I was just hanging around behind the barricade waiting for some rock trolls to pop up, when I look down and find a thief with his hand in my pocket. Naturally, I was mad, but realized I wasn't sure what to do. Is it right for me to seek revenge on the thief and attack him? As Paladins, I know we lose soul for this, but does this go against any beliefs of the guild? I'm not sure exactly where the line is between defending the innocent (me, in this case) and just plain revenge is. Any advice would be appreciated.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/10/2002 11:27 PM CDT
That is something each paladin must deciede for himself. Is what makes things interesting.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/10/2002 11:35 PM CDT
>Honestly, if I were you, I'd leave well enough alone or go get some big buddies. 9 out of 10 times if someone is stealing from you in rockies and you're learning your primary skills their you don't have a snowball's chance in hell of beating them.
Also, post their names here so the paladins that like to 'watch' for these people can add another name to their list.
Also, post their names here so the paladins that like to 'watch' for these people can add another name to their list.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/10/2002 11:50 PM CDT
I don't think it should be possible to steal from someone that is engaged to something at melee... they're moving around too much.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/10/2002 11:51 PM CDT
>I don't think it should be possible to steal from someone that is engaged to something at melee... they're moving around too much.
It isn't.
It isn't.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/10/2002 11:54 PM CDT
Yes it is. I've caught thieves in my pockets while engaged with critters at melee.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/11/2002 12:38 AM CDT
H> assess
You assess your combat situation...
A spotted field goblin (1: solidly balanced) is behind Dayok at melee range.
A field goblin (2: nimbly balanced) is behind Dayok at melee range.
A short field goblin (3: very badly balanced) is facing Dayok at melee range.
A field goblin (5: nimbly balanced) is behind Dayok at melee range.
A field goblin (6: nimbly balanced) is behind Dayok at melee range.
A musk hog (1: nimbly balanced) is behind Dayok at melee range.
Dayok (nimbly balanced) is facing a short field goblin (3) at melee range.
H> steal dayok
A spotted field goblin searches the area.
Dayok slices an engraved scimitar at a short field goblin. A short field goblin partially blocks with a target shield. The scimitar lands a good strike that nicks its left forearm!
Dayok is engaged in melee right now, and you wouldn't want to catch a stray blade.
If someone is stealing from you in melee, it's a bug.
You assess your combat situation...
A spotted field goblin (1: solidly balanced) is behind Dayok at melee range.
A field goblin (2: nimbly balanced) is behind Dayok at melee range.
A short field goblin (3: very badly balanced) is facing Dayok at melee range.
A field goblin (5: nimbly balanced) is behind Dayok at melee range.
A field goblin (6: nimbly balanced) is behind Dayok at melee range.
A musk hog (1: nimbly balanced) is behind Dayok at melee range.
Dayok (nimbly balanced) is facing a short field goblin (3) at melee range.
H> steal dayok
A spotted field goblin searches the area.
Dayok slices an engraved scimitar at a short field goblin. A short field goblin partially blocks with a target shield. The scimitar lands a good strike that nicks its left forearm!
Dayok is engaged in melee right now, and you wouldn't want to catch a stray blade.
If someone is stealing from you in melee, it's a bug.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/11/2002 12:50 AM CDT
<<Is it right for me to seek revenge on the thief and attack him?
Re: stealing while hunting
05/11/2002 08:10 AM CDT
Be careful when going after teefs in rockies
lots of higher level pocket pickers hang out there just looking for fights
and when you die in rockies, you cannot be dragged out
lots of higher level pocket pickers hang out there just looking for fights
and when you die in rockies, you cannot be dragged out
Re: stealing while hunting
05/11/2002 09:20 AM CDT
Most of those who steal there are high-level barbarians, not guilded thieves.
Arjen, a few others come readily to mind.
Arjen, a few others come readily to mind.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/11/2002 10:11 AM CDT
thanks. the thief's name was Thievs, for those who watch out for such things.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/11/2002 12:11 PM CDT
Thievs is very high, you don't want to mess with him if you're hunting rockies.
And the only way you can get stolen from in melee is if the thief starts the steal before you get to melee and they get approach time. If it happens any other way, it is a bug.
Toren Sunreign-Jade-Stone, S'kra Gopher
And the only way you can get stolen from in melee is if the thief starts the steal before you get to melee and they get approach time. If it happens any other way, it is a bug.
Toren Sunreign-Jade-Stone, S'kra Gopher
Re: stealing while hunting
05/11/2002 12:33 PM CDT
thievs is 70th plus, and he is a guilded thief.
and he's just as capable of nullifying approach time as schvartz is, having almost the same stealing skill.
i stand corrected.
many folks that steal there aren't guilded tho.
and he's just as capable of nullifying approach time as schvartz is, having almost the same stealing skill.
i stand corrected.
many folks that steal there aren't guilded tho.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/11/2002 04:34 PM CDT
>>And the only way you can get stolen from in melee is if the thief starts the steal before you get to melee and they get approach time.
That's true, they'll stay hidden and watch you to back up and head back into battle.
Most thieves also don't steal there, though - not to say that it doesn't happen. I've only seen Rangers, Barbs, and Moonies stealing there and they only do it to start fights. Plus they keep their profession off to throw their marks into thinking their guilded thieves. It was so bad, I heard a very high level thief ask over the gweth if there was any trouble in Rockies, because it gives us such a bad name.
So 9 out of 10 times, it's a non-guilded with his hands in your pocket. For us guilded, we usually go after more than the bronzes and coppers the Rockies near Crossing drop.
a little known thief
That's true, they'll stay hidden and watch you to back up and head back into battle.
Most thieves also don't steal there, though - not to say that it doesn't happen. I've only seen Rangers, Barbs, and Moonies stealing there and they only do it to start fights. Plus they keep their profession off to throw their marks into thinking their guilded thieves. It was so bad, I heard a very high level thief ask over the gweth if there was any trouble in Rockies, because it gives us such a bad name.
So 9 out of 10 times, it's a non-guilded with his hands in your pocket. For us guilded, we usually go after more than the bronzes and coppers the Rockies near Crossing drop.
a little known thief
Re: stealing while hunting
05/11/2002 08:46 PM CDT
Maybe ye thiefs should step up and protect yer profession and stop those other guilds from stepping on yer turf. Insted of telling us who it is and who not it is...A person who steals from me or any other is still a thief guilded or not...
Crusader Taghz
Crusader Taghz
Re: stealing while hunting
05/11/2002 09:37 PM CDT
In character we would LOVE to be able to do so.
However, under Simu game policy, unless we are the bonded spouse of whoever the "victim" of the theft is, we cannot step in and "enforce" on our "turf" in this way.
Which is unfortunate.
However, under Simu game policy, unless we are the bonded spouse of whoever the "victim" of the theft is, we cannot step in and "enforce" on our "turf" in this way.
Which is unfortunate.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/11/2002 10:39 PM CDT
True, Taghz, somebody is a thief if they steal, regardless of whether they're a Thief or not. But considering who most of the people stealing are, the only thing most Thieves can do is steal from the troublemakers, who don't care about the money anyway, and then get our butts kicked by people like Thievs or Arjen or whatever. Maybe the highest could do something about it, but I bet they couldn't care less what's going on in Rockies.
Toren Sunreign-Jade-Stone, S'kra Gopher
Toren Sunreign-Jade-Stone, S'kra Gopher
Re: stealing while hunting
05/12/2002 01:21 AM CDT
>Maybe ye thiefs should step up and protect yer profession and stop those other guilds from stepping on yer turf. Insted of telling us who it is and who not it is...A person who steals from me or any other is still a thief guilded or not...
Oh yeah, I'm sure that'll go over REAL well with the GM who locks the Thief out after the person stealing reports for unconsented PvP...
GM: "Well I'm sorry Thief, but you see that's blatantly against our policy here, I'm going to have to lock you out and maybe you can appeal to feedback to get released."
Thief: "No thanks, the lockout is only 6 months, I'll be out before feedback responds. Aw nuts."
Oh yeah, I'm sure that'll go over REAL well with the GM who locks the Thief out after the person stealing reports for unconsented PvP...
GM: "Well I'm sorry Thief, but you see that's blatantly against our policy here, I'm going to have to lock you out and maybe you can appeal to feedback to get released."
Thief: "No thanks, the lockout is only 6 months, I'll be out before feedback responds. Aw nuts."
Re: stealing while hunting
05/12/2002 03:09 AM CDT
I would protect our turf if I could. For example, after leaving the Rocky area because I had outgrown it, I returned a few months later to "hunt" and see how long it took for a non-guilded to dip in my pockets. Of course, I was there only a few minutes and even though I was a bit above that fighting range, I still couldn't touch the guy.
I had also noticed in the past, that they would go to the area pick/start fights as they were getting ready to log off and go to bed or do whatever. Like it was just a quick bit of bullying before heading out into the real world.
I'm also not worried about the policy thing, but I'm not about to start hunting someone down on another's word whom I don't know. That just opens a whole can of worms.
The people doing those sort of things (stealing to simply start fights they know they can't lose) usually have their name on a board at Simu. So under the circumstance that I'm in Rockies in the future, see a known trouble maker running around with his profession off giving us a bad name, and decide to enforce guild justice, I'm 99.9% sure the GM isn't going to lock me out. Maybe, and I stress maybe, a verbal warning at most just for lip service to the policy; they are just as human as we are and I'm sure smile to themselves when a trouble-maker "gets what's coming to them". Besides, what is the perp going to say, "I was causing trouble and someone my own size met up with me"?
a little known thief
I had also noticed in the past, that they would go to the area pick/start fights as they were getting ready to log off and go to bed or do whatever. Like it was just a quick bit of bullying before heading out into the real world.
