if things get out of hand, you can get cued in with colors and sounds also. It helps a lot.
Re: A little this and a little that...
08/02/2002 09:01 PM CDT
Never said I didnt use those, however it still primarily can get a bit cluttered.
Re: A little this and a little that...
08/02/2002 09:15 PM CDT
Understood... mebbe groups could be divided into groups of five attha most to kinda keep things less than hectic.
We haven't had a good invasion ina while. Kinda sad.
We haven't had a good invasion ina while. Kinda sad.
Re: A little this and a little that...
08/02/2002 09:23 PM CDT
<<Note how it said defensive "bonuses" reduced. Also, castin sr or rw on yer whole group is kinda difficult.>>
And other posts have mentioned one giving a defensive bonus/offensive negative, I did note it but commented on both ideas at once. I dont think giving up a stronger all Lead to get a weaker all lead and stronger individual skill leads is the way to go, whether or not its difficult to cast SR on groups.
How often do you find these war situations?
I agree that would be nice to see when there are larges numbers of paladins, however for everyday life creating such division for separated leaderships may not be practical.
I have no doubt it is effective, I question its use outside of special rare occasions such as the Sorrow War. Even the best commanders in the field need more than one faction of fighters, if we are more the overall general then the duties of organization are passed down through lieutenants (SP bad I know) who organize various troops. The general as a leader inspires each contingent by showing his own bravery and raising his own level of skill. The others feed off his momentum, even if he fights melee a ranged person seeing the shear power of his presence can be inspired to fight better. Just as a quarterback isnt a defensive player but his play on the field can inspire the defense to step up to a higher level. Not saying it's completely bad, just feel that I'd rather keep Lead's all skill bonus as high as possible rather than ship it down to the minor leagues in hopes of getting individual aspect Leads powered up.
Lead is one of the top 3 most powerful abilities that exists in the game. The design of the ability called for such placement on purpose. When it faces the global caps this should be kept in mind that yes it needs to meet the caps but that it is also meant to be one of the stronger abilities and thus compared to other abilities it should be kept close to the cap ceilings. Just cause caps were in place that doesnt mean Lead needs to be neutered, just brought within the caps but remaining as an ability that remains above many others and set close to the cap ceiling.
And other posts have mentioned one giving a defensive bonus/offensive negative, I did note it but commented on both ideas at once. I dont think giving up a stronger all Lead to get a weaker all lead and stronger individual skill leads is the way to go, whether or not its difficult to cast SR on groups.
How often do you find these war situations?
I agree that would be nice to see when there are larges numbers of paladins, however for everyday life creating such division for separated leaderships may not be practical.
I have no doubt it is effective, I question its use outside of special rare occasions such as the Sorrow War. Even the best commanders in the field need more than one faction of fighters, if we are more the overall general then the duties of organization are passed down through lieutenants (SP bad I know) who organize various troops. The general as a leader inspires each contingent by showing his own bravery and raising his own level of skill. The others feed off his momentum, even if he fights melee a ranged person seeing the shear power of his presence can be inspired to fight better. Just as a quarterback isnt a defensive player but his play on the field can inspire the defense to step up to a higher level. Not saying it's completely bad, just feel that I'd rather keep Lead's all skill bonus as high as possible rather than ship it down to the minor leagues in hopes of getting individual aspect Leads powered up.
Lead is one of the top 3 most powerful abilities that exists in the game. The design of the ability called for such placement on purpose. When it faces the global caps this should be kept in mind that yes it needs to meet the caps but that it is also meant to be one of the stronger abilities and thus compared to other abilities it should be kept close to the cap ceilings. Just cause caps were in place that doesnt mean Lead needs to be neutered, just brought within the caps but remaining as an ability that remains above many others and set close to the cap ceiling.
Re: A little this and a little that...
08/02/2002 09:29 PM CDT
Maybe GM's could created a combat window that simply lists something like this.
Shivus lands <strong, massive> strike.
Glemm lands <obliterating> strike.
Adanf misses Glemm.
Adanf hit moderate Shiv.
Something like that where we can keep an eye on who is doing what and then have a verb
read combat
Shivus (inred,good) healthy 3rd mage (nimbly, poor) wounded : melee
Glemm healthy 2nd mage (very wounded) : pole
Have it be a little read out that lets us get a quick fairly detailed readout of what's going on around us.
Shivus lands <strong, massive> strike.
Glemm lands <obliterating> strike.
Adanf misses Glemm.
Adanf hit moderate Shiv.
