Hit 5th circle and went to get this quest. Headed all the way down to shard, found the orb room only to get this message:
>You attempt to focus on the orb, but you feel you need to rest and contemplate a bit first
After consulting some other players, apparently my soul state needed to be pristine. Ok, that makes sense. Wish the quest text would've hinted towards that a little more than 'If you are found worthy, you will be rewarded but your responsibility will increase accordingly.' Also, if you're NOT found worthy, would be nice if it gave you a little more than the 'You attempt to focus on the orb, but you feel you need to rest and contemplate a bit first' line.
Once I got my soul state up, I tried again. Same result. More asking other players. Turns out your soul pool also needs to be full enough (again, zero mention of this when getting the quest) AND if you've failed there's some sort of timer before you can try again. No mention of this in any messaging.
Now the last two points are conjecture, there's no mention of anything other than soul state needing to be pristine on the wiki, may pally as that and it's still giving him 'rest and contemplate' At this point, my wee pally apparently will have to just sit around in Shard and keep trying every so often. No idea if the timer counts down while I'm not logged in with him or not and if my soul pool still isn't full enough, it'll just keep failing with no warning.
This seems a bit rough. I understand these quests are 10+ years old but can you imagine an actual new player trying to get through this?
Player of Leech Farmer Nithhogr
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/27/2018 02:19 PM CST
> This seems a bit rough. I understand these quests are 10+ years old but can you imagine an actual new player trying to get through this?
Oh man. If you have this one, just wait until get to the glyph of light quest. The first time I did that (15 years ago), I almost quit the guild. It cost me about 12 hours of game time.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/27/2018 10:17 PM CST
I play new guilds and try to do the quests without spoilers. It almost always takes a lot more time than it should, but it’s a lot of fun too. A little frustration is ok.
Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/27/2018 11:18 PM CST
I saw that message too, when I took my paladin on that quest. Just be patient. ;)
Player of...
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Player of...
Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy
A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/28/2018 11:44 PM CST
The Glyph of Light Quest only took you 12 hours? You are quite lucky.
Before we had private boats, we had to take very slow public transportation. Try getting all of the way back to Crossings to give Darius the torch, only to discover that the Crossings Guild had closed while traveling to the islands on the quest. With Darius inaccessible and the Paladin Guild doors locked, I could not utter a word, scream, or even blink back tears, and here is what transpired. A moon mage managed to get into the back of the Paladin Guild (with the help of an expert Locksmith), and opened a moongate into the Courtyard, through which I was led by a fellow Paladin and taken into Darius's office. Thankfully, he was still sitting there and had not been transferred to Hib yet.
PS - I also broke the Holy Weapon Quest, and it took an entire year to fix. Advice, don't have anyone joined to you in the Guild, or else they'll have to die to get out of the quest that they were dragged into.
Before we had private boats, we had to take very slow public transportation. Try getting all of the way back to Crossings to give Darius the torch, only to discover that the Crossings Guild had closed while traveling to the islands on the quest. With Darius inaccessible and the Paladin Guild doors locked, I could not utter a word, scream, or even blink back tears, and here is what transpired. A moon mage managed to get into the back of the Paladin Guild (with the help of an expert Locksmith), and opened a moongate into the Courtyard, through which I was led by a fellow Paladin and taken into Darius's office. Thankfully, he was still sitting there and had not been transferred to Hib yet.
PS - I also broke the Holy Weapon Quest, and it took an entire year to fix. Advice, don't have anyone joined to you in the Guild, or else they'll have to die to get out of the quest that they were dragged into.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 12:14 AM CST
> The Glyph of Light Quest only took you 12 hours? You are quite lucky.
No, I should have clarified. I lost the 12 hours I invested. I was given several hints when I first tried it, and I did something I thought I could do. Well, I couldn't. My light went out. The 12 hours of waiting for boats, traveling, getting the torch, and trying to travel back were burnt because of a single command. I don't think I ever completed that quest on that character.