I'm also not worried about the policy thing, but I'm not about to start hunting someone down on another's word whom I don't know. That just opens a whole can of worms.
The people doing those sort of things (stealing to simply start fights they know they can't lose) usually have their name on a board at Simu. So under the circumstance that I'm in Rockies in the future, see a known trouble maker running around with his profession off giving us a bad name, and decide to enforce guild justice, I'm 99.9% sure the GM isn't going to lock me out. Maybe, and I stress maybe, a verbal warning at most just for lip service to the policy; they are just as human as we are and I'm sure smile to themselves when a trouble-maker "gets what's coming to them". Besides, what is the perp going to say, "I was causing trouble and someone my own size met up with me"?
a little known thief
Re: stealing while hunting
05/12/2002 03:33 AM CDT
>Thief: "No thanks, the lockout is only 6 months, I'll be out before feedback responds. Aw nuts."<
You been writing to the right feedback? drfeedback@simutronics.com is the one you want to write to.
I usually get a answer with 4 or 5 days.
You been writing to the right feedback? drfeedback@simutronics.com is the one you want to write to.
I usually get a answer with 4 or 5 days.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/12/2002 05:35 AM CDT
I almost killed a dude who was trying to steal from me while I hunted.
Only reason I didn't was because of that STUPID SOUL HIT that SHOULDN'T EXIST.
Calemnon, the dude who probably has the entire thief guild after him after his recent talk with Vorclaf
Only reason I didn't was because of that STUPID SOUL HIT that SHOULDN'T EXIST.
Calemnon, the dude who probably has the entire thief guild after him after his recent talk with Vorclaf
Re: stealing while hunting
05/12/2002 07:23 AM CDT
Two things...
One. I was taken off of perma ban within two days after appealing to feedback... so they're all right in my book
Two. There is nothing in the world as funny as seeing a "high" level pocket picker try to steal from you in rockies, get caught with his hand in yer purse, get slapped by me for being an idiot, take a shot at me and miss compeletly... then get ownzed by my sword...
There are a few paladins who patrol that area from time to time to clear out the more annoying bullies... as it's been said here before, most guilded teefs leave that area alone unless they're hunting themselves...
Remember people... there's always someone bigger out there (usually)
Laythor the hunting decoy
One. I was taken off of perma ban within two days after appealing to feedback... so they're all right in my book
Two. There is nothing in the world as funny as seeing a "high" level pocket picker try to steal from you in rockies, get caught with his hand in yer purse, get slapped by me for being an idiot, take a shot at me and miss compeletly... then get ownzed by my sword...
There are a few paladins who patrol that area from time to time to clear out the more annoying bullies... as it's been said here before, most guilded teefs leave that area alone unless they're hunting themselves...
Remember people... there's always someone bigger out there (usually)
Laythor the hunting decoy
Re: stealing while hunting
05/12/2002 07:28 AM CDT
oh? and precisely what did you discuss with Vorclaf, Calemnon?
Re: stealing while hunting
05/12/2002 10:46 AM CDT
Schvartz, basically he tried to get OOC theft mechanics changed through an IC venue.
I.E., he wanted to make it so that you could accuse people you catch stealing from others or people whose hands are crushed, as well as people outside of town.
Not really something bad for a Paladin to do, even if it won't happen for a looong time even if the higher ups liked it. The really funny part is Calemnon the character was going on about how aggression and such is a crime and bad, and then talks about crushing hands chortle.
Toren Sunreign-Jade-Stone, S'kra Gopher
I.E., he wanted to make it so that you could accuse people you catch stealing from others or people whose hands are crushed, as well as people outside of town.
Not really something bad for a Paladin to do, even if it won't happen for a looong time even if the higher ups liked it. The really funny part is Calemnon the character was going on about how aggression and such is a crime and bad, and then talks about crushing hands chortle.
Toren Sunreign-Jade-Stone, S'kra Gopher
Re: stealing while hunting
05/12/2002 12:01 PM CDT
no, self defense is putting your coins in the BANK.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/12/2002 12:33 PM CDT
<<no, self defense is putting your coins in the BANK.
there is no right or wrong. Self - defense and offense.
Theres IC and OOC rules that have to work with IC RPing. I rp that if soemoen steals from me i kill em. Plain and simple. Do i kill em all the time, no. Sometime they run, sometimes they are as skilled or more skilled than me. It falls into nothing I can do. However, I have conditioned myself to react a certain way toward a situation. If you dont wanna be a target, avoid being one. If you dont want other people's actions to dictate yours so strongly, then do something about it. If you dont like the situation paladins are in, leave the guild or ask for more mechanics. Either way, choose a path and a stance and make it your own. As long as you dont break policy, go for it.
there is no right or wrong. Self - defense and offense.