Something like that where we can keep an eye on who is doing what and then have a verb
read combat
Shivus (inred,good) healthy 3rd mage (nimbly, poor) wounded : melee
Glemm healthy 2nd mage (very wounded) : pole
Have it be a little read out that lets us get a quick fairly detailed readout of what's going on around us.
Re: A little this and a little that...
08/02/2002 09:30 PM CDT
<<How often do you find these war situations?>>
Not enough, by far.
Mebbe this will come into focus better when lead is downtweaked, which ahm sure Pureblade will be behind. Har har har.
Not enough, by far.
Mebbe this will come into focus better when lead is downtweaked, which ahm sure Pureblade will be behind. Har har har.
Re: A little this and a little that...
08/02/2002 09:31 PM CDT
Would be great to be ableta toggle sumthin which just lets you see the combat goin on within yer own group.
Mebbe even make it paladin-only. That would be one insane ability... bein ableta focus onla on yer group.... or, make it so anyone who is joined to a paladin-led group will be ableta toggle the group combat filter on or off.
Talk about sumthin monumental, right there.
Mebbe even make it paladin-only. That would be one insane ability... bein ableta focus onla on yer group.... or, make it so anyone who is joined to a paladin-led group will be ableta toggle the group combat filter on or off.
Talk about sumthin monumental, right there.
Re: A little this and a little that...
08/03/2002 12:22 AM CDT
I'm on board with this one, that would be a superb bonus for us, cant tell folks how many times I just get beat trying to hunt with 3 or 4 folks in swarm spots.
PS: Here's a thought I just had concerning those separate leads. How are we to lead a mage? Would we have a lead for magic too? Would TM spells be considered ranged? And if we did lead magic users think about that, we are telling mages who have twice as much PM as we do that we know how to use TM magic better than they do. Might make more sense that we lead overall by inspiring thus inspiring a mage to use his abilities at a higher level. That formation of melee/ranged I think would be a great paladin ability separate from Lead. I dont want folks misunderstanding my posts, I'm not saying bad idea, I am saying let's get it as a stand alone ability.
PS: Here's a thought I just had concerning those separate leads. How are we to lead a mage? Would we have a lead for magic too? Would TM spells be considered ranged? And if we did lead magic users think about that, we are telling mages who have twice as much PM as we do that we know how to use TM magic better than they do. Might make more sense that we lead overall by inspiring thus inspiring a mage to use his abilities at a higher level. That formation of melee/ranged I think would be a great paladin ability separate from Lead. I dont want folks misunderstanding my posts, I'm not saying bad idea, I am saying let's get it as a stand alone ability.
Re: A little this and a little that...
08/03/2002 05:05 AM CDT
>One thing with optimal range, if you are leading various people like mages they may want to be melee or ranged but retain a melee weapon in hand, how would this differentiate where their range was?
The optimal range maneuver would be purely weapon based, so the person would be going to melee. They could, of course, stop themselves if they wished. Hangback could also be designed to override the maneuver.
>I dont think giving up a stronger all Lead to get a weaker all lead and stronger individual skill leads is the way to go,
The way I set it up, the first lead you learn gives even bonuses to offense and defense, along with a boost right off the bat. It doesn't give as large of bonuses over the course of the lead, though.
I could easily imagine a dragon-dance-concept version of leading that gives good bonuses to everything evenly, but would make that a high-level ability.
>And if we did lead magic users think about that, we are telling mages who have twice as much PM as we do that we know how to use TM magic better than they do.
Leading has more to do with inspiration and positioning than actual combat knowledge. It is technically possible to have a paladin that is a very poor combatant, but an excellent leader. So, when leading the mages, he just needs a fundamental knowledge of what their spells do, so he can get them into the best position to use them.
Also, I love the read combat suggestion.
Player of Linras Cauldrath
The optimal range maneuver would be purely weapon based, so the person would be going to melee. They could, of course, stop themselves if they wished. Hangback could also be designed to override the maneuver.
>I dont think giving up a stronger all Lead to get a weaker all lead and stronger individual skill leads is the way to go,
The way I set it up, the first lead you learn gives even bonuses to offense and defense, along with a boost right off the bat. It doesn't give as large of bonuses over the course of the lead, though.
I could easily imagine a dragon-dance-concept version of leading that gives good bonuses to everything evenly, but would make that a high-level ability.
>And if we did lead magic users think about that, we are telling mages who have twice as much PM as we do that we know how to use TM magic better than they do.
Leading has more to do with inspiration and positioning than actual combat knowledge. It is technically possible to have a paladin that is a very poor combatant, but an excellent leader. So, when leading the mages, he just needs a fundamental knowledge of what their spells do, so he can get them into the best position to use them.
Also, I love the read combat suggestion.
Player of Linras Cauldrath