> PS - I also broke the Holy Weapon Quest, and it took an entire year to fix. Advice, don't have anyone joined to you in the Guild, or else they'll have to die to get out of the quest that they were dragged into.
Ha. Nice. Another quest I have never done on any character because of all of the pain for what I see as an RP instrument that can be done without the limitations.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 08:01 AM CST
Oh man.. GoLight quest, typo-ing Go Door with Gi Door, and failing while giggling. GREAT Times. On the flip, my most recent squire did the whole quest in like 5 minutes with a tad of preparation.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 10:22 AM CST
> PS - I also broke the Holy Weapon Quest, and it took an entire year to fix. Advice, don't have anyone joined to you in the Guild, or else they'll have to die to get out of the quest that they were dragged into.
>> Ha. Nice. Another quest I have never done on any character because of all of the pain for what I see as an RP instrument that can be done without the limitations.
This isn't the first time I see this stated, so I wanted to offer an opinion here. Holy weapon is more than an RP instrument, although it is certainly a very unique theme/RP element as a permanent mundane weapon enhancement. Holy weapon is quite potent at max power even against the living, and you should definitely get it if you haven't already. A lot of the annoying parts of it were improved (by Javac IIRC) as others pointed out elsewhere.
Holy weapon probably needs the least attention among our non-magic abilities. That's not to dissuade anyone from undertaking a holy weapon project. I know a number of paladins would absolutely love to see the holy armaments concept extended to at least shield and expanded in the future.
>> Ha. Nice. Another quest I have never done on any character because of all of the pain for what I see as an RP instrument that can be done without the limitations.
This isn't the first time I see this stated, so I wanted to offer an opinion here. Holy weapon is more than an RP instrument, although it is certainly a very unique theme/RP element as a permanent mundane weapon enhancement. Holy weapon is quite potent at max power even against the living, and you should definitely get it if you haven't already. A lot of the annoying parts of it were improved (by Javac IIRC) as others pointed out elsewhere.
Holy weapon probably needs the least attention among our non-magic abilities. That's not to dissuade anyone from undertaking a holy weapon project. I know a number of paladins would absolutely love to see the holy armaments concept extended to at least shield and expanded in the future.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 11:03 AM CST
> This isn't the first time I see this stated, so I wanted to offer an opinion here. Holy weapon is more than an RP instrument, although it is certainly a very unique theme/RP element as a permanent mundane weapon enhancement. Holy weapon is quite potent at max power even against the living, and you should definitely get it if you haven't already. A lot of the annoying parts of it were improved (by Javac IIRC) as others pointed out elsewhere.
My understanding is that the holy weapon is basically a normal weapon if you bother to use it. If I had a weapon that I only PvP'd with then sure, I'd do the quest, but why take my awesome sword of doom to my vault because I'm afraid of ruining it? I'm not saying it wasn't much worse before Javac's changes. I love that you can change a holy weapon without destroying the old one now, but I still don't see myself using it until it's at least as good as weapon flares. It may be potent, but DR is not conducive to rare-use items. I never use them, generally saving them for a special hero moment that may or may not come.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 11:34 AM CST
Forgive my ignorance, but what are weapon flares? Is it one of those mechanisms that doesn't work with holy weapon?
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 11:37 AM CST
>>Forgive my ignorance, but what are weapon flares?
+damage boosts. They're a bit broken right now so I wouldn't really use it as a comparison metric.
>>Is it one of those mechanisms that doesn't work with holy weapon?
Most scripts don't play well with other scripts, but yeah.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
+damage boosts. They're a bit broken right now so I wouldn't really use it as a comparison metric.
>>Is it one of those mechanisms that doesn't work with holy weapon?
Most scripts don't play well with other scripts, but yeah.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 12:14 PM CST
As you move up in circle, the charge on the holy weapon gets to the point where it can easily be your daily driver. If you have an Icon, it becomes relatively painless to do so. I carry mine around because I like to have it to use it, and it's an altered fancy one that fits nicely.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 12:59 PM CST
> Forgive my ignorance, but what are weapon flares? Is it one of those mechanisms that doesn't work with holy weapon?
