I want to be able to lead without a group.
Make it half as effective, or something, whatever. I just wanna use it more often.
Re: Solo Leading
07/26/2002 05:03 PM CDT
<<I want to be able to lead without a group.>>
Wouldn't really be leading then would it?
--Just a Squire
Wouldn't really be leading then would it?
--Just a Squire
Re: Solo Leading
07/26/2002 05:06 PM CDT
>>Wouldn't really be leading then would it?
Sure it would.
I'd lead the critter to their firey doom.
Hahaha. :P
Sure it would.
I'd lead the critter to their firey doom.
Hahaha. :P
Re: Solo Leading
07/26/2002 05:08 PM CDT
Ah'd liketa see leadin be ableta be toggled on and off. There's no reason why you shouldn't be ableta stop leadin and just get fined "power" based on the time you actually used it.
Ah know you can disband, but regardless of wether you keep it going the whole time or you stop it before it still usestha same soul.
Ah know you can disband, but regardless of wether you keep it going the whole time or you stop it before it still usestha same soul.
Re: Solo Leading
07/27/2002 07:55 AM CDT
>Wouldn't really be leading then would it?
Self-leading? Kinda like reading a self help book and listening to a bard play at the same time.
Self-leading? Kinda like reading a self help book and listening to a bard play at the same time.
Re: Solo Leading
07/27/2002 10:42 AM CDT
If you want the effects of a solo lead, cast RW and SR. But lead implies that someone is followign you....
Re: Solo Leading
07/27/2002 10:45 AM CDT
Would still like the whole formation concepts to be worked on.
Hope sumone knows what ahm talkin about.
Hope sumone knows what ahm talkin about.
Re: Solo Leading
07/27/2002 10:52 AM CDT
Formations would require the entire engagement system to be rewritten.
Not that I'd mind, though. The engagement system could use a good rewrite...
And formations would be cool.
Protect the empath formation anyone?
Not that I'd mind, though. The engagement system could use a good rewrite...
And formations would be cool.
Protect the empath formation anyone?
Re: Solo Leading
07/27/2002 10:58 AM CDT
<<Formations would require the entire engagement system to be rewritten.>>
Naw. It'd be more like different types of leading.... say, inmuh mind, you were able to turn lead on and off at will... then you choose which leading manuver you want based ontha situation.
You learned different leads at different circles... the leads would encompass more offense over defense, more defense over offense, ranged ability, melee over ranged, this and that... balanced stuff which would enable the lead to grow with you asa paladin.
It would more be alongtha lines of barb roars and how they help certain abilities/skills and hinder others.
Naw. It'd be more like different types of leading.... say, inmuh mind, you were able to turn lead on and off at will... then you choose which leading manuver you want based ontha situation.
You learned different leads at different circles... the leads would encompass more offense over defense, more defense over offense, ranged ability, melee over ranged, this and that... balanced stuff which would enable the lead to grow with you asa paladin.
It would more be alongtha lines of barb roars and how they help certain abilities/skills and hinder others.
Re: Solo Leading
07/27/2002 11:09 AM CDT
I'm highly interested in hearing your ideas on different types of leads. This is not to say that we will branch out the lead ability, but maybe we can use the ideas toward other abilities. Feel free to leave this discussion here for now. If we move out of the lead idea, we'll move to suggestions later.
Thanks guys!
Thanks guys!
Re: Solo Leading
07/27/2002 11:24 AM CDT
The way thatah see it, lead could be a lot better than it is now.
The new soul system has GREATLY enhanced lead when it comes to how much we can use it... ah'd just liketa see differences in how we can use it, you know?
Ah think we should be ableta lead and also stop leadin whenever we want. Usin lead intha beginnin would betha same (minus the formation ideas down the page) but we would be able to "lead" again and it you would stop usin the ability and you would onla be fined a distinct amount of soul based on how long you had lead on.
Maybe make it so how often you can toggle lead on and off would depend on charisma or sumthin, that way you dunt got people usin it for 3 seconds and stoppin. Make it so that you can turn it off and on more and more the higher you get in skill/circle.
