So recently, I delved into some souless persuit for the sake of knowledge and understanding of the "Dark" side of Paladinism.
I figured I would list some of what I have learned...
Of the spells I could test... I could not invoke Courage, Rightous Wrath, Divine Guidance, Sentinel's Resolve, Anti Stun, Marshal's Order, Halt, Stun Foe, Shatter, Divine Armor, Bond Weapon, Smite Horde and Holy Warrior.
Runestones still work... and all analogous spells work.
Some Glyphs still work... others don't. I didn't die so I donno if self-ward/bond is invoked or not. I was still able to ward others.
You are not allowed within Guildhalls(through main entrances) that are sentried, and you cannot pass through soulstone archways.
You cannot be promoted by guildleaders... but you can still have them teach you spells if you have the slots. You cannot find out what skills need training to earn your next circle. I did not check with all guildleaders for variance...
You obtain the Tainted title with stealing experience. You lose this title when you pay pennance.
You obtain the Heretic Title when you become black souled and "dejected" You lose the Heretic title when you have found the light and are able to increase your soul state again, and then commit a good deed.
(I tried going no favors but still was unable to get the "Faithless" title)
Upon praying for forgiveness to Chadatru in the Theren Keep Chapel, all ranks in stealing are cleared... however being forgiven by the Gods does not get you back all your abilities and spells... you must "find the light" again... which I believe is a span of time IG without doing any more "bad" things. I have no way to judge how this is applied and the durations possible. After 5 RL days I still cannot cast from the prohibited list... nor can I pass through soulstone arches... even after doing enough goodly deeds to shine-up a Necro lord's soul.
You cannot smite and you cannot invoke any Protects. If you strike an opponent with your holy weapon it will weaken your bond with the weapon... what detremental effects this alludes to... I am not sure... and don't want to find out.
Some spells you can still utilize have reduced effects or alternate effects... these alternate effects are very cool and I advocate less spell restriction and instead more alternate effect for greater ambience.
In closing... I don't recomend going black-souled... It is a considerable hinderance and the pennance required to redeem one's self is quite high in regards to time and effort required.
Re: Paying pennance.... finding the light again.
01/15/2010 08:46 PM CST
>>Some spells you can still utilize have reduced effects or alternate effects...
Could you elaborate on this please?
SEND[Abasha] It warms my heart to see three people die for a cupcake.
Could you elaborate on this please?
SEND[Abasha] It warms my heart to see three people die for a cupcake.
Re: Paying pennance.... finding the light again.
01/16/2010 10:29 AM CST
Alamhif's gift and Soldier's prayer both have differant visible effects dependant upon soul-state.
Alamhif's gift is pretty funny when self cast.
and addition... in what felt like 24 hr RL in game... I was able to start casting all my spells again... I still hold the heretic title... so you can have the heretic title and still utilize all your spells with certain levels of lowered soul.
I'm not sure if it was the time in game, all the good deeds I was performing, or the 14 favors I amassed that could have effected the end to my pennance in the time it took.
Alamhif's gift is pretty funny when self cast.
and addition... in what felt like 24 hr RL in game... I was able to start casting all my spells again... I still hold the heretic title... so you can have the heretic title and still utilize all your spells with certain levels of lowered soul.
I'm not sure if it was the time in game, all the good deeds I was performing, or the 14 favors I amassed that could have effected the end to my pennance in the time it took.
Re: Paying pennance.... finding the light again.
01/16/2010 05:45 PM CST
you can get from completely Dark to pristine pretty quickly which is not 24 straight hours IG. The Chadatru favors, pilgrams badge, tending, tithing, killing undead, and cleric's reading you books can be looped. Chadatru orbs seem to be the best and fastest way. RPAs also help.
Yes, there is a fine line on the light side of middle of the road soul pool that allows spells to be cast and Heretic title. GoM and GoL are out of business at this soul level though.
What did SP do with black soul? I know Clarity and BoT were still able to be cast with black soul with same functions but not SP.
Yes, there is a fine line on the light side of middle of the road soul pool that allows spells to be cast and Heretic title. GoM and GoL are out of business at this soul level though.
What did SP do with black soul? I know Clarity and BoT were still able to be cast with black soul with same functions but not SP.
Re: Paying pennance.... finding the light again.
01/17/2010 05:20 PM CST
The status of our soul-state should not be blanketed across all our protect abilities...
Please consider removal of certain soul-state requirements for Protect Deflect, Protect Cover, Protect Assess and Protect Coin
Protect Self requests a God's divine intervention and understandably could/should have a soul-state requirement.
Protect Fortify also would likely require a certain level os soul-state... based upon the description given by the Crossing Guild Sentry, If this Protect ever sees the "light" of day.
Even better would be to have differant deities and physical effects tied to soul-state and abilities... of course this veers away from the current concept of Paladins and their Soul.
Please consider removal of certain soul-state requirements for Protect Deflect, Protect Cover, Protect Assess and Protect Coin
Protect Self requests a God's divine intervention and understandably could/should have a soul-state requirement.
Protect Fortify also would likely require a certain level os soul-state... based upon the description given by the Crossing Guild Sentry, If this Protect ever sees the "light" of day.
Even better would be to have differant deities and physical effects tied to soul-state and abilities... of course this veers away from the current concept of Paladins and their Soul.