So my Paladin is far from being able to do this quest yet but I was reading the elanthipedia info on it and the quest steps. What happens if a Paladin's Holy Weapon gets lost (system crash, janitor, stolen, whatever), do they just redo the whole process to get a new one? Is there a time limit like it says about changing weapons? Has anyone done this before and know for sure? I imagine I'd bond whatever weapon I use but still something that should be on the elanthipedia page.
Re: Holy Weapon quest questions
12/02/2018 04:36 AM CST
>>WHIPLASH: So my Paladin is far from being able to do this quest yet but I was reading the elanthipedia info on it and the quest steps. What happens if a Paladin's Holy Weapon gets lost (system crash, janitor, stolen, whatever), do they just redo the whole process to get a new one? Is there a time limit like it says about changing weapons? Has anyone done this before and know for sure? I imagine I'd bond whatever weapon I use but still something that should be on the elanthipedia page.
This is a situation where it would be best to assist, since you can't redo the quest once you've completed it, and the replacement quest requires an existing holy weapon.
That being said, please register your holy weapons and anything else that is special.
This is a situation where it would be best to assist, since you can't redo the quest once you've completed it, and the replacement quest requires an existing holy weapon.
That being said, please register your holy weapons and anything else that is special.
Re: Holy Weapon quest questions
12/02/2018 09:59 AM CST
Holy weapons are already bonded, unless they've changed something.
Re: Holy Weapon quest questions
12/02/2018 05:17 PM CST
<<Paladin's Holy Weapon gets lost (system crash, janitor, stolen, whatever),
In general with item loss, a system crash versus janitor can have very different outcomes. As it states under News 5 5
<<<"In any case where an item is lost or damaged through this type of normal game mechanics, repair or replacement cannot be authorized."
<<<The janitor is a normal game mechanic and therefore items lost to it cannot be replaced. This would include items lost due to dropping at death and after departing. Yes, to some it may be considered an "out of character" loss, but that is a concession we have to make in order to keep the game as playable as possible.
If the item loss is due to a reason on your end - janitor, dropped it somewhere, internet crashed - it is likely not to be replaced. In the worse of situations you might have your holy weapon reset and told to repeat the quest again with a new weapon. If it is Simutronics' fault, like a game crash, most types of items will be replaced but NEWS 5 4 outlines what will not (such as items on the ground, gems, coins, etc).
In the case of a holy weapon, it thankfully has some good, extra protection against weapon loss (as Keisers said, bonding). Registration, especially for player-made weapons, is still super helpful though (NEWS 2 17). While it doesn't guarantee replacement, every player-made item can be slightly different and the game doesn't track those stats. Registration takes a picture of the item's properties and states that you owned it at the time of registration. So if a replacement is decided, the GM can actually remake your tyrium sword of doom +1.
This PSA was brought to you by NEWS 2 17, NEWS 5 4, NEWS 5 5, and POLICY 14
In general with item loss, a system crash versus janitor can have very different outcomes. As it states under News 5 5
<<<"In any case where an item is lost or damaged through this type of normal game mechanics, repair or replacement cannot be authorized."
<<<The janitor is a normal game mechanic and therefore items lost to it cannot be replaced. This would include items lost due to dropping at death and after departing. Yes, to some it may be considered an "out of character" loss, but that is a concession we have to make in order to keep the game as playable as possible.
If the item loss is due to a reason on your end - janitor, dropped it somewhere, internet crashed - it is likely not to be replaced. In the worse of situations you might have your holy weapon reset and told to repeat the quest again with a new weapon. If it is Simutronics' fault, like a game crash, most types of items will be replaced but NEWS 5 4 outlines what will not (such as items on the ground, gems, coins, etc).
In the case of a holy weapon, it thankfully has some good, extra protection against weapon loss (as Keisers said, bonding). Registration, especially for player-made weapons, is still super helpful though (NEWS 2 17). While it doesn't guarantee replacement, every player-made item can be slightly different and the game doesn't track those stats. Registration takes a picture of the item's properties and states that you owned it at the time of registration. So if a replacement is decided, the GM can actually remake your tyrium sword of doom +1.
This PSA was brought to you by NEWS 2 17, NEWS 5 4, NEWS 5 5, and POLICY 14
Re: Holy Weapon quest questions
12/02/2018 08:00 PM CST
For what it's worth, I had a character die in a remote area, and she dropped her weapon. Fortunately, she had registered it and was able to recover it from the nearest lost-and-found bin. Good luck!
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy