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Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/08/2006 04:11 PM CDT
i wasn't going to respond because i think its all been said, but i do wish i was more like the amish folks that reached out to that ass's family.

they truly have what can be wonderful about religion in them.

I dont.

so i say to you that i believe you are an apologist for some of the most brutal organizations in existence today.

that your fear of them is so profound that you mitigate it by siding with them.

and that i feel sorry for you because it must be a painful condition.

:oP Ragran
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/08/2006 04:23 PM CDT
<<so i say to you that i believe you are an apologist for some of the most brutal organizations in existence today.>>

No, I've never apologized for the United States. ;)

Seriously, it is very easy to turn the current conflict into an "us vs. them" mentality. It isn't. Things have been placed in motion for generations leading up to this battle, and there will be many battles in the future fought because of this one.

There is more to it than simply "They're bad people, so we attacked them. Oh, and we think that they knew the guys who attacked us." Rather, here is a list of reasons why we are attacking Iraq:

1. Saddam Hussein sent an assassin after George Bush Sr. George W. Bush now has a chance to get revenge on the man who tried to kill his daddy.

B: Oil. They have it, we need it.

III: The United States needed to find a convenient fly to squash in order to teach those "bad guys" a lesson. After all, North Korea really isn't much of an option, since they might nuke us.

All the talk about abuses of human rights, subjugation of women, etc. is merely emotional fuel poured upon the fire to keep popular support behind the war. We didn't go down there because of 9/11. We didn't go down there because of Saddam. We didn't even go down there because of the oil.

We went down there because we could and nobody's going to stop us.

Drongol's Player

PC also stands for "Paying Customer."
Re: Shield USage not being worked End it or move it please. 10/08/2006 04:42 PM CDT
You guys have drifted way off topic. I also recommend you transfer it to an appropriate folder. At the very least, change the subject heading.

Nothing against either of you, or your debate. Just the wrong place.

Thanks for your time.

-=Dirge. We've been kicking ash for centuries!=-
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/08/2006 05:27 PM CDT
I've tried to stay out of this and just follow the back and forth, but there are a few things you said that I feel a need to respond to.

>>Actually, our troops did get us into this conflict. They obeyed orders.

>>History has already given us at least one memorable example of "I was merely following orders" >>failing to pacify the irate.

I understand the allusion you are referring to. As someone who actually TAUGHT "Laws of Land Warfare" classes to soldiers I need to clarify a few ambiguities in your statement. The "I was merely following orders" defense not standing up refers ONLY to things that a person should know ahead of time are ILLEGAL. Such as murder. If I order a soldier to shoot a prisoner, "I was merely following orders" is not a defense. The soldier refusing the order must be ready and willing to stand before a courts-martial and hope the panel agrees with their interpretation. In fact, there have been a handful of soldiers who refused orders to deploy to Iraq/Afghanistan and are currently facing such courts-martial. It appears that their defense of "It was an Illegal Order" will not be upheld.

So, in fact, "our troops" did not get us into this conflict.

As for the rest of it.. I repect your right to offer your opinion. In fact, that's why I served in the Army.. to stand in defense of a person's right to give their opinion without fear.

Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/08/2006 05:41 PM CDT
<<The "I was merely following orders" defense not standing up refers ONLY to things that a person should know ahead of time are ILLEGAL. Such as murder.>>

I know what you're trying to say, sir, but I find it difficult to differentiate between the premeditated killing of an individual and murder. I realize that killing an enemy is not considered murder, but that is an artificial construction created to legalize violence.

<<So, in fact, "our troops" did not get us into this conflict.>>

Sir, I have to point out one thing: if every trooper refused to go to Afghanistan or Iraq, we would by necessity not be battling those countries. Orders only work so long as the majority follow them. Of course, military men are trained to follow orders, but the point remains that each individual soldier made a choice to join the military and made a choice to follow the order shipping them out to their destination. To say otherwise is, in my mind, to claim that a soldier has no free will and is merely a tool of the government. And that, my friend, is a scary thought.

<<As for the rest of it.. I repect your right to offer your opinion. In fact, that's why I served in the Army.. to stand in defense of a person's right to give their opinion without fear.>>

And that's part of the reason why I respect those with the courage to sign up for the military. I may disagree with some of the actions taken by the United States military, but that does not mean that I don't respect the people who are willing to lay their lives down to protect those who are not.

Drongol's Player

PC also stands for "Paying Customer."
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/08/2006 05:55 PM CDT
The good ole "Laws of Land Warfare" class. Hard to forget it in these days of a president who apparently doesn't want to follow any laws but ones that suit him on any given day. I find myself drifting back to old semi forgotten memories as a recon scout and thinking man, am I glad I am long done with it. The crap the soldiers are having to put up with from our government and in other countries is enough to have made me want to go AWOL if I were still active in todays Army.


p.s: Good post Redarch's player as a side note.

Henry II: Now see here, boy...
Philip II: I am a king - I am no man's "boy"!
Henry II: A king? Because you put your ass on purple cushions?
"The Lion in Winter (1968)"

Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/08/2006 06:37 PM CDT
<< Saddam Hussein sent an assassin after George Bush Sr. George W. Bush now has a chance to get revenge on the man who tried to kill his daddy.>>

I take you listen to a lot of Air America because I would love to see any sort of evideince that acaully supports this absurd view.

<<B: Oil. They have it, we need it.>>

Yeah because we have piliged so much of it and its had such a huge impact on US oil prices. Oh wait we are still just as tied to the world fluction of oil prices as we were before any sort of attack on Iraq took place so I belive we can chack that up to yet another fact you pulled out of thin air with no acaully basis in fact.

<<III: The United States needed to find a convenient fly to squash in order to teach those "bad guys" a lesson. After all, North Korea really isn't much of an option, since they might nuke us.>>

Where do you get this stuff? With so many acual real reasons to be against the war why keep throwing out these made up ones with no acaul basis in fact.

And then of course blaming the common solider while at the same time admiting you are a coward and hiding because the feedoms that the common solider fought and often died for just so you slander them is really the saddest thing. I can certainly see why you insist on being called Drongol's player now.


Events make the land live and breath over the normalcy of everyday hunting,foraging ect. It is the RP aspect that brings out people to live the game.

GM Shakahn on events in prime
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/08/2006 06:48 PM CDT
<<I take you listen to a lot of Air America because I would love to see any sort of evideince that acaully supports this absurd view.>>

Sorry if I'm misinformed, but I was under the impression that the man who shot George Bush Sr. had something to do with Iraq. Am I confused here?

<<Yeah because we have piliged so much of it and its had such a huge impact on US oil prices.>>

Oddly enough, gasoline here in Texas is down almost a dollar less than what it was a year ago. Not that I'm saying Iraq has anything to do with that.

<<Where do you get this stuff? With so many acual real reasons to be against the war why keep throwing out these made up ones with no acaul basis in fact.>>

I'm not exactly against the war. Rather, I'm against lying about the reasons why we're going to war.

<<And then of course blaming the common solider while at the same time admiting you are a coward and hiding because the feedoms that the common solider fought and often died for just so you slander them is really the saddest thing.>>

No, the saddest thing is a puppy with three legs that'll do his best to make it. And I'm not blaming the "common soldier." I am saying that it is ridiculous to say that a soldier follows orders and that makes said soldier not responsible for any of his or her actions.

Ultimately, we are at "war" with Iraq because the "common soldier" has consented to do battle in Iraq. Sure, there are others who are also responsible, but the final, ultimate responsibility has to be in the hands of the men and women firing the guns.

Drongol's Player

PC also stands for "Paying Customer."
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/08/2006 07:48 PM CDT


Interesting discussion aside, this is DR Conflicts, no Global.. sheesh.

Senior Board Monitor

If you've questions or comments, take it to e-mail by writing Senior Board Monitor, or Message Board Supervisor
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/08/2006 10:26 PM CDT
This thread was so much cooler when it was just pooping on Drongol.
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/09/2006 02:09 AM CDT
A couple of last comments. Then I drop out of this discussion because as the Board monitor stated... we've gone WAAAAAAY off topic here.

>>I find it difficult to differentiate between the premeditated killing of an individual and murder.

I understand the conundrum and can even sympathize somewhat. I resolved this seeming inconsistancy for myself early on in my military career or I wouldn't have stayed to retirement. You have every right to hold this opinion and live your life according to it, ie. service in the military isn't for everyone. Having started my career at the tail-end of the draft, I can tell you from experience, I'd much rather have a volunteer who CHOSE to serve in the foxhole next to me, rather than a draftee. I support your right to choose NOT to serve and more power to you.

>>if every trooper refused to go to Afghanistan or Iraq, we would by necessity not be battling those countries.

I understand your point and agree that on a purely intellectual basis that seems true. However, what you are forgetting is that choosing to disobey legal orders (whether you agree with them or not) results in an armed MOB, not an Army. If we are going to have an effective military force, it MUST be trained to obey orders, even ones an individual disagrees with so long as it is not patently illegal. Then WE as citizens choose the civilian leadership that gives the orders to the military. Don't agree with the orders given to the Army.. change the civilian leadership. Don't advocate that the ARMY choose which orders to follow or not. That's not how it is supposed to work in our system.

In addition, I can tell you SPECIFICALLY when and where I decided to make the Army a career. I was in my dorm room in college, shooting the bull with fellow students about ROTC. One of my classmates piped up with the statement "I don't agree with serving in the Army in foreign countries. I say we should stick within our own borders and let the world do what they want. If some other country then invaded the US, I would run right down and join up." I thought to myself.. Ohh boy, guess I better stand a watch on the wall cause if everyone else decided not to get involved until we got invaded.. that would be waaaaaay too late then.

