A reverse crit.
You fall over. Oof!
!P> he
Your body feels in extremely bad shape!
Your spirit feels full of life.
You have some minor abrasions to the head, an ugly stump for a right arm, a severely swollen and deeply bruised left arm compounded by deep cuts across the left arm, a broken right leg with gaping holes, minor swelling and bruising around the left leg compounded by deep cuts across the left leg, an ugly stump for a right hand, a severely swollen and deeply bruised chest area with odd protrusions under the skin compounded by deep slashes across the chest area, a few nearly invisible scars along the chest, cuts and bruises about the abdomen.
Area Rate
right arm severe
left arm slight
right leg moderate
left leg slight
chest moderate
inside r. arm slight
inside l. arm slight
inside chest very bad
!P> tend my left arm
Your right arm and right hand are too injured for you to do that.
Quentin touches you.
You feel a warm tingling sensation for a moment, then he cackles and snickers.
[144 Dokoras are taken from you.]
Roundtime: 5 seconds.
As Quentin mumbles a few words, his wounds are miraculously healed.
Quentin says, "Gotta rest!" and plops himself down on the floor.
> scream
You scream!
Quentin continues to rest.
> 'Really!?
You ask, "Really!?"
Genie health bar showed me at 4% health. Thanks to a few, I lived.
Let Lyras win.