Greetings and salutations,
Before we get to the meaty part, one thing I'd like to emphasize regarding the nature of this release. While it has been tested thoroughly by Paladins in Test, which I am grateful for, there is always a chance a bug will be discovered or rediscovered. If SMITE does not perform right, or if something goes wrong with the grandfathering, please remain calm and inform me (via the forums) as soon as convenient.
In particular, right now the grandfathering system I chose is slightly overengineered to avoid edge-case exploits. I believe some of what people saw in Test with grandfathering was the result of Test-specific issues with this. If I am wrong, there are other solutions I can use without terribly much more difficulty.
Introducing a new skill and a new req is a nervous experience for everyone involved, so please both be relaxed and if necessary help me make this as smooth as possible.
That said...
Smite 2.0, the Conviction skill and the Conviction skill requirement are live in Prime and Platinum.
CONVICTION (guild skill):
The Conviction skill is now active. It is a circle requirement for Paladins on the following schedule:
1-10th: 3 ranks per circle
11-70th: 4 ranks per circle
71-150th: 5 ranks per circle
151+: 13 ranks per circle
You will receive the minimum requirement for your circle when you first log in after this announcement. If you are currently on-line while reading this and have not been grandfathered, please log out and back in. The Conviction skill is currently on used by SMITE, but glyph and other updates are in the pipe.
The SMITE ability has seen substantial changes. There are three major changes you must be aware of to properly use it.
1) SMITE no longer has a circle requirement. You both can and are expected to use it from 1st circle as your primary Conviction trainer. Smiting can teach Conviction once every minute. You can smite more often for the combat effect, but you will not learn additional Conviction by rapid-firing the ability.
2) SMITE can now be used with any combat style. The command is SMITE <style> <target>, for example SMITE CHOP RAT. It will attempt to to default intelligently if you leave our the target and/or style, though there have been some reported issues with the style being weird that I'm still tracking down.
3) The smite pool has been replaced with Conviction-based "free strikes." As your Conviction grows, the number of smites you get increases. After you have exhausted this allotment of smites, you can continue to smite at the cost of your soul pool. Conviction-based smiting is available despite soul state; even Paladins with rock-bottom souls can smite. However, your character needs to have a nominally healthy soul to convert soul pool to smites. Conviction-based smites recharge every 60 seconds.
3b) Note that on conversion to this new mechanic you may show up as having considerably more smites than you should. This will correct itself the next time you have a recovery pulse go off.
Beyond those major changes, there are a number of additional changes that are useful to know.
4) Smiting no longer has the potential to degrade your soul state.
5) All smites are now considered blessed attacks.
6) The basic function of SMITE is to give you an attack with bonused accuracy and damage compared to normal for the style you picked. The size of the bonus is based on your Charisma and Conviction, and has a substantially higher potential than before.
7) SMITE's strength bonus has been removed. It wasn't cumulative with the superior bonus of HES anyway.
8) The PERCEIVE messaging for the smite pool is gone. You instead can check the number of Conviction-based smites you have available with the SMITE CHECK command.
9) SMITE HELP has been updated with all this information and some minor lore fluff.
This is live in Platinum and Prime at the moment.
"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino