Nice post, Arc...
So I asked this God a question
and by way of firm reply,
He said: "I'm not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays".
Re: Stealing with Flair (was Kolaisa)
09/12/2005 04:30 PM CDT
>Make sure the other player knows that is what is happening since apparently these concepts are nolonger understand by most these days.
Its only because people's little text lives and little text items make them much more leet when alive. People are outright pansies with thier characters and posessions. To many, its not even a game.
I can name at least 10 people who've gotten my IM and screamed, cursed, cried (probably) at me for stuff my little text character has done to thier little text character.
If a person can't figure out from 2 minutes in the same room as me, that I'm conflicty, then any whispers from me to them is a lost cause. Free form roleplay is just that, not some scripted event where the flip of a coin decided the outcome.
haev a niec dey
Its only because people's little text lives and little text items make them much more leet when alive. People are outright pansies with thier characters and posessions. To many, its not even a game.
I can name at least 10 people who've gotten my IM and screamed, cursed, cried (probably) at me for stuff my little text character has done to thier little text character.
If a person can't figure out from 2 minutes in the same room as me, that I'm conflicty, then any whispers from me to them is a lost cause. Free form roleplay is just that, not some scripted event where the flip of a coin decided the outcome.
haev a niec dey
Re: Stealing with Flair (was Kolaisa)
09/12/2005 09:28 PM CDT
There is a vast difference in the amount of people who actually roleplay openly vs. the amount of people that act like a jerk then try to slap a RP sticker on it. Being a thief, and the player of more than one. I've seen and had a lot of different thiefly interactions with characters, from robbing, mugging, assassinations, to flat out murder. The problem is this is DR Prime. RP isn't even encouraged anymore. It's just one of those things that kinda sometimes happens when a GMNPC is around. Or it happens between the folks that really stick to it. Its only really enforced in Plat. And sadly, theres too many people in Prime that just want to be punks. When it's thrown in thier face they play policy and cry that you are ruining thier gaming experience by trying to roleplay and "forcing it on them". Its a grey area which sucks. You can't deport the punks to TF, and Plat is too expensive for those of us that would like to roleplay. So, you get the aftermath. Prime. The punks won't go play TF because they will get walked, and the like 3 people that run the 100 chars in TF won't put up with thier crap. So, its either put up with it like it is now, or enforce more RP in prime and listen to the problem children cry. Either way. It's not going to get you anywhere unless the GM's themselves make policy changes. Theres too many punks and too many grey areas in policy.
~Blood Wraith Elec, Elitist of Elanthia, an Elven Ego Warrior
~I am better than you, or so I am told.
"Even In Your Darkest, Most Hellish Nightmares You Are Safe. But In Reality, Night Always Falls, And There In The Shadows, I Wait."
~Blood Wraith Elec, Elitist of Elanthia, an Elven Ego Warrior
~I am better than you, or so I am told.
"Even In Your Darkest, Most Hellish Nightmares You Are Safe. But In Reality, Night Always Falls, And There In The Shadows, I Wait."
Re: Stealing with Flair (was Kolaisa)
09/12/2005 10:30 PM CDT
It doesn't matter if the person is acting like a jerk.
It doesn't matter if the person is being a "nice guy".
If they are IC about it, it's roleplay.
Handle it in an IC fashion. If you can't handle it, there are other games out there that cater to emotionally fragile individuals.
It doesn't matter if the person is being a "nice guy".
If they are IC about it, it's roleplay.
Handle it in an IC fashion. If you can't handle it, there are other games out there that cater to emotionally fragile individuals.
Re: Stealing with Flair (was Kolaisa)
09/12/2005 11:01 PM CDT
<< If they are IC about it, it's roleplay.
In-character doesn't equal enjoyable, though, and I'm here for enjoyment first and foremost. It might be IC for a highwayman to shoot the trader, strip him naked, and eat his yak...but that's no fun for the trader. Any encounter like that needs to have potential enjoyment for all involved parties.
"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."