Anaway... let's say we work ontha formation idea. At circle two, you get the basic lead. Kinda like a dumbed-down version oftha one we have now. It's a decent boost to overall offense/defense. This would just be done by doin "lead" along with the formation which you wanna do, call this one "basic" for reference's sake.
Circle ten, you get a lead formation taught to you which helps offense but hinders defense. Maybe throw in a 25% offense bonus but 25% defense hinderance. Dunno if those numbers are too high or whatever. You guys maketha decesion. Call it the "charge" formation. Do it by "lead charge".
Circle 20 you get one the oppisite, but with lower penalties to offense and a higher boost to defense. That way, the formations get better but still retain usefulness as you get higher in circle and learn more of them.
Throw another one in each 10 circles or wherever you'd want... have one for ranged attacks which sacrifices defenses, especially evasion... have one at circle 50 which is kinda like a better version oftha first one you get, the basic one.. onla with a larger boost.
To keep the basic formation useful, give it a reflex/agilita bonus in addition to it's meager rank bonus.
The lead ability could be enhanced so much, just like barb dances have been... and could become a real defining part oftha guild whichah think would go towards makin paladins fit their part in Elanthia much better.
The new soul system has GREATLY enhanced lead when it comes to how much we can use it... ah'd just liketa see differences in how we can use it, you know?
Ah think we should be ableta lead and also stop leadin whenever we want. Usin lead intha beginnin would betha same (minus the formation ideas down the page) but we would be able to "lead" again and it you would stop usin the ability and you would onla be fined a distinct amount of soul based on how long you had lead on.
Maybe make it so how often you can toggle lead on and off would depend on charisma or sumthin, that way you dunt got people usin it for 3 seconds and stoppin. Make it so that you can turn it off and on more and more the higher you get in skill/circle.
Anaway... let's say we work ontha formation idea. At circle two, you get the basic lead. Kinda like a dumbed-down version oftha one we have now. It's a decent boost to overall offense/defense. This would just be done by doin "lead" along with the formation which you wanna do, call this one "basic" for reference's sake.
Circle ten, you get a lead formation taught to you which helps offense but hinders defense. Maybe throw in a 25% offense bonus but 25% defense hinderance. Dunno if those numbers are too high or whatever. You guys maketha decesion. Call it the "charge" formation. Do it by "lead charge".
Circle 20 you get one the oppisite, but with lower penalties to offense and a higher boost to defense. That way, the formations get better but still retain usefulness as you get higher in circle and learn more of them.
Throw another one in each 10 circles or wherever you'd want... have one for ranged attacks which sacrifices defenses, especially evasion... have one at circle 50 which is kinda like a better version oftha first one you get, the basic one.. onla with a larger boost.
To keep the basic formation useful, give it a reflex/agilita bonus in addition to it's meager rank bonus.
The lead ability could be enhanced so much, just like barb dances have been... and could become a real defining part oftha guild whichah think would go towards makin paladins fit their part in Elanthia much better.
Re: Solo Leading
07/27/2002 11:51 AM CDT
I like your ideas Glemm.
rise to full height, shooting star stuff
>lead stop
You relax your mind and posture and allow your comrades to rest .... <blah, figure out some cool messages>
rise to full height, shooting star stuff
>lead stop
You relax your mind and posture and allow your comrades to rest .... <blah, figure out some cool messages>
Re: Solo Leading
07/28/2002 08:12 AM CDT
I like these LEAD ideas as well. Perhaps we could incorperate our first "combat glyph" into this as well(if we ever get one). Say we get Glyph AC(allcombat boost ?%), by tracing this glyph it would enhance all LEAD abilities a cetain %. This would seem to work better with our new soul system since we can do more than one glyph/LEAD without tanking the pool.
Re: Solo Leading
07/28/2002 10:29 AM CDT
Great idea, Gad.