Enchants like +fire damage.
> +damage boosts. They're a bit broken right now so I wouldn't really use it as a comparison metric.
I wasn't referring to raw power. It's more the fact that enchants can stay on for 6 months at 8 hours a day. You infrequently need to charge it with infuser stones vs needing to find an altar or pay item to keep your guild ability running.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 01:18 PM CST
>>I wasn't referring to raw power.
I was thinking of the "original" flares from the earlier Duskruin prizes, not the newer wave of flares, which is why I was saying they're a bit broken (I never tested the newer flares so no idea if they have similar wonkiness).
>>You infrequently need to charge it with infuser stones vs needing to find an altar or pay item to keep your guild ability running.
I personally consider infuser stones as pay items since you can't get them in the game without paying extra to access something outside of the typical instance.
Would be neat if holy weapons hold a bigger charge, or the charge being time-based more than strike-based, though. Would be another nice boon tied to the new conviction skill.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
I was thinking of the "original" flares from the earlier Duskruin prizes, not the newer wave of flares, which is why I was saying they're a bit broken (I never tested the newer flares so no idea if they have similar wonkiness).
>>You infrequently need to charge it with infuser stones vs needing to find an altar or pay item to keep your guild ability running.
I personally consider infuser stones as pay items since you can't get them in the game without paying extra to access something outside of the typical instance.
Would be neat if holy weapons hold a bigger charge, or the charge being time-based more than strike-based, though. Would be another nice boon tied to the new conviction skill.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 01:27 PM CST
I think Javac fixed or tried to fix the holy weapon script stacking thing. I'm not sure if it was solved, though. Let me see if I can find the post...
>Try it in Test, if the instance is open to you. When I made some changes recently, I attempted to allow scripted weapons to be usable, but I can't remember all of the limitations off hand. Certain types may not work still, I don't recall what all is supported, and I'm not familiar with the Scream enchant.
>That one guy
>Try it in Test, if the instance is open to you. When I made some changes recently, I attempted to allow scripted weapons to be usable, but I can't remember all of the limitations off hand. Certain types may not work still, I don't recall what all is supported, and I'm not familiar with the Scream enchant.
>That one guy
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 03:23 PM CST
> I personally consider infuser stones as pay items since you can't get them in the game without paying extra to access something outside of the typical instance.
That's fair, but they're incredibly cheap in trader shops right now. The GMs also mentioned something about adding it to the rare hopper. I'm not sure if that ever happened, but both of those is why I included them.
> Would be neat if holy weapons hold a bigger charge, or the charge being time-based more than strike-based, though.
I agree. I would love for holy weapons to be similar to enchants as far as timing. I like the idea of spending 100 plat for a stone that extends an holy weapon for another 1500 hours. As a level 50+ is not unreasonable in the slightest. I own an icon, even though I don't have a holy weapon, just in case they change.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 03:25 PM CST
>>I would love for holy weapons to be similar to enchants as far as timing. I like the idea of spending 100 plat for a stone that extends an holy weapon for another 1500 hours. As a level 50+ is not unreasonable in the slightest. I own an icon, even though I don't have a holy weapon, just in case they change.
I MUCH prefer the modern charge method over a pay item. Again, go GET one and use it, especially having an icon it will last longer then the cooldown of the icon.
I MUCH prefer the modern charge method over a pay item. Again, go GET one and use it, especially having an icon it will last longer then the cooldown of the icon.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 04:26 PM CST
>I agree. I would love for holy weapons to be similar to enchants as far as timing. I like the idea of spending 100 plat for a stone that extends an holy weapon for another 1500 hours. As a level 50+ is not unreasonable in the slightest. I own an icon, even though I don't have a holy weapon, just in case they change.
