Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/26/2006 07:00 PM CDT
Hello, figured I would start this post here since it is regarding a paladin and theft. Was hoping for some suggestions.
Basically, I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to prevent myself from being some helpless victim against thieves and bully types. Should say first off is that I am in no way into PvP whatsoever. It comes down to where I have been getting stolen from and my paladin sense doesn't even go off. Or whatever it is you wish to call it. And basically since I'm not into PvP and even if I was, being outclassed in combat skills by a couple hundred ranks, attacking said individual really wouldn't make sense. In essence I'm sure that is exactly what the person wants. I guess it just seems that there really just is no justice system whatsoever in game. I mean said person doesn't even care if I catch them. I have on two occasions and I pretty sure this person doesn't even care. I mean, basically all I can do is stand there and be a victim. I can't accuse since I'm not in a city area. Yes it is my fault for having what coin I had on me. But I mean it would be nice if I could at least have one option.
Am waiting for it to get worse, and will happily log wherever and whenever I need to to prevent this person from getting their kicks from me. Really don't see any other option besides logging out. Guess I'm wondering at what point it becomes harassment. I do what I can to stear clear of all folks who grief and or bully others. But sometimes it is unavoidable. Be nice though if I had another option besides just being stolen from and having no options. I posted about this awhile ago. Basically it gives folks who are of far higher circle/combat skills the right to bully or abuse whoever they wish without fear of repercussions. Training perception as a paladin takes a long time and I do do it. But it will never ever ever be enough to prevent stuff like this from happening.
Guess I just needed to vent some of my frustration and plead for some sort of justice system or something so that folks who are stolen from, which is fine and completely in genre, if catch said thief have an option besides just logging to prevent it from happening further.
Discuss.....cackle, had to say it.
P.S. Not bonded and just getting bonded to some high circle to solve this seems silly. I think there should be something in place where if I catch someone who is 50 circles higher than me, because they don't care if they are caught cause they don't have anything to fear, at least have something for them to think about.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 07:03 AM CDT
>Basically, I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to prevent myself from being some helpless victim against thieves and bully types.
As a paladin, train so that you can kill them in one snap shot. So much nicer than say being an empath, where one of the primary purposes of your existance is as a stealing dummy. At least paladins can hit back.
>Guess I'm wondering at what point it becomes harassment.
When you have more circles/skill than they do. Until then you're meat.
For myself, the only thing I've ever found that does any good at all is log. Just like with powerful bullies in real life, the only useful response is to go away.
remember the golden rule, "He who has the gold, makes the rules." ... in DR, "He who has the skillz, makes the rules."
As a paladin, train so that you can kill them in one snap shot. So much nicer than say being an empath, where one of the primary purposes of your existance is as a stealing dummy. At least paladins can hit back.
>Guess I'm wondering at what point it becomes harassment.
When you have more circles/skill than they do. Until then you're meat.
For myself, the only thing I've ever found that does any good at all is log. Just like with powerful bullies in real life, the only useful response is to go away.
remember the golden rule, "He who has the gold, makes the rules." ... in DR, "He who has the skillz, makes the rules."
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 10:16 AM CDT
Its better to fight back and die, than to cower like a little girl.
What would your character do? Are you [player] THAT afraid of a text death? Comon, its a game. Play it, instead of living it.
What would your character do? Are you [player] THAT afraid of a text death? Comon, its a game. Play it, instead of living it.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 10:23 AM CDT
>>Its better to fight back and die, than to cower like a little girl.
That's not always true. If someone is baiting you into a fight there is a good chance that you would never get to swing your sword. They would go into hiding, aim with a bow, and shoot. Your dead. Plate mail, courage, your still dead in one shot. Not much of a fight.
That's not always true. If someone is baiting you into a fight there is a good chance that you would never get to swing your sword. They would go into hiding, aim with a bow, and shoot. Your dead. Plate mail, courage, your still dead in one shot. Not much of a fight.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 12:26 PM CDT
.......should I try posting again???........
<<Should say first off is that I am in no way into PvP whatsoever.
<<And basically since I'm not into PvP and even if I was, being outclassed in combat skills by a couple hundred ranks, attacking said individual really wouldn't make sense.
