I'll throw in a lil history as I give some praise cause I think some of ya will preciate tha
memaries. Plus, its a funny memary lane thing fer me ta be honest. Way too many buds who helped me in one way or tha otha so fergive me now aheada time. This is sort of a rep list. I could write fereva about good people so Im jus writin what comes to my head fer a while. Aint all Paladins so if ya feel like tellin the person I said hi and danks, lettem know I wrote aboutem here. Alotta these people made a difference ta otha Paladins so they deserve credit here anyway. In no particular orda:
The first ta make a big bang in my head. Danks fer inspirin me ta form organizations and projects by bein the first ta put it on tha line. I fergot the name of yer Orda, I think Hand of Light. Ya helped me be confident as a young klunky punk-hater who wanted ta try new and bigga things. We just startd ta be buds when ya hadda leave. Ya also sparked me ta really start diggin in with the hole "put othas on the huntin ground before me, fer the sake of the Guild thing" which I probably started doin big time with Gargoyles. Wheneva I spent time couragin outside that gargoyle area or lettin the huntas smack the punks down, skin, whateva, ta use Lead and alla that -- I thoughta you.
Couldnt ask fer a more loyal bud in every way. Couldnt have done alotta big stuff withoutem. Deserves more praise fer good deeds than Im sure alotta people realize. Deserves massive praise along with Tigerfang fer takin ova the Apostles and helpin with that.
We became buds and hung fer a while -- I was withem when he was goin thru a rough time as da first Cleric with Rezz. He laid it out fer me and hadda leave cause it was too much, the pressure and yucky stuff and alla that, with everyone just wantin ya fer a rezz. I tried ta talkem outta leavin but my Supa Sexy Charisma Action wasnt in full bloom yet, heh. Sad ta see'em leave. I give him praise fer the good deeds of rezzin alone -- he would travel so far just cause someone who was a semi-bud died. It was intarestin and rough ta see what happens to the first Cleric with rezz.
Supasmart, supahelpful -- did me too many favas like Candidus and othas did. Knew every friggin thing. These guys knew way too much. Made me look smart when I remembered what da hell they said and could almost repeat it.
Good bud fer a long time. Supa nice guy. Lotsa praise fer bein a good guy.
Old Paladin buds above and some I didnt mention, like Red, Drongol, Hege, Tiger, etc. -- all deserve praise fer werkin with me, for me, or havin me werk fer them, all the times we created supa events, charities, contests, missions, whateva. They made me look good when I probably deserved not ta, they deserve praise fer all the werk they probably neva got credit for. I owem all a lot.
Most excitin witty partner ya can have. Be careful, she bites. Oh yea, shes real nice and supa-helpful and alla that, but that all changes if ya getter mad. If ya getter mad, she wont wear letha for ya fer a week. Dats rough. Did a good deed by bein my woman and lookin good in letha while doin it. Deserves praise fer takin the heat of bein with a Paladin while bein a Teef. Did me and some of her fellow Teefs a good deed by bein a good middleman fer me and her Guild. Deserves alotta praise fer bein so helpful when she coulda just been a Teefin Wench. Deserves extra bonus praise fer bein slenda enuf ta fit in my arma with me.
Great companion and supa-givin. Deserves praise jus fer bein the Empath that hadda deal with me on a daily basis fer a long time. I looked good next ta her but thats not the point.
Vivienne, Slaughta, Ryeka, Smegul, so many Cleric buds and budettes that blessed, rezzed, consecrated, helped, me and otha Paladins, otha citizens in general, durin some rough times. Slaughta and I had a talkin-fight long long long ago when I was supa young. I rememba it cause it was a big deal I took out a fancy weapon, just ta give ya an idea. He was a tough guy then, egos clashed, but we made up and alla that mushy stuff.
Was my "Deputy" when I became a Lord Marshal. She was supa loyal and deserves praise fer havin ta deal with all the punks we dealt with from mission ta mission from city ta city as we dealt with complaints. She was able ta handle and manage da complaints, and was a supa nice partner ta have. Great friend ta anyone. Im not saprised ta see her still helpin people.