Glyphs would be awesome fer further enhancin these lead formations. You could have basic defense glyphs, basic offense glyphs, reflex/agilita glyphs to kinda back up the leads.
Would be nice to have these glyphs even without the whole lead concept bein worked on... but at this point without lead bein able to be toggled off and on... ah think it would be kinda a waste. Whichever.
Glyphs would be awesome fer further enhancin these lead formations. You could have basic defense glyphs, basic offense glyphs, reflex/agilita glyphs to kinda back up the leads.
Would be nice to have these glyphs even without the whole lead concept bein worked on... but at this point without lead bein able to be toggled off and on... ah think it would be kinda a waste. Whichever.
Re: Solo Leading
07/28/2002 10:46 AM CDT
That just gave me an idea. How about as an additional benefit of leading, all glyphs affect everyone in your group? You trace light and everyone gets a perception bonus. You trace Uthmor and everyone is speeding around the battlefield like they're on samatak. Trace ward and anyone that died in your group is warded.
Player of Linras Cauldrath
Player of Linras Cauldrath
Re: Solo Leading
07/28/2002 10:55 AM CDT
Great idea, Ben... ah see it workin that the more people in your group would lessen the result with glyphs like GOL and GOM or whatever, based on your charisma and concentration.
Re: Solo Leading
07/28/2002 05:40 PM CDT
>That just gave me an idea. How about as an additional benefit of leading, all glyphs affect everyone in your group? You trace light and everyone gets a perception bonus. You trace Uthmor and everyone is speeding around the battlefield like they're on samatak. Trace ward and anyone that died in your group is warded.
Sweet, these ideas just keep gettin better. I really like that group ward part too.
>the more people in your group would lessen the result with glyphs like GOL and GOM or whatever, based on your charisma and concentration.
Yep....makes sense.
Sweet, these ideas just keep gettin better. I really like that group ward part too.
>the more people in your group would lessen the result with glyphs like GOL and GOM or whatever, based on your charisma and concentration.
Yep....makes sense.
Re: Solo Leading+idea
07/28/2002 08:11 PM CDT
I think the new thign about "lead" is a good idea, but one of the suggestions I only Half-way agree with it..
Ok, Lead (currently) gives you X bonus to combats. As you gain level, the % increases for you. There is no penalties for leading, except that you have to be in a group.
Lead [offense] or Lead [defense] - some kind of Formation, I think it should give you the regular bonuses, but also an extra % bonus to the specific formation. I disagree with penalties because we already have to gain higher level to do the "Lead [formation]". We shouldn't have to put up with Penalties to this. We would (ofcourse) take a larger pool-hit when using the ability, but Why lose a combat also? You guys are too used to having to give something up to get something :(
Scenario. Marshal XXX leads 2 people into battle. Ya, his lead is gonna be better than Squire XX's lead. While he rallies his group, he tells them to go into formation X. While he uses more soul to use that formation, he gets a better bonus to the specific formation.
Hmmm, maybe this would be an idea? level 2 is general Lead. Level 7 could be 'Lead Front Line' [Parry|Melee Bonus]. Level 12 could be 'Lead of Knights Honor' [Pole-Arm/Shield bonus]. 17th could be 'Lead the Holy Archers' [Ranged/Evasion bonus]. 22nd level lead could be "Holy Wrath" [Heftier general offensive bonus] and 27th lead would be "Protect Elanthia" [Heftier General Defensive Bonus].
I would also like to see a 'Solo Lead' Maybe call it "Insight" or "Righteousness" or something. The steps of the "Solo Lead" would follow as above, but the "Solo Lead" would START at level 12. This meaning the 'Solo Lead' wouldn't achieve its "Protect Elanthia' formation until level 37.
The Solo Lead would take same pool-size hit to do, as it would as a group Lead.
~ Teh Solo Hunta
... Stubbornly awaits a Solo Lead.
You pause a moment as you look deep into your soul. A warm sensation runs through your blood as you hear the thunderous words of Chadatru, bolstering your own righteousness
Ok, Lead (currently) gives you X bonus to combats. As you gain level, the % increases for you. There is no penalties for leading, except that you have to be in a group.