Figure I would repost those two sentences from my original post.
Let me try putting it another way. First off, paladins take soul hits for attacking first. So unless said individual attacked me I would take a soul hit. Roleplaying a paladin to me means not taking a soul hit. I guess what I have read bout them in game kind of stuck. To me it seems as a failure if I take a soul hit. But since I am not into PvP anyhow I don't need to worry about it.
Next, putting a soul hit aside. Attacking someone who can one-shot someone with over 200 evasion defense as a prime skill set defense, and I being no where near that in any defense , just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Maybe I'm missing something? What does make sense is <insert whoever you wish here> is really hoping I do attack. Figure they know they can kill me easily. Now not only have they stolen from me but they also have free rain to grave rob any items I just dropped on the ground. So giving this person even more stuff to steal really, again, doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Was looking for suggestions and after reading what has been posted only suggestion I have seen is "to log out". So thank you for that. I guess it does come down to that really. But if you think about it. I am paying for this game and now it seems that the option I have is to not play it. Kind of find that amusing.
Basically goading someone into conflict in game is done because it is know it can be gotten away with without anything to fear. Posted about this months ago. A circle 80 can abuse or grief a circle 20, or anyone with far weaker combat skills, and pretty much have nothing to fear. This all comes down to a justice system I imagine.
I do know this is a roleplaying game. So in this instance roleplaying a helpless victim would be about it. Does anyone enjoy doing that? I suppose I like to portray my paladin as a peacekeeper and as a humble servant to others. Again, it kind of seemed to fit with some of the books I read in the Crossing paladin guild library.
Oh, and anything confrontational I would say would then I'm sure be seen as a threat and person could just say, "Say anything again and I will kill you." Ah, so being a paladin and showing disgust to said person and having a verbal confrontation again would likely only get myself one-shotted. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense again.
Regarding anything else in this thread. I'm not into conflict and I just posted here to get some suggestions that seemed viable for me to do. So I won't be responding to anything else and will not post again in this thread. Is my fault. Maybe I shouldn't of posted at all.
P.S. Will say thank you now for any helpful or non-insulting responses if anyone decides to post. Thanks!
<<Should say first off is that I am in no way into PvP whatsoever.
<<And basically since I'm not into PvP and even if I was, being outclassed in combat skills by a couple hundred ranks, attacking said individual really wouldn't make sense.
Figure I would repost those two sentences from my original post.
Let me try putting it another way. First off, paladins take soul hits for attacking first. So unless said individual attacked me I would take a soul hit. Roleplaying a paladin to me means not taking a soul hit. I guess what I have read bout them in game kind of stuck. To me it seems as a failure if I take a soul hit. But since I am not into PvP anyhow I don't need to worry about it.
Next, putting a soul hit aside. Attacking someone who can one-shot someone with over 200 evasion defense as a prime skill set defense, and I being no where near that in any defense , just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Maybe I'm missing something? What does make sense is <insert whoever you wish here> is really hoping I do attack. Figure they know they can kill me easily. Now not only have they stolen from me but they also have free rain to grave rob any items I just dropped on the ground. So giving this person even more stuff to steal really, again, doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Was looking for suggestions and after reading what has been posted only suggestion I have seen is "to log out". So thank you for that. I guess it does come down to that really. But if you think about it. I am paying for this game and now it seems that the option I have is to not play it. Kind of find that amusing.
Basically goading someone into conflict in game is done because it is know it can be gotten away with without anything to fear. Posted about this months ago. A circle 80 can abuse or grief a circle 20, or anyone with far weaker combat skills, and pretty much have nothing to fear. This all comes down to a justice system I imagine.
I do know this is a roleplaying game. So in this instance roleplaying a helpless victim would be about it. Does anyone enjoy doing that? I suppose I like to portray my paladin as a peacekeeper and as a humble servant to others. Again, it kind of seemed to fit with some of the books I read in the Crossing paladin guild library.
Oh, and anything confrontational I would say would then I'm sure be seen as a threat and person could just say, "Say anything again and I will kill you." Ah, so being a paladin and showing disgust to said person and having a verbal confrontation again would likely only get myself one-shotted. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense again.
