Have pristine soul state give combat boosts 03/14/2007 03:29 PM CDT
I would like to see having a pristine soul give small boosts to offense and defense.

I think it makes sense and would give people a positive incentive to keep their soul up. As opposed to the current paradigm of "Keep your soul up or you won't be able to use your spells, abilities, or do guild quests!"

Hopefully one day someone will make a post whining about how DR has become PaladinRealms
Re: Have pristine soul state give combat boosts 03/15/2007 06:05 PM CDT
>>"Keep your soul up or you won't be able to use your spells, abilities, or do guild quests!"

Thats always been enough for me...

That said, I found after doing stuff with my order in the old days, which would occasionally crunch my soul, life was always harder till I recovered it. Could be a trick of the mind, but I felt I noticed something.

Samsaren Remlane