Ok, I was thinking to myself... why can you steal outside the city and have it not be a crime? You're still under the authority of the province, as long as you're in their territory.
What I'm thinking of is a provincial justice system. This would mean that if you commit a crime in Zoluren, whether in town or not, you can be reported and arrested in any city in the province. Of course, the arrests would take place in town, but would still take place, because a crime was still committed. Consider it this way... if you drag someone out into the wilderness of the United States and shoot him in the head, can you get away with it because you didn't do it in town? Yeah right... cops would hunt you down wherever you went. I'd think it'd be similar in Elanthia..
This also brings up the concept of both provincial and local guard forces. Commit a crime in Haven and the local guards would be after you, but they'd also inform the provincial guards, meaning you could head all the way up to Theren and still get caught by the provincial guards. Same as someone wanted in Leth trying to head to Crossings to escape justice... it ain't gonna happen unless you skip the border.
Might also have provincial guards placed at key points outside towns... like the ferry to Haven, or the gondola to Shard. Would be a key place to catch criminals trying to escape justice.
Really, crime in Elanthia is far too rampant, and virtually no legal precautions are taken to prevent it. This idea might make someone think twice about breaking the law... I'm sure the thieves will hate it though. But they chose to pick an unlawful guild, so they've no one to blame but themselves...
Re: Provicial justice
06/16/2002 05:38 AM CDT
>>What I'm thinking of is a provincial justice system. This would mean that if you commit a crime in Zoluren, whether in town or not, you can be reported and arrested in any city in the province. Of course, the arrests would take place in town, but would still take place, because a crime was still committed. Consider it this way... if you drag someone out into the wilderness of the United States and shoot him in the head, can you get away with it because you didn't do it in town? Yeah right... cops would hunt you down wherever you went. I'd think it'd be similar in Elanthia..>>
A. You cannot compare 21st century U.S. justice with Elanthia. Totally different society.
B. Having computer-generated <NPC> justice out of town would preclude the idea of letting Paladins and other interested parties eventually getting the ability to "bounty-hunt". Sure you want that?
A. You cannot compare 21st century U.S. justice with Elanthia. Totally different society.
B. Having computer-generated <NPC> justice out of town would preclude the idea of letting Paladins and other interested parties eventually getting the ability to "bounty-hunt". Sure you want that?
Re: Provicial justice
06/16/2002 07:57 AM CDT
> B. Having computer-generated <NPC> justice out of town would preclude the idea of letting Paladins and other interested parties eventually getting the ability to "bounty-hunt". Sure you want that?
That would suit me just fine, personally. I for one don't care for the idea of Paladins as "cops". But that's my personal taste.
That would suit me just fine, personally. I for one don't care for the idea of Paladins as "cops". But that's my personal taste.
Re: Provicial justice
06/16/2002 01:47 PM CDT
>B. Having computer-generated <NPC> justice out of town would preclude the idea of letting Paladins and other interested parties eventually getting the ability to "bounty-hunt". Sure you want that?
Not necessarily.. they'd just work on the side of the provincial guards. The NPCs would only be in certain places, wheras bounty-hunters would go everywhere.
Not necessarily.. they'd just work on the side of the provincial guards. The NPCs would only be in certain places, wheras bounty-hunters would go everywhere.
Re: Provicial justice
06/16/2002 01:49 PM CDT
>A. You cannot compare 21st century U.S. justice with Elanthia. Totally different society.
Would you rather I compare it to medeival justice where murderers are all executed and thieves get their hands chopped off?
Would you rather I compare it to medeival justice where murderers are all executed and thieves get their hands chopped off?
Re: Provicial justice
06/16/2002 02:08 PM CDT
Let's hear it for thieves being caught in the clans! <cheers>
Re: Provicial justice
06/16/2002 05:23 PM CDT
there are places we DO get our hands chopped off...
grunts something unprintable about wolf clan...
grunts something unprintable about wolf clan...
Re: Provicial justice
06/16/2002 05:29 PM CDT
Hey wolf clan rules! If you run fast enough you don't get your hand chopped off and your note even wanted! As for the fact they go for the head if your missing your hands... well heh, shouldn't steal handless
-Mozzik, not a thief... in prime.