>>And then of course blaming the common solider while at the same time admiting you are a coward

I will assume this was said in the heat of the arguement, but I take exception with your misquoting of Drongo's player. I believe he said words to the effect that he was not willing to place himself in a situation to be shot at and that some could call that being a coward. Never did he say or "admit" he was a coward. Nor do I personally think he is a coward. Coming down on Drongol's player for saying he wasn't willing to serve in the military is uncalled for. Everyone has a right to choose for themselves. Not everyone is willing to place their lives on the line and submit to military discipline in order to serve. That doesn't make them wrong or bad or anything... other than realistic enough to know the military is not for them. Nothing derogatory should be construed from a statement saying a person was not willing to serve in the military. It is NOT for everyone, nor do I think a person is wrong or bad for making that choice.

I stood my tour on the "wall" specifically to give folks like Drongol's player the ability to CHOOSE not to stand on the wall with me. Please don't belittle him for exercising that choice.

Ok, I will get off my soap box now. My apologies for dragging this way off topic discussion out one post longer. I've had my say, and I respect the right of everyone here that spoke up on either side to say their piece. But I think we can let this die out now before it gets pulled.

Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/09/2006 06:16 AM CDT
<<Nothing derogatory should be construed from a statement saying a person was not willing to serve in the military.>>

I don't think anyone should be forced to join the military unless the need is exstrodonarly dire. I think people who don't want to be there put both themselves and the people around them at greater risk in general.

However, slandering soliders whos crime is "following orders" is simply not aceptable in any sense of the manner. We are not talking about soliders who did rouge actions we are talking about the rank and file who are doing their duty.

As we all know, Ramadan is that mystical time of year when the ghost of Mohammad rises from the grave to feast on the flesh of the living! So we all sing to lull him back to sleep.
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/09/2006 06:44 AM CDT
I want to make it clear that i'm totally against the war. And i think Bush will go down in history as one of our most incompetent presidents.

I was merely pointing out that things are more complicated than "drongol's player" was suggesting.

:oP Ragran
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/09/2006 07:29 AM CDT
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/09/2006 07:32 AM CDT

:oP Ragran
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/09/2006 07:43 AM CDT
>exstrodonarly dire

WYATTB2 wins the award for most mangled spelling of a word in this thread! Congratulations!

Back on topic, let's talk about those soldiers engaging in 'rouge' actions... Here's what Donald Rumsfeld had to say when asked about them:
"They're a bit like black ops. In lipstick and tube tops."

-Vision et al
Detective, Spelling Police
Badge #44863

Also, I can shoot bees.
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/09/2006 08:21 AM CDT
<<WYATTB2 wins the award for most mangled spelling of a word in this thread! Congratulations!>>

I think the only thing I can really take umbringe with in that statement is that you resticted it to this thread.

As we all know, Ramadan is that mystical time of year when the ghost of Mohammad rises from the grave to feast on the flesh of the living! So we all sing to lull him back to sleep.
Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/09/2006 08:27 AM CDT
So the basic idea behind this thread is that Drongol's player will only attack people that are annoying him if they are 'easy kills'. Got it.

Re: Shield USage not being worked 10/09/2006 08:30 AM CDT

:oP Ragran
Re: Shield USage not being worked 11/16/2006 07:48 AM CST
><< Saddam Hussein sent an assassin after George Bush Sr. George W. Bush now has a chance to get revenge on the man who tried to kill his daddy.>>

Little late but... Does this remind anyone else of Inspector Jaques Clouseau getting ambushed by Cato?

* Rayje just found some REAL samatak! * Type DUI to find out what this means!
Re: Shield USage not being worked 11/16/2006 10:24 AM CST
LOL! I didn't see the recent version of those movies but I loved the old ones. Nooo Cato! No! (Cato leaps out of the frige towards Inspector Clouseau.)

Re: Shield USage not being worked 11/16/2006 11:25 AM CST
Little late but... Does this remind anyone else of Inspector Jaques Clouseau getting ambushed by Cato?


:oP Ragran
Re: Shield USage not being worked 11/17/2006 05:50 AM CST
<<Little late but... Does this remind anyone else of Inspector Jaques Clouseau* getting ambushed by Cato**?>>

*Bush and republicans
**Democrats, even ohio woke up....finally.


A dust bunny furtively tugs a label from Niteshiver's clothing that reads, "Closet Conservative".
Re: Shield USage not being worked 11/17/2006 12:23 PM CST
dude yer clever...

:oP Ragran
Re: Shield USage not being worked 11/18/2006 01:08 PM CST
Alright, back on track please or drop it topic.


The great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese!"

~Thank You for Smoking~
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