I strongly dislike abilities you have to pay to use, whether it's using RL or IG currency. With this suggestion, your ability to use the holy weapon would largely depend on IG market prices for a RL pay item. At least not having a holy icon doesn't totally lock a paladin out of HW. Now, lest I be accused of throwing the baby out with the bath water, I might get behind changing the strike limit to a timer using an icon/altar/stone. That said, it seems like it'd be a high opportunity cost change. Maybe after glyphs, lead, active armor, protects, sacred insight, etc.
In any case, what you describe is really not that far off from a holy icon. You should give it a shot. With the number of strikes you get and a holy icon, it's really not that bad. It's almost like refreshing a ritual spell; not too painful. If the reason you don't want it is that there are better weapon enchants out there that don't stack with HW, I get that. Otherwise, you've got nothing to lose.
I strongly dislike abilities you have to pay to use, whether it's using RL or IG currency. With this suggestion, your ability to use the holy weapon would largely depend on IG market prices for a RL pay item. At least not having a holy icon doesn't totally lock a paladin out of HW. Now, lest I be accused of throwing the baby out with the bath water, I might get behind changing the strike limit to a timer using an icon/altar/stone. That said, it seems like it'd be a high opportunity cost change. Maybe after glyphs, lead, active armor, protects, sacred insight, etc.
In any case, what you describe is really not that far off from a holy icon. You should give it a shot. With the number of strikes you get and a holy icon, it's really not that bad. It's almost like refreshing a ritual spell; not too painful. If the reason you don't want it is that there are better weapon enchants out there that don't stack with HW, I get that. Otherwise, you've got nothing to lose.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 05:20 PM CST
> I MUCH prefer the modern charge method over a pay item. Again, go GET one and use it, especially having an icon it will last longer then the cooldown of the icon.
Okay. I'll give it a shot. Who knows, maybe this is the best thing since sliced bread. Any recommendations for day-to-day use, RP aside? Should I use my highest skill weapon? Weapon with the worst balance? Weapons with the most damage? Or weapons that are on the low-end of skill for what I'm hunting to reduce the number of whiffs?
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 05:22 PM CST
> I strongly dislike abilities you have to pay to use, whether it's using RL or IG currency. With this suggestion, your ability to use the holy weapon would largely depend on IG market prices for a RL pay item.
To be clear, I wasn't recommending using an infuser stone. I'm only using this as a point of reference for how long each stone lasts. I think the current charge methods should stay the same, but they should be greatly extended so that it encourages use rather than discourages it.
Secondly, IIRC, infuser stones are (or will be?) available in the rare item hopper. They are (will be?) like scrolls with enchanting. You can (will be?) get them without MT events.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 06:13 PM CST
>>Any recommendations for day-to-day use, RP aside? Should I use my highest skill weapon?
I suggest the biggest, meanest ruggedest version of your top weapon. Hopefully that is a pole or two hander in modern DR. Personally, I use a Sterak as LE is my prime. Yes, I'm aware LE is the sad step-child of the blades these days, but I cannot wrap my head around using a barn door and a two hander. I'll suffer the loss for sense.
>>I think the current charge methods should stay the same, but they should be greatly extended so that it encourages use rather than discourages it.
The charge at 50th isn't overhuge (though I recall it being over an hour of usage, back 13ish years ago during the parry/jab days. You burned a lot of charge on 1 second jabs, and there's been oodles of changes sense then). The charge at the upper end, especially with a lot of charisma is..Robust. Now that icons aren't as over the top rare, and travel is a mere shadow of the issue it was, being able to get to one of the charging stations isn't nearly as painful as it was. Heck, for a long time I was using the Chadatru prayer (the charge method) as my couple times a day soul top off to maintain my title. Actually USING my holy weapon, even as a trainer, is NOT a problem.