PSA - Sakhar's definition of RP is erroneous
In-character doesn't equal enjoyable, though, and I'm here for enjoyment first and foremost. It might be IC for a highwayman to shoot the trader, strip him naked, and eat his yak...but that's no fun for the trader. Any encounter like that needs to have potential enjoyment for all involved parties.
"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."
PSA - Sakhar's definition of RP is erroneous
Re: Stealing with Flair (was Kolaisa)
09/12/2005 11:46 PM CDT
<<I'm here for enjoyment first and foremost>>
You can't have things the way you want it when it comes to playing a multiplayer game... especially one with CvC conflict.
The expectations you have of this game are completely unrealistic.
You can't have things the way you want it when it comes to playing a multiplayer game... especially one with CvC conflict.
The expectations you have of this game are completely unrealistic.
Re: Stealing with Flair (was Kolaisa)
09/12/2005 11:55 PM CDT
>>The expectations you have of this game are completely unrealistic.
Amen. ALL IC interactions are roleplaying. Roleplaying is not limited to pleasant verbal chatter. I don't have to make you like being stolen from. If you want to get enjoyment out of the game, you'll find a way to enjoy being stolen from. Responsibility of enjoyment is on the player alone, not the other party. Sure, the other party can help out, but it is far from required.
Amen. ALL IC interactions are roleplaying. Roleplaying is not limited to pleasant verbal chatter. I don't have to make you like being stolen from. If you want to get enjoyment out of the game, you'll find a way to enjoy being stolen from. Responsibility of enjoyment is on the player alone, not the other party. Sure, the other party can help out, but it is far from required.
Re: Stealing with Flair (was Kolaisa)
09/13/2005 01:42 AM CDT
I bet you guys get invited to ALL the Table-top sessions near you...
So I asked this God a question
and by way of firm reply,
He said: "I'm not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays".
So I asked this God a question
and by way of firm reply,
He said: "I'm not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays".
Re: Stealing with Flair (was Kolaisa)
09/13/2005 02:59 AM CDT
I do think it a bit unrealistic expectation that a person must enjoy all encounters. However, I do also feel that some balance needs to be restored to the side of the victim in a tangible IC way that matters.
I don't get why a Trader has the ability to get a Thief thugged but that doesn't involve restitution of the funds taken? Am I missing something here? That's not even close to being a plausible resolution. If they are gonna spend the time and trouble to roll someone they sure as heck would take something to pay for that trouble.
A thief gets accused and arrested and there is no return of the funds taken in the crime? That's plain messed up, it's not plausible.
I don't get why a Trader has the ability to get a Thief thugged but that doesn't involve restitution of the funds taken? Am I missing something here? That's not even close to being a plausible resolution. If they are gonna spend the time and trouble to roll someone they sure as heck would take something to pay for that trouble.
A thief gets accused and arrested and there is no return of the funds taken in the crime? That's plain messed up, it's not plausible.
Re: Stealing with Flair (was Kolaisa)
09/13/2005 04:07 AM CDT
<<I don't get why a Trader has the ability to get a Thief thugged but that doesn't involve restitution of the funds taken?>>
the thief thugs don't restitute a thieves coinage either. and you'd think being in the employ of the guild, they'd know how to steal. in fact, it costs the thief coinage to use 'em.
"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
the thief thugs don't restitute a thieves coinage either. and you'd think being in the employ of the guild, they'd know how to steal. in fact, it costs the thief coinage to use 'em.
"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
Re: Stealing with Flair (was Kolaisa)
09/13/2005 02:09 PM CDT
Concepts and purposes are rathaer different.
Not that I am sure, but I don't recall traders being able to thug other characters for seilling things on the gweth or outside the market tent.
Not that I am sure, but I don't recall traders being able to thug other characters for seilling things on the gweth or outside the market tent.
Re: Stealing with Flair (was Kolaisa)
09/13/2005 04:22 PM CDT
<<<Not that I am sure, but I don't recall traders being able to thug other characters for seilling things on the gweth or outside the market tent.>>>
Are they supposed to be able to? No. Can they? No.
Bar maids and beauties
Are they supposed to be able to? No. Can they? No.
Bar maids and beauties