I get that we may be far too early with the process and general design, but I'm curious on what your thoughts are for paladins and where they will shine going forward. What are you thinking will be their 'grass is greener' argument that convinces others to roll up a pally.
Putting together a quick framework, what would be the niches in the following areas post review?
Group combat : ??
Solo combat : ??
Group non-combat : ??
Solo non-combat : ??
As an example, if I were putting this together for a cleric, I'd say something like...
Group combat : AOE buffs (ie: bless) and OF/DF debuffs (HYH)
Solo combat : Gods of undead hunting (offensive/defensive, aoe/single target), spell stealing, OM, unlimited mana, summoned shield
Group non-combat : Tending to the dead, favor orb giver, marriage/divorce
Solo non-combat* : Uncurse, holy water creation, favors anywhere
A Trader could be...
Group combat :
Solo combat : Free mana (Array), summoned armor
Group non-combat : Stores, pouch sellers, financing, shipping
Solo non-combat* : Bonus coin production outside of combat (work orders, caravans), potential crafting pet, mobile personal room, speculate luck (gathering)
* I did not include other cool abilities like blood staunch, storage boxes, or memory protection because those are shared with other guilds (BS, shadow servant and infusion respectively).
Question for the GMs - what do you have in mind for the paladin niche?
01/23/2018 10:43 AM CST
Re: Question for the GMs - what do you have in mind for the paladin niche?
01/23/2018 02:04 PM CST
Right now I am more of the mind to refurbish existing systems rather than creating new ones, so I'm not sure I can legit answer that in the same way I could, say, help guide what Trader combat looks like (though Grejuva was the principle dev of the spell list there).
That said, what I see as existing Paladin points of strength are:
1) They should be good at group buffing. The revised Heroic Strength will be relevant when I can get to it, Lead is already pretty nice and I hope to make it nicer.
2) They should be good at melee combat. Revised smite will help, they have some spell support here, and we've already discussed engagement management as a necessary piece of this pie.
3) Defense. This is actually kinda hard. Right now the way armor defenses work it's not really feasible to make Paladins absorb more damage on the high end than they already do. And given there is the potential for extreme damage absorption it's not really justified to give them some of the high-powered defensive abilities that Traders recently got (ala Mask of the Moons and Elision).
I want to modernize this but I'm not really sure what a modern conception of Paladin defense looks like yet. I want to do TM Parry and a DFA negation contest, but beyond that it gets very blurry.
"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
That said, what I see as existing Paladin points of strength are:
1) They should be good at group buffing. The revised Heroic Strength will be relevant when I can get to it, Lead is already pretty nice and I hope to make it nicer.
2) They should be good at melee combat. Revised smite will help, they have some spell support here, and we've already discussed engagement management as a necessary piece of this pie.
3) Defense. This is actually kinda hard. Right now the way armor defenses work it's not really feasible to make Paladins absorb more damage on the high end than they already do. And given there is the potential for extreme damage absorption it's not really justified to give them some of the high-powered defensive abilities that Traders recently got (ala Mask of the Moons and Elision).
I want to modernize this but I'm not really sure what a modern conception of Paladin defense looks like yet. I want to do TM Parry and a DFA negation contest, but beyond that it gets very blurry.
"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
Re: Question for the GMs - what do you have in mind for the paladin niche?
01/23/2018 03:28 PM CST
>...Lead is already pretty nice and I hope to make it nicer.
This is very nice to read. You may already be going this route, but some solo option, perhaps under a different moniker, would be welcome. I love lead but rarely get to use it because groups aren't terribly common in DR, and then lead only works when you head a group.
>we've already discussed engagement management as a necessary piece of this pie.
>3) Defense. This is actually kinda hard. Right now the way armor defenses work it's not really feasible to make Paladins absorb more damage on the high end than they already do. And given there is the potential for extreme damage absorption it's not really justified to give them some of the high-powered defensive abilities that Traders recently got (ala Mask of the Moons and Elision).
To be honest, if you found a way to give us more absorption I don't think I'd be very excited about the change anyway. Active armor sounds more interesting, but I'm still ignorant on what it is and how it'll work.
I am interested in other ways of surviving, like a last stand ability or some way to deal with acid, naphtha and poison. I'm also interested in reactive abilities. To me, Holy Warrior is the epitome of a paladin ability, and I think it's an enviable one at that without being OP. I'd like to see more stuff like it. That's also one of the things I like about the -aim feature of GoWarding, BTW.