Theres IC and OOC rules that have to work with IC RPing. I rp that if soemoen steals from me i kill em. Plain and simple. Do i kill em all the time, no. Sometime they run, sometimes they are as skilled or more skilled than me. It falls into nothing I can do. However, I have conditioned myself to react a certain way toward a situation. If you dont wanna be a target, avoid being one. If you dont want other people's actions to dictate yours so strongly, then do something about it. If you dont like the situation paladins are in, leave the guild or ask for more mechanics. Either way, choose a path and a stance and make it your own. As long as you dont break policy, go for it.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/12/2002 09:55 PM CDT
<<<<no, self defense is putting your coins in the BANK.>>
Nope self defense is defending the self. If someone is trying to take something of mine, that is on my person, without asking for my permission I can only assume they are a hostile individual. You put your hand on my person I will crush it because you initiated the attack...
--Just a Squire
Nope self defense is defending the self. If someone is trying to take something of mine, that is on my person, without asking for my permission I can only assume they are a hostile individual. You put your hand on my person I will crush it because you initiated the attack...
--Just a Squire
Re: stealing while hunting
05/13/2002 01:51 PM CDT
If ya catch a thief in rockies, it's likely someone lookin' fer a fight. Also probably someone vastly higher level too who has no business being there. Drosjex is a common one I've seen in addition to those already mentioned. Yer best bet is to gweth who ya caught. Usually you'll get a bunch of big folks who don't mind taking a little walk to stand up fer the littler folks.
If it was a guilded Thief ya caught, most likely they'll make a stealthy escape and ya won't have/be able to deal with them. It's the non-guilded who stick about looking to fight and cause trouble.
If it was a guilded Thief ya caught, most likely they'll make a stealthy escape and ya won't have/be able to deal with them. It's the non-guilded who stick about looking to fight and cause trouble.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/14/2002 06:32 AM CDT
Youll almost never find a guild thief in your pockets in a hunting area. 99% of hunting areas are outside of towns, places we dont receive a bonus. Additionally it just adds to our reputation. The only guild thieves that steal are usually very young thieves and at some point someone straightens them out nice and proper.
Now barbs and moonies...the ones in rockies (wont name names) those are the problem makers.
Now barbs and moonies...the ones in rockies (wont name names) those are the problem makers.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/14/2002 11:39 AM CDT
There are more guilded thieves in rockies than you realize...
Kadran being a good example from when I was young...
Kadran being a good example from when I was young...
Re: stealing while hunting
05/14/2002 12:13 PM CDT
Kadran's not a good example of a guilded Thief. She's not really a good example for anything.
Re: stealing while hunting
05/14/2002 02:09 PM CDT
<<Youll almost never find a guild thief in your pockets in a hunting area. 99% of hunting areas are outside of towns, places we dont receive a bonus. Additionally it just adds to our reputation. The only guild thieves that steal are usually very young thieves and at some point someone straightens them out nice and proper.>>
Odd the last few people who have tried to or stolen from me have been guilded thieves and they were in hunting areas...
--Just a Squire
Odd the last few people who have tried to or stolen from me have been guilded thieves and they were in hunting areas...
--Just a Squire
Re: stealing while hunting
05/15/2002 08:57 AM CDT
It's kinda funny, ya know
My perception is severly lacking and I rarly catch any thief or non guilded thief in my pocket so I don't really know. I'm a easy target but I doubt I pay well as I'm always broke..
Poor perception, poor funds and easy target but I never know it most the time so ignorance is bliss, and looking at the way people react I'd go lose some perception ranks - what ya don't know won't hurt you ::grins::
Oh, and if I do catch one its because (which is always around Crossing) I just accuse them to the guards, they get coins and I get a soul boost.. kinda pleasing - copper for soul food !
My perception is severly lacking and I rarly catch any thief or non guilded thief in my pocket so I don't really know. I'm a easy target but I doubt I pay well as I'm always broke..
Poor perception, poor funds and easy target but I never know it most the time so ignorance is bliss, and looking at the way people react I'd go lose some perception ranks - what ya don't know won't hurt you ::grins::
Oh, and if I do catch one its because (which is always around Crossing) I just accuse them to the guards, they get coins and I get a soul boost.. kinda pleasing - copper for soul food !
Re: stealing while hunting
05/15/2002 09:04 AM CDT
I don't think it's fair to say no thieves are guilded Thieves, or that guilded thieves don't look for fights either.
But it's also not fair to say it's just the Thieves that are harrassing people.
But it's also not fair to say it's just the Thieves that are harrassing people.