I think it'd be neat if a Paladin didn't turn into commoner when the soul was dark/black/grey/whatever.
For something like the 'smite' ability, (i'm pretty much winging it on the IG lore) if a Paladin calls upon some immortal to give him the strength to 'smite' something... in my minds eye I see it as Chadatru or Rutilor giving you the strength to perform that act, and if your soul is junk, then they wouldn't be as inclined to help you out.
That part makes sense, but it seems like one of the darker/negative gods might take more interest in a Paladin in this state, maybe someone like Be'Ort, heeding the Paladin's call, to further encourage him down the path he is on.
Now, I'm not suggesting that Paladin's should have full access to 100% of their abilities regardless of soul state. What I am suggesting however is that our abilities(individual spells/glyphs/lead/smite/whatever) be divided up into three groups.
Group A: abilities that benefit from having a light soul state(protects, as an example)
Group B: abilities that have a greater benefit the farther away your soul is from neutral, i.e. very black or very pristine(smite, as an example)
Group C: abilities that benefit from having a dark soul state(maybe something like smite foe, not really sure on this category)
The basis for this argument is that Paladin's work with(I'm not much of a lore buff so feel free to define 'work with' however you like) all of the gods, not just Chadatru and/or Rutilor, so all of them should play a part in the way our abilities work, IMHO.
Actually, the real basis for this argument is that this is what I get when I rub a soul stone...
It feels cold and lifeless, tainted darkish grey with sinister black streaks.
And I'd like to have any sort of guild ability, heck I can't even use RECALL IMMORTAL.
Re: Conflict = Commoner(warning: dark vs light paladin discussion)
03/03/2009 06:08 PM CST
I think there could be a place for dark knights or anti-paladins, or whatever you want to call it, and abilities working (differently perhaps, but still working) for black soul as well as pristine. However, I'd rather see something come about from the many suggestions of ways for conflict and/or tourneying to NOT automatically equal tanked soul.
Re: Conflict = Commoner(warning: dark vs light paladin discussion)
03/03/2009 06:32 PM CST
>>However, I'd rather see something come about from the many suggestions of ways for conflict and/or tourneying to NOT automatically equal tanked soul.
Well, in regards to the conflict part, I think a lot of the killing that goes on, from a Paladin's perspective, might not be the most noble thing. So I think a lot of the time a soul hit is warranted. I'd just like Paladin's to have something while in the darker soul states.
Well, in regards to the conflict part, I think a lot of the killing that goes on, from a Paladin's perspective, might not be the most noble thing. So I think a lot of the time a soul hit is warranted. I'd just like Paladin's to have something while in the darker soul states.
Re: Conflict = Commoner(warning: dark vs light paladin discussion)
03/03/2009 07:44 PM CST
You can still wear tower shields! <ducks the flying suit of plate armor and runs>
"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
Re: Conflict = Commoner(warning: dark vs light paladin discussion)
03/03/2009 08:33 PM CST
No no, that's a good point. I was really struggling to think of a single guild related ability that we didn't lose. Touche'
Re: Conflict = Commoner(warning: dark vs light paladin discussion)
03/03/2009 10:50 PM CST
>>Well, in regards to the conflict part, I think a lot of the killing that goes on, from a Paladin's perspective, might not be the most noble thing. So I think a lot of the time a soul hit is warranted. I'd just like Paladin's to have something while in the darker soul states.
Oh, sure, I think a soul hit is warranted if you attack someone first. But theres times you can tank your soul in conflict when it isn't. I tanked mine fighting one of the Idon Raiders during one of their events. I killed her twice. Both times, she made the first offensive act. Then I had to justify my actions (defending a city under attack) in-character, when both the town thought I was in the wrong (two murder fines), and apparently the gods who give me my abilities thought I was in the wrong too (pallid grey soul).
Oh, sure, I think a soul hit is warranted if you attack someone first. But theres times you can tank your soul in conflict when it isn't. I tanked mine fighting one of the Idon Raiders during one of their events. I killed her twice. Both times, she made the first offensive act. Then I had to justify my actions (defending a city under attack) in-character, when both the town thought I was in the wrong (two murder fines), and apparently the gods who give me my abilities thought I was in the wrong too (pallid grey soul).