Regarding anything else in this thread. I'm not into conflict and I just posted here to get some suggestions that seemed viable for me to do. So I won't be responding to anything else and will not post again in this thread. Is my fault. Maybe I shouldn't of posted at all.
P.S. Will say thank you now for any helpful or non-insulting responses if anyone decides to post. Thanks!
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 12:36 PM CDT
If it is really affecting your enjoyment of the game then I would do the following. Next time this person starts to bother you, tell them that you don't wish to roleplay with them and would they please leave you alone. If they continue tell them a couple more times. If it continues beyond that I would go ahead and report them. You could probably even WARN them, but I'm not sure how the warn verb works so I'm not gonna say too much about that
Lastly, I don't mean to be confrontational when I say this, but remember that it is not you personally that is being stolen from it is your character.
Lastly, I don't mean to be confrontational when I say this, but remember that it is not you personally that is being stolen from it is your character.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 12:50 PM CDT
The best in character way to deal with the problem would probably be an rf rune or maybe eclipse ring. You only need to be able to keep a little mana harnessed with rf and stay invisible.
If they go as far as harassment they may be reportable. I've never reported anyone(and am not an expert on consent/report rules) so I'm not sure, but it may be considered acceptable if they continue for to long.
If they go as far as harassment they may be reportable. I've never reported anyone(and am not an expert on consent/report rules) so I'm not sure, but it may be considered acceptable if they continue for to long.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 01:12 PM CDT
>First off, paladins take soul hits for attacking first.
Stealing counts as attacking, for purpose of soul state.
>But since I am not into PvP anyhow I don't need to worry about it.
People who say this amuse me. You have no problem RPing a army of one against all kinds of creatures, yet because characters aren't in highlighted monsterbold, or might actually beat you, now you don't like to fight. Smooth.
>Maybe I'm missing something?
Lots of things. Firstly you're missing the point of the encounter. I'll ask again, What would your character do? If you are going to say that your character would run in fear, or 'go to sleep' (log-out), you typed join twice a bit north of the Empath guild.
>Now not only have they stolen from me but they also have free rain to grave rob any items I just dropped on the ground.
You're a Paladin? If you're not circled high enough to have auto-ward, please realize that it takes 1 single thing to allow a graverobber the opportunity. You have to depart. Don't depart. If you're in town, they got to jail for murder, if you're in the wild, its chancier, but someone else will walk by. Secondly, its against the rules to KILL YOU AGAIN. The conflict was over the very second one of you died. Don't depart, wait for friends to help you. You do have friends, right?
>This all comes down to a justice system I imagine.
There is no doubt the justice system is broken. When mechanical, or OOC means (logging out, again) don't meet your needs (you said you'd rather play), why don't you try playing it out. You can limit your exposure to item loss, and the worst case is you need a new favor.
>person could just say, "Say anything again and I will kill you."
I'm not a GM, but I'd bet that would fly like a lead balloon in any consultation. REPORT is not your first option, but if it goes beyond a few encounters, then maybe you consider it. I guarantee you will remain a target (and probably become a target to others) for logging, whining, ranting, or pitching a fit. I know I highlight, steal, and hassle report-macroing loggers/whiners all the time.
>I'm not into conflict
This isn't a conflict. This is a response that you don't agree with, or are afraid of attempting.
>So I won't be responding to anything else and will not post again in this thread.
You've got that run away and hide move down pat. Bravo. Try something new.
Stealing counts as attacking, for purpose of soul state.
>But since I am not into PvP anyhow I don't need to worry about it.
People who say this amuse me. You have no problem RPing a army of one against all kinds of creatures, yet because characters aren't in highlighted monsterbold, or might actually beat you, now you don't like to fight. Smooth.
>Maybe I'm missing something?
Lots of things. Firstly you're missing the point of the encounter. I'll ask again, What would your character do? If you are going to say that your character would run in fear, or 'go to sleep' (log-out), you typed join twice a bit north of the Empath guild.
>Now not only have they stolen from me but they also have free rain to grave rob any items I just dropped on the ground.