I can see reactive abilities being a substitute for our weak debilitation suite while fitting a paladin theme. For example, Let's say I expect a debilitation being cast my way, so I trace a glyph that has a short duration but absorbs the single next incoming debilitation and makes the debilitator pay somehow. This would be helpful to combat the helplessness that comes with being web-locked or SICKed/SBed or Vertigoed/Tremored or otherwise kited. It's also useful in PvE against creatures that use special debilitation.
Also, any shield attacks/abilities would be yuge. I mean, offense, defense, you name it. I loves me some shield. It's one of the things that made the guild feel like the right fit.
This is very nice to read. You may already be going this route, but some solo option, perhaps under a different moniker, would be welcome. I love lead but rarely get to use it because groups aren't terribly common in DR, and then lead only works when you head a group.
>we've already discussed engagement management as a necessary piece of this pie.
>3) Defense. This is actually kinda hard. Right now the way armor defenses work it's not really feasible to make Paladins absorb more damage on the high end than they already do. And given there is the potential for extreme damage absorption it's not really justified to give them some of the high-powered defensive abilities that Traders recently got (ala Mask of the Moons and Elision).
To be honest, if you found a way to give us more absorption I don't think I'd be very excited about the change anyway. Active armor sounds more interesting, but I'm still ignorant on what it is and how it'll work.
I am interested in other ways of surviving, like a last stand ability or some way to deal with acid, naphtha and poison. I'm also interested in reactive abilities. To me, Holy Warrior is the epitome of a paladin ability, and I think it's an enviable one at that without being OP. I'd like to see more stuff like it. That's also one of the things I like about the -aim feature of GoWarding, BTW.
I can see reactive abilities being a substitute for our weak debilitation suite while fitting a paladin theme. For example, Let's say I expect a debilitation being cast my way, so I trace a glyph that has a short duration but absorbs the single next incoming debilitation and makes the debilitator pay somehow. This would be helpful to combat the helplessness that comes with being web-locked or SICKed/SBed or Vertigoed/Tremored or otherwise kited. It's also useful in PvE against creatures that use special debilitation.
Also, any shield attacks/abilities would be yuge. I mean, offense, defense, you name it. I loves me some shield. It's one of the things that made the guild feel like the right fit.
Re: Question for the GMs - what do you have in mind for the paladin niche?
01/23/2018 03:36 PM CST
Thanks for the response. I understand this is still very early on, but now you have me thinking about the end-state of the guild.
> I want to modernize this but I'm not really sure what a modern conception of Paladin defense looks like yet. I want to do TM Parry and a DFA negation contest, but beyond that it gets very blurry.
I sympathize with this. In most RPGs, you could just give them +10 defense and turn undead as the perk and be done. They're now the best at that role, but with DR's power curve, +10 defense doesn't mean much against ranks, stats, buffs, paid items, and so forth. That's why I was focusing on a niche that's unique. Something no one else can do as a means of differentiating them, like parrying spells. Plugging your goals into the framework, I see something like this:
Group combat : "Group Buffs"*, lead, (protect)
Solo combat : DFA protection, TM parry (+anti targeting glyph? Active armor abilities?)
Group non-combat : ? (I guess Banner of Truce may qualify here in a literal sense) (Updates to support glyphs?)
Solo non-combat* : ?
That all sounds great. I'm greedy though, so some thoughts for consideration:
1. Can the buffs provide something unique? Strength is good, but it's redundant with half of the other guild's own buffs, more than half with stamina. More still if you include items and sorcery. What if a stunned character was automatically protected. What about an intervene type ability, where you push a friendly target to ranged and taunt the creature(s) facing them (maybe require a horse?). What about making divine armor and Righteous wrath spread to your group? What about making lead a passive for anyone in your group that grows with size?
2. Same for self-buffs. Can TM parry extend to ranged weapons? Can you consider making holy weapons perma blessed and synergize with smite? Maybe turn it into a TM focus ( I know, I know, greedy).
3. Can you extend this uniqueness to situations outside of combat? For example, maybe a "smite anvil" while forging to undo a mistake (improve quality) with a holy forging hammer. Maybe sanctify a piece to remove impurities and improve the . Maybe a sacred insight that tells us when a gathering node will repop (though that should probably be innate to scouting). Maybe a squire that will do useful things like go to a town and buy items for us from NPCs (brush + oil, for example) or deposit our coins or put/get stuff in our vaults (like full bundles).