-Mozzik, not a thief... in prime.
Re: Provicial justice
06/16/2002 09:27 PM CDT
>well heh, shouldn't steal handless
Umm... it shouldn't even be POSSIBLE to steal if your right hand is unusable...
Umm... it shouldn't even be POSSIBLE to steal if your right hand is unusable...
Re: Provicial justice
06/16/2002 10:40 PM CDT
Some people are southpaws (or will be when two-weapon combat is phased in...)
PS ever had someone pick your pocket with their feet and toes? How about their teeth?
PS ever had someone pick your pocket with their feet and toes? How about their teeth?
Re: Provicial justice
06/16/2002 11:43 PM CDT
All thieves are given ferrets.
We train these ferrets to steal gems.
Jeeze did NO one ever see beast master? You paladins have to get out more.
We train these ferrets to steal gems.
Jeeze did NO one ever see beast master? You paladins have to get out more.
Re: Provicial justice
07/08/2002 11:46 PM CDT
All I have to say is...
Just how do you know who it is you caught in your pockets if you've never met them before?
Just how do you know who it is you caught in your pockets if you've never met them before?
Re: Provicial justice
07/09/2002 08:47 AM CDT
<<In Response To: By description. >>
Uh huh.
The fact that the system gives you their exact name to accuse them by, doesnt put the thief at a slight disadvantage now does it?
And if you go by description how does that reveal their name? You dont think their are at least 10 different skra with black scails and black eyes?
Imagine if thieves argued to GM's that you shouldnt be able to accuse based on name, and when you catch a thief stealing all you saw was a dark bodied skra or a short halfling. Imagine how hard that would be for you to accuse and get a successful capture of the thief. Now realize that for all its short comings the justice system gives you a huge break in having your accuses actually catch a crook.
Uh huh.
The fact that the system gives you their exact name to accuse them by, doesnt put the thief at a slight disadvantage now does it?
And if you go by description how does that reveal their name? You dont think their are at least 10 different skra with black scails and black eyes?
Imagine if thieves argued to GM's that you shouldnt be able to accuse based on name, and when you catch a thief stealing all you saw was a dark bodied skra or a short halfling. Imagine how hard that would be for you to accuse and get a successful capture of the thief. Now realize that for all its short comings the justice system gives you a huge break in having your accuses actually catch a crook.
Re: Provicial justice
07/09/2002 10:20 AM CDT
>Imagine if thieves argued to GM's that you shouldnt be able to accuse based on name, and when you catch a thief stealing all you saw was a dark bodied skra or a short halfling. Imagine how hard that would be for you to accuse and get a successful capture of the thief. Now realize that for all its short comings the justice system gives you a huge break in having your accuses actually catch a crook.
And this is more than fully counterbalanced by the fact that the game forces us to carry coins in a place where a thief can get to them (except those few coins protectable by the rare moneybelts, eyepatches, etc). If it is unrealistic to know the theif who stole from you, then it is equally unrealistic to be unable to place coins in a place where a thief could never pick-pocket them. (like under your armor, etc).
If DR was more like RL, the only way a thief would ever get any money from me was if he used extreme force. But IG its just "hide, stalk, steal" - ta da! - coins for me! Heh
And this is more than fully counterbalanced by the fact that the game forces us to carry coins in a place where a thief can get to them (except those few coins protectable by the rare moneybelts, eyepatches, etc). If it is unrealistic to know the theif who stole from you, then it is equally unrealistic to be unable to place coins in a place where a thief could never pick-pocket them. (like under your armor, etc).
If DR was more like RL, the only way a thief would ever get any money from me was if he used extreme force. But IG its just "hide, stalk, steal" - ta da! - coins for me! Heh
Re: Provicial justice
07/09/2002 11:39 AM CDT
Exactly, the system as it is balances itself out for the most part. But what paladins and others want to do is unbalance it by trying to remove the disadvantages. What I'm saying is if you do that, then you have to remove the advantages too. Balance, aint it grand?