You're a Paladin? If you're not circled high enough to have auto-ward, please realize that it takes 1 single thing to allow a graverobber the opportunity. You have to depart. Don't depart. If you're in town, they got to jail for murder, if you're in the wild, its chancier, but someone else will walk by. Secondly, its against the rules to KILL YOU AGAIN. The conflict was over the very second one of you died. Don't depart, wait for friends to help you. You do have friends, right?
>This all comes down to a justice system I imagine.
There is no doubt the justice system is broken. When mechanical, or OOC means (logging out, again) don't meet your needs (you said you'd rather play), why don't you try playing it out. You can limit your exposure to item loss, and the worst case is you need a new favor.
>person could just say, "Say anything again and I will kill you."
I'm not a GM, but I'd bet that would fly like a lead balloon in any consultation. REPORT is not your first option, but if it goes beyond a few encounters, then maybe you consider it. I guarantee you will remain a target (and probably become a target to others) for logging, whining, ranting, or pitching a fit. I know I highlight, steal, and hassle report-macroing loggers/whiners all the time.
>I'm not into conflict
This isn't a conflict. This is a response that you don't agree with, or are afraid of attempting.
>So I won't be responding to anything else and will not post again in this thread.
You've got that run away and hide move down pat. Bravo. Try something new.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 01:58 PM CDT
>>People who say this amuse me. You have no problem RPing a army of one against all kinds of creatures, yet because characters aren't in highlighted monsterbold, or might actually beat you, now you don't like to fight. Smooth.
If a sky giant showed up out of nowhere and repeatedly started stealing from a 20 or lower character, how many of them would try fighting back? I know I wouldn't.
>>What would your character do? If you are going to say that your character would run in fear, or 'go to sleep' (log-out), you typed join twice a bit north of the Empath guild.
Just because a character can fight doesn't mean it would be prudent to do so. Especially if said fight would result in a massacre of said character.
>>I'm not a GM, but I'd bet that would fly like a lead balloon in any consultation.
The problem with this is since it's not explicitly against the rules a GM can merely think, "I hate paladins, I see no problem with this RP" and do nothing against to the harrasser except say, "Go play somewhere else for a while."
>>This isn't a conflict. This is a response that you don't agree with, or are afraid of attempting.
In a perfet RP world their would be many possible responses to a thief; however it seems that in DR their are 3. Physical conflict, go to guards to "end the conflict", and run away/warn.
>>You've got that run away and hide move down pat. Bravo. Try something new.
Let me guess... You were the thief?
If a sky giant showed up out of nowhere and repeatedly started stealing from a 20 or lower character, how many of them would try fighting back? I know I wouldn't.
>>What would your character do? If you are going to say that your character would run in fear, or 'go to sleep' (log-out), you typed join twice a bit north of the Empath guild.
Just because a character can fight doesn't mean it would be prudent to do so. Especially if said fight would result in a massacre of said character.
>>I'm not a GM, but I'd bet that would fly like a lead balloon in any consultation.
The problem with this is since it's not explicitly against the rules a GM can merely think, "I hate paladins, I see no problem with this RP" and do nothing against to the harrasser except say, "Go play somewhere else for a while."
>>This isn't a conflict. This is a response that you don't agree with, or are afraid of attempting.
In a perfet RP world their would be many possible responses to a thief; however it seems that in DR their are 3. Physical conflict, go to guards to "end the conflict", and run away/warn.
>>You've got that run away and hide move down pat. Bravo. Try something new.
Let me guess... You were the thief?
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 02:34 PM CDT
>Let me guess... You were the thief?
No. A Paladin.
No. A Paladin.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 04:06 PM CDT
Well if you don't want to be a victim then don't put yourself into the position of being a target to be stolen from.
- Don't stand still with coins
- Don't carry that many coins in the first place
- Don't take your sweet time going from point A to B
- Train perception
There are only so many options you have to dealing with the justice system.
1 - go to guards if you catch them and turn them in
2 - kill them
3 - run away and ignore it
I think the big question is what more do you want? And should this really be a paladin issue or a justice system thing for you.
- Don't stand still with coins
- Don't carry that many coins in the first place
- Don't take your sweet time going from point A to B
- Train perception
There are only so many options you have to dealing with the justice system.
