Came out of the forge and caught XXXX stealing off of me. I tried to advance but XXXX must have hidden again. I waited and saw XXXX come back into the room a few moments later. I then halted XXXX and took my crossbow off my shoulder and aimed it at XXXX. I then hesitated and didn't fire, deciding that I'll just be on my way to the boat I needed to catch. XXXX then said I must die and soon thereafter I was backstabbed twice to my death. XXXX then left the room for a few moments only to come back and drag me to the clerics. Guess I need to improve my CvC, or PvP (whichever one applies) skills.
Made a long day interesting though.
Re: Don't hesitate
03/07/2004 08:59 PM CST
Always kill first!!!
Then ponder the question of right or wrong.
Crusader Taghz
I'd rather be in the Penalty Box!
Then ponder the question of right or wrong.
Crusader Taghz
I'd rather be in the Penalty Box!
Re: Don't hesitate
03/08/2004 05:56 AM CST
If you get the halt, finish the deal...
The trouble with using experience as a guide is that the final exam often comes first and then the lesson. ~Author Unknown
The trouble with using experience as a guide is that the final exam often comes first and then the lesson. ~Author Unknown
Re: Don't hesitate
03/09/2004 10:31 AM CST
Always kill em. ALWAYS. Soul is fixable, pride takes longer.
Check out Genie2 A Great New FE
Check out Genie2 A Great New FE
Re: Don't hesitate
03/09/2004 07:31 PM CST
halt, kill
wait for snert to come back and say something threatening, halt, kill, repeat
It wont heal if you dont stop picking at it.
wait for snert to come back and say something threatening, halt, kill, repeat
It wont heal if you dont stop picking at it.
Re: Don't hesitate
03/09/2004 07:53 PM CST
don't count on it.
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
A scavenger troll arrives, scouring the area.
The scavenger troll exclaims, "I dinks I like da' Moongate!"
The scavenger troll bends over and picks up the Moongate. After appraising it, the troll places the Moongate in its frayed knapsack
Re: Don't hesitate
12/13/2004 08:23 AM CST
Hesitate my arse. You are never going to stand toe to toe with a thief. First thing is your perc sucks to bad. Second thing is thiefs are way overpowered. Well made thiefs half pally/barb circ can and DO take down big circ pallys and barbs. My 50s uber trained thief can mess up my 90ish pally. Ya its true if my pally can get some clumsy spells off I can kill a thief. Truth is my thiefs BS and khri skills major P-own. Yup id be the first to tell you its a major class imbalance, but thats just the way it is.
Re: Don't hesitate
12/13/2004 01:53 PM CST
A 90th pallie who gets owned by a 50th thief isn't even trying. The first time I took down a 50th+ thief was at 34th circle. Work your perception, use GoL, add in a CV rune for good measure, and watch the thief whiff her backstab. Then grapple her for good measure and spank her to death.
If I were killed by a thief half my circle (while not AFK), I would be so embarassed I'd reroll.
'Banana' comes from the Latin 'Banana', meaning 'Help! My dog is creating a disturbance!'.
- Radio Free Vestibules, Some Things You Probably Didn't Know About Bananas
If I were killed by a thief half my circle (while not AFK), I would be so embarassed I'd reroll.
'Banana' comes from the Latin 'Banana', meaning 'Help! My dog is creating a disturbance!'.
- Radio Free Vestibules, Some Things You Probably Didn't Know About Bananas
Re: Don't hesitate
12/13/2004 04:20 PM CST
Umm, my perception is higher than any of your UBER TRAINED 50+ thief's weapons and I'm barely 50th myself. Just because you train doesn't mean none of us do. If I even know you are in teh same room as me, your only prayer is sniping. You'd never get to melee on me to ambush. Yes thieves khris are powerful, but are trumped by <insert secret power move>. A little clarity and I'm going to see you, watch you and take out yoru chest with one smite. Oh and toe to toe? You'd be dead faster than you can type depart.
Stabbity, block, you go thud.
Drive fast, take risks.
Umm, my perception is higher than any of your UBER TRAINED 50+ thief's weapons and I'm barely 50th myself. Just because you train doesn't mean none of us do. If I even know you are in teh same room as me, your only prayer is sniping. You'd never get to melee on me to ambush. Yes thieves khris are powerful, but are trumped by <insert secret power move>. A little clarity and I'm going to see you, watch you and take out yoru chest with one smite. Oh and toe to toe? You'd be dead faster than you can type depart.
Stabbity, block, you go thud.
Drive fast, take risks.
Re: Don't hesitate
12/13/2004 04:42 PM CST
Of course, playing devil's advocate here, Kolaisa is an exceptional example of paladinhood, and there are many paladins who are significantly less powerful, circle for circle.
'Banana' comes from the Latin 'Banana', meaning 'Help! My dog is creating a disturbance!'.
- Radio Free Vestibules, Some Things You Probably Didn't Know About Bananas
'Banana' comes from the Latin 'Banana', meaning 'Help! My dog is creating a disturbance!'.
- Radio Free Vestibules, Some Things You Probably Didn't Know About Bananas
Re: Don't hesitate
12/13/2004 05:15 PM CST
<<<Kolaisa is an exceptional example of paladinhood>>>
I'd take a bow but I think most would rather wipe their arses with my actions and rants rather than praise them.
The point of my previous post being that any 50+ of any combat guild that over trains is a monster. But claiming that a thief, any thief for that matter, can stand toe to toe with me who is within 5 - 10 circles is rediculous. Toe to Toe, thieves suck. 99% of all paladins would wipe the floor with a thief of the same circle. Cookie spar helps them a bit but that's not enough to do anything against a paladin.
snap SR
snap AS
snap HoW
snap RW if the thief is dodging and not parrying
and you're TOAST.
Stabbity, block, you go thud.
Drive fast, take risks.
I'd take a bow but I think most would rather wipe their arses with my actions and rants rather than praise them.
The point of my previous post being that any 50+ of any combat guild that over trains is a monster. But claiming that a thief, any thief for that matter, can stand toe to toe with me who is within 5 - 10 circles is rediculous. Toe to Toe, thieves suck. 99% of all paladins would wipe the floor with a thief of the same circle. Cookie spar helps them a bit but that's not enough to do anything against a paladin.
snap SR
snap AS
snap HoW
snap RW if the thief is dodging and not parrying
and you're TOAST.
Stabbity, block, you go thud.
Drive fast, take risks.
Re: Don't hesitate
12/13/2004 05:21 PM CST
The other thing to remember, is the average thief is very weak to SF, and, if they use spar or stab boosters, they aren't using mental, so halt and teasing them with a wand works fine.
Samsaren Remlane
I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man, target practice on the other hand, is another matter entirely.
Samsaren Remlane
I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man, target practice on the other hand, is another matter entirely.
Re: Don't hesitate
12/14/2004 02:10 AM CST
We can sit around and speculate all day, but until there's an all out guild war we won't know for sure..
<goes to train perception>
~Caneghem Urathi
<goes to train perception>
~Caneghem Urathi