I cant rememba all their names too well but there were a few Barbs from the Gargoyle days that deserve praise. Back then, Barbs didnt like Paladins. Everyone hunted alone, specially Barbs needed weapon. They let me leadem, let me do my Paladin thing fer the sake of image, fer the guild and the youngins. What Im sayin is, I givem praise fer bein open enuf ta join me when they really could kept up the junk between Guilds. Im talking about Poshly (da smarty ya gotta luv, even though he hooked up with my Sabreena), Christian (who was cool enuf ta lend me his brawlin spear so I could train brawlin), and the real first Gurt. Heh, Gurt. It was a big deal ta me that time I beatem in a fight. It was when my shield started ta stop killin my balance danks to tha Gods and my arma
actually made me hard ta hurt, and the wall shield meant somethin. He used ta always beat me, like everyone else who had balance around my age who wasnt tryin ta be the only nut werkin on magic and shield in metal klunks. Anyways, these were the main guys who were at da start of Paladins leadin Barbs, helpinem do betta, even if just thru teachin, while on da hunt. Back then, even the Paladins wanted ta hunt alone (solo butchas in Plate).
Peri, Snare, Brahmer, and a whole buncha otha Rangas I got ta know part from lettin me in their Guild ta teach and learn paception as they hid (in the supa old old days), ta those that helped youngins a lot. These rangas were special -- I got ta knowem from couraginem and lettinem skin all my stuff as they took me places I didnt know about, got me herbs, showed me some of dem DirtLickin, BarkBitin, JungleLuvin tricks.
This doesnt really fit but I really dug her, being a woman and all. We just started ta be buds when I hadda leave Elanthia, I rememba we both were sorta funked with talkin because we both knew of eacotha fer so long but never really chatted. I praise her fer bein a great woman Paladin role model. One of the people I miss not gettin a chance ta know betta.
I'll stop on that note, gotta go.
Re: Another message from Rock!
12/30/2003 06:26 PM CST
Thanks for the (lack of a) shot-out, Rock.
Drongol's Player
PC also stands for "Paying Customer."
Drongol's Player
PC also stands for "Paying Customer."
Re: Another message from Rock!
12/30/2003 09:53 PM CST
Great to hear ya again. Was a sad day when other things called ya away. Glad you can at least drop by on the boards from time to time.
Eyoni became a great bud of mine.. purely because you introduced us. That's when I started looking seriously at the idea of partnering with Thieves.. they can make great friends.
Ummm.. you DO know what she is doing now, right?
<peers over his shoulder to see if Maece is looking and getting ready to bop him for giving out semi-secret info>
Dwarf with an Axe.. careful!
Great to hear ya again. Was a sad day when other things called ya away. Glad you can at least drop by on the boards from time to time.
Eyoni became a great bud of mine.. purely because you introduced us. That's when I started looking seriously at the idea of partnering with Thieves.. they can make great friends.
Ummm.. you DO know what she is doing now, right?
<peers over his shoulder to see if Maece is looking and getting ready to bop him for giving out semi-secret info>
Dwarf with an Axe.. careful!
Re: Another message from Rock!
12/30/2003 11:02 PM CST
<<peers over his shoulder to see if Maece is looking and getting ready to bop him for giving out semi-secret info>>
Yo, Dummy! thats not just semi-secret info..thats semi-super-secret-info..WITH kungfu grip!
::sics an angiswaerd on ya::
Vidumavi exclaims, "Wait!"
Vidumavi points at you.
Vidumavi exclaims, "Your that Blasword guy!"
>nod vid
You nod to Vidumavi.
Vidumavi exclaims, "You are the bomb!"
Yo, Dummy! thats not just semi-secret info..thats semi-super-secret-info..WITH kungfu grip!
::sics an angiswaerd on ya::
Vidumavi exclaims, "Wait!"
Vidumavi points at you.
Vidumavi exclaims, "Your that Blasword guy!"
>nod vid
You nod to Vidumavi.
Vidumavi exclaims, "You are the bomb!"
Re: Another message from Rock!
12/30/2003 11:16 PM CST
Valken and Sabreena were great. See, I recall the time at fifth circle when I didn't really know what the heck favors were. Died in Slai of all places and favorless. So, Lekmar ran all the way to Haven and brought back Valken, Bargin and Sabreena to raise my sorry arse. After that I moved to Haven and dedicated myself to helping clerics get the raise quest and holding vigil at the standing stones each time one went in. Kinda miss those days. Most of us didn't know the world as we do now, more innocent perhaps. Cripes to let ya know how different it was, we use to form hunting parties of 5 to 6 or so just to go hunt wood trolls.
Yea, so if not for Valken there would have been no Daython.
Quicknickel. The best mentor a guy could have. Grins at Samsaren.... yea, I did to Quicknickel what you did to me. Chased him down in Shard to talk about all kinds of stuff.
Tough to think on it at times, just gets me melancholy as I face what I must face. Perhaps at times it makes me too ferverent as I express what would really be good for the guild.
We are still Paladin regardless of what we do or do not get. That means something and can not be taken away. It is nice to have Rock pop in to bring that concept back to the front of our minds.
Yea, so if not for Valken there would have been no Daython.
Quicknickel. The best mentor a guy could have. Grins at Samsaren.... yea, I did to Quicknickel what you did to me. Chased him down in Shard to talk about all kinds of stuff.
Tough to think on it at times, just gets me melancholy as I face what I must face. Perhaps at times it makes me too ferverent as I express what would really be good for the guild.
We are still Paladin regardless of what we do or do not get. That means something and can not be taken away. It is nice to have Rock pop in to bring that concept back to the front of our minds.
Re: Another message from Rock!
12/31/2003 06:21 AM CST
If you did to him what I did to you for a while...I really gotta give the fello props for patience <g>
As I look back over the short time I've been around, I can think of a few very special people that are no longer around. A few(not many) have returned, but most are long past the days of this game. The thing I remind myself, remember the good times, remember the lessons, and try to pass some of those tidbits painfully learned to another. There are a few of you Paladins that I'll most likely remember long after I wander into new lands(not any time soon, sorry). For those great times we've all had, I salute you. Perhaps tomorrow I'll meet the next new paladin that will be sitting in my place in a year or two, remembering folks like Daython as people of Myth, as Rock was to me.
Keep at the good works folks, and keep safe on the New Year.
Samsaren Remlane
Remember those that came before, remember honor.
As I look back over the short time I've been around, I can think of a few very special people that are no longer around. A few(not many) have returned, but most are long past the days of this game. The thing I remind myself, remember the good times, remember the lessons, and try to pass some of those tidbits painfully learned to another. There are a few of you Paladins that I'll most likely remember long after I wander into new lands(not any time soon, sorry). For those great times we've all had, I salute you. Perhaps tomorrow I'll meet the next new paladin that will be sitting in my place in a year or two, remembering folks like Daython as people of Myth, as Rock was to me.
Keep at the good works folks, and keep safe on the New Year.
Samsaren Remlane
Remember those that came before, remember honor.
Re: Another message from Rock!
12/31/2003 08:44 AM CST
Truely, there are some very special paladins that formed Madigan's view of things and molded Madigan into the paladin he is (for good or bad). What I am finding very fulfilling nowadays, is also finding that same inspiration in some 'newer' paladins. Let me tell you that there are some paladins that I consider 'new' that have really had a recent impact in Madigan's life, made him reasses how he holds himself out to others and makes him assess his own ego.
The point is that I have a very high level of respect for many of our younger paladins because of their involvement in activities, the guild and just how they carry themselves on a daily basis.
The point is that I have a very high level of respect for many of our younger paladins because of their involvement in activities, the guild and just how they carry themselves on a daily basis.
Re: Another message from Rock!
12/31/2003 10:43 AM CST
The easiest way for me to look at this is to give praise to the entire guild. Every single Paladin I ever met had some kind of impact on my development. There are those that stand out in my mind as having had that extra bit of impact of course. How can you forget the people that inspire you to do greater things and keep the faith in the face of a great many obstacles? Some examples that come to mind would be the people I looked up to in my younger days. People like Stephania, Hartblest, Quicknickle, Steeler, Rock, and Ciroce. Ya can not go wrong learning from people like that. Later on came Haminar, Salamae, Glemm, Madigan, Cyllwdd, Ecoles, Chestham, Rayac, Hegemonic, Chasitee, Silus, Blasword, Stinky-Pureblade, Krymson, Daython, Redarch, Gloryarm, and even that grump Drongol to name just a small few. I know I have forgotten many names that belong here but, remember the impact you made was not forgotten. The Paladin guild has meant so much to me over the years that there simply is no way to put words to the feelings. Best to say a simple thank you to everyone in the guild. To all the folks that came after I fell asleep, I do hope I get the chance to meet you all and begin to learn all over again.
Re: Another message from Rock!
01/01/2004 07:26 PM CST
Rock u and I never meet eye to eye on some things but you were a great image for this guild for the youngens who were inspired to follow the guild. I still enjoy following ya durning the gorbesh war and helping ya out with the apostles till our roads parted.
While we are on shout-outs. I'd like to give a shout to Violet and Pip. Both of these people were great friends and very helpful to all. Was a sad day to see both of them leave, but they did so much.
Ellsdragon Dride
While we are on shout-outs. I'd like to give a shout to Violet and Pip. Both of these people were great friends and very helpful to all. Was a sad day to see both of them leave, but they did so much.
Ellsdragon Dride