I suggest the biggest, meanest ruggedest version of your top weapon. Hopefully that is a pole or two hander in modern DR. Personally, I use a Sterak as LE is my prime. Yes, I'm aware LE is the sad step-child of the blades these days, but I cannot wrap my head around using a barn door and a two hander. I'll suffer the loss for sense.
>>I think the current charge methods should stay the same, but they should be greatly extended so that it encourages use rather than discourages it.
The charge at 50th isn't overhuge (though I recall it being over an hour of usage, back 13ish years ago during the parry/jab days. You burned a lot of charge on 1 second jabs, and there's been oodles of changes sense then). The charge at the upper end, especially with a lot of charisma is..Robust. Now that icons aren't as over the top rare, and travel is a mere shadow of the issue it was, being able to get to one of the charging stations isn't nearly as painful as it was. Heck, for a long time I was using the Chadatru prayer (the charge method) as my couple times a day soul top off to maintain my title. Actually USING my holy weapon, even as a trainer, is NOT a problem.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 06:53 PM CST
> I suggest the biggest, meanest ruggedest version of your top weapon. Hopefully that is a pole or two hander in modern DR. Personally, I use a Sterak as LE is my prime. Yes, I'm aware LE is the sad step-child of the blades these days, but I cannot wrap my head around using a barn door and a two hander. I'll suffer the loss for sense.
HT is my top with 2HE and pole shortly behind it. Can I have this thing turned into a holy weapon, since it has an enchant on it?
Or is it better to use something that's easier to wield with a shield?
> Actually USING my holy weapon, even as a trainer, is NOT a problem.
Very cool. Okay, I'll try it out. Is it worth training charisma for? It's a good 20-30 points behind most of my other stats (50-60s)
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 07:07 PM CST
>>Shift3: To be clear, I wasn't recommending using an infuser stone. I'm only using this as a point of reference for how long each stone lasts. I think the current charge methods should stay the same, but they should be greatly extended so that it encourages use rather than discourages it.
Before February 2017, that was an accurate description. The recharging mechanics were overly punitive, which discouraged its use. (If your weapon ran out of charges, you needed to recharge it twice with no use between recharging and a one-hour cooldown after each recharging.)
Now that it no longer penalizes you for running out of charges (it just functions as a normal weapon until you recharge it once), it is much more practical to use your holy weapon as a hunting weapon.
While I would like to see more permanent recharging locations, and I am not overly fond of requiring a paid item to optimize a guild ability, holy weapons are still a pretty reasonable system overall. (The portable icons are becoming more common and affordable, with the most recent one from Droughtman's costing $15 or less.)
>>Shift3: Secondly, IIRC, infuser stones are (or will be?) available in the rare item hopper. They are (will be?) like scrolls with enchanting. You can (will be?) get them without MT events.
Currently, the only sources of infuser stones are all paid events. (Note: I don't consider it not a paid item just because you can find someone reselling it for plats.)
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Paladin new player guide: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Paladin_new_player_guide
armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
Before February 2017, that was an accurate description. The recharging mechanics were overly punitive, which discouraged its use. (If your weapon ran out of charges, you needed to recharge it twice with no use between recharging and a one-hour cooldown after each recharging.)
Now that it no longer penalizes you for running out of charges (it just functions as a normal weapon until you recharge it once), it is much more practical to use your holy weapon as a hunting weapon.
While I would like to see more permanent recharging locations, and I am not overly fond of requiring a paid item to optimize a guild ability, holy weapons are still a pretty reasonable system overall. (The portable icons are becoming more common and affordable, with the most recent one from Droughtman's costing $15 or less.)
>>Shift3: Secondly, IIRC, infuser stones are (or will be?) available in the rare item hopper. They are (will be?) like scrolls with enchanting. You can (will be?) get them without MT events.
Currently, the only sources of infuser stones are all paid events. (Note: I don't consider it not a paid item just because you can find someone reselling it for plats.)
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Paladin new player guide: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Paladin_new_player_guide
armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/29/2018 07:12 PM CST
>>Shift3: HT is my top with 2HE and pole shortly behind it. Can I have this thing turned into a holy weapon, since it has an enchant on it?