Re: Provicial justice
07/10/2002 01:38 AM CDT
>Balance, aint it grand?
It's not balanced if some shmuck with 30 stealing can grab from a paladin with 130 perception with no trouble.
It's not balanced if some shmuck with 30 stealing can grab from a paladin with 130 perception with no trouble.
Re: Provicial justice
07/10/2002 01:49 AM CDT
<<It's not balanced if some shmuck with 30 stealing can grab from a paladin with 130 perception with no trouble. >>
without getting caught?
doubtful at best.
without getting caught?
doubtful at best.
Re: Provicial justice
07/10/2002 03:21 AM CDT
Theres that tricky 'snake eyes'. In my tests it works both ways. An empath at the arthe dale pond with 9...9 ranks of stealing stole off me (with over 155 perception and 120 stealing). She did so 3 times out of a slew of failures.
Now..i did 'notice' her every single time, for all thats worth. Pilf, and alot of other thieves want to remove both aspects of this (snake eyes resulting in random failure and success) and remove stealing ranks as a 'defense' and make it based entirely off perception. With that perception gained in ways like the xing bank and having a buddy steal off you 100 times would probably be reduced/removed, while riskier ways (breakable jugglies) would probably take their place. Makes no sense someone with 300 perception learn from searching out 20 novices. Thats akin for locking your HE skill at 300 ranks from killing 20 goblins:P
Now..i did 'notice' her every single time, for all thats worth. Pilf, and alot of other thieves want to remove both aspects of this (snake eyes resulting in random failure and success) and remove stealing ranks as a 'defense' and make it based entirely off perception. With that perception gained in ways like the xing bank and having a buddy steal off you 100 times would probably be reduced/removed, while riskier ways (breakable jugglies) would probably take their place. Makes no sense someone with 300 perception learn from searching out 20 novices. Thats akin for locking your HE skill at 300 ranks from killing 20 goblins:P
Re: Provicial justice
07/11/2002 04:07 PM CDT
>Makes no sense someone with 300 perception learn from searching out 20 novices. Thats akin for locking your HE skill at 300 ranks from killing 20 goblins:P
I disagree with this and think the analogy stinks.
If a person can hide on you, then you should learn perception from searching them out - PERIOD.
I don't care if they change the whole stealing calculation so its steal vs perception, but to somehow tie that change in with making it harder to learn perception is just giving a huge advantage to the thieves.
They learn stealing primary and we learn perception tertiary. They have a non-magic, non-ability, automatic "bonus" to stealing, we don't have anything like that for perception. So, guess who comes out ahead even if it is just stealing vs perception with no other changes? Adding making perception harder to learn on top of that is just ridiculous.
Besides, the whole "Bank" complaint is lame. It only exists in one place in all of Elanthia, and people who stand there to learn perception are spending time to improve their skills just as if they were spending that same time fighting. Perception can only be learned so fast as it is limited by ML, wall ranks, etc. AFK skill learning (even passively) is against policy, so the "Bank" isn't a problem. Its time spent to learn skills, just like any other skill.
Thieves don't like it, I wonder why? ::snorts::
I disagree with this and think the analogy stinks.
If a person can hide on you, then you should learn perception from searching them out - PERIOD.
I don't care if they change the whole stealing calculation so its steal vs perception, but to somehow tie that change in with making it harder to learn perception is just giving a huge advantage to the thieves.
They learn stealing primary and we learn perception tertiary. They have a non-magic, non-ability, automatic "bonus" to stealing, we don't have anything like that for perception. So, guess who comes out ahead even if it is just stealing vs perception with no other changes? Adding making perception harder to learn on top of that is just ridiculous.
Besides, the whole "Bank" complaint is lame. It only exists in one place in all of Elanthia, and people who stand there to learn perception are spending time to improve their skills just as if they were spending that same time fighting. Perception can only be learned so fast as it is limited by ML, wall ranks, etc. AFK skill learning (even passively) is against policy, so the "Bank" isn't a problem. Its time spent to learn skills, just like any other skill.
Thieves don't like it, I wonder why? ::snorts::