PvP Buffing 10/18/2012 05:09 PM CDT
I have a somewhat difficult time buffing before a spar and I'm wondering if anyone can chime in with his/her strategy. To be specific, I run into mana issues even in shining+ rooms. Often times, out of guilt for making my sparring partner wait on me, I'll throw up only those spells I deem most important and make do with about 50% mana.

I do use GoM and typically prep spells at min and harness 10 at a time. Relevant magic ranks are:

Holy Magic: 387 77%
Harness Ability: 402 25%
Power Perceive: 371 23%
Arcana: 225 94%

You recall the spells you have learned from your training.

In the chapter entitled "Inspiration," you have notes on the Courage, Righteous Wrath [rw], Divine Guidance [dig], Trothfang's Rally [tr], Sentinel's Resolve [sr], Banner of Truce [bot], Anti Stun [as], Heroic Strength [hes], Soldier's Prayer [sp], Marshal Order [mo], and Rutilor's Edge [rue] spells.

In the chapter entitled "Justice," you have notes on the Halt, Stun Foe [sf], Shatter, Divine Armor [da], Bond Weapon [bw], Holy Warrior [how], Tipping the Scales [tip], Clarity, and Smite Horde [smh] spells.

In the chapter entitled "Sacrifice," you have notes on the Alamhif's Gift [ag] and Crusader's Challenge [crc] spells.

In the chapter entitled "Analogous Patterns," you have notes on the Energy Bolt [bolt], Ease Burden [ease], Strange Arrow [stra], and Manifest Force [maf] spells.
Re: PvP Buffing 10/18/2012 06:43 PM CDT

I've only recently returned to the game, so I'm not 100% sure I'm remembering right, but the most efficient way to cast is with cambrinth, I think. Charge up a large cambrinth, and cast at minimum. If you have the time, it'll help with the mana issue.
Re: PvP Buffing 10/18/2012 07:13 PM CDT
Mana return rate is exponential the more full the pool is. Closest to 100% (or over) is the highest refil rate, while closest to 0% is the lowest.

So ideally you want to either harness small chunks of mana to reach your goal, or use MD in a similar mana so that your mana pool refills to 100% between harness/charge.

But if time is your concern, that's potentially very time intensive as well.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: PvP Buffing 10/18/2012 08:19 PM CDT
>But if time is your concern, that's potentially very time intensive as well.

Thanks for the quick replies. That's exactly it. I may just need to keep training, which is a fine, but I'm hoping there's a better way to do it that I'm not aware of being the ignorant paladin I am.
Re: PvP Buffing 10/18/2012 10:06 PM CDT
As far as I know, there is no 'fast' way to fully buff. The fastest way would be to do it the quickest you can while keeping a large mana surplus, since that determines mana refil rates, which ultimately gate your buff times.

You should probably be taking, what, 5 minutes to buff? It shouldn't be a week long process.

If it's simply too intensive, too long, etc, you will probably just have to accept running with fewer buffs. Determine (or ask someone who knows paladin spells) which are flat required, and cast 2-5 in fairly fast manner, then go to the the beatings.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: PvP Buffing 10/18/2012 10:45 PM CDT
>>I have a somewhat difficult time buffing before a spar and I'm wondering if anyone can chime in with his/her strategy. To be specific, I run into mana issues even in shining+ rooms. Often times, out of guilt for making my sparring partner wait on me, I'll throw up only those spells I deem most important and make do with about 50% mana.

The answer to all your mana woes is only weeks away. In 3.0 buffs will be more like 40 minutes to an hour, versus 10 to 20 minute.
Re: PvP Buffing 10/18/2012 11:44 PM CDT
>Determine (or ask someone who knows paladin spells) which are flat required, and cast 2-5 in fairly fast manner, then go to the the beatings.

That's what I was trying to do but probably phrased the question poorly. It's about 10 paladin buff spells, give or take a spell or two, to be at tip top (presumably what one's opponent is also at) on a tertiary harness pool, which is rather small. Then there's also MAF. Didn't count RUE and BW because they don't require much mana or effort. It frequently takes me longer than 5 minutes but I probably am doing something wrong. I can certainly omit spells but I'm not sure which unless it's obvious (e.g. no SP v. barbarian).

I've played a few different MU guilds and have to say I do miss those larger harness pools.

>The answer to all your mana woes is only weeks away. In 3.0 buffs will be more like 40 minutes to an hour, versus 10 to 20 minute.

That's one of the things I'm very excited about. That will be huge.
Re: PvP Buffing 10/19/2012 04:27 AM CDT
Yes, you want to harness in small chunks. This is the best; it beats cambrinth.

What I do is prep at min, then divide the remainder needed to cap the spell by 5 or 6, and harness that 5-6 times until I'm fully prepared. (I have a script do this for me.) Theoretically you could do it faster if you find that you stay full on mana with even larger "chunks" than that provides.

There are also several abilities in game that will help you get more use out of your mana. Off the top of my head, there's the Bard's Naga's Blessing (boosts regen rate), Moon Mage's Aura Sight (+PP boost, so effectively boosts your personal room mana), cjs that boost PP, and the various raise power abilities.

There's also the electrum wolf charm, which you can get from a quest and will give you a massive chunk of mana and boost mana regen for a few minutes (useable once every few days for the small one, once a week for the large one). And finally kirmhiro draughts, which will refill some mana at the cost of fatigue.

-- Player of Eyuve
Re: PvP Buffing 10/19/2012 01:37 PM CDT
>I have a somewhat difficult time buffing before a spar and I'm wondering if anyone can chime in with his/her strategy. To be specific, I run into mana issues even in shining+ rooms. Often times, out of guilt for making my sparring partner wait on me, I'll throw up only those spells I deem most important and make do with about 50% mana.

more an extreme measure - if coin isn't an issue you could buy a gath mysandsa

Re: PvP Buffing 10/20/2012 10:32 PM CDT
Those are excellent suggestions I hadn't considered. Thanks very much for the replies!