1 - go to guards if you catch them and turn them in
2 - kill them
3 - run away and ignore it
I think the big question is what more do you want? And should this really be a paladin issue or a justice system thing for you.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 05:22 PM CDT
>>In a perfet RP world their would be many possible responses to a thief; however it seems that in DR their are 3. Physical conflict, go to guards to "end the conflict", and run away/warn.<<
Umm... what other options would you like?
>>Let me guess... You were the thief? <<
Heh.. no, he's a paladin. You're not giving yourself much credibility.
>>vThe problem with this is since it's not explicitly against the rules a GM can merely think, "I hate paladins, I see no problem with this RP" and do nothing against to the harrasser except say, "Go play somewhere else for a while<<
There shouldn't be anything else that they have to do really. Stealing from someone isn't harrassment in and of itself. Report should be a last ditch solution to a major problem. Not a first resort.
Umm... what other options would you like?
>>Let me guess... You were the thief? <<
Heh.. no, he's a paladin. You're not giving yourself much credibility.
>>vThe problem with this is since it's not explicitly against the rules a GM can merely think, "I hate paladins, I see no problem with this RP" and do nothing against to the harrasser except say, "Go play somewhere else for a while<<
There shouldn't be anything else that they have to do really. Stealing from someone isn't harrassment in and of itself. Report should be a last ditch solution to a major problem. Not a first resort.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 05:25 PM CDT
If yer not into killing other citizens, yer options in the scenario you presented as I see are:
1) Leave the area
2) Hide
A combination I use that you may need to train up in order to use is..
Charge cambrinth.. prep halt.. hide. WHEN, not if, the miscreant points ya out.. cast at em. If you've trained your magic, discipline, and PM well enough, you can quite often halt an actual Guilded Thief who's higher than you because they often neglect their discipline stats.
If/when the cast succeeds, go into brawling mode.. close on them, shove them, grapple.. then circle til they get dizzy enough to log off. If you've trained brawling well enough and have enough magic skill.. you can pin someone to the ground for a good long time with no damage and no soul hit. Do that a couple times and they learn to leave ya alone.
Other suggestions earlier are also valid options.
Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
1) Leave the area
2) Hide
A combination I use that you may need to train up in order to use is..
Charge cambrinth.. prep halt.. hide. WHEN, not if, the miscreant points ya out.. cast at em. If you've trained your magic, discipline, and PM well enough, you can quite often halt an actual Guilded Thief who's higher than you because they often neglect their discipline stats.
If/when the cast succeeds, go into brawling mode.. close on them, shove them, grapple.. then circle til they get dizzy enough to log off. If you've trained brawling well enough and have enough magic skill.. you can pin someone to the ground for a good long time with no damage and no soul hit. Do that a couple times and they learn to leave ya alone.
Other suggestions earlier are also valid options.
Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 05:30 PM CDT
>>Charge cambrinth.. prep halt.. hide. WHEN, not if, the miscreant points ya out.. cast at em. If you've trained your magic, discipline, and PM well enough, you can quite often halt an actual Guilded Thief who's higher than you because they often neglect their discipline stats.<<
Well.. to be fair... I'd say most Thieves pump discipline like nothin' else. All our khris are based upon it. Now... having said that... yes, it's still fairly easy to pull halts off because Svx spells don't really fail.
Well.. to be fair... I'd say most Thieves pump discipline like nothin' else. All our khris are based upon it. Now... having said that... yes, it's still fairly easy to pull halts off because Svx spells don't really fail.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 05:30 PM CDT
>>Umm... what other options would you like?
Halt that doesn't give consent.
Banner of truce to stop stealing.
Role Playing some sort of interaction before the actual theft. During the actual theft, and flair when the theft is over.
Justice system with a fair bite to it. Not being felt at lower levels to nearly ignoring it at the higher ones.
More of a justice system that involves a champion system.
To just name a few.
Halt that doesn't give consent.
Banner of truce to stop stealing.
Role Playing some sort of interaction before the actual theft. During the actual theft, and flair when the theft is over.
Justice system with a fair bite to it. Not being felt at lower levels to nearly ignoring it at the higher ones.
More of a justice system that involves a champion system.
