It is been through my extensive time spent of late with multiple denizens of the order known as "The philosophers of the knife" that I have come across some very interesting informative tidbits concerning my own guild...
Necromancers often live long lives... and although they are very tricky and sleuthy in many of their "ways" it seems that Truth,lies and keeping secrets are often only pondered when concerning their personal endeavors... To this end I've had some interesting conversations where moments of history are mentioned that do not "line up" with the histories often told to the masses. I try to inquire as I can... but Necromancers are very careful what they reveal once they realize something of what they know may be of value to another...
Including in what I've heard... from the mouths of Necromancers mind you... are a couple of promenent names from our histories and while I will not list off these names some mentioned are known to have been Necromancers in our books and scrolls after having been revealed through some foul deed or malice they were involved in... and some names seemingly have no known ties to Necromancy at all... These people are heralded by the Necromancers as being "adept" in Obfuscation...
The far reaching implications of some of this Necro-lore has the potential to cause such havok and chaos that it is not surprising that whoever this necro-lord is who has organized this "Knife Philosophy" is working to separate the perverted from the redeemed and unsullied. Knowledge is power... and in the wrong hands of the right individuals... we could see much worse then purgings and inquisitions going on... and not just with Necromancers and forbidden practitioners being the targets.
I must stress that change is never welcomed by those who have power and position over others... it is almost always viewed as a threat.
I will continue to share what I learn as long as those who would work to stop me are unaware of my endeavors... whoever they may be... I had an idea before... but now... I'm not sure really what to believe... and as one who has based my whole guilded life in Beliefs and Faith... this is very troubling.