Lead [offense] or Lead [defense] - some kind of Formation, I think it should give you the regular bonuses, but also an extra % bonus to the specific formation. I disagree with penalties because we already have to gain higher level to do the "Lead [formation]". We shouldn't have to put up with Penalties to this. We would (ofcourse) take a larger pool-hit when using the ability, but Why lose a combat also? You guys are too used to having to give something up to get something :(
Scenario. Marshal XXX leads 2 people into battle. Ya, his lead is gonna be better than Squire XX's lead. While he rallies his group, he tells them to go into formation X. While he uses more soul to use that formation, he gets a better bonus to the specific formation.
Hmmm, maybe this would be an idea? level 2 is general Lead. Level 7 could be 'Lead Front Line' [Parry|Melee Bonus]. Level 12 could be 'Lead of Knights Honor' [Pole-Arm/Shield bonus]. 17th could be 'Lead the Holy Archers' [Ranged/Evasion bonus]. 22nd level lead could be "Holy Wrath" [Heftier general offensive bonus] and 27th lead would be "Protect Elanthia" [Heftier General Defensive Bonus].
I would also like to see a 'Solo Lead' Maybe call it "Insight" or "Righteousness" or something. The steps of the "Solo Lead" would follow as above, but the "Solo Lead" would START at level 12. This meaning the 'Solo Lead' wouldn't achieve its "Protect Elanthia' formation until level 37.
The Solo Lead would take same pool-size hit to do, as it would as a group Lead.
~ Teh Solo Hunta
... Stubbornly awaits a Solo Lead.
You pause a moment as you look deep into your soul. A warm sensation runs through your blood as you hear the thunderous words of Chadatru, bolstering your own righteousness
Re: Solo Leading
07/29/2002 09:33 PM CDT
>Circle ten, you get a lead formation taught to you which helps offense but hinders defense. Maybe throw in a 25% offense bonus but 25% defense hinderance. Dunno if those numbers are too high or whatever. You guys maketha decesion. Call it the "charge" formation. Do it by "lead charge".
I don't see a reason for a penalty. If you take away the defensive bonus and increase the offensive, you're not really making the glyph more powerful, just weighted more heavily to one focus.
Unless, of course, you intend to get another lead the same with less of a penalty at higher circle and gradually increase the ability's effectivess that way.
I don't see a reason for a penalty. If you take away the defensive bonus and increase the offensive, you're not really making the glyph more powerful, just weighted more heavily to one focus.
Unless, of course, you intend to get another lead the same with less of a penalty at higher circle and gradually increase the ability's effectivess that way.
Re: Solo Leading
07/30/2002 08:25 AM CDT
hmmm... couldnt we "solo lead" if we skin a barbarian and wear his flesh like a sash? then instead of leading, we can dance... cause that's what we seem to be asking for.. we dont want a "solo lead", we want to act like barbarians and dance
Re: Solo Leading
07/30/2002 08:34 AM CDT
>>cause that's what we seem to be asking for.. we dont want a "solo lead", we want to act like barbarians and dance
No, I'm pretty sure I want a solo lead.
No, I'm pretty sure I want a solo lead.
Re: Solo Leading
07/30/2002 07:20 PM CDT
Solo lead... glyph... What's the difference? I could never understand if paladins ever were able to lead solo. It would make no sense. If we got a glyph that gave the same bonus, I would have no problem with it, though.
As for the dance point, um, couldn't you say that just about every single buffing ability is the same thing as a dance? Heck, you could say that dances are just copies of the Courage and Righteous Wrath spells, especially the latter, since I believe they were here first.
Player of Linras Cauldrath
As for the dance point, um, couldn't you say that just about every single buffing ability is the same thing as a dance? Heck, you could say that dances are just copies of the Courage and Righteous Wrath spells, especially the latter, since I believe they were here first.
Player of Linras Cauldrath