To just name a few.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 05:46 PM CDT
>>Halt that doesn't give consent.<<
Halt can be used as an extremely useful precursor to an attack. In the past I've seen situations where GMs said that halt didn't provide consent. But you're right, lately... you shouldn't be casting halt unless you mind getting attacked. But that makes sense when you get down to it.
>>Banner of truce to stop stealing.<<
A fair request.
>>Role Playing some sort of interaction before the actual theft. During the actual theft, and flair when the theft is over.<<
Here's the rub though. Interaction before the theft alerts the paladin to your location. Interaction after the theft alerts the paladin to who did it if you weren't caught, and has you standing around in the open waiting to die if you are. Besides.. how many real Thieves would just stand there and start a conversation if you noticed them trying to jack your wallet.
>>Justice system with a fair bite to it. Not being felt at lower levels to nearly ignoring it at the higher ones.
The justice system risks what you stand to gain. You stand to gain money, you stand to lose a lot of it. Is there any reason you feel differently? The main issue is that fines don't stack very well, so once a Thief is wanted, he doesn't care how many warrants he gets. You should argue for fines to stack closer to 100%, not for justice to get more bite.
>>More of a justice system that involves a champion system<<
Not happening for a while at the very least... I mean... a lot of Thieves will play around with you if you want to go this route... but consent is tricky. If in doubt, you could always OOC whisper and ask if they mind you going down that road.
Halt can be used as an extremely useful precursor to an attack. In the past I've seen situations where GMs said that halt didn't provide consent. But you're right, lately... you shouldn't be casting halt unless you mind getting attacked. But that makes sense when you get down to it.
>>Banner of truce to stop stealing.<<
A fair request.
>>Role Playing some sort of interaction before the actual theft. During the actual theft, and flair when the theft is over.<<
Here's the rub though. Interaction before the theft alerts the paladin to your location. Interaction after the theft alerts the paladin to who did it if you weren't caught, and has you standing around in the open waiting to die if you are. Besides.. how many real Thieves would just stand there and start a conversation if you noticed them trying to jack your wallet.
>>Justice system with a fair bite to it. Not being felt at lower levels to nearly ignoring it at the higher ones.
The justice system risks what you stand to gain. You stand to gain money, you stand to lose a lot of it. Is there any reason you feel differently? The main issue is that fines don't stack very well, so once a Thief is wanted, he doesn't care how many warrants he gets. You should argue for fines to stack closer to 100%, not for justice to get more bite.
>>More of a justice system that involves a champion system<<
Not happening for a while at the very least... I mean... a lot of Thieves will play around with you if you want to go this route... but consent is tricky. If in doubt, you could always OOC whisper and ask if they mind you going down that road.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 07:45 PM CDT
I'm also one of the chooses not to go the PvP route Paladins. Personally I've always gone by the try and get the last laugh mentality. I used to use lines like: Hey big guy, that's not my pocket you're grabbing. I'm afraid I don't swing that way. I'd arrange their hair for them (Pigtails was my favorite). I kept a Macro of a wet willy: Leucius licks his finger thoroughly then suddenly leans over and sticks it into ()'s ear. He swirls it firmly around before withdrawing it with a loud POP. I'd always then just walk off. If they were persistent I'd do something else when they showed up for revenge(noogies, wedgies, use your imagination) then dash off somewhere remote. Most folks aren't quick/clever enough handle that sort of thing.
Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/27/2006 09:44 PM CDT
>>What would your character do? Are you [player] THAT afraid of a text death? Comon, its a game. Play it, instead of living it.
Praxis is going to be SO much fun to mess with like this when they finally release cliff-diving...
J'Lo, "What? It's just a 1000-foot cliff. Are you [player] THAT afraid of a text death? Comon, it's just a game. Jump!"
The Manipulation List --
Praxis is going to be SO much fun to mess with like this when they finally release cliff-diving...
J'Lo, "What? It's just a 1000-foot cliff. Are you [player] THAT afraid of a text death? Comon, it's just a game. Jump!"
The Manipulation List --
Re: Suggestions for not being a victim?
06/28/2006 04:33 AM CDT
>Praxis is going to be SO much fun to mess with like this when they finally release cliff-diving...
Hahah. I want an umbrella so I can jump Mary Poppins style.
Hahah. I want an umbrella so I can jump Mary Poppins style.