4. For the solo buffs, you could some of them very powerful with longer CDs. This could be a way to differentiate them from other guild abilities, and you could even tie in with a holy festival like HE. Provide a longer CD copy of HE gifts, such as converting XP for yourself or others to raw ranks, blessing someone with a short-term RPA, doing more with death's sting (ie: new glyph of warding => -1 favor cost per depart option, minimum 0, and no sting), summoning a wraith (new glyph of bonding?), giving you a +stat (random) that exceeds caps, and so forth.
Re: Question for the GMs - what do you have in mind for the paladin niche?
01/23/2018 03:40 PM CST
>>2dumbarse: I love lead but rarely get to use it because groups aren't terribly common in DR, and then lead only works when you head a group.
At the very least, I would like to see lead work if you are merely in a group (and not just leading one). It would be nice to be able to use lead while allowing someone else in the group to be in charge of traveling.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Paladin new player guide: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Paladin_new_player_guide
armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
At the very least, I would like to see lead work if you are merely in a group (and not just leading one). It would be nice to be able to use lead while allowing someone else in the group to be in charge of traveling.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Paladin new player guide: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Paladin_new_player_guide
armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
Re: Question for the GMs - what do you have in mind for the paladin niche?
01/23/2018 03:43 PM CST
> To be honest, if you found a way to give us more absorption I don't think I'd be very excited about the change anyway. Active armor sounds more interesting, but I'm still ignorant on what it is and how it'll work.
+1 to this. I like the idea of active armor, but I'm not sure how I would feel about an expertise like maneuver. I'd rather a "defensive stance" where you can plant your shield, yell a taunt, and then reflect damage from attacks (% of the original attack, maybe exceeding the original with high armor and conviction skills or based off shield size) so long as you don't take another action.
Re: Question for the GMs - what do you have in mind for the paladin niche?
01/23/2018 08:20 PM CST
Some sort of thorns aura would be cool.
Re: Question for the GMs - what do you have in mind for the paladin niche?
01/26/2018 04:43 PM CST
>Let's say I expect a debilitation being cast my way, so I trace a glyph that has a short duration but absorbs the single next incoming debilitation and makes the debilitator pay somehow.
I really like the idea of some more abilities (as opposed to the passive anti-stun, Rally) that let Paladins resist or shed debilitation like water off a duck. It has a nice thematic feel to it, too: Come at a paladin on equal footing or be sanctimoniously humbled for your shameful behavior.
"Warrior Mages don't bother covering up their disasters.
They're proud of them." -Raesh, on history
I really like the idea of some more abilities (as opposed to the passive anti-stun, Rally) that let Paladins resist or shed debilitation like water off a duck. It has a nice thematic feel to it, too: Come at a paladin on equal footing or be sanctimoniously humbled for your shameful behavior.
"Warrior Mages don't bother covering up their disasters.
They're proud of them." -Raesh, on history
Re: Question for the GMs - what do you have in mind for the paladin niche?
01/27/2018 02:17 PM CST
> It has a nice thematic feel to it, too: Come at a paladin on equal footing or be sanctimoniously humbled for your shameful behavior.
That's kind of how I've always seen paladins. Barbarians and warrior mages may storm the fortress, but paladins ARE the fortress. Maybe they need shaman like totems that take time to ramp up and can be destroyed, but become very powerful once fully empowered. Think something like VOS, but it does things to hurt the paladin's enemies and save the paladin and their group.
Re: Question for the GMs - what do you have in mind for the paladin niche?
01/27/2018 04:49 PM CST
>Maybe they need shaman like totems that take time to ramp up and can be destroyed, but become very powerful once fully empowered.
Totems are a planned Barbarian release. I don't see why something like this couldn't just be a glyph though.
Totems are a planned Barbarian release. I don't see why something like this couldn't just be a glyph though.
Re: Question for the GMs - what do you have in mind for the paladin niche?
01/27/2018 09:40 PM CST
Sorry, didn't mean to distract the term with the name. I just meant an object (let's say glyph or spell) that you place in the room that steadily grows in power as you feed it. It then makes you more powerful. Ideally, it would take paladins longer to ramp up, but they'd be an impenetrable force if you couldn't convince them to leave (ie: compel).