I would assume that scripts like the flare mechanics are incompatible with the holy weapon script. If your Test character has one of these weapons, you can always try it there.
>>Shift3: Or is it better to use something that's easier to wield with a shield?
2HE is what I use; I don't find the arm-worn shield + 2HE penalty to be that detrimental. A heavier polearm would also be a great choice.
>>Shift3: Is it worth training charisma for? It's a good 20-30 points behind most of my other stats (50-60s)
I don't know if it's solely worth training charisma for, but eventually, Paladins will want to train charisma to get the most out of their special abilities.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Paladin new player guide: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Paladin_new_player_guide
armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
I would assume that scripts like the flare mechanics are incompatible with the holy weapon script. If your Test character has one of these weapons, you can always try it there.
>>Shift3: Or is it better to use something that's easier to wield with a shield?
2HE is what I use; I don't find the arm-worn shield + 2HE penalty to be that detrimental. A heavier polearm would also be a great choice.
>>Shift3: Is it worth training charisma for? It's a good 20-30 points behind most of my other stats (50-60s)
I don't know if it's solely worth training charisma for, but eventually, Paladins will want to train charisma to get the most out of their special abilities.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Paladin new player guide: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Paladin_new_player_guide
armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/30/2018 08:35 AM CST
I use a 2HE as well. That said, it might be fun to have a holy hurling axe. Full disclosure: I'm not a fan of HE (LE will always be light edged to me) with some exceptions like the sterak axe. Generally, by the time you can wield the heavy HEs you're better off focusing on any 2-hander for the reasons Isharon gave. The only thing you get from HE over 2HE is template variety (there's no thrown 2HE or jabber). I think small edged weapons remain better dps and combat balance/position stone-for-stone due to RT, although they don't go as heavy. Polearm is better than all if you keep it relatively close to the others. I'm always going to preach polearms, even as a 2HE primary dude. It's also arguably more thematically appropriate.
I don't think you'll feel the effects of charisma much with holy weapon. I felt like circle played a bigger role, but that may just be coincidence since stats generally go up as you circle even when you devalue one. Or, maybe it's because circle has an effect on soul. I dunno.
I don't think you'll feel the effects of charisma much with holy weapon. I felt like circle played a bigger role, but that may just be coincidence since stats generally go up as you circle even when you devalue one. Or, maybe it's because circle has an effect on soul. I dunno.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/30/2018 10:45 AM CST
So I should go pole arm then? How about this thing?
Or should I pick something I can throw?
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/30/2018 11:02 AM CST
>>So I should go pole arm then? How about this thing? https://elanthipedia.play.net/Weapon:Gold-inlaid_steel_scythe_with_a_carved_oak_haft_(2)
It has nice stats given that the density appears to be 10, but there are nicer end-loot options out there these days with better stats/more durability/lower weight/etc.
That said, you can always switch which weapon is your holy weapon once every RL year.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
It has nice stats given that the density appears to be 10, but there are nicer end-loot options out there these days with better stats/more durability/lower weight/etc.
That said, you can always switch which weapon is your holy weapon once every RL year.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/30/2018 12:16 PM CST
I'm mainly basing this off what I have available. I can wait to get something better though, especially since I want to do the quest in test first to see what happens with a cambrinth weapon. My character doesn't seem to exist in test though, so I don't know how long that'll be.
Re: Glyph of Warding Quest
01/31/2018 03:47 PM CST
Late here, but yeah. The quests can be hard to figure out. Took me several trips to Shard just to find the spot and figure out the soul state thing. GoL near killed me twice, took a third trip with help. GoE was hard for me to figure out the spot until someone gave me a better hint. And Holy Weapon quest was broke when I did it. Got killed and departed to SHARD. What a mess, took a GM to save me.
Good luck and have fun questing!
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.
Good luck and have fun questing!
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.