>>On a similar vein, a pass on the actual mechanics of SLAM could likely use some moving, OR adding a maneuver with some much needed extra 'umph' could work too.
Would be neat if slam did a knockdown.
Small shields: knockdown
Medium shields: knockdown + stun
Large shields: knockdown + immobilization
Would also be neat if there was a secondary slam that was essentially shove + damage, with similar stun/immobilization chances based on shield type.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Brainstorm
02/14/2017 02:41 PM CST
It would go a long way to add incentive the use of larger shields.
Re: Brainstorm
02/14/2017 03:52 PM CST
>I think DA could easily cover such. If anything, the ratio of conversion for shield stats to shield damage stats could stand a review. As it is there's no difference in damage between a store bought 140 stone Tower and a 500+ Quest reinforced Pavise. The mechanic that decides shield stats is a bit dated, and not up to modern combat.
You've stated that before and I forgot. You're absolutely right about DA, and I'd happily play the slot for a metaspell if it's deemed too much for its current slot cost. Also spot on regarding the shield damage stats. A 500-stone pavise shield has just 4 points higher impact damage than a 100 stone medium shield. That rare 500-stone shield also has damage stats equivalent to a 40 stone steel medium blunt weapon with the slam RT of a heavy weapon. I think a good fix (for now?) is just making the shield offense buff weighted based on shield weight or hindrance so it's sort of equivalent to the weapons in the same class (light, medium, heavy). Nobody else really uses shield slam but paladins anyway since nobody has weapons or magic in a skill set placed below armor but us.
>Would be neat if slam did a knockdown.
It would!
You've stated that before and I forgot. You're absolutely right about DA, and I'd happily play the slot for a metaspell if it's deemed too much for its current slot cost. Also spot on regarding the shield damage stats. A 500-stone pavise shield has just 4 points higher impact damage than a 100 stone medium shield. That rare 500-stone shield also has damage stats equivalent to a 40 stone steel medium blunt weapon with the slam RT of a heavy weapon. I think a good fix (for now?) is just making the shield offense buff weighted based on shield weight or hindrance so it's sort of equivalent to the weapons in the same class (light, medium, heavy). Nobody else really uses shield slam but paladins anyway since nobody has weapons or magic in a skill set placed below armor but us.
>Would be neat if slam did a knockdown.
It would!
Re: Brainstorm
02/14/2017 04:27 PM CST
> Nobody else really uses shield slam but paladins anyway since nobody has weapons or magic in a skill set placed below armor but us.
Everyone forgets about the trader.
Re: Brainstorm
02/14/2017 09:43 PM CST
>Everyone forgets about the trader.
Guilty as charged. I always forget traders and empaths when talking combat even though they definitely do it too. Sorry, empaths and traders!
Guilty as charged. I always forget traders and empaths when talking combat even though they definitely do it too. Sorry, empaths and traders!
Re: Brainstorm
02/16/2017 05:41 PM CST
Paladins. Jedi wearing plate. Using the light side of the force
Draw their powers or "faiths" from within and around them. The invisible holy power learned and mastered through their training
Dark Paladins. The "middle" or "gray" force. No extreme beliefs, just getting the job done however it needs.
Learn all types of "faiths" that don't lean too dark or light. Geared more towards making quests "easier" rather than powers that favor sacrifice.
Example: Glyph of light makes light (Light side) Glyph of Sense(or whatever) the (dark paladin) is able to "sense" the directions rather than see them with light.
I've always thought that paladins do follow that type of path, very much like a jedi.
Re: Brainstorm
02/26/2017 12:43 AM CST
First before the idea I would like to restate what others have said about paladins not having a role that is filled by other classes/clerics. I think that the one area they can shine is the group leader role, and they already have a lot of buffs and abilities to that affect. Group hunting isnt a thing though, so this becomes kind of whatever and paladins rarely get to use their stuff, but this can change, and thus, my idea for a single faith/glpyh/whatever.
Name: QUEST (or whatever you want to call it)
Summons a glyph/ritual circle/whatever that allows the paladin and his groupmates to touch and be transported to another, single-room instance area (similar to fortress of ice)
The number of groupmates who can be transported, as well as how often this ability can be used, can be gated on charisma, soul state, and whatever other factors deemed fit. There can also be a minimum number of members. Once the paladin touches the glyph/circle, all members grouped who also touched will be transported.
In this area there will be some messaging and then monsters start spawning in waves. What monster template can be chosen from a list, at random, or whatever the dev wants, but I recommend it to be varied, including tm and undead, to help with class diversity. All the mob stats should flex in here, and to a level a bit harder than normal, for both difficulty and exp gain's sake. If the final wave is defeated, then the members can get some sort of reward. Of course, incidentals, boxes, and skinning can happen on the way.
My suggestion for the final reward would be one of the following, up to the dev:
1) an RPA
2) a random treasure box with rare chance at a scroll
3) an instant experience drain similar to login drain, set at a certain% (like 20%).
No tyrium or other controlled T6 materials, but I think rare chance at scrolls is fine, and of course, bonus to exp drain or gain to encourage people to group and do this. Everything can be gated on a timer/recast/soul level/whatever Dev deems fit.
If done right, seems like a fun way to encourage rp/interaction and give some dungeon crawling feel where people help each other outside of invasion. Plus this is where a paladin can finally use a lot of their other abilities.
Name: QUEST (or whatever you want to call it)
Summons a glyph/ritual circle/whatever that allows the paladin and his groupmates to touch and be transported to another, single-room instance area (similar to fortress of ice)
The number of groupmates who can be transported, as well as how often this ability can be used, can be gated on charisma, soul state, and whatever other factors deemed fit. There can also be a minimum number of members. Once the paladin touches the glyph/circle, all members grouped who also touched will be transported.
In this area there will be some messaging and then monsters start spawning in waves. What monster template can be chosen from a list, at random, or whatever the dev wants, but I recommend it to be varied, including tm and undead, to help with class diversity. All the mob stats should flex in here, and to a level a bit harder than normal, for both difficulty and exp gain's sake. If the final wave is defeated, then the members can get some sort of reward. Of course, incidentals, boxes, and skinning can happen on the way.
My suggestion for the final reward would be one of the following, up to the dev:
1) an RPA
2) a random treasure box with rare chance at a scroll
3) an instant experience drain similar to login drain, set at a certain% (like 20%).
No tyrium or other controlled T6 materials, but I think rare chance at scrolls is fine, and of course, bonus to exp drain or gain to encourage people to group and do this. Everything can be gated on a timer/recast/soul level/whatever Dev deems fit.
If done right, seems like a fun way to encourage rp/interaction and give some dungeon crawling feel where people help each other outside of invasion. Plus this is where a paladin can finally use a lot of their other abilities.
Re: Brainstorm
03/20/2017 08:21 AM CDT
>>Name: QUEST (or whatever you want to call it)
Why would this be a glyph and not just a thing that anyone could organize?
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Why would this be a glyph and not just a thing that anyone could organize?
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.